High Country Contracting Ltd POST OPERATIONAL REPORT FOR AERIAL 1080 WALLABY CONTROL WAIMATE FOREST 15 AUGUST 2018 THIS POST OPERATIONAL REPORT HAS BEEN PREPARED BY GRANT MAY, HEALTH & SAFETY AND COMPLIANCE MANAGER FOR HIGH COUNTRY CONTRACTING LTD 8-09 Master Contract Scope of Services.doc 1 of 10 HCC Waimate Forest Aerial Ops EPA Report 0-14 Aerial Operations EPA Report.doc 1 of 10 V1.0 24/07/2018 High Country Contracting Ltd CONTENTS 1. OPERATIONAL SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................................ 3 1.1 Operational management ................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Individual aerial treatments ................................................................................................................................................ 3 1.3 Permissions and consents ................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.4 Monitoring results and outcomes....................................................................................................................................... 4 1.5 Complaints and incidents.................................................................................................................................................... 5 2. TREATMENT DETAILS ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Treatment 1 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 6 3. CONSULTATION AND NOTIFICATION ................................................................................................................................ 7 3.1 Consultation and notification process ................................................................................................................................ 7 3.2 Consultation and notification outcomes ............................................................................................................................ 7 3.3 Communication timeline .................................................................................................................................................... 7 4. INCIDENTS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8 4.2 Incident SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................................. 8 5. MONITORING................................................................................................................................................................... 8 6. APPENDICES ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9 6.1 Water test results ............................................................................................................................................................... 9 6.2 Incident reports ................................................................................................................................................................ 10 6.3 Monitoring reports ........................................................................................................................................................... 10 6.4 Operational maps ............................................................................................................................................................. 10 0-14 Aerial Operations EPA Report.doc 2 of 10 HCC Waimate Forest Aerial Ops EPA Report High Country Contracting Ltd 1. OPERATIONAL SUMMARY 1.1 OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT OPERATION NAME (INCLUDE REGION) Size (hectares) 1209 Hectares Purpose of the operation Wallaby Control Land ownership/management Public and private land Funding agency Port Blakely Limited Operation Management (Organisation) Port Blakely Limited Principal aerial contracting company High Country Contracting Limited Report submitted by (Organisation) High Country Contracting Limited Date submitted 15 August 2018 1.2 INDIVIDUAL AERIAL TREATMENTS TREATMENT AREA NAME SIZE OF TREATED AREA (HECTARES) Waimate Forest 1209 hectares 1.3 PERMISSIONS AND CONSENTS PERMISSION ISSUE DATE (DD/MM/YY) UNIT/OFFICE APPLICATION ID /FILE AUTHORITY REFERENCE MOH 9/05/2018 Community & Public Health 18/1120/CB/TIMPH DOC 6/06/2018 Eastern South Island ID 5490754 NORTH ISLAND SOUTH ISLAND TERRITORIAL LOCAL AUTHORITY(S) Waimate District Council (DISTRICT COUNCIL; CITY COUNCIL; UNITARY AUTHORITY) 0-14 Aerial Operations EPA Report.doc 3 of 10 HCC Waimate Forest Aerial Ops EPA Report Page 3 High Country Contracting Ltd 1.4 MONITORING RESULTS AND OUTCOMES EFFECTS ON SPECIES TARGETED FOR THE OPERATION Target species: Wallaby Target species numbers pre-operation: Moderate / High Objective of operation (quantify planned effect on species numbers): Reduction in wallaby population to reduce impact on exotic tree planting program Effect of operation on target species post-operation: Population density reduction EFFECTS OF OPERATION ON SPECIES TO BENEFIT Species to benefit (List key species at risk that prompted • Exotic Forest Plantings control operation. Use common names where possible) Was monitoring of species to benefit undertaken? No Effect of operation on species to benefit (comment) Reduction of damage to new planting species EFFECTS OF OPERATION ON OTHER SPECIES Were any other species identified in the operation area? Yes (List all species identified) Native birds: • New Zealand bush falcon Falco novaeseelandiae ‘southern’ • Bellbird Anthornis melanura melanura • South Island fantail Rhipidura fuliginosa fuliginosa • South Island rifleman Acanthisitta chloris chloris • Grey warbler Gerygone igata • Yellow-breasted tomtit Petroica macrocephala macrocephala • Silvereye Zosterops lateralis • Rock wren Xenicus gilviventris • Black-fronted tern Chlidonias albostriatus • Black-billed gull Larus bulleri • Wrybill Anarhynchus frontalis • Pied stilt Himantopus himantopus leucocephalus • Banded dotterel Charadrius bicinctus • South Island pied oystercatcher Haematopus finschi • Swamp harrier Circus approximans • Black-backed gull Larus dominicanus • Brown creeper Mohoua novaeseelandiae • South Island robin Petroica australis australis • New Zealand pipit Anthus novaeseelandiae novaeseelandiae • Sacred kingfisher Todiramphus sanctus vagans • Swallow Hirundo tahitica neoxena • Black shag Phalacrocorax carbo novaehollandiae • Little Black Shag Phalacrocorax sulcirostris • Little Shag Phalacrocorax melanoleucos brevirostris Invertebrates: • Ground weta - Hemiandrus n. sp. • Mountain/tree weta – Hemideina maori • Giant scree wëtä: Deinacrida connectens 0-14 Aerial Operations EPA Report.doc 4 of 10 HCC Waimate Forest Aerial Ops EPA Report Page 4 High Country Contracting Ltd • Large Ground beetles – Megadromus spp. (esp Megadromus ‘omaramae’) • Small ground beetle – Holcaspis spp. • Speargrass weevils – Lyperobious spp. Reptiles: • Southern Alps gecko - Hoplodactylus sp. ‘Southern Alps’ • McCann’s skink - Oligosoma maccanni • Common skink – Oligosoma nigriplantare polychrome • Scree skink – Oligosoma waimatensi EFFECTS OF THE OPERATION ON WATER QUALITY Was water quality monitoring undertaken? Yes If water sampling was undertaken, how many samples were taken? One How many samples were above the Method Detection Limit? Nil Were any of the detected samples above the TEL (3.5 µg 1080/litre)? Nil Effect of the operation on water quality (comment based on monitoring Nil results) 1.5 COMPLAINTS AND INCIDENTS COMPLAINTS AND INCIDENTS RESULTING FROM THE OPERATION Were there any incidents resulting from this operation? Nil Record details under Section 4 - Incidents Were there any complaints about this operation? Nil Record details under Section 4 - Incidents 0-14 Aerial Operations EPA Report.doc 5 of 10 HCC Waimate Forest Aerial Ops EPA Report Page 5 High Country Contracting Ltd 2. TREATMENT DETAILS 2.1 TREATMENT 1 OPERATION NAME Block size (hectares): 1209 HECTARTES PRE FEED APPLICATION Type of bait N/A Sowing rate (kg bait/ha) N/A DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 Date(s) of application N/A (DD/MM/YY) 1080 APPLICATION Type of bait RS5 CEREAL PELLETS Target toxic loading (% 1080) 0.2% W/W Sowing rate (kg bait/ha) 1KG / HECTARE Lures added N/A Repellents added N/A Aircraft Type HELICOPTER Type of Navigational Guidance TRAC MAP FLIGHT PRO system used DATES OF APPLICATION (DD/MM/YY) WIND SPEED RANGE (KM/HR) WIND DIRECTION Day 1 8/06/2018 NIL NIL End of Caution Period 8/02/2019 (DD/MM/YY) 0-14 Aerial Operations EPA Report.doc 6 of 10 HCC Waimate Forest Aerial Ops EPA Report Page 6 High Country Contracting Ltd 3. CONSULTATION AND NOTIFICATION 3.1 CONSULTATION AND NOTIFICATION PROCESS Interested party letters, Personal meetings with land occupiers, follow up phone calls to land occupiers, publicly advertised in locally distributed newspapers (Timaru Herald), South Canterbury Herald). 3.2 CONSULTATION AND NOTIFICATION OUTCOMES Consultation and notifications were successful with all parties satisfied with communications.
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