I ~1>- ~-r-S21­ q~ 0 Co~ I I I I I Appendix I: Subgrantee and Project Inforlnation I I I I I I I I Final Report to the United States Agency for International Development I of the Private Voluntary Organizations Initiatives for the Newly Independent States Project World Learning Inc. I 1992 - 1997 I I I I Ii Appendix I: Table of Contents I [ SUhgrantee project information I H List of Publications of the PVO/NIS Project HI Press Releases -- Trainings and Conferences in the NIS I [V Participant Lists -- Trainings and Conferences in the NIS ,I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I Subgrantee project information I, I 1 II I I I I I i I ,I I I I a PVOINISProjectSUbgranteeProjects I Access Exchange International Grant Award: $265,000.00 Actual Expended: $265,000.00 Start Date: 16-Aug-93 End Date: 31-Dec-95 1 To develop outside access for low-income. disabled persons and the frail elderly in Moscow. This program will encompass a transportation support network. including alternative systems in the form of special vehicles. vans, and drivers. Service itself will be door-to-door and will create , a paratransit system using volunteers. through its partner organization,The Moscow Charity House, and other social service organizations. Technical assistance and equipment will be provided as organizations learn strategy planning and infrastructure support-building with a goal of building a long-term, sustainable system. I Partner Organizations: Access Exchange International (AEI) j 1] 2 San Pablo Avenue San Francisco. CA 94] 27 USA Tel: 4]5-661-6355 , Fax: 415-661-1543 E-mail: [email protected] Contacts: I Mr. Tom Rickert, Executive Director Moscow Charity House (MCH) I, B. Komsomolskii Pereulok 8-7 Moscow, 103982 Russia Tel: (7 095) 292-9127 I Fax: (7095) 282-3698; 292-9]27 E-mail: n.a. Contacts: I Ms. Galina Bodrenkova. Director I Ms. Valeria Svyatkina. Program Coordinator i I i I, I 1'\'0/1\IS Project SlIb~rantees I ACTS International (A Call To Serve) Grant Award: $175,000.00 Actual Expended: $162,503.00 Start Date: 09-Dec-93 End Date: 30-.Iun-95 To provide technical assistance and training to their affiliate organization in Georgia leading to self-sufficiency and creating an indigenous cadre of management expertise, The program will forge a partnership in adminstering ACT's humanitarian aid program which. in turn. will transfer the technical skills. operating principles. and strategies of a self-sufficient NGO to other local NGOs serving at-risk populations in Georgia. Partner Organizations: A ClIll to Serve Il1tel'lllltiol1l1/ (A CTS Intemationa/) (A CTS Intemationll/) 17650 Eaton Lane Monte Serano. CA 95030 USA Tel: 408-245-4905: 395-0123 Fax: 405-245-4907; 408-395-0123 E-mail: n.a. Contacts: Mr. Anthony DePalma. Vice President of Operations ACTS Georgia (A Call To Serve) (ACTS Georgill) 7 Asianti Street, Tbilisi State Med. Univ. Tbilisi, 380077 Georgia f""'''' Tel: (99532) 9999-64 Fax: n.a. E-mail: [email protected] Contacts: Ms. Gia Tomadze. Executive Director Dr. Gia Tsilosani. Program Officer • - I'\'OJ:\IS !'rnjN'! Suhgnllltccs 2 I I I Aga Khan Foundation, USA Grant Award: $600,000.00 Actual Expended: $598,006.00 Start Date: 30-Aug-93 End Date: 30-Sep-96 , Tn develop local institutions which can identify local development needs and plan and implement programs. The program will establish community-based organizations. train these organizations in participatory methodologies. initiate community dialogues to identify productive I activities. provide grants to start these activities. and. through the monitoring of these activities. provide the local NGOs the means for adapting strategies to fit local situations. Potential productive activities include reactivating and operating a hydro-electric power station, providing agricultural inputs for land privatization, and improving coal mining efficiency as an income I generation activity. Partner Organizations: A!:a [(Jwn Foundation, USA (AJ(F) I 190 IL Street. NW, Suite 700 Washington, DC 20036 USA I Tel: 202-293-2537 Fax: 202-785-1752 E-mail: [email protected] , Contacts: Mr. Iqbal Noor Ali. Chief Executive Officer Ms. Patricia Scheid, Program Officer I Pamir Reliefa11l1 Development Programme (PRDP) 203 October Hotel Rudaki Street " Dushanbe, 734000 Tajikistan Tel: 211647; 247093; 510066 Fax: n.a. I E-mail: n.a. Contacts: Mr. Hakim Feerasta, Chief Executive Officer i Tashmohamed Street 18 Gorno-Badakhshansky region. Khorog 736000 Tajikistan Tel: (377910) 27-19, 27-07, 25-99 I Fax: (377910) 60-37 E-mail: n.a. I Contacts: Mr. Mahmadamin Mahmadaminov. President Leninsky Prospect 32A. Russian Academy of Sciences office 432-433 I Moscow. 117334 Russia Tel: (095) 938-5372: 938-5390 ,; Fax: (095) 938-0210 E-mail: Il.a. Contacts: I Mr. Yuriy Khubonshoyev. Executive Director , I flYO/"IS flrflied Subj!I'antces .' 1 Aid to Artisans Crant Award: $555,000.00 Actual Expended: $549,312.00 Start Date: 30-Sep-93 End Date: 28-Feb-96 I To develop artisan's products. train them to develop and master business skills to market those products. and create a business network for artisans. Working with its Russian partners. the nongovernmental organizations Creativity. the Russian Association of Women Business Owners. I the Alliance of American and Russian Women, Moscow Craft Center, IRIDA. and the Institute for International Entrepreneurship. Aid To Artisans' project will concentrate on training and supporting the disadvantaged in Russia, particulary women. and will work to develop employment and income generation opportunities for them. Activities will focus on training. I business and logistical support, and include assistance in areas such as price setting, materials cost control. and product development. Partner Organizations: I Aid to Artisans (A TA) 14 Brick Walk Lane I Farmington, CT 06032 USA Tel: 860-677-1649 Fax: 860-676-2170 t E-mail: atausa@aoLcom Contacts: Ms. Clare Brett Smith, President I Alliance ofAmerican and Russian Women (AARW) Street Molostovych 9-73 Moscow, 111555 Russia I Tel: (095) 370-5237 Fax: (095)370-5237 I E-mail: n.a. Contacts: Ms.. t Creativity Association (CA) Novoalekseyevskaya Ulitsa, l. Apartment99 Moscow. 129626 Russia I Tel: (095) 287-6083: 147-4343 Fax: (095)200-1207 E-mail: n.a. I Contacts: I, I, 1, I I'\'O/i\ IS Proiect Subgrantees t IllStitutefor Illtematiollal Elltrepreneurship (liE) Novoalekseyevskaya Ulitsa, I, Apartment 99 Moscow, 129626 Russia ) Tel: (095) 287-6083; 147-4343 Fax: (095) 200-1207 (- E-mail: n.a. Contacts: IRIDA (IRIDA) Novoalekseyevskaya Ulitsa. L Apar1ment 99 Moscow, 129626 Russia Tel: (095)287-6083: 147-4343 Fax: (095J 200-1207 E-mail: n.a. Contacts: Moscow Crt~tt Center (Moscow Crt~tt Center) Novoalekseyevskaya Ulitsa. L Apartment 99 Moscow, 129626 Russia Tel: (095) 287-6083; 147-4343 Fax: (095) 200-1207 E-mail: n.a. Contacts: Russian Association ofWomen Business Owners (RA WBO) Novoalekseyevskaya Ulitsa. I. Apartment 99 Moscow, 129626 Russia Tel: (095) 287-6083: 147-4343 Fax: (095)200-1207 ... E-mail: n.a. Contacts: I r ,-... t t I'\,()/"IIS I'l'Ojrrl SlIhgranlers h I t I I AIDS infoshare G rant Award: $223,000.00 Actual Expended: $223,000.00 Start Date: 27-0ct-94 End Date: 30-Sep-96 To establish and operate SPIDNET.the first HIV/AIDS information network in Russia. The main components of the project are an electronic mail network. database. library. and bulletin board devoted to HIV/AIDS issues in the former Soviet Union. The primary goal is to promote "I communications and generate information resources of civic groups and individuals. especially those located outside of Moscow. focusing on the prevention. treatment. and research of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. SPIDNET is designed to faci litate the free flow of information within Russia and between Russia and the international community. creating , a forum for dialogue and "hands-on" access to materials. aIticies. and videos produced abroad without barriers of language or distance. Partner Organizations: I AIDS iI~!,(}.\·llllre International (AIDS i/~!,osllllre) 743 Addison Street. Suite A I Berkeley, CA 94710-1929 USA Tel: 510-204-9099 Fax: 510-843-4066 t E-mail: [email protected] Contacts: Ms. Julie Stachowiak, President I AIDS iI~foslUlre Russia (SPJD in!,osvyaz) (AIR) P.O. Box 51. 5 Schingarsy bulvar. Apartment 50 Moscow. 105037 Russia t Tel: (095) 110-2460 Fax: (095) 110-2460 I E-mail: [email protected] Contacts: , Mr. Stanislaw Erastov. Technical Coordinator 'I I it I 1 I PVO/NIS I'r-njl'ct SlIhjlrantccs 7 I ... America's Development Foundation Grant Award: $150,000.00 Actual Expended: $150,000.00 Start Date: 17-Dec-92 End Date: 31-Dec-94 To research and disseminate information on the voluntary sectors in Russia. Ukraine. Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan, including the production of reports describing government policy to\vard the voluntary sector and the administrative and legal framework within which they must operate. Also. other activities include research and educational programs to build understanding and support for the independent sector; legal consulting services to voluntary organizations to facilitate their registration and organizational development: technical assistance to voluntary organizations in the development of public policy and advocacy; and organization of a clearninghouse information network to encourage collaborative relationships among voluntary organizations at the local. national. and international levels. Partner Organizations: America's Development Foundation (ADF) 101 North Union Street. Suite 200 Alexandria. VA 22314 USA Tel: 703-836-2717 Fax: 703-836-3379 E-mail: [email protected] Contacts: Mr. Michael Miller. President Inter/ega/ (lnter/ega/) Ulitsa Marii Ulianovoy. 16/1 Moscow. 117331 Russia Tel: (7095) 138-4408 Fax: (7095) 138-5686; 138-5916 E-mail: [email protected]; interlegal@glas,apc.org Contacts: Ms.
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