INDEX Academy of Philadelphia. See University of 49-50. See also Ammunition; Board of Pennsylvania War; British troops in Am.; Colonies, Am. Adams, John, 66; on postal service, 83 (British); Continental Army; Continental Addams, Jane, 314 Congress; Continental currency; Continen- Affirmations, 4W, 146-147 tal Navy; Hessian troops in Am.; Loan The Age of Fighting Sail. The Story of the office certificates; Navy Board; Navy, Pa.; Naval War of 1812, by Forester, rev., 102- Prisoners of War; Provisions; Quaker 103 exiles Agriculture, of Pa. Germans, 131 Americans, Crevecoeur on, 135 Alberson, Rickloff, 61 Americanus, pseud. See Galloway, Joseph Albinus, Bernhard Siegfried, 159 Ames, John, 402, 404 Alcoholism, 39, 370 Amherst, Jeffrey, Baron Amherst, 190, 192 Alderfer, E. Gordon, The Witness of William Amish, 120, 131; dress of, 136, 136^ Penn, ed. by Tolles and Alderfer, rev., 41J- The Amish Year, by Rice and Steinmetz, 416 rev., 33^-335 ^ . Alexander, Charles, 44, 49, 51, 57 Ammunition, for Continental Army, 373 Alexander Hamilton. Vol. I: Youth to Ma- Andalusia, countryseat, water color by Wm. turity, 1755-1788, by Mitchell, rev., 420- Birch, 241, 254 421 Anderson, Benjamin Ashley, 49 Alexandria and Fredericksburg Railroad, 31, Anderson, John, 45 31W, 36, 38 Anderson, Martha (Mrs. John Anderson), 45 Allan, Elizabeth Pemberton (Mrs. Jas. Al- Anderson's Ferry, 85 lan), 348 Andrews, Charles McLean, study of, rev., Allan, George (1763-1800), 348 199-200 Allan, George (1767-1828), 348 Andrews, Wayne, Architecture, Ambition and Allan, James, 348 Americans, rev., 96-98 Allan, John, 348 Anglican Church. See Episcopal Church; Allegheny, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13 Episcopalians Allegheny County, 257; petitions for prison, 5 Angus, John, 57 Allen, L.G., 399 Ann, snow, 48 Allen, William, 159,172; country home of, on Antes, Willie, 380 mapofPhila. (1752), 71, 73 Anthracite coal. See Coal Allen, Capt. William, 51 Apple pie, 136 Allibone, William, 55, $6, 61 Apprentices, 64; medical, 158, 161 Alston, Charles, 159 Apsley Mill, 398 America, as apocalyptic wilderness, 128,128» Architecture: Wm. Birch and, 226-228; brick American Indian and White Relations to 1830: buildings, in Phila., 119; early Gothic, in Needs and Opportunities for Study, by U. S., 22677, i\6n; of Eastern Penitentiary, Fenton, rev., 418-419 20; for prisons, 8, 20; Quaker contribution American Philosophical Society, 125, 137, to, 122-123, 136; of Tidewater Maryland, i6gn; Gilpins exhibit endless paper to, 402; rev., 433-434; in U. S., rev., 96-98; for Gilpins, members of, 391, 392 Western Penitentiary, 6-10, 11-15, 17-18, American Revolution: activities of Christo- 19-20, 22, 25. See also Bricks; Houses; Log pher Ludwick in, 372-388; activities of Sea cabins Captains Club during, 48-53; Hessian de- Architecture, Ambition and Americans, by sertions encouraged, 374~375; Hessian pris- Andrews, rev., 96-98 oners of war, 374-378; legend of" founding Arlington, Lord. See Bennet, Henry fathers, rev., 91-92; letters and journals of Arlington, countryseat, 228 Baurmeister, rev., 421-423; Phila. map Arms and Armor in Colonial America, by (1752), important in, 69, 72, 73; Quaker Peterson, rev., 200-202 exiles in, 391, 392; supply problems during, Army of the Potomac, Negro troops in 373, 378, 380, 381, 382, 383; trade during, (1861-1865), rev., 341-343 443 444 INDEX October Arnold, Matthew, 120, 121 Bakers: career of Christopher Ludwick, 36 ^- Art, collected by Wm. Birch, 232, 233. See 390; need for, during Am. Rev., 379, 380, also Architecture; Folk art; Paintings 383-384, 385 Artists, dictionary of, in Am. (1564-1860), Baking: facilities for, during Am. Rev., 379, rev., 430-432 380, 381, 382, 38277; regulations for, during Assemblies, colonial, 357; powers assumed by, Am. Rev., 380-381, 382 Ballinger, Richard A., 304 Assembly, Pa. (colonial, 1682-1776): acts Balloting, 65; secret (17th century), 141,142- against criticism, 187; bribes Gov. Denny, 143, 152, 154 180-181, 192-193, 194, 196; in Charter of Baltimore, Md., 28-29; biog. of Robert 1682, 154; claims equal powers with House Oliver, merchant of, rev., 328-329; Demo- of Commons, 184, 197; conflicts with gov- cratic national conventions in (1844, 1848, ernors, 170-198 passim; criticized by Board 1852), 263-264, 265W, 267, 268, 269 of Trade, 171, 191, 197; encroaches on Baltimore and Ohio Railroad: service to executive prerogatives, 170-171, 174, 179- Washington, 29; Washington branch earn- 197 passim; Franklin, agent for, 179, 191, ings (1871-1875), 3o» 3$3> 3551 inadequate militia bills of, 171, Baltimore and Potomac Railroad, 29-30,30*2, 173, 178-187 passim, 190-192; opposition 38; net earnings (1873), 38W to Proprietary instructions, 171-198 pas- Bancroft, George, 266 sim; penal laws of, 3-4; petitions Crown for Bangor Whig and Courier, newspaper, 280, royal government, 191, 351; Quaker influ- 281 ence in, 171; Quaker representation in, Banister, John, 86 352W; requests repeal of currency restric- Bank notes, watermarks for, 395 tions, 357; and taxation of Proprietary Bank of North America, 62, 67 estates, 179, 180, 181, 187, 190-192 Bank of Pennsylvania, 67 Assembly, Pa. (unicameral, 1776-1790): in- Bank of the United States, 67 corporates Sea Captains Club, 45, $3; penal Banners in the Wilderness. Early Years of laws of, 4; petitioned for seamen's hos- Washington and Jefferson College, by Cole- pital, 58, 59 man, rev., 105-106 Assembly, Pa. (bicameral, 1790- ): Jas. Baptist meetinghouse, Phila., 60, 6$ Buchanan in, 255; revises penal code (1829), Baptists, 128W, 129, 134 low, 12, 15-16, 26; and Western Peniten- Barber, William, 62 tiary, 5-7, 8», 9-10, 11, 13, 15-26 passim Barclay, Robert, 122 Assheton, Ralph, 168 Bardolph, Richard, rev. of Stampp's The Association Battery Company, Phila., 41 n Peculiar Institution: Slavery in the Ante- Atheists, 155 Bellum South, 212-213 Atkins, Robert, 62 Barker, John, 234 Atkinson, Catherine (Mrs. Geo. Atkinson), 59 Barker, Gen. John, 246, 250, 253 Atkinson, George, 47, 59, 67 Barlow, Joel, 392 Atlanta and Richmond Air-Line Railroad, Barnes, James A., rev. of Davies' Patriotism 34,37 on Parade . , 99-101 Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, 38 Barnes, William, 41, 51, 53 Atlantic, Mississippi and Ohio Railroad, 32 Barney, Joshua, 57 Aubrey, Letitia Penn (Mrs. Wm. .Aubrey), Barry, John, 44, 51, 66 78, 79, 80, 82 Barry, Patrick, S3 Auburn, N. Y., prison at, gn, 13, 16 Barton, Benjamin Smith, 167 Auburn System. See under Penal reform Bartram, John (1(399-1777), 127; elected Augsburg, Germany, map of Phila. (1752) member of Swedish Royal Academy, 88- published in, 72-73 90; letter from Charles Magnus Wrangel Austria, wars of (18th century), 366-36^1 (1769), 89; letter to Collinson on cedars Avery, , 11 (1736), 87-88; Linnaeus and, 86, 90; in N. J. cedar swamps, 87-88; sends seeds to Col- linson, 86 Bartram, John, Jr. (1743-1812), 89 Bach, Johann Sebastian, 132 Bath, Pa., 254 Bache, Richard, 364W Baurmeister, Maj., letters and journals of Background to Glory: The Life of George (1776-1784), rev., 421-423 Rogers Clark, by Bakeless, rev., 423-424 Baynton, John, 180 Bainbridge, William, 66 Beard, James F., Jr., rev. of Miller's The Bakeless, John, Background to Glory: The Life Raven and the Whale . , 333-334 of George Rogers Clark, rev., 423-424 Beauregard, P. G. T., Mexican War reminis- Baker, Thomas, 66 cences of, rev., 107-108 1957 INDEX 445 Beck, Henry Charlton, The Roads of Home: The Birth of the Republic, 1763-89, by Lanes and Legends of New Jersey, rev., Morgan, rev., 207-208 436-438 Bjerkoe, Ethel Hall, The Cabinetmakers of Beckham, Armistead, 23, 24, 27 America, rev., 432-433 Bedford, Duke of. See Russell, John Bjerkoe, John Arthur, 432 Beef, 124 Black Horse, tavern, 370 The Beekman Mercantile Papers, 1746-1799, Blair, James, 43, 49 ed. by White, rev., 204-205 Blewer, Joseph, 44, 51, 54, 58, 59 The Beekmans of New York in^ Politics and Board of Trade: critical of Thos. Penn, 197; Commerce, 1647-1877, by White, rev., 204- critical of Pa. Assembly, 171, 191, 197; 205 opposes Quaker influence at Indian treaties, Belden, Marva Robins, So Fell the Angels, by 182; report on currency (1764), 358, 360 Belden and Belden, rev., 217-219 Board of War, 375, 378; refuses Christopher Belden, Thomas Graham, So Fell the Angels, Ludwick's resignation, 385 by Belden and Belden, rev., 217-219 Boerhaave, Hermann, 159, 161, 162, 163 Bell, Whitfield J., Jr., 118; "John Redman, Boggs, Benjamin R., 74-75 Medical Preceptor, 1722-1808," 157-169 Boker, George Henry, 414 Belles-lettres. See Literature Bond, Phineas, 158, 159 Belmont, countryseat, view by Wm. Birch, Bonds, U. S. government, 61, 62 236, 244-245, 246, 251, 253 Books, brought by Wm. Penn to Am., 121- Benedict, Ruth, 120 122. See also Libraries; Publishing "Benjamin Franklin and The Pennsylvania Boon, Elizabeth (Mrs. Wm. Boon), 45, 48 Chronicle," by John J. Zimmerman, 351— Boon, William, 45 364 Boscawen, Edward, 368 Bennet, Henry, 1st Earl of Arlington, 143 Boston, Mass., 123 Bennett, James Gordon, 277W Botany, 86, 118; Jas. Logan's experiments in, Bennett, Whitman, 247 126. See also Horticulture Bentham, Jeremy, 8, iow Boulton, Matthew, 392 Bentley, George R., A History of the Freed- Bowes, Hugh, 41, 45 men's Bureau, rev., 108-109 Boyd's Ferry, 85-86 Benton, Thomas Hart, biog. of, rev., 326-328 Boyle, Roger, Baron Broghill and 1st Earl of Bergius (Berg), Benedict, 89 Orrery, 143 Berlin, Germany, 367, 368 Brackenridge, A., 11, 13 Bermuda, 158 Brackenridge, Henry Marie, biog. of, rev., Berwick Sentinel, newspaper, 260 209-210 Bethell, Robert, 68 Braddock, Gen. Edward, 171, 355 Bethlehem, Pa., 132 Bradford, Thomas, 6 Beveridge, Albert, 305, 307, 314 Bradford, William (1721/2-1791), 43, 69, Beveridge, David, 230, 250 Bible, 24, 122 Bradford, William (1755-1795), \n Biddle, Charles, 44, 50, 61, 62, 64, 66, 68 Bragg, Thomas, 33 Biddle, Nicholas (1786-1844), 241 Brandywine, Battle of, 380 Bigler, William, 276 Brandy wine Creek, 391, 393 Binder, Frederick M., rev.
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