SHILAP Revista de Lepidopterología ISSN: 0300-5267 ISSN: 2340-4078 [email protected] Sociedad Hispano-Luso-Americana de Lepidopterología España Ustjuzhanin, P. Ya.; Kovtunovich, V. N. Species list of Pterophoridae of Bolivia with new records (Lepidoptera: Pterophoridae) SHILAP Revista de Lepidopterología, vol. 46, no. 183, 2018, April-June, pp. 497-500 Sociedad Hispano-Luso-Americana de Lepidopterología España Available in: https://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=45560340011 How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System Redalyc More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Journal's webpage in redalyc.org Portugal Project academic non-profit, developed under the open access initiative SHILAP Revta. lepid., 46 (183) septiembre 2018: 497-500 eISSN: 2340-4078 ISSN: 0300-5267 Species list of Pterophoridae of Bolivia with new records (Lepidoptera: Pterophoridae) P. Ya. Ustjuzhanin & V. N. Kovtunovich Abstract We give new data on Pterophoridae species from Bolivia and provide a checklist of them, including 41 species of 13 genera. Nine species are recorded for the fauna of Bolivia for the first time (in the article they are marked with *). The study was based on the main literature on Pterophoridae of Bolivia. KEY WORDS: Lepidoptera, Pterophoridae, new data, Bolivia. Lista de especie de Pterophoridae de Bolivia con nuevos registros (Lepidoptera: Pterophoridae) Resumen Damos nuevos datos sobre las especies de Pterophoridae de Bolivia y proporcionamos una lista de ellos, incluyendo 41 especies y 13 géneros. Nuevas especies son registradas por primera vez para Bolivia (en el artículo son marcados con *). El estudio estaba basado sobre la literatura principal sobre Pterophoridae de Bolivia PALABRAS CLAVE: Lepidoptera, Pterophoridae, new data, Bolivia. Introduction The Pterophoridae fauna of Bolivia has never been separately considered in the scientific literature. Till now there were 32 known species of them GIELIS (2003, 2006, 2011, 2013), KOVTUNOVICH et al. (2016). Material Examining the collections of plume moths from Bolivia, graciously provided to us by V. Sinyaev (Moscow, Russia), we have discovered 9 more species new for the fauna of this country. List of collecting localities Amboro - Santa Cruz, Amboro Nat. Park, 17º 59’ S, 63º 59’ W, 1900 m. Comarapa - Santa Cruz, 7,5 km SE Comarapa,17º 58.2’ S, 64º 29.2’W, 1725 m. Corani - Cochabamba, 3 km 70º from Corani 17º 13’ 9,5”S, 65º 51’ 44,7”W, 2650 m. Coripata - La Paz, 4,3 km SW Coripata, 16º 20.6’ S, 67º 37.4’ W, 1500 m. Cotapata - La Paz, Cotapata, 16º 16.8’S, 67º 52.6’ W, 3210 m. Illimani - La Paz, 10 km S Peak Mt. Illimani, 16º 44.2’S, 67º 49.0’ W, 3130 m. 497 P. YA. USTJUZHANIN & V. N. KOVTUNOVICH Lagunillas - Santa Cruz, near Lagunillas, 18º 15.5’ S, 64º 10.9’ W, 1722 m. La Higuera - Santa Cruz, La Higuera, 18º 47.7’ N, 64º 12.1’ W, 2050 m. Monteagudo - Chuquisaca, E Monteagudo, 19º 47.6’ S, 63º 53.4’ W, 1300 m. Sant Pedrito - Cochabamba, San Pedrito, 33 km SW Villa Tunari, 17º 07.4’ S, 65º 41.5’ W, 1066 m. Tatarenda- Santa Cruz, 11 km NE Tatarenda, 19º 50.3’ S, 63º 43.5’ W, 680 m. Tunari - Cochabamba, Sant Pedrito, 33 km SW Villa Tunari, 17º 07.4’ S, 65º 41.5’ W, 1066 m. Valle Grande - Santa Cruz, 11 km S Valle Grande, 18º 35.3’ S, 64º 06.8’ W, 2543 m. Chuquisaca, 29.5 km SE Padilla, 19º 31.9’ S, 64º 09.7’ W, 1545 m. Chuquisaca, 32 km SE Padilla, 19º 32.2’ S, 64º 07.9’ W, 1334 m. Results LIST OF NEW SPECIES FOR BOLIVIA Postplatyptilia alexisi Gielis, 1991 Postplatyptilia alexisi Gielis, 1991: 49. Type locality: Chile. Material: 1 1, 1 0, Coripata, 4-I-2010, V. & S. Sinyaev, A. Zamesov leg. Distribution: Chile, Bolivia. Postplatyptilia corticus Gielis, 2006 Postplatyptilia corticus Gielis, 2006: 115. Type locality: Venezuela. Material: 1 0, Monteagudo, 24-XII-2009, V. & S. Sinyaev, A. Zamesov leg. Distribution: Venezuella, Bolivia. Postplatyptilia saeva (Meyrick, 1930) Platyptilia saeva Meyrick, 1930: 566. Type locality: Peru. Material: 1 1, La Higuera, 19-20-XII-2009, V. & S. Sinyaev, A. Zamesov leg. Distribution: Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia. Michaelophorus indentatus (Meyrick, 1930) Oxyptilus indentatus Meyrick, 1930: 564. Type locality: Texas, USA. Material: 1 0, Lagunillas, 17-XII-2009; 1 1, 2 00, 32 km SE Padilla, 21-XII-2009; 1 0, 29.5 km SE Padilla, 22-XII-2009; 1 0, Tatarenda, 27-XII-2009, V. & S. Sinyaev, A. Zamesov leg. Distribution: USA, Mexico, Costa Rica, Brazil, Bolivia. Hellinsia argutus (Meyrick, 1926) Pterophorus argutus Meyrick, 1926: 299. Type locality: Colombia. Pterophorus chionophanes Meyrick, 1930: 569. Type locality: Peru. Oidaematophorus chionoptila Fletcher, 1940: 83. Type locality: Colombia. Material: 2 11, San Pedrito, 10-12-X-2010; 1 1, 2 00, Corani, 14-18-X-2010; 1 0, Amboro, 3-4- XI-2010, V. Sinyaev & O. Romanov leg. Distribution: Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia. Hellinsia calais (Meyrick, 1930) Pterophorus calais Meyrick, 1930: 570. Type locality: Brazil. Material: 1 1, Comarapa, 18-I-2010, V. & S. Sinyaev & A. Zamesov legs. Distribution: Brazil, Costa Rica, Bolivia. Hellinsia oxyntes (Meyrick, 1908) Pterophorus oxyntes Meyrick, 1908: 498. Type locality: Brazil. 498 SHILAP Revta. lepid., 46 (183) septiembre 2018 SPECIES LIST OF PTEROPHORIDAE OF BOLIVIA Material: 1 1, Valle Grande, 18-XII-2009; 1 0, La Higuera, 19-20-XII-2009; 1 1, Comarapa, 18-I- 2010, V. & S. Sinyaev, A. Zamesov leg.; 1 1, Amboro, 3-4-XI-2010, V. Sinyaev & O. Romanov leg. Distribution: Brazil, Bolivia. Hellinsia paraglochinias Gielis, 1996 Hellinsia paraglochinias Gielis, 1996: 100. Type locality: Peru. Material: 1 0, Coripata, 4-I-2010; 2 11, 1 0, Cotapata, 6-7-I-2010, V. & S. Sinyaev, A. Zamesov leg.; 1 1, 3 00, Corani, 14-18-X-2010, V. Sinyaev, O. Romanov leg. Distribution: Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia. Hellinsia praenigratus (Meyrick, 1921) Pterophorus praenigratus Meyrick, 1921: 421. Type locality: Peru. Material: 1 1, La Higuera, 19-20-XII-2009; 2 11, Illimani, 11-I-2010, V. & S. Sinyaev, A. Zamesov leg.; 1 1, Tunari, 10-12-X-2010; 1 1, Corani, 14-18-X-2010, V. Sinyaev, O. Romanov leg. Distribution: Peru, Argentina, Bolivia. CHECKLIST OF PTEROPHORIDAE OF BOLIVIA Melanoptilia arsenica (Meyrick, 1921) Platyptilia anniei Gielis, 1997 Platyptilia thyellopa Meyrick, 1926 Stenoptilia tenuis (Felder & Rogenhofer, 1875) Stenoptilodes brevipennis (Zeller, 1874) Stenoptilodes taprobanes (Felder & Rogenhofer, 1875) Postplatyptilia aestuosa (Meyrick, 1916) *Postplatyptilia alexisi Gielis, 1991 *Postplatyptilia corticus Gielis, 2006 *Postplatyptilia saeva (Meyrick, 1930) Postplatyptilia sandraella Gielis, 1996 Postplatyptilia zongoensis Gielis, 2006 Stockophorus charitopa (Meyrick, 1908) Lioptilodes albistriolatus (Zeller, 1871) Lioptilodes ockendeni Gielis, 1996 Lioptilodes limbani Gielis, 1996 Lioptilodes yungas Gielis, 2006 Michaelophorus dentiger (Meyrick, 1916) *Michaelophorus indentatus (Meyrick, 1930) Sphenarches nanellus (Walker, 1864) Exelastis pumilio (Zeller, 1873) *Hellinsia argutus (Meyrick, 1926) Hellinsia boliviana Gielis, 2013 *Hellinsia calais (Meyrick, 1930) Hellinsia cervicalis (Meyrick, 1932) Hellinsia forsteri Gielis, 2013 Hellinsia glaphyrotes (Meyrick, 1908) Hellinsia grandaevus (Meyrick, 1931) Hellinsia obscuricilia Arenberger & Wojtusiak, 2001 *Hellinsia oxyntes (Meyrick, 1908) *Hellinsia paraglochinias Gielis, 1996 Hellinsia pelodactylus (Berg, 1885) *Hellinsia praenigratus (Meyrick, 1921) SHILAP Revta. lepid., 46 (183) septiembre 2018 499 P. YA. USTJUZHANIN & V. N. KOVTUNOVICH Hellinsia spiculibursa Gielis, 1996 Emmelina buscki Barnes & Lindsey, 1921 Adaina everdinae Gielis, 1991 Adaina quieta Gielis, 2012 Adaina santacruzae Gielis, 2013 Adaina simplicius (Grossbeck, 1917) Adaina zephyria Barnes & Lindsey, 1921 Singularia sinjaevi Kovtunovich & Ustjuzhanin, 2016 Discussion As a result of our partial examination of the specimens from Bolivia, we have discovered 41 species, 9 of which are indicated as new for the fauna of the country. There is no doubt that further examination of Pterophoridae from this region will provide many other new species which are still unknown for Bolivia. Acknowledgements We express our deep gratitude to V. Sinyaev and his assistants; S. Siniaeva, A. Zamesov O. Romanov (Moscow, Russia), for providing materials for examination. BIBLIOGRAPHY GIELIS, C., 2003.– Pterophoroidea & Alucitoidea (Lepidoptera).– World Catalogue of Insects, 4: 1-198. 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Altai State University Moscow Society of Nature Explorers Lenina, 61 Bol’shaya Nikitskaya, 6 RU-656049 Barnaul RU-103009 Moscow RUSIA / RUSSIA RUSIA / RUSSIA E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] *Autor para la correspondencia / Corresponding author (Recibido para publicación / Received for publication 26-IV-2018) (Revisado y aceptado / Revised and accepted 27-V-2018) (Publicado / Published 30-IX-2018) 500 SHILAP Revta. lepid., 46 (183) septiembre 2018.
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