New School's Fire Facilities Challenged SEESTOBTPAGE3 The Weather Partly sunny, hot and humid THEBMLY FINAL today and tomorrow. Fog de- veloping tonight. Red[Bank, Freehold I Long Branch 7 EDITION Momnoutli County's Outstanding Home Newspaper PAGES VOL.95 NO. 43 RED BANK, N.J. THURSDAY, AUGUST 24,1972 TEN CENTS mi iiuiniiiiiiiiuiiiuiiiiuniiiniiiiiiiiniiniiiuintuiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiinniiin iimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiumiti Nixon Asks TVew Majority' for Peace MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP> questions before heading to mente, Calif., neighbors after fore going to Michigan. There. — President Nixon launches Minneapolis tomorrow to stopping in Chicago to ad- school busing to achieve ra- his campaign for a second speak to the Veterans of For- dress the American Legion cial balance, a policy con- White House term in the Mid- eign Wars. He won renomina- convention and in Utica, demned by the just-adopted west and California today af- tion with only one dissenting Mich., to dedicate the Dwight Republican platform, is the ter telling jubilantly cheering vote and two abstainers, and D. Eisenhower High School. state's hottest political Issue. Republicans be seeks "a new got a boost for the 1976 presi- Goes to Chicago As the confident Republi- American majority" that will dential nomination from Mrs. In Chicago, addressing the cans headed home from a con- win the election and build Nixon. audience that gave Democrat- vention marked by three days peace "the world can enjoy Less than 12 hours after ac- ic nominee George McGovem of harmony with barely a dis-. for generations to come." cepting his third GOP presi- a polite but subdued reception cordant note, antiwar protes- Wee President Spiroi T. Ag- dential nomination, Nixon yesterday, Nixon is expected ters also began to leave after new, meanwhile, remained planned to head for a wel- to stress differences on Viet- failing in their effort to stop behind to face reporters' come home from his San Cle- nam and defense spending be- the GOP proceedings. A mighty roar greeted the broadly beaming, suntanned President as he stepped to the rostrum of the brightly lit hall, following Agnew's in- 1,000 Arrested troduction. His 42-minute speech was punctuated with repeated bursts of applause and chants of "Four more years!" as In Disruption Try ; Nixon rallied his party to battle and appealed to Demo- rens. shouts and jeers. crats "to join us as members MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) mittee to Reeled the Presi- of a new American majority — About 1,000 demonstrators Delegates and onlookers dent, and were arrested scattered as the gas wafted bound together by .our com- were' arrested Wednesday peacefully when they refused mon ideals." night as roving bands inside the hall's lobby, and at to disperse from the entrance swarmed through this island least 40 persons were treated drive. Much of the President's AP Wlrat*i°l» city, blocking streets, dam- at the convention's first aid speech was devoted to direct CANDIDATES AND WIVES — President Nixon brings his wife Pat and Vice President and Mrs. Spiro aging vehicles and smashing center for the effects of the Before leaving the hall and indirect assaults on the , T. Agnew to the podium of the Republican National Convention last night after delivering his accept- windows in a vain attempt to gas. area, the protesters were told statements, views and actions ance speech. - disrupt the Republican Na- by one of their leaders: ' of McGovern. tional Convention, As the evening wore on, the "We have failed in our tac- 'Nixon said the South Dakota For hours the demonstra- demonstrators melted away tical objective. Chairman Mao senator's plan to replace wel- tors .roamed the streets, from the area around Con- says you have to have some .fare with a flat $1,000 grant creating massive traffic jams, vention Hall. reverses some time. Our jobs per person, a proposal now harassing delegates, setting About 330 walked about two now are to go back to our undergoing revision, "Insulted, fires and clashing with offi- miles to the Doral Hotel, home towns to work to defeat the intelligence of the Ameri- N. J. Republicans See headquarters for the Com- that war criminal Nixon." can voters." cers. But massed forces and fly- ing squads of police cut them off at almost every turn, ar- resting those who failed to disperse or failed to be fleet Probe Report Bank Democrats Defecting enough afoot- Officials tentatively set the MIAMI BEACH (AP) - publican ticket. control of the state congres- renominatdon. number arrested at more than With nothing more to fear "You'd be surprised at sional delegation in which the New Jersey was on the los- 900, with more still being pick- Exec Set Up Holdup 'than overconfidence and com- some of-the names I have," Democrats currently bold a 9- ing side Tuesday in a rules ed up early today. It brought placency. New Jersey Re- Cahill said. He asserted that 6 margin. fight in which larger, and pre- to about 1,200 the number ar- NEW YORK - FBI agents on bank robbery and kidnap- The other agent reached in publican leaders are looking they included important Pickup Seen sumably more liberal states rested in two days of angry are investigating an accused ping charges. and seized Wojtowicz' rifle to a landslide victory for Democrats in Hudson County, National factors aside, the sought a greater voice at the demonstrations against the bank robber's story that a The dead accomplice was and he gave up quietly.:, President Nixon this fall the bellwether Democratic GOP is expected to pick up at 1976 convention. Nixon administration and the Chase Manhattan Bank vice identified by the FBI as Sal- founded upon widespread county with a predominantly least one seat in the new 13th Vietnam war. president gave him the idea vatore Naturale, 18. Police Earlier, in a telephone in- Democratic defections. blue-collar, Irish-Catholic pop- district in which Republican But Cahill said he was not Hundreds more escaped ar- for Tuesday's bizarre Brook- here said he had given the terview while holding the hos- Gov. William T. CahiU dis- ulation., State Sen. Joseph J. Maraziti concerned that conservatives rest with hit-and-run tactics. lyn bank stiekup while they name Donald Matterson when tages in the bank, Wojtowicz closed yesterday that he has Cahill, in a buoyant mood as is opposed by Helen Meyner. bad cemented control of the A crowd-control gas known were drinking at a homose- he was arrested on two occa- claimed he got the idea for indications that prominent he participated in the con- wife of former Gov. Robert B. party. as CS swirled through the hot. xual bar. sions. the robbery while "drinking Democrats in New Jersey are cluding victory celebration Meyner. humid air around Convention The robbery turned into a He was shot by an FBI with a Chase Manhattan exec- prepared to endorse the Re- that accompanied -the accept- The governor, a moderate Hall as President Nixon and wild, all-night drama with agent who drove the 14-pas- utive in a gay bar downtown." ance speeches of Nixon and Rep. Henry Helstoski in the Republican, said it would be Vice President Spiro T. Ag- seven employe hostages held senger limousine with the hos- Vice President Spiro T. Ag- 9th district (Bergen County) courting a disaster like the new arrived without incident 14 hours until an FBI agent tages and gunmen from the He said the bank official Ex-Mayor's new, said that a crushing de- is believed to be the most vul- one that accompanied Sen. by helicopter to accept their shot and killed the suspect's bank to the airport. Another told him "we could get be- feat in New Jersey for Demo- nerable Democratic congress- Barry Goldwater's presiden- renominations. accomplice early Wednesday agent came up to the car and tween $100,000 and $200,000" cratic presidential nominee man in New Jersey. tial bid if a right-winger were Delegates arriving at the on a remote Kennedy Airport the driver-agent asked, "Will at the Chase branch in the Son Still Sen. George McGoverh ap- New Jersey's 40 delegates picked four years from now. hall in darkness earlier runway as a getaway plane there be food on the plane?" Flatbush section if they hit it peared likely. wound up convention partici- caught the pungent smell of stood by. just before the 3 p.m. closing pation in the same spirit of "Yes," the other agent repl- time. Critical 500,000 Votes "Our friends have learned • the gas, the signt of bands of John Wojtowicz, 27, a dis- ied. It was a prearranged sig- A landslide victory in the unity that has prevailed al-. from 1964 that conservatives disorderly youths, phalanxes NEPTUNE — Robert Car- most throughout by voting traught homosexual seeking a nal to strike and the driver- FBI agents said Wojtowicz neighborhood of 500,000 votes can't insist upon a nominee," of helmeted police and flash- reconciliation with his male agent pulled a concealed re- lin, 30, of Avon, son of former unanimously for Agnew's Cahill said. told them that he had never, Newark Mayor Leo P. Carlin, in New Jersey was within the ing lights andthe sound of si- "wife," surrendered meekly volver, knocked Naturale's met Naturale before the rob- remained in critical condition Republicans' reach. Cahill after the shooting arid was lat- shotgun away and fired the bery, that "the guy who set last night from burns suffered said. er held in ?25O,00O federal bail fatal shot into his chest. this up brought us together." in a motorcycle-auto accident "As of right now.
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