2019 Activities Report Activities Report 2019 Instituto Socioambiental (ISA) is a non- SÃO PAULO profi t association, qualifi ed as a Civil Av. Higienópolis, 901 – sala 30 01238-001, São Paulo (SP) Society Organization of Public Interest phone: (11) 3515-8900 (Oscip, in the Portuguese acronym), fax: (11) 3515-8904 founded on April 22, 1994, by people with [email protected] training and outstanding experience in BRASÍLIA SCLN 210, bloco C, sala 112 the struggle for social and environmental 70862-530, Brasília (DF) rights. Its objective is to defend social and phone: (61) 3035-5114 collective goods and rights related to the fax: (61) 3035-5121 [email protected] environment, cultural heritage and human and peoples’ rights. ISA produces studies, MANAUS Rua Costa Azevedo, 272, 1º andar, Largo do Teatro, conducts research and implements Centro projects and programs that promote 69010-230, Manaus (AM) socio-environmental sustainability, valuing phone/fax: (92) 3631-1244/3633-5502 [email protected] Brazil’s cultural and biological diversity. BOA VISTA Rua Presidente Costa e Silva, 116 Board of Directors 69390-670, Boa Vista (RR) Deborah Lima (president), phone: (95) 3224-7068 fax: (95) 3224-3441 Marina Kahn (vice-president), [email protected] Beto Ricardo, Leão Serva SÃO GABRIEL Rua Projetada, 70, Centro, Caixa Postal 21 Executive Secretary 69750-000, São Gabriel da Cachoeira (AM) phone/fax: (97) 3471-1156 André Villas-Bôas [email protected] ALTAMIRA Strategic Management Council Av. João Pessoa, 3466, Jardim Independente II André Villas-Bôas, Adriana Ramos, 68372-235, Altamira (PA) phone/fax: (93) 3515-5749 Beto Ricardo, Bruno Weis, Deborah Lima, [email protected] Fábio Endo, Fany Ricardo, Jurandir M. CANARANA Craveiro Jr., Leão Serva, Marina Kahn, Av. São Paulo, 202, Centro Marcos Wesley, Raquel Pasinato, 78640-000, Canarana (MT) Rodrigo Junqueira, Silvia de Melo Futada phone/fax: (66) 3478-3491 [email protected] ELDORADO Institutional Support Rua Nove de Julho, 71 – Centro 11960-000, Eldorado (SP) phone: 55 (13) 3871-1697 fax: 55 (13) 3871-1545 [email protected] www.socioambiental.org Fora Garimpo (Mining Out), a Hutukara Associação Yanomami campaign Photo: © Victor Moriyama/ISA social and environmental pandemonium. Environmental Policies & Law Program team AThe expression summarizes what the participated in public hearings and meetings year of 2019, the first of the Jair Bolsonaro with the Federal Prosecution Office and administration, was. What was seen was prepared legal opinions and technical notes. stimulation for deforestation and land grabbing, The highlight was its actions in the Parliamentary criminalization of NGOs, and dismantling of Environmentalist Front Task Force, with agencies for the environment and the defense participation in meetings to debate changes in of the rights of indigenous and traditional the bill that eases environmental licensing. populations. It was a succession of attacks and of disrespect. The outburst of fires in the In the midst of this chaotic political scenario, Amazon, the break up with the Amazon Fund – ISA celebrated its 25 years with a Film Exhibition which funded, with resources from international in São Paulo, events, debates and the message cooperation, the fight against deforestation –, Vamos Continuar Resistindo (We Shall Resist), and the president’s statements encouraging theme of a campaign launched during the mining and the economic exploitation of celebrations that highlights the disposition of Indigenous Lands, among other things, caused the forest peoples to defend their rights. astonishment and made headlines in the The 23 indigenous peoples of the Negro River national and international media. Basin, in the Amazon’s northwest, and the If, on the one hand, the government promoted Yanomami and Ye’kwana, from the Yanomami almost daily setbacks, on the other civil society Indigenous Land, published their Environmental Introduction organizations articulated in defense of socio- and Territorial Management Plans (PGTAs, in the Portuguese acronym), after years of hard work environmental policies and indigenous and and joint construction. The peoples of the Negro traditional peoples’ rights. ISA took a stand River also started to build their Consultation throughout the year against these setbacks in Protocol. The Yanomami, the Ye’kwana, the editorials and signed articles in newspapers Xingu and the Panará peoples, in turn, finalized and websites, producing news and mobilizing their protocols, with rules to be respected in society. Meanwhile, its field teams continued the face of developments that may impact their to carry out and intensify activities to further territories, and handed them over to the federal strengthen the role of forest peoples, giving government. Other important achievements in them voice and support. Good examples are the the development and enhancement of forest monitoring of deforestation in the Xingu River products, involving indigenous, extractivist and Basin, in the States of Pará and Mato Grosso, quilombola (descendants of runaway slaves) carried out by Xingu + Network (Rede Xingu communities are noteworthy. Such is the +), exposing logging invasions; the analyzes case of the babassu flour from the extractive of protected areas in the Amazon, with the reserves of Terra do Meio, in Pará, which was assessment of their management and the added to the school lunch in the municipality threats to them; and the monitoring of the gold of Vitória do Xingu; the pequi oil (pequi is a fruit mining invasion of the Yanomami Indigenous found in Central Brazil) produced by the Kisêdjê Land, in Amazonas and Roraima – the theme people of the Wawi Indigenous Land, in Mato of the Fora Garimpo (Mining Out) campaign, Grosso, who won the UN Equator Prize; the corn promoted by the Hutukara Associação harvest in the Quilombo São Pedro (quilombos Yanomami with ISA’s support. are communities of descendants of runaway Isolated Indians, and their vulnerability, slaves), in the Ribeira River Valley, in São Paulo, were closely monitored. This resulted in the which strengthened the traditional quilombola book Cercos e Resistências: Povos Indígenas agricultural system; the festival that celebrated Isolados na Amazônia (Sieges and Resistances: the Yarang, Ikpeng indigenous women gatherers Isolated Indigenous Peoples in the Amazon), who are part of the Xingu Seed Network; and the a portrait of these peoples. Dossiers on their forest products festival in São Paulo. situation were also prepared and presented at Details of ISA’s activities can be found in this international forums. report. In Brazil’s National Congress, ISA monitored bills, Provisional Measures and the Proposed Enjoy your reading! Ikpeng extinguishes fire Constitutional Amendment opening Indigenous André Villas-Bôas used to bake fish Lands to economic exploitation. The Socio- Executive Secretary Photo: Manoela Meyer/ISA About us 7 Where we work 8 Programs, Projects & Services 9 Strategic objectives and main actions 15 ISA metrics 43 Partners 47 Staff & Collaborators 55 Contents The Conselho da Roça (Planting Field Council), made up of farmers and indigenous leaders, met in São Gabriel da Cachoeira to plan actions to maintain and strengthen the Traditional Agricultural System of the Negro River Photo: Adilson Joanico Baniwa - Rede Wayuri Our mission is: To build sustainable solutions to guarantee collective and diffuse rights and value socio-environmental diversity Our five-year impact vision (2016- 2020) is focused on: • Strengthened territories of socio- environmental diversity • Increased resistance of indigenous peoples, quilombolas and traditional populations in the face of setbacks in their acquired rights • A society better prepared to face About us climate change • A socio-environmental agenda well- known by society • An institutionally strengthened ISA Our strategic objectives are: To strengthen the diversity of indigenous peoples, 1 quilombola and traditional peoples with their knowledge and ways of life To strengthen the political role of traditional peoples, 2 indigenous peoples and the quilombola To contribute to policies and initiatives for sustainable 3 use of the forest, forest restoration and water resource management To contribute to reduce deforestation and environmental 4 degradation, to increase sustainable sources in the energy matrix and to adapt to the impacts of climate change To increase society’s support for the socio- 5 environmental perspective 6 To strengthen ISA’s institutional capacity 7 Where we work we Where ISA works in six Brazilian states and has offices in: Altamira (Pará) Boa Vista (Roraima) Brasília Canarana (Mato Grosso) Eldorado (São Paulo) Manaus (Amazonas) São Gabriel da Cachoeira (Amazonas) São Paulo (São Paulo) 8 Programs, Projects & Services Projects Programs, 9 ISA’s activities are carried out through programs, projects and services, which are articulated at different levels – regional, national and international. The Monitoring Protected Areas and Indigenous Peoples in Brazil area has its origins in the Centro Ecumênico de Documentação e Informação (Ecumenical Documentation and Information Center, Cedi), the organization that gave rise to the Instituto Socioambiental. Two teams – Monitoring and Indigenous Peoples – base their work on the provision and selection of free access data and qualified analyses, contributing to the defense of social, collective and diffuse rights related to the environment, cultural
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