In Section 2 In Sports An Associated Collegiate Press Director What a Four-Star All-American Newspaper Robert difference Townsend a week comes to makes UD page B 10 pag~.: B 1 Non-profit Org. FREE U.S. Postage Paid FRIDAY ewark, DE Volume 122, Number 30 250 Student Center, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 Permit No. 26 February 2, 1996 Professors Get your red hot dogs here! Call prompts approach -.,......,....,.,... bargaining a cheerleading table with coach to quit university Two-year-old offensive touching convictions haunt assistant coach John H. Row BY MARK E. JOLLY Admint slratiw~ Nek'S Editor BY MARK E. JOLLY coach,'' said senior Sean Peters, co­ Beginning Feb. 14, the Admini'ilratil'e News Ediror administrat ion and the university captain of the squad. ''None of us had A university assistant cheerleading chapter of the American Association of any idea [about the convictions] . He coach resigned Tuesday an hour after University Professors will engage in was a damn good coach. He was a an anonymous cal ler revealed to a real benefit." contract negotiations to set the '"culty's university official that the coach had terms, salaries and benefits, most likely Director of Recreation and two prior convictions for offensive for the next two years. Intramural Programs John O'Neill touching. AAUP President and bargaining team aid Row's gymnastics background Assistanr Coach John H. Row, 44. leader David Colton said the union was a very positive inlluence on the was convicted of two misdemeanor plans to introduce, among other topics. team. counts after he pleaded no contest to salary , domestic partner, maternny "I observed practice regularly; he the charges in March 1994. leave and early retirement issues to the was very helpful and very neaotiations. He had originally been arraigned professional with the tumbling and 'tloth Colton and Maxine Colm. vice on 16 charges of offensive touching the gymnastics ... he said. "He helped; president for employee relations, sa1 d and second-degree unlawful sexual we're going to have to fill that void so they expected the negotiations to go contact with I 0 girls from ages 9 to that the team will not suffer." well , but Colm was unwilling to discuss 14 at his self-owned Gymnastics Row was hired in early December possible issues she expected to come up Country Ltd., the Dover gym where after volunteering with the tea'rn since during negotiations. he served as a coach. the be 2inning of November. "We expect to work together and to The judge h andli ng the c ase, According to Peters. when the have a contract in place before the end Superio r Court Judge Myron T . previous assistant coach resigned due of the academic year" before the current S teele , however, decided Row ' s to problems he had been having with contract runs out in June. Colm said . actions were not sexual, but still the team, Row was taken on a the Refusing to comment on issues raised offensive, and reduced the charges. " natural progression .' ' by the AAUP. she said, "I do all of my When asked about the convictions, O ' Neill also said that the non­ work at the bargaining table." Row responded by saying, "! think traditional way Row was hired Colton, however, brought up what he there a re a lot of things [in the contributed to the university's lack of called th e major points of the union ' s gymnastics profession) that can be knowledge about his past. posJtJon and mentioned that a misconstrued." ''We probably wo uld not allow that publication of their complete goals will Row learned about the call to Head evolutionary process [by which Row be out next week. Coach Leanne Higgins from reporters became part of the university staff] to At the forefront of the AAUP's and h~ decided to resign from his occur again,'' he said. agenda are two issues that have position because he felt it was in the O'Neill continued to say Row was previously attracted attention. Colton best interests of the cheerleading a mi scellaneous wage employee, said the faculty still intends to push for squad. which also contributed to the both increased maternity leave benefits "A fair portion of the cheerleading university's lack of background on and benefits for domestic partners of job is public relations, and obviously Row . "We have up to over 200 homosexual faculty members. this wouldn't be good public miscellaneous wage employees at a Earlier this year, the AAUP attacked relations," he said. ··r tried to be an time, and it 's not standard policy·· to the university' s maternity leave policy asset to the squad. [The call) caused check their backgrounds, he said. as discriminatory against single mothers me to fee l I wasn't going to be an Row said he most regrets resigning and mothers who provide the so le asset, and it was probably better to because of the loss of th e opportunity source of income in their family. The leave." to help the squad return to nationals Both admi ni strators and next year. union believes that new mothers needed THE REVIEW I A lisa Colley a policy more akin to the sabbatical Diana Smith peddled a hot dog to Ed Sabrowski, who stops every day .on his cheerleaders expre sed surprise upon "I have a lot of respect for the learning of Row' s past and vouched people in the squad and the staff," he leave policy, which allows full salary delivery route. " If I can get my hot dog cart out, I will be [out too]," said and benefits for a semester of half pay for his professional manner and said. "They're going to go on wi th and health benefits for a full year. Smith, adding that the cold weather usually doesn't keep her down. "Keep beneficial impact on the team. their quest for nationals." on adding clothes." _. "It ' s a s h ame that we lost our see AAUP page A5 A guide to LK sorority surfing Net loses activities, porn at UD not sisterhood BY VANESSA ROTHSCHILD BY VANESSA ROTHSCHILD The case invo lved the recent Studt:'flt Affairs Editor St1tdenr Affairs Editor university judicial conviction of two WARNING !11 THIS MATERIAL MAY OFFEND. IF Following the suspension of their Kappa Alpha Order a lumni for YOU ARE NOT 21 YEARS OF AGE. GO NO uni versity chapter, the sisters of participating in the in cident. With different software at the disposal of While Willifo rd a nd Jeff speak of th e Sigma Kappa are managing to make Far from being co mple te , the FURTHER. university students, findi ng pornography is pleasant be nefits of po rn ography accessed With o ne click of the mouse, Jeff, a sophomore who it through the year without partaking entire investigation was recently not difficult , said senior Evan Williford, through the Internet, Harris recalled negative in Greek life. passed on from University Pol ice to refused to use his full name, opens the door to the world of c iting programs that as s ist wit h a experiences with sex on the Net. pornography. He is not 2 1, but he is in. " We are no t allowed to do the Delaware Attorney General. pornography search. such as CompuServe, Harris relayed an occas ion of sexual anything," said Dana Gereghty, a Susan Purcell, head of the Rape "Pornography is everywhere; it's not just the Net," Jeff Netscape, Inter-Relay Chat lines, America harassment on the Internet. said in defense of what he called his favorite pastime: senior and president of the sorority. Unit at the attorney general's office, Online and specific newsgroups. This in " When you log on to a n [Inter-Relay ··w e can't function as a sorority at said earlier last week that no "looking for pornographic literature on the Net.•· addition to servers that exist on the World Chat). you have to pick a ni ckname," she It all begins, university students who frequent the all." dec ision has been made over Wide Web. explained. However, even under the The sorority was suspended Nov. whether to seek an indictment. Internet claim, with a perverted message in their e-mail Po rnographi c photographs, according to protection of a fake name, your e-mail inbox. 20. 1995, as a result of a hazing Immediately following the Williford , are carri ed by news networks. address is accessible to others. incident that involved the sexual suspension of Sigma Kappa, the "People sent me [smut) to be funny ," said junior "The problem is that you have to wade Harris started receiving questions while Lindsay Harris. "It's like, OK, I can top your funny." assault of a Sigma Kappa pledge in sisters watched a year of planning through a lot of letters before yo u get to the she was on the chat line asking her who she February 1994. The charter was and exciting events disappear, The problem, Harris explained, is that people have sex," he said . was and where she was from. different ideas about what is amusing. revoked by National Sigma Kappa, according to former sister " Any Websearch will find it fo r you," "This guy wouldn't leave me alone," she and the sorority will be suspended sophomore Dawn Schulze. "I used to get a lot of stuff people thought was funny," Harris said. "If you look for certain things, said. "He started to ask what I was wearing, Harris said. "I was offended. but I'll offend right back." until at least Jan.
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