Board of Directors (In Public) Schedule Friday 26 February 2021, 9:15 AM — 12:15 PM GMT Venue Via video conferencing Description A meeting of the Board of Directors will take place on Friday, 26 February 2021 at 9:15. The meeting will be held virtually via video conferencing Organiser Karen McHugh Agenda AGENDA Presented by Sheila Childerhouse Agenda Open Board 2021 02 26 Feb.docx 9:15 GENERAL BUSINESS Presented by Sheila Childerhouse 1. Resolution The Trust Board is invited to adopt the following resolution: “That representatives of the press, and other members of the public, be excluded from the meeting having regard to the guidance from the Government regarding public gatherings.” For Reference - Presented by Sheila Childerhouse 2. Apologies for absence: Kate Vaughton To NOTE any apologies for the meeting and request that mobile phones are set to silent For Reference - Presented by Sheila Childerhouse 3. Declaration of interests for items on the agenda To NOTE any declarations of interest for items on the agenda For Reference - Presented by Sheila Childerhouse 4. Questions from the public relating to matters on the agenda To RECEIVE questions from members of the public of information or clarification relating only to matters on the agenda Presented by Sheila Childerhouse 5. Review of agenda To AGREE any alterations to the timing of the agenda. For Reference - Presented by Sheila Childerhouse 6. Minutes of the previous meeting To APPROVE the minutes of the meeting held on 29 January 2021 For Approval - Presented by Sheila Childerhouse Item 6 - Open Board Minutes 2021 01 29 Jan Draft.docx 7. Matters arising action sheet To ACCEPT updates on actions not covered elsewhere on the agenda For Report - Presented by Sheila Childerhouse Item 7 - Action sheet report.doc 8. Patient/Staff story To RECEIVE for consideration and reflection For Report - Presented by Susan Wilkinson 9. Chief Executive’s report To RECEIVE an introduction on current issues For Report - Presented by Stephen Dunn Item 9 - Chief Exec Report Feb 21 Dunn.docx Item 9 Annex - nhs-providers-otdb-dhsc-white-paper-final.pdf 10:00 DELIVER FOR TODAY 10. Operational report To APPROVE the report For Approval - Presented by Helen Beck Item 10 - Operational Board update Feb 2021.doc 11. Integrated quality and performance report To APPROVE a report For Approval - Presented by Helen Beck and Susan Wilkinson Item 11 - IQPR Trust Board Report January 2021 v1.pdf 12. Finance and workforce report To ACCEPT the report For Report - Presented by Craig Black Item 12 - Finance and workforce board Cover sheet - M10.docx Item 12 - Finance Report- January 2021 FINAL.docx 10:40 INVEST IN QUALITY, STAFF AND CLINICAL LEADERSHIP Comfort Break - 10 minutes 13. People and organisational development (OD) highlight report To APPROVE a report For Approval - Presented by Jeremy Over Item 13 - People OD highlight report Feb 2021.doc Item 13 - People Plan tracker.pptx.ppt 14. Quality, safety and improvement reports To APPROVE the reports Presented by Susan Wilkinson and Nick Jenkins 14.1. Maternity services quality & performance report For Approval Item 14.1 - Maternity Quality and performance report Feb 2021.docx Item 14.1 Annex B - Neonatal nursing staffing report 1_12_20.docx 14.2. Infection prevention and control assurance framework For Approval Item 14.2 - IPC assurance framework.docx 14.3. Nursing staffing report For Approval Item 14.3 - Nurse staffing report - January 2021 Final.docx 14.4. Improvement programme board report For Approval Item 14.4 - Improvement Programme Board Report Feb 21 V2.docx Item 14.4 - IPB Appendix 7.pptx Item 14.4 Annex A - IPB 210208 Status Summary Action Plans OUT.xlsx 14.5. Quality and learning report - Q3 For Approval Item 14.5 - Quality and Learning report - Feb 21.docx 11:40 BUILD A JOINED-UP FUTURE 15. Future system board report To APPROVE report For Approval - Presented by Craig Black Item 15 - Future System public board report feb 2021 Summary.doc 11:00 GOVERNANCE 16. Governance report To APPROVE the report, including subcommittee activities For Approval - Presented by Richard Jones Item 16 - Governance report.doc Item 16 Annex B - NEDs responsibilities 2021 Feb DRAFT.doc 12:15 ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 17. Any other business To consider any matters which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered as a matter of urgency For Reference - Presented by Sheila Childerhouse 18. Date of next meeting To NOTE that the next meeting will be held on Friday, 26 March 2021 at 9:15am in West Suffolk Hospital For Reference - Presented by Sheila Childerhouse RESOLUTION TO MOVE TO CLOSED SESSION 19. The Trust Board is invited to adopt the following resolution: “That representatives of the press, and other members of the public, be excluded from the remainder of this meeting having regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, publicity on which would be prejudicial to the public interest” Section 1 (2), Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 For Reference - Presented by Sheila Childerhouse 9:15 GENERAL BUSINESS Presented by Sheila Childerhouse 1. Resolution The Trust Board is invited to adopt the following resolution: “That representatives of the press, and other members of the public, be excluded from the meeting having regard to the guidance from the Government regarding public gatherings.” For Reference Presented by Sheila Childerhouse 2. Apologies for absence: Kate Vaughton To NOTE any apologies for the meeting and request that mobile phones are set to silent For Reference Presented by Sheila Childerhouse 3. Declaration of interests for items on the agenda To NOTE any declarations of interest for items on the agenda For Reference Presented by Sheila Childerhouse 4. Questions from the public relating to matters on the agenda To RECEIVE questions from members of the public of information or clarification relating only to matters on the agenda Presented by Sheila Childerhouse 5. Review of agenda To AGREE any alterations to the timing of the agenda. For Reference Presented by Sheila Childerhouse 6. Minutes of the previous meeting To APPROVE the minutes of the meeting held on 29 January 2021 For Approval Presented by Sheila Childerhouse DRAFT MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING HELD ON 29 JANUARY 2021 AT WEST SUFFOLK HOSPITAL Via Microsoft Teams COMMITTEE MEMBERS Attendance Apologies Sheila Childerhouse Chair • Helen Beck Chief Operating Officer • Craig Black Executive Director of Resources • Richard Davies Non Executive Director • Steve Dunn Chief Executive • Angus Eaton Non Executive Director • Nick Jenkins Executive Medical Director • Rosemary Mason Associate Non Executive Director • Jeremy Over Executive Director of Workforce and Communications • Louisa Pepper Non Executive Director • Alan Rose Non Executive Director • David Wilkes Non Executive Director • Sue Wilkinson Interim Executive Chief Nurse • In attendance Helen Davies Head of Communications Georgina Holmes Trust Office Manager (minutes) Richard Jones Trust Secretary Earnest Lea Medical student Kate Vaughton Director of Integration and Partnerships Action GENERAL BUSINESS 21/001 RESOLUTION The board agreed to adopt the following resolution: “That representatives of the press, and other members of the public, be excluded from the meeting having regard to the guidance from the Government regarding public gatherings.” It was noted that this meeting was being streamed live via YouTube to enable governors and the public to observe the meeting. The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting, she also welcomed governors and members of the public who had joined via YouTube. 21/002 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE There were no apologies for absence. 21/003 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS FOR ITEMS ON THE AGENDA No declarations of interest were received. Board of Directors (In Public) Page 11 of 213 20/004 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC RLEATING TO MATTERS ON THE AGENDA Q The vaccination report in the board papers indicated that 80% of staff had taken up the opportunity to have a Covid vaccination. Could governors be assured that this would be addressed with the 20% who had not had a vaccination and could an update be provided on staff uptake of the flu vaccine? A This would be picked up under agenda item 11, vaccination report. Q Re wellbeing of staff; often staff themselves were the last to recognise that they were struggling. Could assurance be provided that line managers would act on this. A An update would be provided under agenda item 14, people organisational development (OD) highlight report. Q The infection report states that in December there were 50 probable, and 41 definite, hospital acquired Covid19 infections. Is it known how the number of patients becoming infected in West Suffolk hospital compare to numbers of nosocomial Covid19 infections in neighbouring Trusts? Following the reported outbreaks of Covid19 infection, it is reported that specific actions were put in place in an effort to reduce transmission. It is now the end of January, is there any assurance that the number of nosocomial infections/outbreaks have fallen this month? Were the patients infected in high risk categories? What was the outcome for these patients? A This would be picked up under agenda item 15.2, infection prevention report. 21/005 REVIEW OF AGENDA The agenda was reviewed and it was proposed to move agenda item 18, integration report to after agenda item 10, operational report, as this linked with the operational report and vaccination report. 21/006 MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 4 DECEMBER 2020 The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a true and accurate record subject to the following amendment: Item 246.1, page 11, answer to final question, reword final two sentences to read: “As a smaller unit this was very difficult and the Trust was in regular contact with three units in the region which it benchmarked against and shared learning with.” 21/007 MATTERS ARISING ACTION SHEET The ongoing and completed actions were reviewed and there were no issues.
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