172 JOURNAL OF THE LEPIDOPTERISTS' SOCfETY this butterfly is Phyciodes pulchellus (BoisduvaL 1852) i NTER NATI ONAL COMMISSION ON ZOOLOGICA L NOMENCLATURE. by virtue of the provisions of the Code, including gen­ 1999. International Code of Zoological N ornenclature, fourth edition. The Natural History Museum, London, UK. 126 pp. der congruence. KIRBY, WILLlAYI. 1837. rLepidoptera: Diuma.] Pr. 286-300, pIs. 3,4, in Part 4, Insects. In Fauna Boreali-Americana or the zoo!- LITERAT U RE CITED 0b'Y of the northern parts of British America, John Richardson. JOSiah Fletcher, Norwich, England. v-xxxix + 325 pp. + cp! 1-8 BIRD. C. D ., G. J. HILCHI E, N. G. KO NDLA , E. M. PIKE & F. A. H. + page i (errata). SPEHLlN(;. 1995. Alberta ButterRies. The Provincial Museum LAYBERRY, R. A., P. W. HALL & D. LAFONTAINE. 1998. The But­ of Albelta, Edmonton, Alberta. 349 pp. J. terflies of Canada. University of Toronto Press, Toronto, On­ BOISD UVAL, J. B. A. D. DE. 1852. Lepidopteres de la Caliiornie. tario. 280. Annales Societe Entomologiquc France 10:27.5-324. OPLER , P. A. 1999. A Field Guide to Western Butte rflies. DRLKY, n. 1770. lllustrations of natural history, wherein are exhib­ HOllghton Mifflin Co., New York, New York. 540 pp. ited upwards of two hundred and forty figures of exotic Insects SCOTT, A. 1994. Biol ogy and systematics of Phyciodes . Papilio ... to which is added a translation in French. London, White J (New Series) 7: 1-l20. l:xxviii + 130 + [2] pp., 50 + I pis, 4 f. EMMEL, J. F., T. C. EMMEL & S. O. MATTOO N. 1998. The types of California hutte rflies names by Jean Alphonse Boisduval: desig­ NORBEI{T G. KONDLA, Box 244, Genelle, British Co­ nation of lectotypes and a neotype, and fixation of type locali­ lumbia VOG lGO Canada, and CRISPIN S. Guppy, 4627 ties. Pp. 3- 76 In T C. Emmel (ed.), Systematics of Western North American Butterflies. Mariposa Press, Gainesville, Quesnel-Hydraulic Road, Quesnel, BC V2] 6P8 Canada. Florida. 878 pp CUPPY, C. S. & J. H. SHEPARD. 2001. Butterflies of British Colurl1- Receive"-for publication 28 January 2002; revised and accepted bia. UBC Press, Vancouver. 414 pp. 10 May 2002. Jrmmal of the Lepidopterists' SUciety .56(3), 2002. 172-173 HEDYA SAL/CELLA (L.), A PALAEARCTlC SPECIES, COLLECTED IN NORTH AMERICA (TORTRICIDAE) Additional key words: ,mmigrant, Olethreutinae, Sahx, Populus. FIGS. 1- 2. Hedya salicPlla male from Atchison Co., Missouri. l. Wings. 2. Genitalia (geniI. slide MS 97199). Hedya salicella (L.) is a trans-Palaearctic species also match three pinned adults of H. salicella from whose larvae feed in spun shoots and folded leaves of England and Germany that we examined. Salix and Populus species (Salicaceae). The five North The American specimens were collected over a 30- American specimens reported here were in three dif­ yr period at scattered localities: 1956 in Ontario, 1975 ferent collections, two public and one private. The dis­ in Massachusetts, and 1985 in Newfoundland and Mis­ tinctive forewing and genitalia of these specimens souri. Such a diffuse temporal-geographic pattern pro­ (Figs. 1, 2) match illustrations and adult sizes in vides little specific information about introduction and Bentinck & Diakonofl (1968), Bradley et al. (1979), spread beyond the general conclusion that H. salicella and other handbooks on Eurasian Olethreutinae. They is an immigrant in North America. VOLUYIE 56, NUMBER 3 173 The June-August adult recovery dates are similar to We thank). W Brown, S. Cover, D. G. Furth, J. R. Heitzman, those reported in Eurasia (Bentinck & Diakonoff and P. D. Perkins for specimen loans. ] 968, Bradley et al. 1979, Kuznetsov 1989), and sug­ LITERATURE CITED gests that H salicella is bivoltine in North America. BENTTNCK, G. A. , GRAAF & A. DrAKONOFF. 1961>. De nederlandse Details of wintering in Eurasia are unclear, but adult Blacirollers (Tortricidae). Monogr. Neder!. Entomol. Ver. ,3, 201 pp. BRADLEY, I. D., W G. TREMEWAN & A. SMITH. 1979. Blitish tortricoid flight dates also suggest that the egg or partly grown moth~. TOltlicidac: Oiethrentinae, Ray SOCiety, London, 336 pp. larva is the wintering stage. KUZNETSOV, V 1. 1989. Leaf-rollers (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) of Specimens examined. North America: Vittoria, ON. 13-VIII­ the southern part of the Soviet Far East and their seasonal cy­ .'ili, Freeman & Lewis, Canadian National Collection of Arthropods cles, pp. 57-249. in O. L. Kryzhanovskii, (ed.), Lepidopterous (CNC), Ottawa, ON; Cambridge, MA, 381 Walden St. at Concord fauna of the USSR and adjacent countries (translation). E. J Ave. , 26-VI-75, R. Silberglied, at 15 w blac:klight, male genit. slide Brill, Leiden. 405 pp. WEM 911981, forewing length 9.0 mm, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard, University, Cambridge, MA; 2 specimens, St. MICHAEL SABOURIN, 23476 Johnson Rd., Grantsburg, Johns, NF, reared VII-85, CNC; Brickyard Hill Wildlife Area, Atchi­ WI 54840 USA , WILLIAM E. MILLEH, Department of son Co., MO, at blacklight, J. R. Heitzman, male genit. slide MS 97199, forewi.ng length 9.0 mm, J. R. Heitzman collection, Inde­ Entomology, University of Minnesota, St, Paul, Min­ pendence, MO (Figs. 1 & 2). Europe: Derbyshire, England, 30-VI- nesota 55108 USA, and P. T. DANG, Agriculture and 25, H. C. Hayward, male genit. pn~p. WEM 291992, forewing Agri~food Canada, K. W Neatby BUilding, Ottawa, length 9 ..5 mm; Mt. Kaiserstuhl, Baden-Wtirttembe rg, Germany, 6-VIl-53, E. J'lC!dI, forewing length 10.0 Illm; Capeila, Germany, 14- Ontario, Canada KiA OC6. VlJ-42, Heddergott, male genit. prep. WEM 291991, foreWing length 10.0 mill, all three in U. S. National Muscum of Natural His­ Receivedforpublication 14 February 1999; revised and accepted tDlY, Smithsonian Institlltion, vVashington, DC. 1 December 1999 lou mol of the Lepidopterists' SOCiety 56(3), 2002. 17.1-176 A HOSTPLANT EXTENSION FOR HEMILEUCA HERA HERA (SATURNIIDAE: HEMILEUCINAE): THREETIP SAGEBRUSH (ARTEMISIA TRIPARTITA RYDB.) Additional key words: sagebrush sheep moth, Artemisia triclentattl, captive-rearing. Big sagebrush, Artemisia tridentata Nutt. (Aster­ mens. My observations of host associations and the re­ aceae), is widely documented as the exclusive host­ sults of captive-rearing are discussed in this note, plant for the sagebrush sheep moth, Hemileuca hera Field-observations. During April 1997, an inten­ hera (Harris) (Ferguson 1971, McFarland 1974, sive search was conducted of the area in which H hera Tuskes 1984, Stone 1991, Tuskes et al. 1996). In an in­ hera larvae were observed feeding on A. tridentata vestigation of insects in the upper Snake River Plain of and A. tripartita hosts. Plants containing larvae were southeastern Idaho, Stafford (1987) also found larvae tagged and larval development was monitored weekly of H. hera hera only on A. tridentata hosts, despite the between May 1997 and July 1997, Larvae on both A. presence of A. nova Nelson, A. arbuscula N utt. , and tridentata and A. tripartita demonstrated a life history A. tripartita Rydb. at the study sites. The use of and behavior typical of H, hera hera in other parts of Artemisia species other than A. tridentata has been re­ its range. On both hosts, first through third instal'S gen­ ported only by Collins (1974), who observed a small erally fed gregariously and then dispersed to feed indi­ number of H. hera hera larvae on silver sagebrush, A. vidually as fourth and fifth instars. On multiple occa­ cana Pursh. sions, late-instar larvae were observed to move from During a series of field surveys conducted to inves­ one Artemisia species to the other. Larvae often re­ tigate the life history of H. hera hera in the same gen­ mained on the second host for several days, indicating eral area of southeastern Idaho studied by Stafford that plants of both species were acceptable food (1987), I commonly found larvae on A. tridentata ssp. sources, wyomingensis (Beetle & Young). However, in one Female H. hera hera in this study area also used mixed-sagebrush community, I observed larvae at all hoth A. tridentata and A. tripartita as oviposition hosts stages of development feeding on both A. tridentata (Hampton 2(00). Eggs were most commonly laid on ssp, wyomingensis and A. tripartita ssp. tripartita stems of both Artemisia species, but approximately (hereafter abbreviated as A. tridentata and A. tripar­ 18% were located on the stems of other species in the tita). In 1997 and 1998, I reared captive larvae OIl A sagebrush llnderstOlY including Chrysothamnus vis­ tripartita for the purpose of obtaining voucher speci- cidiflorus (Hook) Nutt, (Asteraceae), Leptodactylon .
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