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Tallulah and Jodie Harsh. 060 HOROSCOPES Linda Riley ED’S LETTER [email protected] 007 CALENDAR 041 COMMUNITY 062 HEALTH 020 7258 1777 Cultural events to check out A Faith & Homophobia confer- Keeping things safe over Welcome to the second issue of many of them have been largely Group Advertising Manager during the month of February. ence, plus other community Valentine’s, and the re-clas- Out In The City, the monthly free forgotten by today’s generation Marianna Virides news and listings. sifi cation of crystal-meth. guide to all that’s going on for – LGBT History month is all [email protected] 010 RUFUS gay Londoners – and what a lot about remembering such 020 7258 1991 WAINWRIGHT 044 NEWS of choice you’ve got this month. people and celebrating their Sales Executives The singer-songwriter is paying The latest news stories from Whether it be waving your arms achievements. Dean Houlahan tribute to Judy Garland with home and abroad. at new Vauxhall after-hours Why is that important? Well, [email protected] an exclusive appearance at the Rise Up, eye’ing up Kylie’s frocks if nothing else, it does serve 020 7258 1991 London Palladium. We examine 46 PROPERTY at the V&A, enjoying Beyoncé to illustrate just how lucky we Hayley Morgan the lead up to the shows... Increasing the value of your in Dreamgirls at the cinema, are nowadays. History tells us [email protected] property, and the appeal of a taking in the Gilbert & George that London has always been a Offi ce Manager 011 MUSIC pad in Vauxhall. retrospective at the Tate Modern, magnet for queer folk. Gay men Margaret Tapping Claudia Brücken from Onetwo, or moshing to the Long Blondes were cruising the molly houses [email protected] plus reviews of new albums 053 OUTLAW 018 at Popstarz – February has pretty of Holborn as far back as the 020 7258 1777 from Mika and The View. Pre-Civil Partnership Agree- much something for everybody. early 1700’s – but back then Publisher ments and Life Assurance fro Our aim at Out In The City is they risked being hanged for Sarah Garrett/ Linda Riley 012 FILM gay guys. to help you get out there and sodomy if caught in the act. In Square Peg Media Ltd An interview with Dreamgirls enjoy it. 2007, you can book some of the ISDN: 1473-6039 star Jennifer Hudson, plus the February is also Lesbian, Gay, capital’s most historic buildings latest fi lm reviews. Bisexual and Transsexual History for a civil partnership ceremony The content of this publication, either in whole or in Month – an annual celebration with your other half. How far part may not be reproduced, stored in a data retrieval 018 BORN of our heritage that seems to we’ve come. system or trasmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior permission from ROMANTIC? grow with each year. Given that Actually, with gay singer-song- the publishers. Opinions expressed in Out In The City are not neccessarily those of the publishers. © Square Peg Why does Valentine’s Day bring gays used to lead such secretive writer Rufus Wainwright taking Media Ltd 2000 - 2005. out the cynical side to so many lives, the lives of gay people over the London Palladium Square Peg Media Ltd t/a Out In The City magazine will not take any responsibility for any loss/ claim gay men...? before us have all too often been with his tribute show to Judy resulting from a transaction with one of our advertisers/ Media Partners. forgotten or erased from history. Garland, February is a right-old 020 FOOD 012 I chatted to DJ Tallulah about this celebration of gayville history. To Valentine dining options. subject for this issue (check page those who’ve gone before us, we B]ORdS`bWaSW\=CB 26). As he points out, we lost salute you! >ZSOaSQOZZ2SO\ 023 OUT THERE 58 TRAVEL so many gay men in the early Hudson BSZ( % #&&! Upcoming February highlights, Paris, Prague and other days of the AIDS epidemic, and [email protected] ! :3BB3@A abO`b=Cb MAILSACK SCENE SHRINKAGE TZObbS`SRPgg]c`ZSbbS`0Pcbc\T]`bc\ObSZg BVO\YaT]`bVS\Se[OUOhW\SO\RbVO\Yg]cT]` eSQ]cZR\¸b^S`acORSVW[b]^`]dWRScaeWbV QO``gW\UdS\cSZWabW\UaeVWQV\]]\SSZaSaSS[a O[]\bVZg^W\c^aV]b6]eSdS`VSRWRbSZZca b]P]bVS`QO``gW\U\]eOROga0cbWaWbXcab[S]` bVObPSQOcaSVWaQV]aS\`]ZSOaZWOWa]\]TTWQS` R]eSaSS[b]PSZ]aW\U[O\g]T]c`UOg^cPa- bS\Rab]W[^OQb]\VWaa]QWOZZWTSVS¸aQc``S\bZg ON FIRE 7¸[ac`SbVS`SO`STSeS`\]ebVO\bVS`SeS`STWdS ·V]^SZSaaZgaW\UZSO\RVObW\UWb¸ gSO`aOU] ;ObbAE' TAKE THAT! 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