Public Document Pack Melksham Town Council Town Hall, Melksham, Wiltshire, SN12 6ES Tel: (01225) 704187 Town Clerk and RFO Linda Roberts BA(Hons) PGCAP, FHEA, FLSCC To: Councillor A Westbrook (Chair) Councillor T Watts (Vice-Chair) Councillor J Hubbard Councillor H Illman Councillor S Brown Councillor KIles Councillor G Mitcham Councillor M Pain Councillor M Sankey 4 November 2019 Dear Councillors In accordance with the Local Government Act (LGA) 1972, Sch 12, paras 10 (2)(b) you are invited to attend the Economic Development & Planning Meeting of the Melksham Town Council. The meeting will be held at the Melksham Town Hall on Monday 11th November 2019 commencing at 7.00 pm. A period of public participation will take place in accordance with Standing Order 3(F) prior to the formal opening of the meeting. The Press and Public are welcome to attend this meeting. Yours sincerely Mrs L A Roberts BA(Hons), PGCAP, FHEA, FSLCC Town Clerk and RFO Email: [email protected] Web: www.melkshamtown.co.uk Facebook: facebook.com/melksham.town Economic Development & Planning Melksham Town Council Monday 11 November 2019 At 7.00 pm at the Melksham Town Hall Public Participation – To receive questions from members of the public. In the exercise of Council functions. Members are reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety, Human Rights and the need to conserve biodiversity. The Council also has a duty to tackle discrimination, provide equality of opportunity for all and foster good relations in the course of developing policies and delivery services under the public sector Equality Duty and Equality 2010. AGENDA 1. Apologies 2. Declarations of Interest To receive any Declarations of Interest in respect of items on this agenda as required by the Code of Conduct adopted by the Council. Members are reminded that, in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, they are required to declare any disclosable pecuniary interest or other registrable interests which have not already been declared in the Council’s Register of Interests. Members may however, also decide, in the interests of clarity and transparency, to declare at this point in the meeting, any such disclosable pecuniary interests which they have already declared on the Register, as well as any other registrable or other interests. 3. Minutes (Pages 1 - 6) To Approve the Minutes of the Economic Development & Planning Meeting held on Monday, 21 October 2019. 4. Planning Applications (Pages 7 - 8) 19/08700: 52 Lowbourne. Detached Double Garage. (Full Plan) 19/08904: 45 Roundpond. Proposed 3 bedroom ‘Eco’ family home. (Full Plan) 19/09350: 50 Lowbourne. Crown reduce Magnolia Tree (T1) by 50% and unspecified tree; remove one branch. (Works to Trees in Conservation Area). Email: [email protected] Web: www.melkshamtown.co.uk Facebook: facebook.com/melksham.town 19/09936: 2 Tower Road. Provide dropped kerb to form vehicular access. (Full Plan) 19/09963: Land East of Spa Road. Variation of condition 6 on 18/04644/REM to allow for changes to the layout, house types and removal of some garages. (Variation) 19/09972: 29 Crescent Road. First Floor Rear Extension. (Full Plan) 19/10110: 2 Barnwell Road. Demolish garage and storage, erect 3 bed detached property. (Full Plan) 5. Planning Decisions 19/06915: Melksham House. 27 Market Place. Clubhouse for tennis players and boundary fence (revised location) – Approve with Conditions 19/08532: Garages at Land West of 10 King Street. Demolition of existing garage blocks and erection of 3 new dwellings and associated landscaping – Refuse 19/08643: 18-20 Bank Street. Change of use from a bank (use class A2) to a mixed use of bank and two flats (flats to be situated on first floor) Certificate of Lawfulness Prop use – Approve 19/08646: 18-20 Bank Street. External alterations in relation to the Certificate of Lawfulness Development for the change of use of the upper floors from a bank to 2 flats. – Approve with Conditions 19/09089: 4 Ferris Grove. Proposed Rear Conservatory. Certificate of Lawfulness – Approve with conditions. 6. Melksham Campus 6.1 Campus Site Meeting - 6 November 2019 To note outcome of site meeting held with representatives of Wiltshire Council’s Campus Team on 6 November. 6.2 Notification of Strategic Planning Committee Meeting - 13 November 2019 (Pages 9 - 10) Campus Planning Applications: 19/03329/DP3 Construction of Community Campus Building, including Demolition of Curtilage Listed Outbuildings of Melksham House (amended scheme) and 19/03394/LBC: Re-location of listed Email: [email protected] Web: www.melkshamtown.co.uk Facebook: facebook.com/melksham.town gate piers and demolition of curtilage listed outbuildings of Melksham House (amended scheme) are being considered at the Strategic Planning Committee on Wednesday, 13 November. Members are asked to nominate a representative to attend this meeting. 7. Proposed Works to Town Bridge (Pages 11 - 14) Proposed works for the installation of additional kerbing and pedestrian railings will start in January 2020. Wiltshire Council are seeking the Town Council’s View on the following traffic management proposals: Full Road Closure, except for pedestrians and cyclists (5 weeks duration) Temporary One Way Traffic Order (Direction of Traffic to be agreed) (10 weeks duration) Temporary Two Way Traffic Lights (10 week duration) 8. Wiltshire Council: Notice of Variation of Charges for Off Street Parking (Pages 15 - 16) To note changes for residents permits for off street parking. 9. Planning Local (Pages 17 - 18) To note information contained within the October Issue of Planning Local. 10. Temporary Road Closure - Xmas Fayre (Pages 19 - 26) To note a road closure has been submitted to Wiltshire Council regarding the Xmas Fayre/Lights Switch on for Saturday, 7 December. 11. Temporary Road Closure - Lower Woodrow and Forest Road (Pages 27 - 30) To note a Temporary Road Closure has been approved for Lower Woodrow (part) and Forest Road, which will come into operation on 12 December until 13 December from 09:00hrs-15:30hrs to allow Openreach to carry out cabling work. 12. Waiting and Parking Requests (Pages 31 - 36) To consider any waiting and parking restriction requests to submit to Wiltshire Council prior to the 31 January 2020 deadline. 13. CATG/Highway Matters 13.1 Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday, 17 October 2019 (Pages 37 - 54) To note minutes and comments raised with regard to the following: 6048: Bus Shelters – Lowbourne and Church Lane. A suggestion was made the Email: [email protected] Web: www.melkshamtown.co.uk Facebook: facebook.com/melksham.town current bench in Lowbourne could be relocated elsewhere. 9-12-2: Snarlton Lane – Highways requested to produce an estimate for a children warning sign and coloured high friction surface. The Town Council to considered a percentage contribute towards this scheme. 6-19-4: Bath Road/Union Street. It is estimated 4-5 bollards for this purpose would cost £1,500. The Town Council were asked to consider the provision of planters as an alternative. 13.2 Temporary Speed Indicator Devices (Pages 55 - 60) To note criteria changes for site eligibility and deployment of speed indicator devices. 13.3 Installation of Bollards Church Street (Pages 61 - 62) To consider a request from a resident for the installation of bollards in Church Street in order to deter delivery drivers parking outside their property. 13.4 Lowbourne - Request for Speeding Restrictions (Pages 63 - 64) To consider a request from a local resident that speed restrictions are introduced on Lowbourne in order to slow traffic down. Email: [email protected] Web: www.melkshamtown.co.uk Facebook: facebook.com/melksham.town This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 3 Melksham Town Council Minutes of the Economic Development & Planning meeting held on Monday 21st October 2019 at 7.00pm in the Melksham Town Hall PRESENT: Councillor A Westbrook (Chair) Councillor T Watts (Vice-Chair) Councillor J Hubbard, Town Mayor Councillor S Brown Councillor KIles Councillor G Mitcham Councillor M Pain Councillor M Sankey IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor Welch OFFICERS: Mrs Linda Roberts Town Clerk Mrs Lorraine McRandle Committee Clerk PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: 2 members of the public were present. 32/19 Apologies Apologies were received from Councillor Illman with Councillor Jeffries substituting. 33/19 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest. 34/19 Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 30 September 2019, having previously been circulated were approved and signed as a correct record by the Chair, Councillor Westbrook. 35/19 Planning Applications The Town Council had no objection to the following planning applications: 19/09037: 83 King Street. Single storey rear extension & extension to 1 Page 1 existing outbuilding. (Full Plan) 19/09073: 10 Woodstock Gardens. Two storey extension. (Full Plan) 19/09045: 7 Church Walk. Change of windows from timber to aluminium. (Full Plan) 19/09394: 7 Church Walk. Change of windows from timber to aluminium. (Listed Building Consent) 19/09281: 3 Littlejohn Avenue. Erection of 1 dwelling and extension to existing dwelling. (Full Plan) Members had no objection to this application, subject to the Planning Officer being satisfied the application overcomes the reasons for refusal of the previous application (19/03284), relating to Core Policy 57 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy and section 12 of the National Planning Policy Framework. Councillor Fiorelli arrived at 7.25pm 36/19 Planning Decisions The following planning decisions were noted: 19/03879: Roundponds Farm, Shurnhold. Minor material amendment to the battery storage facility, including increase in battery containers on site and associated layout updates. (Full Plan) – Approve with Conditions 19/07049: Eastbrook House, 375 Longleaze Lane. Roof extension with car port. (Full Plan) – Approve with Conditions 19/07225: 4 The Bramblings. Retention in fence in new location adjacent to previous fence of the same height and design.
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