Notes Chapter 1. Introduction 1. Jean Tulard, Le My the de Napoleon (Paris: Armand Colin, 1971), pp.47, 51 etc. 2. Addicts may consult Jean Savant, Napoleon (Paris: Veyrier, 1974); Frank Richardson, Napoleon, Bisexual Emperor (London: Kimber, 1972); Arno Karlen, Napoleon's Glands and Other Ventures in Biohistory (Boston: Little Brown, 1984). 3. J.M. Thompson, Napoleon Bonaparte (Oxford: Blackwell, 1988), p.389. 4. J. Tulard, Napoleon: The Myth of the Saviour, trans. T. Waugh (London: Methuen, 1985), p.449. For the poisoning allegations, see Sten Forshufvud and Ben Weider, Assassination at St Helena: The Poisoning of Napoleon Bonaparte (Vancouver: Mitchell Press, 1978), and Frank Richardson, Napoleon's Death: An Inquest (London: Kimber, 1974). 5. G. Ellis, Napoleon's Continental Blockade: The Case ofAlsace (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1981); Alan Forrest, Conscripts and Deserters: The Army and French Society during the Revolution and Empire (New York: Oxford University Press, 1989); Michael Broers, The Restoration of Order in Napoleonic Piedmont, 1797-1814, unpublished Oxford D .Phil. thesis, 1986. Chapter 2. Bonaparte the Jacobin 1. J. Boswell, An Account of Corsica, the Journal of a Tour in that Island and Memoirs ofPascal Paoli (London, 1768). 2. Peter A. Thrasher, Pasquale Paoli: an Enlightened Hero, 1725-1807 (London: Constable, 1970), e.g. pp.98-9. 3. D. Carrington, "Paoli et sa 'Constitution' (1755-69)", AhRf, 218, October-December, 1974,531. 4. J. Tulard, Napoleon: The Myth of the Saviour (London: Methuen, 1985), p.24. 301 302 NOTES 5. S.F. Scott, The Response of the Rnyal Army to the French Revolution: The Rnle and Development of the Line Army during 1789-93, (Oxford, 1978). 6. J.M. Thompson, Napoleon Bonaparte (Oxford: Blackwell, 1988), p.8. 7. Ibid., p.10. 8. Thrasher, Pasquale Paoli, chapter 18. 9. Eugene Deprez, "Les Origines republicaines de Bonaparte", RH, 97,1908,319. 10. Jean Defranceschi, La Corse francaise (30 nov. 1789-15 juin 1794) (Paris: Societe des etudes robespierristes, 1980), p.90. 11. Ibid., p.142. 12. Tulard, Napoleon: The Myth of the Saviour, p.39. 13. William Scott, Terror and Repression in Revolutionary Marseilles (London: Macmillan, 1973). 14. M.H. Crook, "Federalism and the French Revolution: The Revolt of Toulon in 1793", History, 65,1980,383-97. 15. A. Aulard, "Bonaparte republicain", in his Etudes et Lecons, vo1.9 (Paris, 1924), pp.71-92. This article was written in 1921. 16. A. to M. Robespierre, Nice, 16 Germinal Year 2, in Georges Michon (ed.), Correspondance de Maximilien et Augustin Robespierre (Paris: Nizet & Bastard, 1926), no.371, p.274. 17. Martyn Lyons, France under the Directory (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975). 18. Harvey Mitchell, ''Vendemiaire - a Re-evaluation",jMH, 30, 1958. Chapter 3. Bonaparte the Republican 1. Georges Six, Les Geru?raux de la Revolution et de l'Empire (Paris, 1947). 2. Martyn Lyons, France under the Directory (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), pp.50-1. 3. Note sur l'Armee de l1talie, cited by J.M. Thompson, Napoleon Bonaparte (Oxford: Blackwell, 1988), p.60. 4. Ibid., p.62. 5. Napoleon, Correspondance, 32 vols (Paris, 1858-70), voLl, no.91, p.1l8, proclamation from headquarters in Nice, 7 Germinal Year 4. 6. A. Aulard, "Bonaparte republicain", in his Etudes et Lezons, vo1.9 (Paris, 1924), pp.82-3; V. Daline, "Marc-Antoine Jullien apres Ie 9 Thermidor", AhRf, 185, 1966. NOTES 303 7. For brief summaries of the Italian campaign, see Lyons, France under the Directory, pp.196-200; Denis Richet, "The Italian Campaign", in F. Furet and M. Ozouf (eds), A Critical Dictionary of the French Revolution, trans. A. Goldhammer (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1989), pp.81-93;Jacques Godechot, La Grande Nation: l'expansion revolutionnaire de laFrance dans le monde de 1789 ii 1799 (Paris, 1956) 2 vols. 8. Ferdinand Boyer, "Les responsibilites de Napoleon dans Ie transfert a Paris des oeuvres d'art de l'etranger", Rhmc, 11, 1964, 241-62. 9. Richet, "The Italian Campaign", p.86. 10. J.R. Suratteau, "Le Directoire a-t-il eu une politique italienne?", Critica Storica, 27:2, 1990, 351-64. 11. G. Vaccarino, I Patrioti "anarchistes" e l'idea dell'unitii italiana (1796-99) (Turin, 1955). 12. U. Marcelli, "La crisa economica e sociale a Bologna e Ie prime vendite dei beni ecclesiastici, Atti e memorie della deputazione di storia patria per le province di Romagna, new series, 5, 1953-4. 13. Renzo de Felice, "La Vendita dei beni nazionali nella Repubblica Romana del 1798-9", Storia edEconomia, 8 (Rome, 1960). 14. Napoleon, Correspondance, 2, no.1321, p.264, letter to Directory, Milan, 28 December 1796. 15. Richet, ''The Italian Campaign", p.87. 16. Marcel Reinhard (ed.), Avec Bonaparte en Italie, d 'apres les lettres inedites de son a.d.c.Joseph Sulkowski (Paris: Hachette, 1946), p.95. 17. Jacques Godechot, The Counter-Revolution: Doctrine and Action, 1789-1804 (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1981), pp.303-8. 18. Y.E. Giuntella, "La Giacobina Repubblica Romana, 1798-9: aspetti e momenti", Archivio della societii romana di storia patria, 73 (Rome, 1950). 19. A.B. Rodger, The War of the Second Coalition, 1798-1801: A Strategic Commentary (Oxford, 1964); Jean Thiry, Bonaparte en Egypte (Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1973), pp.109-1I. 20. Thompson, Napoleon Bonaparte, p.98. 21. Y Laissus, "Gaspard Monge et l'expedition d'Egypte", Revue de Synthese, 81, 1960. 22. Edward W. Said, Orientalism (Harmondsworth: Peregrine, 1985), pp.80-7. 23. Napoleon, Correspondance, 4, no.2723, p.270, Alexandria, pro­ clamation of 2 July 1798. 304 NOTES 24. Thiry, Bonaparte en Egypte, p.20I. 25. F. Charles-Roux, Bonaparte: Governor ofEgypt (London, 1937). 26. Napoleon, Correspondance, 4, nos.2723, 2733, pp.271, 281, Alex­ andria, orders of 14 and 15 Messidor Year 6; Thiry, Bonaparte en Egypte, pp.251-2. 27. Thiry, Bonaparte en Egypte, pp.272-3. 28. Ibid., pp.379-80. Chapter 4. The Coup of Brumaire 1. Martyn Lyons, France under the Directory (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), chapter 11; Georges Lefebvre, Le Directoire (Paris, 1946); A. Goodwin, "The French Executive Directory - a re-evaluation", History, 22, 87, 1937. 2. C.H. Church, 'The Social Basis of the French Central Bureaucracy under the Directory, 1795-99", P&P, 36,1967. 3. C.H. Church, "Bureaucracy, Politics and Revolution: The Evid­ ence of the Commission des Dix-Sept", FHS, 6:4, 1970. 4. P. Boucher, Charles Cochon de Lapparent (Paris, 1969). 5. I. Woloch, Jacobin Legacy: The Democratic Movement under the Directory (Princeton, 1970); Lynn Hunt, D. Lansky and P. Hanson, 'The Failure of the Liberal Republic in France, 1795- 1799: The Road to Brumaire",JMH, 51:4,1979,734-59. 6. Felix Rocquain, L'Etat de LaFrance au 18 Brumaire (Paris, 1874). 7. R.c. Cobb, Reactions to the French Revolution (London: Oxford University Press, 1972), chapter 5. 8. Lyons, France under the Directory, chapter 11. 9. Colin Lucas, "The First Directory and the Rule of Law", FHS, 10:2, Fall 1977, 231-60. 10. Raymond Guyot, "Du Directoire au Consulat: les transitions", RH, 111, 1912. 11. S.T. Ross, "The Military Strategy of the Directory: The Cam­ paigns ofl799", FHS, 5, 1967. 12. Lyons, Franee under the Directory, pp.228-9. 13. Pierre-Louis Roederer, Memoires sur la Revolution, le Consulat et l'Empire, vo1.3, ed. O. Aubry (Paris: PIon, 1942), p.l05. 14. Jean-Denis Bredin, Sieyes, la eli de la Revolution fran{:aise (Paris: Le Fallois, 1988), pp.437, 441. 15. Ibid., p.444. NOTES 305 16. Sergio Moravia, Il Trarnonto dell'Illurninisrno (Bari, 1968); S. Moravia, Il Pensiero degli ideologues: scienzia e jilosofia in Francia (1780-1815) (Florence, 1976). 17. Gohier, Mernoires des contemporains (Paris, 1824),2 vols. 18. Albert Ollivier, Le Dix-huit Brurnaire (Paris: Gallimard, 1959), pp.149-52. 19. Jacques Godechot, Les cornrnissaires aux arrnees sous le Directoire (Paris, 1937), 2 vols. 20. Bredin, Sieyes, la cte de la Revolution, p.447; Edgar Quinet, La Revolution (Paris: Belin, 1987), pp.690ff. 21. Bredin, Sieyes, la ete dela Revolution, p.79. 22. Ibid., p.454. 23. See L. Sciout, Le Direetoire (Paris, 1895-7),4 vols. 24. Ollivier, Le Dix-huit-Brurnaire, p.209. 25. Aulard, "Bonaparte et les poignards des Cinq-Cents", Etudes et Le{:ons, vol.3, 1906, pp.271-89. 26. Ollivier, Le Dix-huit-Brurnaire, p.222. 27. Aulard, "Le Lendemain du 18 brumaire", Etudes et Le{:ons, vol.2, 1906, p.223. 28. Ibid., pp.213-52. Chapter 5. France in 1800 1. Jacques Godechot, La Grande Nation: l'expansion revolutionnaire de laFranee dans le rnonde de 1789 Ii 1799 (Paris, 1956), 2 vols. 2. J. Dupaquier, "Problemes demographiques de la France napoleonienne", Rhrne, 17, 1970, 340-1. 3. Ibid., p.354. 4. Ibid., p.356. 5. Catherine Rollet, "L'Effet des crises economiques sur la popula­ tion", Rhrnc, 17, 1970,391-410. 6. M. Lachiver, La Population de Meulan du 17e au 1ge sieele: etude de dernographie historique (Paris, 1969), pp.193-208. 7. George D. Sussman, Selling Mother's Milk: The Wet-nursing Business in France, 1715-1914 (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1982), p.116. 8. R. Monnier, "Ouvriers", DN, 1287. 9. J. Houdaille, "Le Probleme des pertes de guerre", Rhrnc, 17, 1970,411-23. 306 NOTES 10. Dupaquier, "Problemes demographiques de la France napoleonienne", p.346. 11. Jacques Dupaquier (ed.) Histoire de la Population jranraise, vol.3, De 1789 a 1914 (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1988), pp.71-2. 12. Dupaquier, "Problemes demographiques de la France napoleonienne", p.351. 13. Louis Bergeron, L'Episode napolionien (aspects intmeurs), 1799- 1815 (Paris: Seuil, 1972), p.120. 14. Andre Armengaud, "Les Mariages de 1813 a Toulouse", in Sur la Population jranraise au XVlIIe et au XIXe siecles: hommage a Marcel Reinhard (Paris: Societe de Demographie historique, 1973), p.13.
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