Revisional notes on selectedselected EastEast PalaearcticPalaearctic species of AgabusAgabus Leach (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae)Dytiscidae) ANDERS N. NILSSONNILSSON Nilsson, A.N.: RevisionalRevisional notesnotes onon selectedselected East PalaearcticPalaearctic speciesspecies of AgobusAgabus Leach (Coleo- ptera, Dytiscidae).Dytiscidae). [Taxonomiska[Thxonomiska anmiirkningaranmärkningar om östpalearktiskaostpalearktiska arter av Agabus Leach (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae).] -— Ent. Tidskr.Tidskr. I lll:149-161.1 1:149-161. Umeå,UmeA, SwedenSweden 1990.1990. ISSNISSN 0013-886x.001 3-886x. Out fromfrom thethe studystudy ofof somesome EastEast PalaearcticPalaearctic speciesspecies of the genus ,4gabusAgabus Leach notes are pre- sented on classificationclassification and nomenclature.nomenclatwe. Agabus inexspectatusinexspectalus sp. n.n. isis describeddescribed from a single male from Siberia. The following syn. n. are presented: Agabus zaitzewi Poppius, 1909,1909, Agabus hudsonicushudsonlcus Leech, 1938, and Agabus mongolicusmongolicas Guorguiev,Gu6orguiev, 19681968 = Agabus pallens Poppius, 1905;1905; Eriglenus charini Lafer, 19881988: = Ilybius mandsuricus Guignot, 1956;1956; AgobusAgabus insignislnsignis Gu&nsuiev,Gu6orguiev, 1969 1969: = Dytiscus arcticusarcticus Paykull, 1798;1198; AgobusAgabus kurilensiskurilensis Kamiya, 19381938= = Agabus tristis/rrslrs Aub&Aub6, 1838;1838; Mesogabus GtAorguiev,Gu6orguiev, 19691969= = GaurodytesGaurodyles Thomson, 1859.1859. Lectotypes are designated for thethe followingfollowing species:species: AgobusAgabus bergibergiZaitzev, Zaitzev, 1913,1913, Agabus tibetanustibetonus Zaitzev, 1908,1908, Agabus zimmermannizimmermonni Scholtz, 1920,1920, Colymbetes costulatus Mot-Mol- schulsky, 1859.1859. Agabus bergibergl isis given specificspecific rank.rank. Identification keyskeys are given for the world speciesspecies of the ,4A. labiatuslabiatus (Brahm)(Brahm) group, andand forfor thethe malesmales of thethe PalaearcticPalaearctic speciesspecies of the .4.A. confinisconfi n is (Gyllenhal)(Gyllenhal) group. A.N. Nilsson,Nitsson, DepartmentDepartment ofof AnimalAnimal Ecology,Ecology, UniversityUniversity of Umeå,Umed, S-901 8787 Umeå,Umed, Sweden. Introduction The dytiscidd1'tiscid genusgems Agabus Leach, 1817,1817, includes is monophyletic. InIn current usageusage thisthis is most pro- almost 200 species, of which thethe majority are con- bably not thethe case,case, andand no no single single synapomorphysynapomorphy fined to thethe Holarctic Holarctic Region. Region. SharpSharp (1882)(1882) re-re- have been given for the largelarge setset ofof speciesspecies so clas- cognized 23 species-groupsspecies-groups in Agabus,Agobus, with some sified. groups "clearly artificial". LaterLater attemptsattempts ofof clas-clas- In thethe absenceabsence of thethe analysesanalyses asked for aboveabove sification have created a longlong listlist ofof subgeneric subgeneric a valuablevaluable task is to definedefine naturalnatural groupsgroups withinwithin names (Larson(Larson 1989:865).1989:865). However, the currentcurrent Agabus. A first stepstep inin thisthis directiondirection waswas recentlyrecently use of subgenerasubgenera shows a pronounced variation, taken byby NilssonNilsson && LarsonLarson (1990)(1990) in a revisionrevision of both personallypersonally and geographically. AfterAfter Sharp's thethe A. affinisaffinis (Paykull)(Paykull) group. AA classificationclassification of (1882)(1882) monography,monography, nono workwork has dealt with the the NearcticNearctic speciesspecies waswas recentlyrecently presentedpresented byby classification of Agabus out fromfrom thethe worldworld fau-fau- Larsson (1989),(1989), whose species-groupsspecies-groups names are na. However,However, ZimmermannZimmermann (1919)(1919) studied a large adopted here.here. TheThe delimitationdelimitation ofof groupsgroups callscalls for part ofof itit andand classifiedclassified the current subgenussubgenus Gau-Gaa- better knowledgeknowledge of many species,species, as many valu- rodytes Thomson, 1859,1859, into three groupsgroups fromfrom able characters were not givengiven withwith thethe originaloriginal structure ofof malemale genitalia.genitalia. descriptions or in handbooks. The prevailing regional perspective has probab- In thethe presentpresent paper,paper, somesome Agabus groups are ly hamperedhampered development,development, and anotheranother basicbasic discussed outout from the studystudy of EastEast PalaearcticPalaearctic problem is the position of AgobusAgabus as the dumping specimens and species.species. Some newnew synonymssynonyms are ground of Agabini.Agabini. ItIt seemsseems logicallogical that a genusgenus established and aa newnew speciesspecies is described from Si-Si- defined only on its wanting of the apomorphies of beria. MostMost of thethe materialmaterial forfor thisthis investigation investigation the other generagenera ofof thethe tribetribe shouldshould bebe impossibleimpossible was examined oror borrowed during a visit to the to classify. The first step towardstowards a natural classifi-classifi- Zoological Institute of LeningradLeningrad inin AprilApril 1988.1988. cationcalion of AgoDasAgabus must be to ensure that the genus The followingfollowing abbreviations are used:used: (MZH)(MZH) 150150 Anders N. NilssonNi/sson University Zoological Museum, Helsinki, (ZIL)(ZIL) at leastleast on outerouter halfhalf ofof disc.disc. Metafemur Metafemur withwith produced. Zoological Institute, Leningrad; (TL) totaltoral length, posteroapical angle strongly produced. Elytron with punctures at intersections of meshesmeshes and in (MW)(MW) maximum width, (WC/WS) ratioratio betweenbetween longitudinallongitudinal series ofof about samesame size.size. MaleMale width of metacoxa and width of metasternum (cf. profemur without ventral brush of setaesetae ......... Nilsson 1984).1984). When possible, measurements are fulvaster 5. Metasternum with anteromedian impression given as mean -+± SD. 5 il;i;;i;;;;; ;l;il' ;;;;;;;;';;';;;;;*'#f"" long, attainingattaining levellevel of hind marginmargin of meso-meso- coxa. ProsternalProsternal processprocess narrower; ratio be-be- tween maximum andand minimum width 2.1- The Agabus labiatuslabiatus group tween Dorsal surface normally brown to piceous ....... お This group corresponds to the subgenussubgenus Eriglenus ¨…………………………・………… labiatus″b″ ′ — Metasternum with anteromediananteromedian impressionimpression Thomson, 1859.1859. It isis recognizedrecognized on thethe apicallyapically short, notnot attainingattaining levellevel of hindhind marginmargin of me- lobed parameresparameres and thethe narrow narrow metasternal metasternal socoxa.socoxa, Prosternal process broader; ratio be-be- wings, and includesincludes thethe sixsix species:species: A. fulvasterfulvaster tween maximum andand minimum width 2.4- Zaitzev, 1906,1906, A. labiatus labiatus (Brahm, 1790), 1790), A. Dorsal surface pale yellowish to reddish brown :::::i :::1i:: ::': rll::::l :: ll1llil litlt,,,,, pallens mandsuricus (Guignot, 1956),1956), A. pallens Poppius, 1905,1905, A. undulatusundulatus (Schrank, 1776),1776), andand A. zim-z,im- Agabus pallens Poppius mermanni Scholtz, 1920.1920. The species of the labia-labia- tus-group,r.s-group cancan bebe separatedseparated withwith thethe followingfollowing key.key. Agabus femoralrbfemoralis Payk. var.var. pallens Poppius, 1905:221905:22 Leech (1942) includedincluded alsoalso the Holarctic A. bi-bi- Agabus zaitzewi Poppius, 1909:12,1909 12, syn. n. Agabus hudsonicus Leech, 1938:123,1938:123, syn. n. farius (Kirby)(Kirby) in this group. However, as the para- farius Agabus mongolicus, Gui.orguiev,Gueorguiev, 1968:27,196827, syn. n. meres of thisthis speciesspecies are markedly different and the narrownarrow metasternal metasternal wings wings obviously obviously havehave TypeIlpe material. Holotype cta of pallens in MZH (Biström(Bistr6m evolved independently in severalseveral Agabus lineages, 1987),1987), labelled:labelled: "Olekminsk","Olekminsk", "Fl."Fl. Lena S.", "B. Pop- pius", "Mus. Zool.Zool. H:forsH:fors Spec. Spec. typ.typ. No No 1648 1648 AgabusAgabus Leech's classification is not followed here. Larson (Eriglenus)(Eriglenus) femoralisfemoralis Payk.Payk. v. pallenspallens Popp.",Popp.", and mymy (1989) (1989) placed A. bifariusbifarius in itsirs own group. holotype label. — LectotypeLectotype cra and paralectotypes 2Q29 of zaitzewizoitzewiinMZH in MZH- (Biström(Bistrom 1987)1987) labelled:labelled: "Kanin","Kanin", "B. Poppius", and mymy typetype labels;labels; lectotype lectotype alsoalso labelledlabelled Key to speciesspecies "zaitzewi"zaitzewi typ.typ. m.,m., A. salinatorsalinator typ. m.", and "Mus."Mus. Zool. H:forsH:fors Spec.Spec. typ.typ. NoNo 18511851 Agabus (Gaurod.) zait- 1.l. Elytron dark brownbrown toto blackblack withwith yellowyellow fasciafascia zewi Popp."Popp." Typesppes ofof hudsonicus andand mongolicus notnot or vitta,vitta, andand meshesmeshes ofof microreticulationmicroreticulation smallsmall seen in California Acad. Sci., SanSan Francisco,Francisco, and Mu- and roundedrounded ........................ 22 seum of Nat.Nat. Hist.,Hist., Budapest, Budapest, respectively. respectively. - Elytron of moremore oror lessless uniform uniform yellowyellow toto brown colour, and meshesmeshes of microreticulationmicroreticulation TypeIlpe localities: of pallens "Olekminsk""Olekminsk" (USSR,(USSR, Yakuti-Yakuti- of more irregular sizesize and shape 33 ................... an ASSR);ASSR); of zaitzewi "Tschosha", KaninKanin PeninsulaPeninsula
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