,,-~ ~~. ~,- ~ - Mozamtnque AWE ItA ~ ; " ­ ......... -, ......... ........." '-. , ; "......... -. peace process ......... EUROPEAN PARLIAMENTARIANS bulletin FOR (SOUTHERN) AFRICA Issue 14 - February 1995 Written by Joseph Hanlon and Rachel Waterhouse Material may be freely reprinted Published by AWEPA, the European Parliamentarians for Southern Africa Prins Hendrikkade 48, 1012 AC Amsterdam, Netherlands Rua 0 Joao IV 163 (CP 2648), Maputo, Mozambique Tel: (31) 20 626 66 39 Fax: (31) 20 622 01 30 Tel: (258) 1 - 49 24 25 or 741089 Fax: (258) 1 - 49 24 21 Winner takes all Frelimo and its President Joaquim Chissano won January. Most UN staff had left by the end of Mozambique's first multi-party election 27-29 OCtober. November. The last meetings of the peace process The election was widely praised by international commissions were on 5 and 6 December; UN Special observers; the outcome was accepted by all parties. Representative Aldo Ajello left on 13 December. The new parliament met first on 8 December; Boarding the plane for UN headquarters in New Chissano was inaugurated on 9 December and York, Ajello entrusted the uncompleted tasks of his named his new governmHnt in late December. The mission, and correction of its mistakes. to new government took office on 23 December. Mozambique's newly elected government. Chissano selected only Frelimo stalwarts as Although the 23 December final report of UN ministers and Frelimo set the procedural rules for the Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali heaped high new parliament. This came as a shock to Renamo, praise on the ONUMOZ mission as a success, he which seems not to have understood the power of the admitted that several aspects had not been winners in a Western-style democracy. During the two completed. He cited: years when the United Nations held sway, Renamo • "the existence of arms caches in the country" only had to walk out and the international community (Renamo, in particular, never allowed the UN to visit immediately gave in to its demands; when Renamo some of its arms dumps.) walked out of parliament, it continued to sit without • "the incomplete integration of territorial Renamo there. administration" (In violation of the peace accord, Renamo still has arms caches and remains in Renamo never permitted government access to some effective control of some territory. Renamo head of its areas.) Afonso Dhlakama said that Chissano had gone back • "the continued presence of mines throughout the on a promise by Chissano to include non-Frelimo country" (Infighting between UN agencies delayed people in government. And Renamo is demanding mine clearance for more than a year.) governorships of the five provinces where it gained • inadequate training and equipping of the new army more votes than Frelimo, as well as other and national police. concessions. But it remains unclear if it will try to back up the demands with force. The post-election period has been very peaceful. Painful birth of parliament Most of the international community have publicly thrown their weight behind the new democratically The inaugural session of Mozambique's first ever elected government. But the new government faces multi-party parliament was immediately disrupted by huge problems in rebuilding a country shattered by an opposition walk-out which stretched into a three war, and it will be dependent on donor funding for week Renarno boycott. many years. The first test for the new government will At its first session on 8 December, after swearing be the annual donors' conference, which was in its deputies, the first task of the new assembly postponed from December and will now probably be (parliament) was electing the president (speaker) of held in March. The United States is rumoured to want parliament. With President Joaquim Chissano in the to use the conference to put pressure on the chair, Frelimo nominated former Attorney General government to make concessions to Renamo. Eduardo Mulembwe, a member of Frelirno's ruling 15­ Meanwhile, the United Nations Operation in member Political Committee; Renamo nominated Mozambique (ONUMOZ) is to be wound up by 31 Raul Domingos, head of its political affairs Mozambique Peace Process Bulletin 14 - February 1995 - 1 ueparuuer II. YVUll\:l:;1 ~t:IIl::la!IVII VI 1\,111111:;;1 UI:;;IJU'Y 1I1111!:::'l!::l:::' Renamo demanded that the vote on the speaker replaces some of the old guard. Chissano's pledged be secret, while Frelimo called for an open vote. concern for competence is reflected in higher level Ohissano ruled that the vote should be open. Renamo technical qualifications among new appointees. and the small urnao oemocranca (Democratic Union, Women members have risen from one to five (four UD) boycotted the vote and then walked out, so deputies and one minister) .. Nearly all provinces are Mulembwe was named speaker. represented and there is a better ethnic mix, although Before leaving the hall, Renamo deputy Manuel 9 of 20 ministers come from the south. Pereira told the assembly: "This is not the kind of But all are Frelimo stalwarts. Only 3 ministers kept parliament we expected. Just because it has the their posts, but 13 of 20 were ministers, deputy majority, it seems Frelimo rules here!" ministers, or governors in the previous government, The Parliamentary Permanent Commission, which and 5 others had important government posts. handles business when parliament is in recess, was This is a government run by doctors. Chissano was defined as having 7 MPs from Frellrno, 5 from a medical student, Prime Minister Dr Pascoal Renamo, and 2 from the UD. Frelimo and the LID Mocumbi was a former health minister, and he was nominated members (see page 10); Renamo did not. repleased as Foreign Minister by yet another doctor Renamo claimed it would not rejoin the parliament and former health minister, Leonardo Sirnao. until voting procedures were changed. After two The most radical change is the creation of an inner weeks of consultations between Mulembwe and the cabinet with three ministers in the president's office: Frelimo and Renamo benches brought no progress, Minister for Economic and Social Affairs Eneas Frelimo and UD deputies went back to wind up the Corniche (promoted from Finance Minister) who will first session of parliament. The next sitting was be the central economic figure in the new announced to begin on 21 March. government, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Francisco Eventually Dhlakama climbed down. "We will Maderla. and a Minister of Defence and Security participate, as not joining in parliamentary debates Affairs. Intriguingly, this last post remains vacant. only gives Frelimo the grill to fry its own sardines, Other important changes include the Defence because there is no opposition in parliament," he said. Ministry passing from military to civilian leadership, On 28 December Rename named its five members to under former Minster of State Administration Aguiar the permanent commission. Mazula. Old war horses from Frelirno's liberation Mulembwe was a controversial choice as speaker. struggle against the Portuguese, notably General He is seen as having failed as attorney general to fulfil Alberto Chipande, Mario Machungo, Mariano his public promise to the out-going parliament to fight Matsinha and Jacinto Veloso, have dropped from the against corruption (giving up after he received death scene. Frelimo's chief peace process negotiator, threats). Armando Guebuza. was retired from cabinet to Apparently Renamo got wind of internal Frelimo parliament where he heads Frelimo's bench. dissension over Mulembwe, and thought it might Minor changes include: divide the vote, if votes were cast in secret. • the abolition of the ministries of cooperation Political observers in Maputo were divided over the (integrated into foreign affairs), information (reduced issue. Some argued Frelimo should have been more to a directorate-general in the Prime Minister's office), flexible and agreed to a secret ballot, to appease and industry & energy (industry merged with Renamo in a spirit of "national reconciliation". Others commerce and energy merged with minerals); argued that Renamo needed to be shown that its • the creation of new ministries of environment and minority position in parliament did not give it the same social welfare; and powers as the equal status it had on the nation's • renaming ministries of construction & water as peace-keeping commissions which for two years were housing & public works, agriculture as agriculture & responsible for gUiding transition to from war to fishing, and culture & youth as culture, youth & sport. elections. Whenever Renamo disagreed with Frelimo Some critics argue there is little sign of on the commissions, it resorted to boycotts. commitment to fighting corruption, with some Everyone agreed on the lack of prior education for allegedly compromised figures still prominent in Mozambique's political parties on the workings of a government and parliament. pluralist assembly and on the role of the opposition. Chissano apparently met reluctance from non­ political figures to joining his government. The most public example was National Elections Commission The new(ish) government PresidfJnt Braz ao Mazula, who turned down crussano's offer on the grounds that his status as a Mozambique's constitution attributes wide-reaching neutral figure would seem to have been compromised powers to the President of the Republic, who names all along. the cabinet. the ten provincial governors and the mayor of ~,4aputo city (who has governor status). Following the official announcement of his victory What place for Renamo? on 19 November, it took President Chissano another month of consultations to select his new cabinet. He Chissano dashed Rename's hope that. in the interests promised to choose his new team on the basis of of national reconciliation, he would name some of competence, renewal and recognition of the need for their members as ministers or to governors in the five national reconciliation, and not on party allegiance. central region provinces.
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