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1~-r:; AGRI CULTURE .l THE SCIENCE AND PRACT_ICE OF l BRITISH FARMING BY JAMES A. S. WATSON Chùj E ducation and Advùory Offiur Minutry oj Agriculture and Fisherùs ANO JAMES A. MORE Reader and Director of Studies z"n Agrùulture, University of Edinburgh •• EIGHTH EDITION- REVISED ANO ENLARGED • OLIVER AND BOYD EDINBURGH: TWEEDDALE COURT LONDON: 98 GREAT RUSSELL STREET, W.C. 1 1 945 .... For the use ofH.M. Forces NOT FOR RESALE PRINTED ANO PUBLISHED IN GRRAT BRITAIN BY OLIVER AND BOVO LTD., EDINBURGH CONTENTS PART I THE SOIL AND ITS MANAGEMENT CHAP. PAG R I. THE SoiL II. SOIL FERTILITY AND PLANT LIFE III. LAND RECLAMATION AND IMPROVEMENT . IV. MANURES AND MANURING V. IMPLEMENTS AND CuLTIVATION PART II CROPS I. THE CEREALS 186 II. THE PoTATO 239 III. THE RooT CRoPs . 282 IV. SUGAR-BEET • 307 V. PuLSE CROPS AND FLAX 321 VI. FoRAGE CROPS AND SoiLAGE . 336 VII. GRASSLAND . 359 VIII. THE CONSERVATION OF FODDER 415 PART III FARM LIVE . STOCK l. THE PRINCIPLES OF BREEDING 438 II. THE PRINCIPLES oF NuTRITION 473 III. CATTLE-TYPES AND BREEDS 509 • IV. BREEDING AND REARING OF CATTLE-MILK AND BEEF PRODUCTION 541 v. SHEEP AND GOATS 576 VI. HoRsEs 628 VII. PIGS 657 VIII. FARM PouLTRY 687 vii viii CONTENTS PART IV FARM ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT CHAP. PAGR l. LAND AND ITS EQUIPMENT 713 II. THE CHOICE OF FARM ENTERPRISES 763 III. SYSTEMS OF F ARMING 8oo IV. CosTs oF PRonucTJON AND OTHER MEASURES oF EFFICIENCY 843 V. MARKETING 853 APPENDIX 861 INDEX • 877 • INDEX ABERDEEN-ANGUS cattle, 461, 524 Blue Albion cattle, 532 Absorption, 13 " Bobby " calf, 544 Acclimatization of sheep, 618 Bone manures, 71 Acidity, soil, 14 Booth's Shorthorn cattle, 52 r Agricultural lndex, 8r6, 837 Bordeaux mixture, 266 lands, 723 Border Leicester sheep, 584 Air, 27 Boron, 26, 79 A.I.V. silage, 437 Bracken, 137 Albuminoid ratio, 501 Breeding, principles, 438 Alsike dover, 37 5 British Friesian cattle, 533 Amino-acids, 475 Broadcast sowers, 144 Anremia in pigs, 68r Buildings, 729 Aphides, 279, 321 Bulk of ration, 504 Arab horse, 637 Bulls, Licensed, numbers, 540 Arable farms, examples, 819, 829 Bunt of wheat, 203 Artificial drying of fodder, 419 Bush sickness, 474 insemination, 440 Butter, piace in farming system, 784 Ascorbic acid, 486 Asses, 656 Ayrshire cattle, 482, 535 CABBAGES, 345 production for stock, 794 " BABY beef," 546, 569, 572 Cake breakers, r8o Bakewell, Robert, 459 Calcareous soils, 21 Balance of ration, 502 Calcium, 25 Bare fallow, 139 Calcium cyanamide, 68, 142 Barley, 225, 797 Calf housing, 551 cultivation, 229 rearing, 542, 785 diseases, 2 34 Calorie, 487 malting, 225 Capitai, 728, 755 manuring, 232 Carbohydrates, 478 quality, 226 Carotene, 482, 543, 561 threshing, I 62 Carrots, 303 varieties, 227 Carts, 184 Basic slag, 72 Cattle, 509, 781 Bates's Shorthorn cattle, 52 r breeding and rearing, 541 Beans, 34, 321 , 768, 797 breeds, 520 threshing, 163 commerciai types, 538 Beef, 513 conf9rmation and quality, 513 cattle, 520 feeding for beef, 502, 569, 786 production, 569 • habit, 406 quality, 513 piace in farming system, 781 Beet ploughs, 109 points, 515 Belgian horse, 645 Cellulose, 479 Belted Galloway cattle, 529 Cereals, r86 Bent-grass, 361 Chaff cutter, 177 Berkshire pig, 666 Chain harrow, 124 Binder, 152 Chalk, 96 Biologica] values, 476 Cheese, piace in farming system, 783 Blackface sheep, 597 Cheviot sheep, 599 Blight, 275 Chromosomes, 441, 472 877 IN DEX Clay, 8 Dissolved bones, 72 loams, 18 Dorset Down sheep, 439, 593 soils, 17, 45 Horn sheep, 439, 594 Clean-milk production, 565 Downs, 361 Clippin.g horses, 655 Drag harrow, 122 Clover, 33, 373, 402 Drainage, 47, 731 seed production, 377, 776 water, contents of, I 3 Clun Forest sheep, 596 Draw moss, 36o, 612 Clydesdale horse, 642 Dredge corn, 237 Coates's Herd Book, 522 Dried grass, 4I9, 796 Cobalt, 26, So Drilling machines, 144 Cocksfoot grass, 366 Drying, artificial, 419 Cod-liver oil, 4S3, 543, 547, 548, 706 Dual-purpose cattle, 519, 529 Colling's Shorthorn cattle, 521 Ducks, 710 Colorado beetle, 279 Dung, So Colostrum, 543 loaders, 148 Combine harvesting, 163 Compost, 22 Compound manures, 77 EARLY maturity, 512 Concentrated fertilizers, 77 Eelworm, 224, 279, 3I2 Copper, 26 Energy value of food, 4S7 Copper sulphate spraying, 141 Ensilage, 42 5 Corpus luteum, 438 Essex pig, 669 Corriedale sheep, 5S7 Exmoor Horn sheep, 6o2 Costs, 739, S43 pony, 639 Cotswold sheep, 587 Coulter, 104 FALLOWING, 139, So7 Cow-sheds, 564 Farm enterprises, 763 Cows, feeding of, 503, 556 organization and management, 713 Crested dogstail, 372 Farming systems, 8oo Crops, 186 examples, 8I6 cutting, 149 Farms, stocking, 733 rotation, So2, 833 Farmyard manure, So Cross-breeding, 469 application of, 84 Cruickshank's Shorthorn cattle, 522 synthetic, S6 Cultivators, 116 Fats, 47S action of, 129 · Feeding stuffs, classification of, 4So rotary, 125 constituents of, 473 Cumberland pig, 668 money values of, 506 " Cutlift," 424 Fell pony, 639 Cyanamide, 6S Fen, 41 Fencing, 730 DAIRY cattle, 533 Fertility, 36, 716, 8o8 Dairy farm, example, 826 F ertilizers, 6 3 Dairy Shorthorn, 523 placement of, 92, 146, 264, 316 Dairy type of cow, 518 Fescues, 368, 372 Dales pony, 639 Fibre, crude, 4So Dartmoor pony, 639 Finger-and-toe disease, 293 sheep, 602 Flax, 330, 775 D.D.T., 305 Flushing sheep, 6o8 Derbyshire Gritstone sheep, 599 Foaling, 649 Devon cattle, 527 Fodder, conservation, 415 Closewool sheep, 596 Food-preparing machines, 177 Longwool sheep, 587 Food production for stock, 79I Dexter cattle, 53S requirements of stock, 486 Digestibility of food, 491 Foods, preparation, 562, 572~ 621, 654, Dipping sheep, 616, 619 684, 706 Disc harrow, 124 Foot-rot in sheep, 620 plough, ro8 Forage crops, 336, 798 Diseases, contro! of, SI 5 harvester, 155 INDEX Forest lands, 719 Hirsel of sheep, 6u Frit-fly, 207, 223 Hoe, horse, 120 Hoggs. See Sheep GALLOWAY catt!e, 528 Hops, 775 Game, 718 Horse breaking, 651 Gammexane, 295 breeding, 647, 789 Geese, 7II breeds, 636 Germ-plasm, 444 clipping, 655 Gestation, 439, 542, 6o6, 647, 670 desirable qualities, 634 Gloucestershire cattle, 538 draft, 634 Old Spots pig, 668 feeding, 652 Goats, 576, 626 fertility, 648 Golden oat-grass, 372 gaits, 630 Gout fly, 207, 234 heavy draft breeds, 640 Grading and crossing, 468 labour for crops, 735 Grain, piace in farming system, 763 maintenance costs, 739 storage, 166 pack, 636 Grass, dried, production for stock, 796 points of, 629 drying, 419 saddle, 632 seed production, 377, 777 shoeing, 655 silage, 429, 796 Horse-fork, 171 Grasses, 300, 364 Horse-hoe, 120 Grassland, 359, 724, 798 Horse·rake, 167 effect of grazing, 403 Horses, 628, 735 for hay, 396 grazing habit, 405 for pasture, 400 licensed stallions, 646 management, 396 Hosier, J. A., 569 manuring, 397, 400 Housing, mechanical treatment, 408 cattle, 551, 573 seasonal variation, 393 cows, 564 seed mixtures, 380 horses, 655 Grazing, 403, 845 pigs, 671 Grazing farro, example, 81!4 poultry, 700 Green manuring, 89 sheep, 625 Grinding machines, 177 Humus, 9, 8o8 Growth substances, 26 Hunter horse, 638 Guano, 87 "Husk" (" hoose "), 551 Guernsey cattle, 482, 537 Hygiene, 815 HALF-BRED sheep, 584 lMPLEMENTS,98,743 Hampshire Down sheep, 592 Inbreeding, 464 Harrows, 121 Incubation of eggs, 695 action of, 129 Index prices, 816, 837 Harvester-thresher, 163 Injurious substances, 28 Hay, forage, 155, 396. 415, 752, 774, 795 Inoculation of lucerne, 342 cost of production, 846 Insemination, artificial, 440 loader, 170 Iron, 26 management of grassland for, 396 for pigs, 681 sweep, 170 Irradiation, 484 Haymaking, 415 Irrigation, 6o machinery, 167 Italian rye-grass, 364 Heath, 43 Heather, 300 }ERSEY cattle, 536 Herbage plants, quality of, 363 Herdwick sheep, 001 KA1N1T, 76, 142 Heredity, mechanism of, 440 Kale, 351, 754, 794 Hereford cattle, 526 Kellner, 491 Highland cattle, 529 Kent sheep, 588 pony, 639 Kerry cattle, 538 Hill pasture, 359, 412 Kerry Hill sheep, 596 88o IN DEX Kidney vetch, 377 Meadow fescue, 368 Kohlrabi, 305 foxtail, 370 grass, 371 hay, 398 LABOUJ,l, 758 Mecharùzed farro, example, 830 seasonal distribution, 800 Mendel, Gregor, 445 Lamb " creeps," 622 Mendel's laws, 445, 449 Lambing, 613 Merino sheep, 577, 581, 587 pen, 614 Metabolism. See Nutrition Land and its equipment, 713 Metabolizable energy, 488 Large Black pig, 667 Middle White pig, 665 Large White pig, 664 Milk, 782 Large White Ulster pig, 669 colour, 482 Leaf-stripe, 222 _. 234 effect of food on composition, 561 " Leather-jackets," 223 efficiency of production, Leicester sheep, 582 feeding for, 503, 556 Ligrùn, 479 Marketing Board, Lime, 16, 94, 814 production, 514, 553, 782 Lincoln Curly Coated pig, 668 productiou costs, 848 Lincoln sheep, 586 production of clean, 565 Lincolnshire Red Shorthorn, 524 recording, 553 Linkage, 451 substitute, 547 Litter, 81, 751 yield, estimation of, 555 Litter-testing, 663 yields, 464, 553 Live stock, 438, 746, 777 Milking, 566 Live stock improvement, 457 Milking capacity, signs of, 516 Liver-fluke in sheep, 619 Minerai deficiency, 474 Loams, 18 phosphate, 74 Lodging in cereals, 237 Minerals for cows, 475, 56o Long White Lop-eared pig, 669 for pigs, 475, 681 Longhorn cattle, 531 for poultry, 707 Longwool sheep, 582 for sheep, 615 Lonk sheep, 598 for stock, 47 5 Lucerne, 34, 339 Moisture, soil, IO Molasses, 572 for silage, 437 MAGNESIUM, 25, 79 Mole draioage, 58 Maintenance requirements of stock, 495 Mo#m·a, 361 Maize, 354, 471 Moorland, 44 Malting, 225 Mould-board, 98 Management, farro, 713 Mountain pastures, 359 Manganese, 26, 79, 222 sheep, 582, 597 Mangold drill, 146 Mower, 149 Mangolds, 296, 793 Mules, 656 cultivation,

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