DELIVERABLES 2.1.A.2, B.2, & C.2 A.2 CONDUCT GAP ANALYSIS; B.2 LEAD PARTICIAPTORY RISK MAPPING EXERCISE; & C.2 UPDATE COMMUNITY HAZARD, RISK AND/OR VULNERABILITY MAPS DRAFT, DECEMBER 2014 This document was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). It was prepared by the Coastal i Community Adaptation Project (C-CAP) implemented by DAI for USAID/Pacific Islands. USAID PACIFIC ISLANDS COASTAL COMMUNITY ADAPTATION PROJECT DRAFT DELIVERABLES 2.1: CLIMATE CHANGE RISK & ASSET MAPPING— YEAR 2 Includes: A.2: CONDUCT GAP ANALYSIS B.2: LEAD PARTICIAPTORY RISK MAPPING EXERCISE C.2: UPDATE COMMUNITY HAZARD, RISK AND/OR VULNERABILITY MAPS SPONSORING USAID OFFICE: USAID/Pacific Islands CONTRACT NUMBER: AID-492-C-12-00010 CONTRACTOR: DAI DATE OF PUBLICATION: DECEMBER 2014 AUTHOR: Coastal Community Adaptation Project (C-CAP) The authors’ views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United Statesi Agency for International Development of the United States Government. CONTENTS ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................. I 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY......................................................................................................... 1 2.0 FIJI CLIMATE CHANGE RISK & ASSET MAPPING—YEAR 2 ............................................ 6 3.0 KIRIBATI CLIMATE CHANGE RISK & ASSET MAPPING—YEAR 2 ................................. 24 4.0 NAURU CLIMATE CHANGE RISK & ASSET MAPPING—YEAR 2 ..................................... 41 5.0 PAPUA NEW GUINEA (PNG) CLIMATE CHANGE RISK & ASSET MAPPING—YEAR 2 ... 67 6.0 SAMOA CLIMATE CHANGE RISK & ASSET MAPPING—YEAR 2 ..................................... 83 7.0 SOLOMON ISLANDS CLIMATE CHANGE RISK & ASSET MAPPING—YEAR 2 ............. 101 8.0 KINGDOM OF TONGA CLIMATE CHANGE RISK & ASSET MAPPING—YEAR 2 .......... 121 9.0 TUVALU CLIMATE CHANGE RISK & ASSET MAPPING—YEAR 2 ................................. 143 10.0 VANUATU CLIMATE CHANGE RISK & ASSET MAPPING—YEAR 2 ............................ 151 ii DELIVERABLES 2.1. A.2, B.2, & C.2 – DRAFT CLIMATE CHANGE RISK & ASSET MAPPING—YEAR 2 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AA Ailan Awareness (New Ireland, PNG) AusAID Government of Australia Aid CBO Community Based Organization (Nauru) C-CAP Coastal Community Adaptation Project (USAID) CCC C-CAP Community Committee CIE Ministry for Commerce, Industry and Environment (Nauru) CIMP Coastal Infrastructure Management Plan CLTS Community Lead Total Sanitation (Kiribati) CPB Cocoa Pod Borer CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (Australia) DAI Development Alternatives Incorporated DIA Division of Internal Affairs (Samoa) DMO Disaster Management Office (Samoa) DRR Disaster Risk Reduction ENSO El Niño Southern Oscillation EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone EOI Expression of Interest EU European Union FAD Fish Aggregating Device GCCA Global Climate Change Alliance GDP Gross Domestic Product GEF Global Environment Fund GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (German Aid Program) GPS Government Primary School (Tonga), Global Positioning System IAD Internal Affairs Division of MWCSD (Samoa) IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development IMF International Monetary Fund IWCM Integrated Water & Coastal Management IWRM Integrated Water Resource Management IWS Independent Water Scheme JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency J-NAP Joint National Action Plan J-PRISM Japanese Promotion of Regional Initiative on Solid Waste Management KIRIWATSAN Kiribati Water and Sanitation for Outer Islands Phase LDCF Least Developed Countries Fund LMMA Locally Managed Marine Area MELAD Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agricultural Development (Kiribati) MLECCNR Ministry of Lands, Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resources (Tonga) MNRE Samoa Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment MORDI Mainstreaming of Rural Development Innovation MWCSD Ministry of Women, Community and Social Development (Samoa) NAPA National Adaptation Program of Action NBP New Britain Palm (PNG) I DELIVERABLES 2.1. A.2, B.2, & C.2 – DRAFT CLIMATE CHANGE RISK & ASSET MAPPING—YEAR 2 NGO Non-governmental Organization NPC National Phosphate Corporation (Nauru) NZAID New Zealand Agency for International Development PACC Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change (SPREP) PACE-SD Pacific Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development (USP) PCCSP Pacific Climate Change Science Program PIPA Phoenix Islands Protected Area PNG Papua New Guinea PV Photo-voltaic SLR Sea level rise SIAM World Bank-funded Samoa Infrastructure and Asset Management MNRE Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (Samoa) MPA Marine Protected Area MORDI Mainstreaming of Rural Development Innovation (Tonga) MLECCNR Ministry of Lands, Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resources (Tonga) PASAP Pacific Adaptation Strategy Assistance Program, PACC Pacific Adaptation to Climate PWD Public Works Department (Tuvalu) SIAM Samoa Infrastructure and Asset Management SIRDP Solomon Islands Rural Development Program SIWA Solomon Islands Water Authority SPCZ South Pacific Convergence Zone SPREP Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Program TEC Tuvalu Electricity Corporation UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund USAID United States Agency for International Development USP University of the South Pacific V&A Vulnerability and Adaptation VPC Village Planning Committees WASH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene WCS Wildlife Conservation Society WHO World Health Organization WST Samoan Tala currency II DELIVERABLES 2.1. A.2, B.2, & C.2 – DRAFT CLIMATE CHANGE RISK & ASSET MAPPING—YEAR 2 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Coastal Community Adaptation Project (C-CAP) is an implementation-oriented initiative designed to increase Pacific Island communities’ resilience to the current and projected impacts of climate change. C- CAP is building on a foundation of ongoing national-level climate programs and vulnerability assessments in the Pacific Islands region by instituting community-level climate change adaptation projects, establishing and/or strengthening disaster risk preparedness plans and initiatives, and adopting climate-smart land use plans that address long-term climate projections. Outside of these concrete deliverables, C-CAP is about more than supporting construction / rehabilitation of community infrastructure; it’s about helping beneficiary communities to: Better understand the causes of climate change; Learn about and access studies on climate change impacts and projections; Distinguish between impacts caused by climate change, human activity (like deforestation), and regular weather events; and Use and share lessons from C-CAP to make better infrastructure, disaster preparedness and land use planning decisions after the program ends. Climate Change Gap Analyses, Participatory Risk Mapping, and Risk & Asset (Infrastructure) Maps are the foundation of these efforts. In Year 1 of C-CAP implementation (October 2012 – September 2013), C-CAP completed these activities in 20 communities in Fiji, Papua New Guinea (PNG), Samoa and Tonga. In Year 2 (October 2013 – September 2014), C-CAP continues implementation in the 20 Year 1 communities across Fiji (5), PNG (5), Samoa (5), and Tonga (5) while launching activities in an additional 52 communities: Twenty (20) new communities across Fiji, PNG, Samoa, and Tonga (five per country); Twenty (20) communities across Nauru and Vanuatu (10 per country); Ten (10) communities (5 per country) across Kiribati and Solomon Islands; and Two (2) communities in Tuvalu. C-CAP’s engagement in these five new countries—Kiribati, Nauru, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu—will extend the program reach to nine Pacific Island Countries—each country earmarked for infrastructure activity support. This report includes 52 community reports—from nine countries—which encompass completion of Deliverables: 2.1.A.2—Conduct gap analysis of existing vulnerability assessments; 2.1.B.2—Lead participatory risk mapping exercise; and 2.1.C.2—Update community hazard, risk and/or vulnerability maps. 1 DELIVERABLES 2.1. A.2, B.2, & C.2 – DRAFT CLIMATE CHANGE RISK & ASSET MAPPING—YEAR 2 Table 1 C-CAP Year 2 Partner Communities Province / District / Island Country Communities Group Northern Division Cakaudrove Province 1. Vusasivo 2. Korotasere Fiji Bua Province 3. Yaqaga Eastern Division 4. Nasegai Kadavu Province 5. Nakasaleka (comprises the villages of Lomanikoro, Nakau, Nakoronaw, Nakaugasele) Tarawa Island District (North 1. Buariki Tarawa) 2. Noto Kiribati North Gilbert Islands District 3. Borotiam (Abaiang) 4. Evena 5. Taniau Yaren District 1. Yaren Boe District 2. Boe Denigomodu District 3. Denigomodu 4. Location Suburb Aiwo District 5. Aiwo Nauru Baitsi District 6. Baitsi Anabar District 7. Anabar Anetan District 8. Anetan Ewa District 9. Ewa 1. Bol / Lamalawa Papua New 2. Panabeli New Ireland Province 3. Lossu Guinea 4. Ungakum (Island) 5. Nonovaul (Island) Savai’I Island Palauli West District 1. Sala’ilu 2. Taga Upolu Island Samoa Sagaga Le Usoga District 3. Afega Vaimaugua District 4. Lauli’i Vaa o Donoti District 5. Taelefaga 1. South Dala Solomon 2. North Dala Malaita Province 3. Lilisiana Islands 4. New Kaloka 5. Kwai/Kaloka Vava’u Division Vahe Motu District 1. Hunga 2. ‘Utule Tonga Neiafu District 3. Makave 4. Okoa ‘Uta Vava’u District 5. Tefisi 2 DELIVERABLES 2.1. A.2, B.2, & C.2 – DRAFT CLIMATE CHANGE RISK & ASSET MAPPING—YEAR 2 Tuvalu Funafuti Atoll 1. Funafuti Community 2. Kavatoetoe
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