AUGUST 22, 1960 THIRTY -FIVE CENTS B ROADCASTI N G E diids'ii,3r THE BUSINESSUr9gm smoy ooT.ra g11 ID RADIO pug Isom w natty ct£ y £OZ# add 1-saa0t1111 5/t i aKTaI -S A IL10 -20G `Soapers,' once radio's goldmine, siosn aown zne uram Page 27 CBS Radio will expand news to replace daytime serials Page 28 Political debates: Harris prods networks for sponsor policy Page 58 Intercontinental tv in two years, Bell Labs scientist predicts Page 72 ACT NOW! Your Best Buy for Programming Success! WITH JEAN BLAKE AS PHYLLIS 1NG Robin's Girl ... and WHAT A GIRL! WpUËENT BURANCE [AIMS! stars as Rohan Scott RICK JASON "Negotiator" Extraordinary A MODERN SERIES FOR Every week . ALREADY BOUGHT BY: COLORFUL PLACES! FASCINATING PEOPLE! BROWN R. WILLIAMSON in 23 markets, PET MILK in 7 markets, JOHN LABATT BEER in 3 markets. LINCOLN INCOME LIFE INSURANCE in 2 markets, CARLING'S ALE, MAX FACTOR. TREND HOUSE FURNITURE, O. K. VAN & STORAGE, MUTUAL FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN, ORTLIEB'S BEER and others. STATIONS: KNXT Los Angeles, WBAL- TV Baltimore, WABC -TV New York, WTVJ Miami, KDKA -TV Pittsburgh, WRAP -TV Fort Worth, WTM1 -TV Milwaukee, KRON- TV San Francisco, WBZ -TV Boston, WKRC- TV Cincinnati, KVAR Phoenix, KPRC -TV Houston, WW1-TV Detroit, WKY -TV Oklahoma The New Power City, WKBW -TV Buffalo, WKRG -TV Mobile, WJAR- In TV Programs .. TV Providence, WJXT Jacksonville, WDSU -TV New Ziv- United Artists, Inc. Orleans, WMT Cedar Rapids, KRNT -TV Des -TV 488 Madison Avenue Moines, WRC -TV Washington, and many more. New York 22, N.Y. WOKY "Sky Watch's" Milwaukee traffic and news happenings every day - the newest exclusive in its carefully developed program of public service. Milwau- kee looks to WOKY for leadership - and gets it - in news coverage and community service. WOKY is pronounced "waukee" and means Milwaukee. Blair has all the facts and figures. WOKY is the pioneer of Bartell Family Radio, soon in its fifteenth year. WADO New York WOKY Milwaukee WAKE Atlanta WYDE Birminghom KYA San Fronciscc BARTELL BROADCASTING KCBQ Son Diego CORPORATION TeleHaiti 444 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK 22, NEW YORK TeleCuracoo TelAruba Where 's Murphy? Murphy, Missouri is a charming hamlet 111/2 miles Southwest of the St Louis City Limits. Shaun Murphy, our National Sales Manager was among the missing when this picture was made (vacationing in Ireland). But Shaun, his bow tie, and his KTVI rate card are back on the job now and will be seeing you soon! Represented nationally by BROADCASTING, August 22, 1960 3 YOUR BEST BUY . in the Dallas -Ft. Worth Market is Channel FOUR KRLD -TV's net weekly circulation of 578,100* TV Homes sends your message into 38,800 more homes than station B, 62,300 more than station C and 226,700 more than station D. You SELL more when you REACH more with Channel FOUR "ARR. June 1960 represented nationally by the Branham Company THE DALLAS TIMES HERALD STATIONS Oiternitee 4,' Oaltzu--Ft Gt/ Clyde W. Rembert, President MAXIMUM POWER TV -Twin to KRLD radio 1090, CBS outlet with 50,000 watts. 4 BROADCASTING, August 22, 1960 CLOSED CIRCUIT®( Peddling issue Do Kennedy forces of Arkansas Broadcasters Assn. in 5 -1 ratio in favor of minutes to chain - mean to make campaign issue of in- Little Rock last week, Mr. Harris pre- breaks. Campaign as used in New York fluence peddling in federal government, dicted that "editorializing by stations is didn't sell coffee brand but idea that including FCC? Could be, because going to become an issue." He posed better -quality coffee brands use Colom- Robert F. Kennedy, presidential nomi- question whether person using natural bian coffee "predominantly." nee's younger brother and campaign resource belonging to public can "as r chief, has been personally examining a matter of policy use that resource for 3M's cartridge is Minnesota Mining records of House Legislative Oversight editorializing." Fact that both courts & Mfg. Co. planning to enter industrial Committee. It's learned he has made and FCC have held editorializing ap- tape cartridge recording field as well as several visits to committee and has propriate, with only fairness as yard- home consumer end through its newly- worked with its staff investigators on stick, was not mentioned. acquired Revere Camera Co.? While matters which fall within purview of 3M spokesmen discount reports, pros- its wide- ranging investigations. Study in contrasts Broadcasters can't pect was not entirely ruled out. It's con- help wondering what constitutes news. ceivable that once it gets into home re- Obvious target, it's assumed, is GOP They cite current Chrysler situation corder market (sometime in 1961), it presidential nominee Nixon. Kennedy wherein company officials are charged may look into potential which, if it forces hope to ferret out clues as to with gross mismanagement through materialized, would put 3M in compe- possible pressure used personally by "featherbedding, payola and nepotism," tition with other cartridge systems now Vice President or his staff in conflict of with one fired officer required to return in use by many radio stations. (Note: interest cases, not excluding ex -parte $450,000 he received from interest in 3M owns MBS which, though stations aspects in two dozen tv cases examined vending company. These events, says are only affiliates, could provide heavy by committee, not all of which were one broadcaster, "hardly made the potential in itself.) brought into open hearing. Other than headlines," and haven't bestirred single incident of several years ago in Fresno syndicated columnist or evoked editori- Trouble ahead Not everybody on tv case involving Murray Chotiner, west al comment or cover stories in any Senate Watchdog Committee is happy coast attorney and former close politi- newsmagazine. This in contrast to what with FCC's two sets of queries to sta- cal advisor to Mr. Nixon, there have happened with quiz- rigging and broad- tions- earlier one asking advance plans been no revelations or even rumors re- cast payola. and policies on political broadcasting garding Nixon -connected action in and second batch covering same ground Latin fete When Continental Broad- broadcast matters. plus report on time given and sold in is in Latin Amer- casting Day observed Sept. 1 -Nov. 8 period, to be answered NAB's search NAB committee to ica Oct. 4, U.S. government will par- after election. Complaint is queries select new president to succeed late ticipate through formal comments by don't pin station down to flat yes or no. Harold E. Fellows tentatively plans President Eisenhower attesting essen- Subcommittee will be watching for net- meeting in Washington about Sept 19 tiality of freedom of communications work misstep in handling presidential -to run several days if necessary. if democracy is to be preserved. Im- campaign and for one -sided handling Committee, headed by Howard Lane, plicit in comments will be jab at Fidel of political broadcasts. KOIN- AM-FM -TV Portland, Ore., has Castro's dictatorship, which has corn - Active vs passive? Although gov- under consideration several prospects mandeered all Cuban private broad- - along with newspapers not ernment and Bell Telephone scientists all important personages in public life. casting with gov- are tremendously impressed with re- Eight -man committee has been screen- identified his revolutionary sults of Echo I, balloon in orbit for ing prospects since shortly after death ernment. Heads of all Pan -American nations whose broadcast interests are bouncing radio signals long distances, last March 8 of Mr. Fellows. affiliated with Inter -American Assn. of they privately agree active satellite Likelihood is that selection commit- Broadcasters, are also expected to probably is best answer to trans- tee will settle on two or three names participate. Herbert E. Evans, presi- oceanic and transcontinental communi- next month. Presumably it will then be dent of Peoples Broadcasting Corp., cations- including tv. This has always up to NAB policy committee, sitting is U.S. representative (through NAB's been military's viewpoint. Reason is as regency, to enter final negotiations. designation) on IAAB. Raul Fontaina, that with transmitters and receivers in There's no time -table although policy Montevideo broadcaster, is president. space, amount of power on earth need committee would like to be relieved of not be great and size of receiving an- Spot tv's latest "suc- task promptly. Predominant view has Coffee break tennas is within reason. will break its first semi - been that selection probably would not cess" advertiser in mid -September Counting down Indignant squawks be made until after November elec- national campaign -week campaign in from number of central city officials, tions, although committee insists this with $300,000 eight 10 markets including New York. claiming U.S. Census is giving them is not necessarily so. Policy committee top is National Federation of smaller population than they claim, is coinprised of Clair R. McCollough, Advertiser via Doyle show signs of subsiding following of- Steinman stations, Lancaster, Pa., Coffee Growers of Colombia, New York, which only ficial re- checks of April decennial tally. chairman; G. Richard Shafto, WIS- Dane Bernbach, last spring was debating whether its In one central city cooperative recount AM-TV Columbia, S.C., and Merrill -city tv test campaign (New York by census and municipal authorities Lindsay, WSOY -AM -FM Decatur, Ill. one only) should be extended (BROADCAST- turned up just four more people. Census Editorializing next? Is editorializing ING, April 25). That die is cast appears officials say some mayors were extreme- next on agenda of Chairman Oren sure: After Jan. 1 advertiser will start ly reluctant to accept evidence of Harris' House Oversight Committee? $1 million spot tv campaign with 34- shrinking central -city population caused In Q & A session at meeting week drive in same 10 markets, using by migration to suburban areas.
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