THE VELIGER © CMS. Inc .. 2000 The Veliger 43121:179-189 I April 3. 20001 Two New Species of the Family Hydrobiidae (Mollusca: Caenogastropoda) from Austria MARTIN HAASE Institut für Natur-. Landschafts- und Umweltschutz, Universität Basel, St. Johanns-Vorstadt 10. CH-4056 Basel. Swilzerland ERICH WEIGAND Glatschach 16. A-9772 Dellach/Drau. Austria AND HARALD HASEKE Na11onalpark O.ö. Kalkalpen Gesellschaft m.b.H. Molln, A-4591 Molln. Austria Abstract. Two new species of l:he family Hydrobiidae from Austria are described. One belongs to l:he genus Bel­ grandiella A. J. Wagner. 1928, the second is allocated to Byrhiospeum Bourguignal. 1882. The crenobiontic Belgrandiella species is charactedzed by one autapomorphic character statt: of the genital system and by a umque combinalion of states wbich are sbared with other species. The second species, a stygobiont. is tentatively auributed to Bychiospeum, because its descriplion is based only on shell charactcrs. 8oth species are known from very restricted ranges correspond­ ing to lhe distributional pattem of their congcncrs. In addition. data of 13 abiolic parameters measured over a pedod of more than 5 years in lhe spdngs where the new species were found are prescnted. Thc valucs of these parameters are characteristic for naiUral. carbonate brooks. Con­ tanlination witb fecal bacteria suggests influence through agriculture or may be caused by feces of mammals. Chemically, agriculture and forestry appear to have no significant impact on the springs investigated. INTRODUCTlON important step toward understanding the aurecology of crenobiontic and stygobiontic organisms. ThroughoUl the world, karst systems are known to be in­ habited by spcciosc faunas including many stygobionts MATERIALS AND METHODS (e.g.. lllies. 1978; Botosaneanu, 1986; Jubenhie & Decu. 1994). Since 1991. the beginning of the karst monitaring All four localities where tbe snails presentcd in this study projects of lhc area of lhe then prospeclive. now estab­ have been collected are in lhe drainage area of the rivers Lished (25 JuJy 1997) Nationalpark Kalkalpen and its sur­ Steyr or Krumme Steyrling. a left tributary of the Steyr. roundings in lhe Nonhem Calcareous Alps of southea$t­ whkh empties into the Enns shortly before tbe lauer cm Upper Austria (Atzwanger, 1993; Haseke. 1993), a flows into the Danube. This river system is pan of the nurober of hydrobioid (sensu Davis. 1979) gastropods right (soutbem. Alpine) catchment area of l:he Danube. were found. The species belong to the genera Be/gran· More detailed Jocality data and infonnalion about the to­ die/la A. J. Wagner. 1928. and Byrlrinella Moquin-Tau­ tal number and thc number of specimens investigated are don, 1855. bol:h largely crenobiontic genera. and the sty­ given in the systematic descriplions. PhysicaJ parametcrs gobiontic genera Byrhiospeum Bourguignat. 1882, and of the springs measurcd are listed in Table 3. These data Hauffenia Pollonera, 1898. Thc Belgrandiella and By­ were taken rrom Ha<oeke ( 1998). The material is dcposited thiospelll/1 species, one species each. turned out to be new in the Museum of Natural History in Vienna (NHMW). ro science. The snails were fixed in Bouin's solution. in 4% fom1- Tbc monitonng not only compriscs faunislic recordings aldehyde or in 70~ ethanol. respectively. Anatomical but also lhe collccrion of physical parametcrs of the methods were those of Haase ( 1992). The SEM picturcs springs. Thus. we arc able ro present detailed descriptions wcre panly made on a JEOL JSM 35 Scanning Micro­ of rhe environmenr of the new hydrobiids. which is an scope at thc Zoological Institute tn Vicnna and partly on Page 180 The Veliger, Yol. 43, No. 2 a JSM 6300 at lhe SEM Laboratory of the Uruversiry of Type locaUty: Rmnende Mauer. a system of spnngs Basel. ernerging on the foot of a süghtl) overbanging wall of conglomerate overgrown with mosses respectively on top SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS of that wall over a lenglb of about 30 m forming a beau­ General Remarh tiful curtam of drops (Figures I, 2). This system of springs is close to the left bank of lhe n ver Steyr nonh In the prcsent descnptions of lhe new spec1es, only of Leonstem 405 m above sea Ievel Tbe snails üve in characters relevant for the dtagnostS of species are pre­ t.he lower springs and their common ctischarge. semed. Tht! de!>cripuons are based on fixed material. Therefore, several characters whose investigauon requires Additional material: R.igbt spring of the Wtmdcrlucke observation of living ammals could not be included (cL (F1gure 1). a pond. close to tbe left bank of the river Hershler & PCJnder. 1998). Whenever possible, we used Krumme Steyrling 10 Rabach. 365 m above sea Ievel lhe tenninology of Hershler & Ponder ( 1998) for the def­ (NHMW 89960. four series of secuons. >25 spec1mc:ns). inition of chnracter states. Only lhe material from the type Etymology: Aulaeum (Laun, neuter) means splendid cur­ localities lS declared type mntenal m order to avoid tax­ tain and refers to the cunnm of drops at the type tocallly onomic confusion 10 casc the populauons from other Jo­ caJities c;hould turn out not to be conspecific, applying Oiagnosls: 8. aulaei IS characterized by the position of finer mcthods like moleculnr tcchniques. lhe receptaculum scmims between albumen gland and bursa copulatnx and by the unique combination of the Belgrandiella A. J. Wagner, 1928 following characters: capsule gland b1parti1e, posterior al­ bumen gland ~ymmetncal. bursa copulatrix behind al­ Type species: Belgrandia kusceri A. J. Wagner, bumen gland. bursal duct as wide loop. 1914 Descriptioo: Shel/. Pup1fonn. shalJow suru.res. transpar­ Diagnosls: Shell pup1form. rarely rurrifonn. usually ent, with up to 3 .75 moderately convex wborls of wbich srnaller than 2.5 mm; protoconcb pmed, teleoconch with­ t.he pllted protoconch compnses about one wborl (Figures out sculpture. Stomach without caecum. In females the 3. 4). Apenure obliquely ovo1d: outer bp straight and or­ mtesune hes close to the palhal oviduct wtth only a weak­ lhocline. Umbihcu:. n '>lll Meru.urcmems are given in Ta­ ly developed loop to the left: tn males tllls loop 1S qwte ble 1 distincL Fernale genuaJ :>ystem characterized by a simple Operculum. Thin. orange. pauc1spiral. nucleus submar­ ovary, the pre!)ence of a bursa copulauix. and a recepta­ ginaJ culum SeilUnis lying ventral to t.hc.: bursa; renal oviduct Radula lFtgure 5)· R 5-7 I 5- 7/1 I L. 3-4 L 5-6 M : descnbes a smgle, wtde loop before passing mto the pal­ 24-26 M : 24-29. Centtal toolh trapezo1dal; basal tongue Hal oviduct. ln males the tesus bns simple, wide Iobes; 1 of the central toolh as long as lateral margins and V­ vas dcferens emers and leaves the prosrate at its very shaped, with curved edge: basal cusps prominent Face ends; ejaculatory duct onJy weakJy developed; penis of lateral tecth taller than wide, with basal projection; without glands but often a muscular lobe on the left side. lateral wmg much Ionger than cutting edge. Cusps on Remarks: Tlus diagnos1s is based on Radoman (1983) mner margmal teclh shghtly !arger than on outer marginal and Haase (1994). The entire anatomy of a Belgrandielfa teelh; cutting edge on inner marginal teeth Ionger lhan species is presented in Haase ( 1993a). However, the de­ 25% of total roolh lcngth. liinitation of Belgrandiella from ot.her, siinilar nominal Non-geniral anatomy. ln most spec1men!> mantle en­ gcnera is ambiguous. and concepts of various aut.hors dtf­ tirely black. But t.he epnhehum lying over the d1stal fcr considerably. Lack of knowledge of anatomical data glands of lhc genital syMem (prostate. pallial oviduct) and of many species auributed to various nominal genera and t.he stomach may have less p1gmenL Epidermis of head nomenclarural problems have prevented a thorough sys­ and foot pracucally unp1gmemed But tbeir connecuve temauc analys1s and clenr clas!)ificauoo of Lhis group of tissues as weil a.:. the radular bolsters and lhe pharyax species so far. This problern 1s outlined in more detail by contam black granules Cephalic tentacles bear no ciha. Haase ( 1996) in his discuss1on of lhe genenc allocanon ln one female from tbe Wundertucke two additional eyes of the Austrian radiauon attributcd to Belgrandiella. were found on lhe bn.se of t.he nght tentacle. No ctenid­ Jum. HypobranchtaJ gland ver) shon lying in the rear of Belgrandie/la aulaei Haase, Weigand & Haseke, lhe mantle cavity. Endothebum of lbe stomach may con­ sp. nov. tain somc g:ranules of black p1gment. The stomacb and (Figures 3-7) mtestine of onc rnd1V1dual from the Wundertucke wcre fuU Wllh diatom~ . Holotype: NHMW 89958 Male reprodttctive S)Siem. Base of the perus broadened Paratypes: NHMW 89959 (one senes of lustolog1cal sec­ on the lcft side A round to elongate lobe 1s more or less uons. >50 spec1mens) weil separatcd from llus base (Figure 6). Bebiod the tip. M. Haase et al.. 2000 Page 181 1204 ~ S~h l efersteln \_ Ar~~ r =-\ s -----' e n g 1818.;1. 1-\ochsenlT! Hochkogel 11S1 . '' \1?4. Bte t'Ortege1 • • • .~erftill Nationalpark Kalkalpen 0 2 3 4 5 ~NATIONAL. PARK KA\...KALPE.N -- Kilometers s .---,..... Graphik: Norbert Stelnwendner, Nationalpark Kalkalpen GIS, 1_99_8______ ___:._ -========......."===~ Figure Locahtic~ of Belgrandiel/a aulaei Halli.e. We1g:md & Ha~eke , ~p. no\. and 8,\Fhwspeum uocki Haa~e. Wc1gand & Huscke. ~p. nov. REUT = Relllerstetnquclle. RIM = Rinnende Mauer, WEL = ~pnng Wclch:tll. WULU = Wun­ derlucke. black granules form.ing a spot are deposited in rhc mus­ of the bursal duct. and the formalion of the penis. Con­ culature. chological1y it is idcmical w11h 8. ganslmayri Haase, Female reproducrive sysrem. Capsule gland divided 1993. from Wcyer!Enns. With this species it also shares into two portions of wbich the smaller. anterior one stains rhe asymmctrical postelior albumen gland (Haast::.
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