Chapter 1. Introduction 1. Jean Tulard, Le My the De Napoleon

Chapter 1. Introduction 1. Jean Tulard, Le My the De Napoleon

Notes Chapter 1. Introduction 1. Jean Tulard, Le My the de Napoleon (Paris: Armand Colin, 1971), pp.47, 51 etc. 2. Addicts may consult Jean Savant, Napoleon (Paris: Veyrier, 1974); Frank Richardson, Napoleon, Bisexual Emperor (London: Kimber, 1972); Arno Karlen, Napoleon's Glands and Other Ventures in Biohistory (Boston: Little Brown, 1984). 3. J.M. Thompson, Napoleon Bonaparte (Oxford: Blackwell, 1988), p.389. 4. J. Tulard, Napoleon: The Myth of the Saviour, trans. T. Waugh (London: Methuen, 1985), p.449. For the poisoning allegations, see Sten Forshufvud and Ben Weider, Assassination at St Helena: The Poisoning of Napoleon Bonaparte (Vancouver: Mitchell Press, 1978), and Frank Richardson, Napoleon's Death: An Inquest (London: Kimber, 1974). 5. G. Ellis, Napoleon's Continental Blockade: The Case ofAlsace (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1981); Alan Forrest, Conscripts and Deserters: The Army and French Society during the Revolution and Empire (New York: Oxford University Press, 1989); Michael Broers, The Restoration of Order in Napoleonic Piedmont, 1797-1814, unpublished Oxford D .Phil. thesis, 1986. Chapter 2. Bonaparte the Jacobin 1. J. Boswell, An Account of Corsica, the Journal of a Tour in that Island and Memoirs ofPascal Paoli (London, 1768). 2. Peter A. Thrasher, Pasquale Paoli: an Enlightened Hero, 1725-1807 (London: Constable, 1970), e.g. pp.98-9. 3. D. Carrington, "Paoli et sa 'Constitution' (1755-69)", AhRf, 218, October-December, 1974,531. 4. J. Tulard, Napoleon: The Myth of the Saviour (London: Methuen, 1985), p.24. 301 302 NOTES 5. S.F. Scott, The Response of the Rnyal Army to the French Revolution: The Rnle and Development of the Line Army during 1789-93, (Oxford, 1978). 6. J.M. Thompson, Napoleon Bonaparte (Oxford: Blackwell, 1988), p.8. 7. Ibid., p.10. 8. Thrasher, Pasquale Paoli, chapter 18. 9. Eugene Deprez, "Les Origines republicaines de Bonaparte", RH, 97,1908,319. 10. Jean Defranceschi, La Corse francaise (30 nov. 1789-15 juin 1794) (Paris: Societe des etudes robespierristes, 1980), p.90. 11. Ibid., p.142. 12. Tulard, Napoleon: The Myth of the Saviour, p.39. 13. William Scott, Terror and Repression in Revolutionary Marseilles (London: Macmillan, 1973). 14. M.H. Crook, "Federalism and the French Revolution: The Revolt of Toulon in 1793", History, 65,1980,383-97. 15. A. Aulard, "Bonaparte republicain", in his Etudes et Lecons, vo1.9 (Paris, 1924), pp.71-92. This article was written in 1921. 16. A. to M. Robespierre, Nice, 16 Germinal Year 2, in Georges Michon (ed.), Correspondance de Maximilien et Augustin Robespierre (Paris: Nizet & Bastard, 1926), no.371, p.274. 17. Martyn Lyons, France under the Directory (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975). 18. Harvey Mitchell, ''Vendemiaire - a Re-evaluation",jMH, 30, 1958. Chapter 3. Bonaparte the Republican 1. Georges Six, Les Geru?raux de la Revolution et de l'Empire (Paris, 1947). 2. Martyn Lyons, France under the Directory (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), pp.50-1. 3. Note sur l'Armee de l1talie, cited by J.M. Thompson, Napoleon Bonaparte (Oxford: Blackwell, 1988), p.60. 4. Ibid., p.62. 5. Napoleon, Correspondance, 32 vols (Paris, 1858-70), voLl, no.91, p.1l8, proclamation from headquarters in Nice, 7 Germinal Year 4. 6. A. Aulard, "Bonaparte republicain", in his Etudes et Lezons, vo1.9 (Paris, 1924), pp.82-3; V. Daline, "Marc-Antoine Jullien apres Ie 9 Thermidor", AhRf, 185, 1966. NOTES 303 7. For brief summaries of the Italian campaign, see Lyons, France under the Directory, pp.196-200; Denis Richet, "The Italian Campaign", in F. Furet and M. Ozouf (eds), A Critical Dictionary of the French Revolution, trans. A. Goldhammer (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1989), pp.81-93;Jacques Godechot, La Grande Nation: l'expansion revolutionnaire de laFrance dans le monde de 1789 ii 1799 (Paris, 1956) 2 vols. 8. Ferdinand Boyer, "Les responsibilites de Napoleon dans Ie transfert a Paris des oeuvres d'art de l'etranger", Rhmc, 11, 1964, 241-62. 9. Richet, "The Italian Campaign", p.86. 10. J.R. Suratteau, "Le Directoire a-t-il eu une politique italienne?", Critica Storica, 27:2, 1990, 351-64. 11. G. Vaccarino, I Patrioti "anarchistes" e l'idea dell'unitii italiana (1796-99) (Turin, 1955). 12. U. Marcelli, "La crisa economica e sociale a Bologna e Ie prime vendite dei beni ecclesiastici, Atti e memorie della deputazione di storia patria per le province di Romagna, new series, 5, 1953-4. 13. Renzo de Felice, "La Vendita dei beni nazionali nella Repubblica Romana del 1798-9", Storia edEconomia, 8 (Rome, 1960). 14. Napoleon, Correspondance, 2, no.1321, p.264, letter to Directory, Milan, 28 December 1796. 15. Richet, ''The Italian Campaign", p.87. 16. Marcel Reinhard (ed.), Avec Bonaparte en Italie, d 'apres les lettres inedites de son a.d.c.Joseph Sulkowski (Paris: Hachette, 1946), p.95. 17. Jacques Godechot, The Counter-Revolution: Doctrine and Action, 1789-1804 (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1981), pp.303-8. 18. Y.E. Giuntella, "La Giacobina Repubblica Romana, 1798-9: aspetti e momenti", Archivio della societii romana di storia patria, 73 (Rome, 1950). 19. A.B. Rodger, The War of the Second Coalition, 1798-1801: A Strategic Commentary (Oxford, 1964); Jean Thiry, Bonaparte en Egypte (Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1973), pp.109-1I. 20. Thompson, Napoleon Bonaparte, p.98. 21. Y Laissus, "Gaspard Monge et l'expedition d'Egypte", Revue de Synthese, 81, 1960. 22. Edward W. Said, Orientalism (Harmondsworth: Peregrine, 1985), pp.80-7. 23. Napoleon, Correspondance, 4, no.2723, p.270, Alexandria, pro­ clamation of 2 July 1798. 304 NOTES 24. Thiry, Bonaparte en Egypte, p.20I. 25. F. Charles-Roux, Bonaparte: Governor ofEgypt (London, 1937). 26. Napoleon, Correspondance, 4, nos.2723, 2733, pp.271, 281, Alex­ andria, orders of 14 and 15 Messidor Year 6; Thiry, Bonaparte en Egypte, pp.251-2. 27. Thiry, Bonaparte en Egypte, pp.272-3. 28. Ibid., pp.379-80. Chapter 4. The Coup of Brumaire 1. Martyn Lyons, France under the Directory (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), chapter 11; Georges Lefebvre, Le Directoire (Paris, 1946); A. Goodwin, "The French Executive Directory - a re-evaluation", History, 22, 87, 1937. 2. C.H. Church, 'The Social Basis of the French Central Bureaucracy under the Directory, 1795-99", P&P, 36,1967. 3. C.H. Church, "Bureaucracy, Politics and Revolution: The Evid­ ence of the Commission des Dix-Sept", FHS, 6:4, 1970. 4. P. Boucher, Charles Cochon de Lapparent (Paris, 1969). 5. I. Woloch, Jacobin Legacy: The Democratic Movement under the Directory (Princeton, 1970); Lynn Hunt, D. Lansky and P. Hanson, 'The Failure of the Liberal Republic in France, 1795- 1799: The Road to Brumaire",JMH, 51:4,1979,734-59. 6. Felix Rocquain, L'Etat de LaFrance au 18 Brumaire (Paris, 1874). 7. R.c. Cobb, Reactions to the French Revolution (London: Oxford University Press, 1972), chapter 5. 8. Lyons, France under the Directory, chapter 11. 9. Colin Lucas, "The First Directory and the Rule of Law", FHS, 10:2, Fall 1977, 231-60. 10. Raymond Guyot, "Du Directoire au Consulat: les transitions", RH, 111, 1912. 11. S.T. Ross, "The Military Strategy of the Directory: The Cam­ paigns ofl799", FHS, 5, 1967. 12. Lyons, Franee under the Directory, pp.228-9. 13. Pierre-Louis Roederer, Memoires sur la Revolution, le Consulat et l'Empire, vo1.3, ed. O. Aubry (Paris: PIon, 1942), p.l05. 14. Jean-Denis Bredin, Sieyes, la eli de la Revolution fran{:aise (Paris: Le Fallois, 1988), pp.437, 441. 15. Ibid., p.444. NOTES 305 16. Sergio Moravia, Il Trarnonto dell'Illurninisrno (Bari, 1968); S. Moravia, Il Pensiero degli ideologues: scienzia e jilosofia in Francia (1780-1815) (Florence, 1976). 17. Gohier, Mernoires des contemporains (Paris, 1824),2 vols. 18. Albert Ollivier, Le Dix-huit Brurnaire (Paris: Gallimard, 1959), pp.149-52. 19. Jacques Godechot, Les cornrnissaires aux arrnees sous le Directoire (Paris, 1937), 2 vols. 20. Bredin, Sieyes, la cte de la Revolution, p.447; Edgar Quinet, La Revolution (Paris: Belin, 1987), pp.690ff. 21. Bredin, Sieyes, la ete dela Revolution, p.79. 22. Ibid., p.454. 23. See L. Sciout, Le Direetoire (Paris, 1895-7),4 vols. 24. Ollivier, Le Dix-huit-Brurnaire, p.209. 25. Aulard, "Bonaparte et les poignards des Cinq-Cents", Etudes et Le{:ons, vol.3, 1906, pp.271-89. 26. Ollivier, Le Dix-huit-Brurnaire, p.222. 27. Aulard, "Le Lendemain du 18 brumaire", Etudes et Le{:ons, vol.2, 1906, p.223. 28. Ibid., pp.213-52. Chapter 5. France in 1800 1. Jacques Godechot, La Grande Nation: l'expansion revolutionnaire de laFranee dans le rnonde de 1789 Ii 1799 (Paris, 1956), 2 vols. 2. J. Dupaquier, "Problemes demographiques de la France napoleonienne", Rhrne, 17, 1970, 340-1. 3. Ibid., p.354. 4. Ibid., p.356. 5. Catherine Rollet, "L'Effet des crises economiques sur la popula­ tion", Rhrnc, 17, 1970,391-410. 6. M. Lachiver, La Population de Meulan du 17e au 1ge sieele: etude de dernographie historique (Paris, 1969), pp.193-208. 7. George D. Sussman, Selling Mother's Milk: The Wet-nursing Business in France, 1715-1914 (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1982), p.116. 8. R. Monnier, "Ouvriers", DN, 1287. 9. J. Houdaille, "Le Probleme des pertes de guerre", Rhrnc, 17, 1970,411-23. 306 NOTES 10. Dupaquier, "Problemes demographiques de la France napoleonienne", p.346. 11. Jacques Dupaquier (ed.) Histoire de la Population jranraise, vol.3, De 1789 a 1914 (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1988), pp.71-2. 12. Dupaquier, "Problemes demographiques de la France napoleonienne", p.351. 13. Louis Bergeron, L'Episode napolionien (aspects intmeurs), 1799- 1815 (Paris: Seuil, 1972), p.120. 14. Andre Armengaud, "Les Mariages de 1813 a Toulouse", in Sur la Population jranraise au XVlIIe et au XIXe siecles: hommage a Marcel Reinhard (Paris: Societe de Demographie historique, 1973), p.13.

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