NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY, WASHINGTON, DC HIGH SCHOOL EDITION VOLUME 2, NO. 6, SPRING 2004 george washington the PATRIOT n.PatriotPapers [Fr patriote < LL. patriota, fellow countryman < Gr patriotes < patris, fatherland <pater, FATHER] a national treasure George Washington Visits George, Washington National Portrait Gallery Exhibition Tours, Opens in Little Rock, Arkansas The van itself wasn’t that unusual—a two-door, three- seat white Ford van. It was what was inside that caused Coming Soon to a Museum Near You all the commotion. Most people don’t expect George The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston: Washington, in uniform, to come riding through town. February 15 - June 16, 2002 Nor would he stop for gas or eat at the local diner. But Las Vegas Art Museum: that’s what he did in the state of Washington, in the June 28 - October 27, 2002 month of March 2003, and the locals took note. Los Angeles County Museum of Art: Dubbed “The George Tour,” this journey across November 7, 2002 - March 9, 2003 Washington State was organized by the Seattle Art Seattle Art Museum: March 21 - July 20, 2003 Museum in conjunction with its visiting exhibition The Minneapolis Institute of Arts: “George Washington: A National Treasure.” The August 1 - November 30, 2003 National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Oklahoma City Museum of Art: has mounted this exhibition to tour the famous December 12, 2003 - April 11, 2004 Lansdowne portrait painted by Gilbert Stuart in Arkansas Arts Center: April 23 - August 22, 2004 1796. The painting has already visited six of eight The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Fall 2004 venues across the country; the tour is made possible through the generosity of the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation of Las Vegas, NV. were left wondering, “Was he real?” George Washington, played by historical reenactor The three-day tour came to a close at the William Sommerfield, left Seattle on a cold, windy, Governor’s Mansion in Olympia. And reminiscent 50-degree morning with four traveling companions: of Washington, DC, in the spring, the cherry blos- Carol Wyrick, education program director of the soms were in full bloom for the occasion. Joined by National Portrait Gallery, Mimi Gates, director of National Portrait Gallery Deputy Director Carolyn the Seattle Art Museum, and Jennifer Vary and Erika Carr and Lansdowne Project Manager Michael Fox, Lindsey, SAM staffers. congressmen, and educators, the National Portrait The National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, acquired Gilbert Climbing up into the mountains, surrounded by Gallery presented the state of Washington with a Stuart’s 1796 Lansdowne portrait of George Washington in 2001 as snow, George and company arrived at their first reproduction of the Lansdowne portrait. Governor a gift to the nation through the generosity of the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation. destination, the small town of George, population Gary Locke declared March 26, 2003, Washington 500, and home of “The World’s Largest Cherry Pie.” State Education Day. And for one last time, there George Washington was everywhere—on street signs, beneath the cherry trees, the legacy of George road signs, billboards, and even at the Phillips ’76 Washington came to life. Then it was off to the air- “Jelly Belly” George: station that proudly displayed a bronze bust in its port and back to reality. But we can’t help wondering, Wow! What a Sweet Deal! parking lot. Mayor Elliot Kooy and his wife Debbie “Does George Washington also fly in costume?” joined them for lunch at, where else but Martha’s Inn, where baking secrets were shared. It wasn’t the Pied Piper of Hamlin leading the way at Taking the stage at George Elementary School, the Seattle Art Museum (SAM) on July 2, 2003. It was Sommerfield as George Washington summoned a fife and drum corps, but the 50 kids gathered in the several children forward. They learned to bow, curt- lobby followed the leader just the same. The excitement: sey, dance the minuet, plow a field, and even fence. a four-foot-square portrait of George Washington made Mimi Gates spoke to them about heroes and “she- entirely of jelly beans. The question: How many beans roes.” And a mock press conference gave the kids a make up the portrait? The mission, should you decide chance to question President Washington: “Do you to accept it: compare the famous Lansdowne portrait of have wooden teeth? Did you ever live in the White House? Were you hungry after the war? What do George Washington to the Jelly Belly portrait, without you think about our war with Iraq?” And of course, sampling a single bean! “Are you really George Washington?” The jelly bean portrait is part of an original series The tour continued on to the Moses Lake designed by San Francisco artist Peter Rocha. Working Museum and Art Center in Moses Lake and to St. from photographs, this self-proclaimed “king of jelly Spokesman-Review George’s School in Spokane. Everywhere President bean art” captures the famous faces through rough Washington commanded respect; his six-foot, three- pencil drawings. He then paints a tight color composi- inch frame and 18th-century manners somehow tion and finishes his unusual work by applying a mosaic demanded it. Everywhere, heads turned and kids Colin Mulvany, Actor William Sommerfield and fifth-grader Clay Cararelli take up fencing of Jelly Belly beans. Favorites in the growing collection include portraits of Elvis Presley, Abraham Lincoln, CRUST: FILLING: Martin Luther King Jr., the Statue of Liberty, and the SOME PIE! 159 lbs. flour 100 gallons cherries American bald eagle. George,George, Washington,Washington, isis thethe homehome ofof 72 lbs. shortening 200 lbs. sugar Thanks to SAM and the Jelly Belly Candy Co. for thethe world’sworld’s largestlargest cherrycherry pie,pie, whichwhich isis salt to taste 75 c. tapioca sponsoring the event and treating everyone to goody eighteight feetfeet square.square. TheThe piepie isis bakedbaked eacheach water to 2 c. almond extract bags of jelly beans and a GW pin. What a sweet deal! JulyJuly 4 andand servedserved toto thethe ppublicublic byby thethe right consistency 11⁄2 c. red food Georgettes,Georgettes, a locallocal lladies’adies’ cclub.lub. coloring Ah yes, the answer: 10,008 Jelly Belly beans. “George“George Washington:Washington: A NationalNational Treasure”Treasure” isis organizedorganized byby thethe NationalNational PortraitPortrait Gallery,Gallery, SmithsonianSmithsonian Institution,Institution, andand mademade possiblepossible throughthrough thethe generositygenerosity ofof thethe DonaldDonald W.W. ReynoldsReynolds Foundation.Foundation. page 2 a blast from the past the patriot papers Washington Wins Election Washington Unanimous Pick Whiskey Rebellion to House from Fort for President at Convention! Shakes Pennsylvania Cumberland! NEW YORK, 1789 (AP)—After many months of PHILADELPHIA, 1794—Western Pennsylvanians have debate to establish our new American government, the turned their resentment over recent taxes on whiskey into FREDERICKSBURG, 1758—George Washington, son first official election was held on February 4, 1789. a violent opposition. They are launching the first major of Augustine and Mary Ball Washington, has been elected George Washington has received all 69 electoral votes! civil disturbance of President Washington’s term in office. to the Virginia House of Burgesses while serving with the Washington, who will be inaugurated on April 30 of this Last week, U.S. Marshal David Lenox met with resistance British regulars at Fort Cumberland. Although urged by year, accepted his new office, despite his overwhelming in Westmoreland County while trying to collect taxes on friends to return to the colony of Virginia and “show his face,” desire to return to his estate at Mount Vernon: “I was locally distilled liquor. Military action will be taken, much Washington opted to remain with his men and was successful summoned by my country . from a retreat which I to the regret of the President: “I have accordingly deter- in winning a seat in the House from Frederick County. had chosen with the fondest predilection, and . with mined to do so, feeling the deepest regret for the occasion, an immutable decision, as the asylum of my declining but withal, the most solemn conviction, that the essential years.” Washington and his wife Martha will move to the interests of the Union demand it.” The army is being orga- country’s capital, New York City. nized from other northern states, and it will advance into General Washington Rallies Pennsylvania shortly. Troops at Valley Forge VALLEY FORGE, 1777–1778—General Washington struggles to keep his troops alive and well in Valley Forge, Washington Graciously Delays Wanted Immediately Pennsylvania, this winter. Inadequate shipments of food, A PERSON to attend in a Store who will clothing, and supplies have left the regiments in shambles; Retirement for a Second Term be constant and assiduous, understands poor hygiene and rampant disease threaten the lives of all PHILADELPHIA, 1793 (AP)—President George the soldiers camped there. General Washington has made Washington has won his second election to the presidency Accounts, and can write a good Hand. Also, repeated appeals for increased supplies, but the misman- of the United States! The inauguration will take place on a Youth about fourteen or fifteen Years of agement of the supply trade has yet to be resolved. In the March 4 in Philadelphia, the new capital of the United meantime, General Washington struggles alongside his men States. However, the prospect of returning to the stress of Age, who can read well, and write tolerably. while political rivals threaten to remove his power. Military presidential life has left Washington doubtful. Washington Inquire at the Post Office. and civilian critics, particularly Thomas Conway and Dr. wrote to his friend Henry Lee “that it was after a long and Benjamin Rush, feel that there are several men who are bet- painful conflict in my own breast, that I was withheld from v ter suited to lead the Continental army.
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