THEY SEE TOTAL BLAST. YOU SEE TRADITION. WE SEE ONE HAPPY CAMPER. Ziplining. Waterskiing. Singing under the stars. Jewish overnight camp is a chance for kids to explore who they are and who they want to become—while having the summer of their lives. Campers are bunkmates and team players, artists and athletes, creative problem-solvers and blossoming leaders. With over 155 traditional and specialty options, there is a perfect Jewish camp experience for your child. First-time campers may be eligible for up to $1000 off! Find your perfect camp today: OneHappyCamper.org 2016 GUIDE MOMENT MAGAZINE a SPeCIaL aDVertISInG SeCtIon ewish camp is about so much more than campfires and col- Where the StarS or war. At camp, kids get the chance to explore who they Get theIr Start J are—and who they want to become—in an inspiring, fun- filled environment. Whether they’re playing basketball, zip-lining, or dancing with their friends, Jewish camp creates a community of campers—and young leaders—who feel sure of themselves and are proud of their heritage. Every camp is different. From philosophy to facilities to food, there are as many unique approaches as there are camps. Take a few minutes and think about the type of environment in which your child thrives. The right camp for your child becomes an extension of your home and your family’s values. Once you have thought a bit about what you are looking for, take a JereMy PIVen Three-time Emmy winner Jeremy Piven, look through this camp guide. —Foundation for Jewish Camp known for his role as Ari Gold on the HBO series Entourage, spent summers at JCC Chicago’s Camp Chi, located on Wisconsin’s Blass Lake. CaMP aIry/CaMP LouISe weekday, we volunteer with our new commu- nity, discover people’s stories, learn about root Nestled in the rolling hills of Western causes of issues, and take in the cultures of our Maryland, Camp Airy for boys and Camp new home through food, music, and whatever Louise for girls have provided fun-filled unique experiences our city has to offer. On overnight Jewish camping experiences for weekends, we reflect and rejuvenate as we ex- over 90 summers. We encourage campers plore the city for fun, or travel to unique and to find their inner awesome by offering beautiful areas nearby. We leave the program endless opportunities to discover new tal- with new skills, a deeper understanding of the ents. Our dynamic programming includes world, a new family, and amazing memories. everything from archery to zip-lining, in- (301) 664-6400 Mark Cuban [email protected]; ajss.org; see ad on page 61 cluding skateboarding, sports, culinary arts, Dallas Mavericks owner and Shark robotics, crafts, drama, dance, swimming, Tank investor Mark Cuban was a and more! Campers span grades 2-12, with b’naI b’rIth PerLMan CaMP camper at the JCC of Greater Pitts- a special Rookie camp available. burgh’s Emma Kaufmann Camp, (410) 466-9010 Perlman Camp offers a fun and inclusive located in Morgantown, WV. [email protected]; airylouise.org atmosphere, which provides opportunities see ad on page 65 for growth and the development of a sense of self. Our hallmark is a pluralistic Jewish aMerICan JeWISh SoCIety For environment that enhances teamwork, co- SerVICe (aJSS) operation and leadership in the camp com- munity and beyond. We offer a traditional AJSS summer programs are life-changing camping experience that encompasses ath- adventures in which you make a real impact letics, arts, aquatics, outdoor adventure, and on communities across the U.S., and on your- fosters Jewish values, morals and ethics. Your self. If service-learning sounds serious, that’s camper will leave the summer not just with because we seriously change lives. We go to new skills and friends, but a new home. Perl- man offers a tight-knit and family-oriented cities where we can do the greatest work, in SharI LeWIS community, where your child will feel con- places where we can authentically have the Entertainer Shari Lewis, best known most important experiences. We can paint nected whether they are seven or seventeen. for her puppet Lamb Chop, attended a house, learn about racial justice, and play (301) 231-5300 Camp Louise in the Catoctin Moun- a round of mini-golf all in one day. Each [email protected]; perlmancamp.org tains of Western Maryland. January/February 2016 / MoMent 59 CaMP bauerCreSt CaMP teL NOAR, CaMP teVYA, a Cohen CaMP a nut-Free Cohen CaMP Since 1931, Camp Bauercrest is a tra- A spirited, co-ed, Jewish overnight camp, ditional overnight sports camp for Spirited and NUT-FREE, Camp Tel Noar Camp Tevya offers a summer of fun, self- boys ages 8–16 and has been deliver- offers a summer of fun, forever friends, confidence and “forever friends” with ing unforgettable summers for over 80 laughter, and confidence, all infused with sports, arts and activities from waterskiing years. Located just an hour away from Jewish living and values. We invite your to tennis to soccer to talent shows, all un- Boston in Amesbury, MA, Camp Bauer- child to join Camp Tel Noar’s co-ed, close- der the tall pines of Lake Potanipo. Our crest enjoys a beautiful property right knit community for an exhilarating summer: counselors encourage our campers to take on the shores of Lake Attitash for all of arts & crafts, athletics, visual & performing chances, try new things, and experience the our activities and events. Our program arts, water sports on Sunset Lake and in our satisfaction of accomplishment and commu- philosophy is to use the mediums of pool, a full gamut of electives, inter-camp nity every day. Field, court and water sports, athletics, competition and tradition to competition, special events, trips and more. visual and performing arts, a full gamut of develop self-esteem, independence, and Located just an hour from Boston or four electives, inter-camp competition, field camaraderie in our boys to create a com- hours from NYC, Camp Tel Noar is trans- trip and more. Located just an hour from munity unlike any other. We focus our denominational and Kosher. Jewish choices Boston or four hours from NYC. Transde- entire program around our four S.T.A.R. and values inspire our community all week, nominational and Kosher. Jewish choices principles—Sportsmanship, Teamwork, especially on Shabbat, through song, dance, and values inspire our community all week, Achievement, and Responsibility—both and tradition. We are one of three Cohen especially on Shabbat, through song, dance, on and off the courts and fields, result- Camps, New England Jewish overnight and tradition. We are one of three Cohen ing in a fun, supportive, and engaging camps led by three generations of steadfast Camps, led by three generations of stead- environment that forms a brotherhood family leadership, capped by Dor L’Dor, an fast family leadership, and capped by Dor of our campers and staff. It is this sort of Israel leadership program for Cohen Camps L’Dor, an Israel leadership program for tight bond and belonging that we strive teens. Two-week option, sibling discounts Cohen Camps teens. Sibling discounts and to achieve with each of our campers and and first-time camper grants available. ACA- first-time camper grants available. ACA- believe enables them to share an experi- accredited. Tours all year. Sponsored by Eli accredited. Tours all year. Sponsored by Eli ence that truly lasts “for a lifetime.” and Bessie Cohen Camps in Sunset Lake, and Bessie Cohen Camps in Lake Potanipo; (978) 388-4732 Hampstead, NH for ages 8–16. Brookline, NH for ages 8–16. [email protected] (781) 489-2070 (781) 489-2070 bauercrest.org [email protected]; camptelnoar.org [email protected]; camptevya.org see ad above see ad above 60 January/February 2016 MoMent 2016 SUMMER PROGRAMS GUIDE American Jewish Society for Service CaMP PeMbroke, a Cohen CaMP For GIrLS New for 2016: two-week option! The only all-girls, trans-denominational Jewish camp in New England, Camp Pembroke www.ajss.org is a unique sisterhood and spirited com- munity. Located near Cape Cod, Pem- After 7 summers at sleep away camp, I was ready broke offers fun, sun, arts, performance and sports in a special world totally de- to spend my summer doing something bigger voted to empowering each young woman. than myself. I swapped my tennis racket for a Your daughter will delight in the freedom and self-confidence to be herself, try new hammer, and in doing so, I made a difference in things, and cheer on others—whether on the lives of others and my own. -Rachel, age 16 the water, field, court, or stage. She’ll love Pembroke’s airy visual-arts studio, camp shows, and more. Specialty programs in- For information about our transformative clude horseback riding, ice skating, and service-learning programs, contact: golf. Through it all, girls experience joy- ful Jewish life and learning as a source of shared values and traditions. We are one [email protected] of three Cohen Camps, led by three gen- erations of steadfast family leadership, 301.664.6400 and capped by Dor L’Dor, an Israel lead- ership program for Cohen Camps teens. Mention Moment to receive $100 off Sibling discounts and first-time camper summer program tuition grants available. ACA-accredited. Tours all year. Sponsored by Eli and Bessie Co- hen Camps in Lake Oldham; Pembroke, MA for Girls, ages 8–16. (781) 489-2070 [email protected]; camppembroke.org see ad on left ChaI LIFeLIne—CaMP SIMCha/ SIMCha SPeCIaL Camp Simcha/Camp Simcha Special pro- vides a summer respite from loneliness and isolation to more than 450 children and teens with life-threatening illnesses or se- rious chronic conditions.
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