ACTION ISSN 0820 5723 A BULLETIN FROM THE NATIONAL ACTION COMMITTEE ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN October 20, 1988 Federal ELECTION #2 RADIO AND TELEVISION PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS The CBC has refused its permission to air the NAC WOMEN VOTE! public service announcements for both radio and television, although the private broadcasters have given approval. We have issued a press release, are investigating launching a complaint with the CRTC. In the meantime, the PSA's have gone out to the private broadcasters, and a list is enclosed of the stations to which they have been sent. If you haven't seen them on T.V. or heard them on radio, contact your local station managers and request that the PSA's be used. WOMEN VOTE: DAY - SATURDAY NOVEMBER 5 NAC regional representatives and member groups are organizing activities across the country for our national day of action during the federal election campaign. Enclosed is a list of confirmed activities' to date, and contact numbers in each province for activities that are still in the planning stages. We hope you will use this day of action to discuss the issues for w~men in this election and to encourage women to vote. MEDIA STRATEGIES During this election it is very important to have a women's perspective on the issues in radio, TV and newspaper coverage. There are a number of things we can do to get our point of view across in the media: - Monitor local newspapers, radio and television coverage of the election issues, and he read7 to respond with letters to the editors and call in to phone-in shows. - Write articles for the op ed or feature pages on Women Vote Day in your region. - Publicize Women Vote Day activities and speak on the issues on radio and television programs. THE NAC WOMEN’S POLL While we are a little skeptical of the new polling "science" of elections, we have noted that polls consistently show there is a gender gap in this election both on the issues and on women's choice of parties. We are planning a NAC Women's Poll. Watch for further details. Sécrétariat NATIONAL Office: 344 Bloor St. West, Suite 505, rue Bloor ouest, bureau 505, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1W9 (416) 922 3246 (TDD-ATME) Sécrétariat à Ottawa Office: 323 Chapel Street, 323, rue Chapel, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 7Z2 (613) 234-7062 ACTION ISSN 082… BULLETIN DU COMITÉ CANADIEN D'ACTION SUR LE STATUT DE LA FEMME Octobre 1988 Election fédérale #2 COMMUNIQUE D'INTERET PUBLIQUE Radio Canada a refusé d'accorder sa permission en ce qui concerne la diffusion des communiqués d'intérêt public du CCA, "FEMMES: ON VOTE!", pour la radio et la télévision bien que les réseaux privée aient donné leur accord. Nous avons envoyé un communiqué de presse et nous envisageons la ppossibilité de déposer une plainte devant le CRTC. Entretemps, les communiqués ont été envoyés aux médias privés et vous trouverez en annexe une liste des stations auxquelles les communiqués ont été expédiée: Si vous ne les avez pas vus à la télévision ou vous ne les avez pas entendus à la radio, veuillez communiquer avec les gérant-es de vos stations locales et demander qu'elles ou ils diffusent les communiqués. LE SONDAGE DU CCA Tout en se méfient de le nouvelle "science" électorale des sondages, nous avons remarqué que les sondages démontrent qu'il y a un écart entre l'opinion des femmes et l'opinion des hommes dans cette élection à la fois au sujet des enjeux électoraux et de choix des partis politiques par les femmes. Nous planifions un sondage CCA. A surveiller pour plus de détails. LA JOURNEE “FEMMES: ON VOTE!" - LE SAMEDI 5 NOVEMBRE Les représentantes régionales ainsi que lu groupes membres du CCA organisent des activités à travers le pays pour notre journée nationale d'action pendant la campagne électorale. Vous trouverez ci-inclus une liste d'activités confirmées à date et des numéros de contact dans chaque province pour les activités qui sont encore à l’étape de la planification. Nous espérons que vous utiliserez cette journée d'action pour discuter des enjeux électoraux et pour encourager les femmes à voter. STRATEGIES - MÉDIAS Pendant cette période électorale il est très important d'avoir une perspective de femmes dans la couverture par la radio, la TV, et les journaux. Il y a plusieurs moyens que nous pouvons prendre pour transmettre notre point de vue aux medias: - suivre la couverture des questions électorales par les journaux locaux, la radio et la télévision et être prêtes à répondre par des lettres aux rédacteurs ainsi que par les appels aux lisses ouvertes - rédiger dee articles à paraître sur les pages aux lecteurs/lectrices ou dans les cahiers spéciaux pour la journée “FEMMES: ON VOTE:" - publiciser les activités de la journée "FEMMES: ON VOTE!" et intervenir sur les enjeux à la radio et à la télévision. Sécrétariat NATIONAL Office: 344 Bloor St. West, Suite 505, rue Bloor ouest, bureau 505, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1W9 (416) 922 3246 (TDD-ATME) Sécrétariat à Ottawa Office: 323 Chapel Street, 323, rue Chapel, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 7Z2 (613) 234-7062 WOMEN VOTE! DAY - NOVEMBER 5, 1988 list of events across the country that have been confirmed to date BRITISH COLUMBIA Vancouver - Nov. 5: A rally and demonstration in support of the new Vancouver Clinic. Contact Nora Hutchinson (604) 263-5902. For information on other Women Vote day events, contact Sharon Costello (604) 879-3888. Lumby - Women Vote day activities being planned. Contact Robin LeDrew (604)-642-7531. Kamloops Women Vote day activities being planned, Contact Donna Cameron, Kamloops Women’s Centre. ALBERTA Lethbridge - Nov. 6: Action planned around ASWAC executive meeting. Contact Anne MacGrath (403) 233-0731. Ft. McMurray - Nov. 6: Mall event being planned, Contact Anne McGrath (403) 233-O731. SASKATCHEWAN Saskatoon - Nov. 5: Mall event being planned. Nov 9: all Candidates’ debate at Francis Morrison Library. Contact Audrey Wildman (306) 665-0656. Regina - Plans are in progress. Contact Marge Brown, SAC (306)526-8329. MANITOBA Winnipeg - Nov.7: Candidates' debate at Univer of Winnipeg. Dauphin - Nov. 2: Candidates' meeting at the Community Centre. Thompson - Nov. 2: Candidates' meeting at the Community Centre. For all Manitoba events, contact Susan Spratt (204_ 775-8585. ONTARIO Ottawa - Nov 5.: Canvassing event in the Market. Contact Donna Baines (613) 236-4532. Toronto - Nov.3: Candidates' debate at Harbourfront. Nov 6: Mall Events, including Eaton’s Centre. Contact Janet Maher (416) 652-1459. Nov 5: Child Care rally and demonstration, 12:15 PM Queen's Park. London, Hamilton. plans are In progress. Contactt Janet Maher (416) 652-1459. Sault Ste. Marie - Activities being planned in Malls, Contact Karen Banerd (705) 759-9128. QUEBEC Montreal - Date TBA: FFQ is sponsoring debate with women candidates from three parties, Contact Anne Marie Gingras (514)496-2277. Nov 5: Plans are in progress. Contact Lesley Lee (514)596-2110. NEW BRUNSWICK Moncton and Fredricton - Nov.6: Women’s events planned, Contact Kay Nandlall (506) 459-8030. NOVA SCOTIA Sydney - Nov.5: Mall actions being planned. Halifax - Nov. 5: Mall actions being planned and an all candidates' meeting. NOV 14: Provincial press release and report card on candidates' response to NAC's Women's Equality Accord. Contact Susan Hyde for all Nova Scotia events (902)562-3202. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Charlottetown: Events are heine planned. Contact Leti Larosa (902) 892-4597. NEWFOUNDLAND St. John's - Oct.27: Meeting with women candidates from all parties, Stephenville - Nov.5: Mall actions. Contact Joyce Hancock for all Newfoundland events (709) 643-4444. CBC REFUSES TO AIR NAC's "WCMEN VOTE!' PSA October 18, 1988. For Immediate Release The National Action Committee on the Status of Women (NAC) today learned that the CBC bas refused approval for NAC's non-partisan Charitable and Educational Trust to air a Public Service Announcement, WCMEN VOTE! which the Telecasters Committee of Canada has approved in both French and English for private broadcasters. NAC's Trust produced a 30-second PSA for radio and television in both official languages as part of NAC's public awareness campaign during the federal election. The campaign and the PSA are based on the theme WOMEN VOTE!, which simply urges women to vote in this election, and to be aware of the election issues affecting them, such as free trade, reproductive rights, child care, and violence against women and children. NAC requested and received guidelines from the CBC and the private broadcasters and produced their PSA in accordance with these guidelines. In a letter to the NAC, the CBC said, "messages from groups or organizations which directly or indirectly advocate a point of view on an election issue are unacceptable. During the current Federal General election campaiEn only messages from registered political parties are accepted for broadcast on CBC facilities." Lynn Kay, NAC's President, disputed this position. "The PSA from out Charitable and Educational Trust did not advocate any point of view on the issues, nom did it endorse any political party.", she said. "Its only message is that women should get out and vote on election day. Does the CBC truly believe that encouraging citizens to vote is "unacceptable"? "This is particularly distressing coming on Person's Day, the 59th anniversary of the day Canadian women won the right to hold public office and bave a voice in the political proceSs. It is surely a responsibility of broadcasters to air announcements which bave as their objective the exercise by Canadians of their most basic civic duty - the right to vote. How can the CBC say it is strengthening the political fabric of Canada if it declines to run announcements of this kind?" For further information contact: Susan Feldman 922-3246 344 Bloor SL West, 344 rue Bloor ouest, Suite 505, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1W9 (416) 922-3246 RADIO-CANADA REFUSE DE DIFFUSER UNE ANNONCE DU CCA, “Femmes on vote!” 18 octobre 1988 Le comité canadien d'action sur le statut de le femme (CCA) courte aujourd'hui que Radio-Canada a refusé d’autoriser la Fonction du Comité canadien d'action du CCA à diffuser un communiqué d’intérêt public “FEMMES: ON VOTEI" lequel à déjl été approuvé pour diffusion en anglais et en français sur les réseaux privés par le Comité de télédiffuseurs du Canada.
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