Authors: Pallavi Subhraveti Ron Caspi Peter Midford Peter D Karp An online version of this diagram is available at BioCyc.org. Biosynthetic pathways are positioned in the left of the cytoplasm, degradative pathways on the right, and reactions not assigned to any pathway are in the far right of the cytoplasm. Transporters and membrane proteins are shown on the membrane. Ingrid Keseler Periplasmic (where appropriate) and extracellular reactions and proteins may also be shown. Pathways are colored according to their cellular function. Gcf_001463765Cyc: Aureimonas sp. AU4 Cellular Overview Connections between pathways are omitted for legibility. Anamika Kothari lipid II (meso diaminopimelate containing) FtsW HtpX MntH RS14400 lipid II (meso diaminopimelate containing) Hormone Biosynthesis Polyprenyl Biosynthesis Polymeric Aldehyde Degradation glutaminyl-tRNA gln Aminoacyl-tRNA Charging Macromolecule Modification tRNA-uridine 2-thiolation Compound N 6 -(3-methylbut- a [protein]- 4-methyl-5-(2- a [protein]-L- L-rhamnulose a [protein]-L- biosynthesis via transamidation and selenation (bacteria) Degradation a sulfurated + an L-cysteinyl- indole-3-acetate di-trans,poly-cis methylglyoxal degradation I 2-en-1-yl)- adenosylcobinamide a purine 2-oxoglutarate NADPH NAD a [glutamine- phosphooxyethyl) glutamate-O 5 L-aspartate ATP HMP-PP 1-phosphate Cys ATP methionine Tetrapyrrole Biosynthesis [sulfur carrier] 37 synthetase]- [tRNA ] biosynthesis -undecaprenyl muropeptide adenosine ribonucleoside thiazole -methyl-ester biotin peptide- cys 5'-triphosphate L-tyrosine glu IV (bacteria) phosphate biosynthesis purine nucleotides degradation II (aerobic) Nucleoside and Nucleotide Degradation degradation methylglyoxal in tRNA methionine superpathway of pyrimidine Si-specific NAD(P)(+) bifunctional (indol-3-yl) (2E,6E)-farnesyl superpathway of heme b L-alanyl-γ-D- lactoylglutathione aspartyl/ (S)-S-oxide IPP superpathway of heme b siroheme biosynthesis cysteine deoxyribonucleosides degradation transhydrogenase: thiamine chemotaxis rhamnulose- aminoacyl-tRNA acetonitrile diphosphate biosynthesis from glutamate glutamyl-meso-2,6- lyase: tRNA (N6-isopentenyl bifunctional asparaginyl beta- bifunctional [glutamine biotin--[acetyl- reductase desulfurase: phosphate response hydrolase: biosynthesis from glycine AMP 2'-deoxycytidine diaminopimeloyl- adenosine(37)-C2)- adenosylcobinamide hydroxylase AUL35_RS17575 1-phosphate CoA-carboxylase] MsrA: msrA AUL35_RS13495 synthetase] synthase: regulator protein- AUL35_RS10920 uroporphyrinogen-III sufS D-alanine (R)-S- methylthiotransferase kinase/ domain-containing NAD(P)(+) aldolase/ (indol-3-yl) isoprenyl glu an [L-cysteine adenylyltransferase/ AUL35_RS18765 ligase: peptide- an L-glutamyl- gly uroporphyrinogen-III lactoylglutathione MiaB: miaB adenosylcobinamide- protein: glutamate short-chain aminoacyl-tRNA acetamide transferase: glutamate-- multifunctional 2',3'- nucleoside transhydrogenase [glutamine synthetase]- AUL35_RS14600 methionine gln [tRNA Gln ] C-methyltransferase: desulfurase]-S- phosphate AUL35_RS15240 thiamine methylesterase: dehydrogenase: hydrolase: AUL35_RS00400 tRNA ligase: 5-aminolevulinate cyclic-nucleotide 2'- deaminase: hydroxyacylglutathione succinate (Re/Si-specific): adenylyl-L-tyrosine (S)-S-oxide amidase: cobA sulfanyl-L-cysteine guanylyltransferase: phosphate cheB AUL35_RS04615 AUL35_RS05050 Asp-tRNA(Asn) AUL35_RS01900 synthase: hemA phosphodiesterase/ AUL35_RS16290 thymidine γ hydrolase: gloB dehydrogenase, aspartyl/ AUL35_RS08910 phosphorylase: reductase glutamate AUL35_RS07300 precorrin-1 L-alanyl- -D- cobU synthase: biotinyl-5'- /Glu-tRNA(Gln) di-trans,octa-cis 5-aminolevulinate [+ 3 isozymes] hydrophobic AUL35_RS08920 AUL35_RS15810 chemotaxis-specific synthase: glutamate-- 5'-nucleotidase/ thymidine glutamyl-meso- asparaginyl beta- AUL35_RS03450 adenylate MsrA: msrA amidotransferase: (indol-3-yl)acetate -undecaprenyl tRNA ligase: uroporphyrinogen-III 3'-nucleotidase: GMP IMP (R)-lactate membrane anchor adenosyl- hydroxylase protein-glutamate a protein-L- gltD gltB a [TusA sulfur- phosphorylase: diaminopimelate DHAP (S)-lactaldehyde a tRNA Cys gatB gatA gatC diphosphate AUL35_RS00350 porphobilinogen C-methyltransferase: AUL35_RS11190 2'-deoxyuridine protein: sdhD cobinamide domain-containing methyltransferase cys methionine- [+ 5 isozymes] an L-glutamyl- deoA + a [glutamine a 5-phosphooxy- undecaprenyl- synthase: hemB carrier protein]-S- phosphate a purine NADH NADP CheB: cheB (S)-S-oxide Glu cobA multifunctional 2',3'- IMP protein: synthetase]-O thiamine L-glutamyl- diphosphate [tRNA ] sulfanyl-L-cysteine N 6 -(3-methylbut- ribonucleoside ammonium adenosine cyclic-nucleotide 2'- dehydrogenase: thymine AUL35_RS20870 4 phosphate Gln 5'-deoxyadenosine an unsulfurated -(5'-adenylyl) [tRNA ] phosphatase: porphobilinogen precorrin-2 L-alanyl-D- 2-en-1-yl)-2- met 5'-diphosphate α phosphodiesterase/ guaB [sulfur carrier] -L-tyrosine a [protein]- - AUL35_RS11365 pyruvate (methylsulfanyl) MeOH adenosine 5'-nucleotidase/ glutamate a [protein]- L-glutamate Asp-tRNA(Asn) di-trans,octa-cis hydroxymethylbilane adenosine 37 a [TusD sulfur- deaminase: 3'-nucleotidase: XMP L-Ala-D/L-Glu 3-hydroxy- succinate /Glu-tRNA(Gln) -undecaprenyl (S)-4-amino-5- synthase: hemC in tRNA carrier protein]-S- add AUL35_RS11190 epimerase: L-aspartate amidotransferase: phosphate oxopentanoate 2-deoxy-α- sulfanyl-L-cysteine multifunctional 2',3'- uracil AUL35_RS01875 gatB gatA gatC preuroporphyrinogen sirohydrochlorin D-ribose 1- inosine guanosine cyclic-nucleotide 2'- L-alanyl-L- a peptidoglycan with a [glutamine a protein-L- phosphate ditrans,octacis- an [HPr]- phosphoenol ditrans,octacis- a mature an L-asparaginyl- queuosine at sirohydrochlorin phosphodiesterase/ glutamate γ chitin a cytidine 34 undecaprenyldiphospho- (L-alanyl- -D-glutamyl- undecaprenyldiphospho- peptidoglycan synthetase]-O Asn glu position 34 lys methionine- an L-glutaminyl- tRNA charging phosphopentomutase: L-histidine pyruvate (n) [tRNA ] ATP roseoflavin chelatase: a [TusE sulfur purine-nucleoside purine-nucleoside 5'-nucleotidase/ 4 Asp Ile2 Gln β L-lysyl-D-alanyl-D- in tRNA (R)-S-oxide [tRNA ] 5-aminolevulinate AUL35_RS17425 N-acetyl-(N-acetyl- -D- N-acetyl-(N- (meso-DAP -(5'-adenylyl) of a tRNA 5'-phosphate AUL35_RS08530 34 carrier protein]-S phosphorylase: phosphorylase: 3'-nucleotidase: peptide- a uridine in tRNA glucosaminyl)muramoyl- alanine) pentapeptide acetylglucosaminyl) containing) -L-tyrosine uroporphyrinogen-III -sulfanylcysteine AUL35_RS17395 AUL35_RS17395 AUL35_RS11190 2-deoxy-D-ribose phosphoenolpyruvate- beta-N- methionine glu glu porphobilinogen L-alanyl-γ-D-glutamyl-L- muramoyl-L-alanyl-γ- a tRNA siroheme -protein acetylhexosaminidase: aminoacyl-tRNA tRNA glutamyl- tRNA (R)-S-oxide synthase: hemB 5-phosphate lysyl-D-alanyl-D-alanine D-isoglutaminyl-N-(β- bifunctional uroporphyrinogen tRNA 2- glu lytic murein bifunctional [glutamine AUL35_RS03310 hydrolase: Q(34) synthetase lysidine(34) reductase hypoxanthine guanine xanthosine ala phosphotransferase: ptsP D-asparaginyl)-L-lysyl- riboflavin kinase/ a tRNA Ala ala tRNA asp asp ser a tRNA ser gly a tRNA Gly decarboxylase: thiouridine(34) transglycosylase: synthetase] AUL35_RS10920 GluQRS: synthetase MsrB: msrB elongator porphobilinogen deoxyribose- phosphoenolpyruvate- beta-N- Met glutamate-- Ile His Trp Leu Tyr Pro Arg Cys Thr Phe AUL35_RS12605 D-alanyl-D-alanine AUL35_RS16945 adenylyltransferase/ AUL35_RS16445 FAD synthetase: TilS: tilS Met met initiator tRNA met ile a tRNA his a tRNA trp a tRNA leu a tRNA tyr a tRNA pro a tRNA arg a tRNA cys a tRNA thr a tRNA phe a tRNA synthase phosphate monofunctional acetylhexosaminidase: aminoacyl-tRNA tRNA tRNA ligase: -protein AUL35_RS06710 peptide- Lys Val biosynthetic [+ 6 isozymes] [glutamine synthetase]- hydrolase: lys a tRNA val a tRNA hydroxymethylbilane coproporphyrinogen III MnmA: mnmA aldolase: phosphotransferase: ptsP nagZ methionine alanine- AUL35_RS01900 aspartate- serine- glycine-- asn tRNA Asn gln a tRNA Gln xanthine guanine purine-nucleoside heme a biosynthesis deoC peptidoglycan monofunctional adenylyl-L-tyrosine AUL35_RS05050 glutamyl- a lysidine 34 synthase: hemC dehydrogenase: deaminase: phosphorylase: roseoflavin (R)-S-oxide methionine-- methionine-- -tRNA glutamate-- -tRNA isoleucine-- histidine-- tryptophan- leucine-- tyrosine-- proline-- arginine-- -tRNA cysteine-- threonine- tRNA ligase: phenylalanine-- 34 transglycosylase: phosphorylase: Ile2 oxygen-dependent a 2-thiouridine guaD AUL35_RS17395 biosynthetic a mature GlcNAc-1,6- N-acetyl-D- queuosine at in tRNA reductase tRNA ligase: tRNA ligase: lysine--tRNA ligase: ligase: tRNA ligase: ligase: tRNA ligase: tRNA ligase: -tRNA tRNA ligase: tRNA ligase: tRNA ligase: valine--tRNA ligase: tRNA ligase: ligase: tRNA ligase: -tRNA AUL35_RS01565 tRNA ligase: pheS xdhA xdhB an [HPr protein]- AUL35_RS15810 chitin adenine preuroporphyrinogen coproporphyrinogen in tRNA D-glyceraldehyde mtgA π pyruvate peptidoglycan peptidoglycan anhMurNAc- glucosamine position 34 protoheme N -phospho- (n) dinucleotide MsrB: msrB AUL35_RS00175 AUL35_RS00175 AUL35_RS01005 alaS AUL35_RS00350 aspS AUL35_RS06700 AUL35_RS06760 ligase: trpS AUL35_RS12690 AUL35_RS14360 AUL35_RS14585 AUL35_RS16680 AUL35_RS16710 serS AUL35_RS17870 ligase: thrS AUL35_RS01575 AUL35_RS03400 acetaldehyde transglycosylase: γ Asn of a tRNA Asp a [protein]-L- oxidase: hemF protoheme IX tRNA uridine-5- 3-phosphate L-histidine (meso-DAP L-Ala- -D-Glu- asn tRNA carboxymethylaminomethyl(34) xanthine a peptidoglycan with
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