An Associated Collegiate Press Four-Star All-American Newspaper FRIDAY • • January 17, 1997 THE Volume 123 Number 27 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid 'ewark DE Permit- r•.lo. 26 250 Student Center· University of Delaware -Newark, DE 19716 Accused Ex-student couple to be sentenced released BY LEANNE MlLWA Y Ediror in Chief to death Prosecutors pursuing murder charges against freshman Amy S. Grossberg and her boyfriend have said they will not Judge orders lethal injection for oppose bail for the accused baby killers. clearing the way for the couple to be Stevenson and his accomplice released as early as Tuesday. Grossberg. an an major. and Btian C. BY ROBERT ARMENGOL Peterson Jr., a Gettysburg (Pa.) College City News Ediwr fre hman. are accused of killing their As far as anyone close to him newborn boy ov. 12 and leaving the could tell back in the fall of 1995. body in a Dumpster behind the Comfon David D. Stevenson was going to Inn on South College Avenue. graduate from the University of The couple was indicted last month Delaware, probably sometime well on two charges of first-degree murder. before the turn of the century. One is a charge of intentional mmder Today. there is a strong chance and the second is murder by negligence. that both he and a man who had A conviction of intentional murder may been his close high school friend put the teens up against the death will. by then. be dead. penalty. Stevenson and his alleged Had prosecutors decided to reject the accomplice Michael Manley. both bail request at next Tuesday's hearing. 22. bore solemn faces last Friday they would have been required to as Superior Court Judge Norman present crucial evidence. giving the Barron sentenced the two to death coun their version of the cause of death. THE REVIEW I John Chabalko by lethal injection for the murder At earlier hearings. prosecutors alleged of a Macy· s security officer. Deputy Attorney General Ferris that the baby was born alive and Last ovember. New Castle Wharton addresses reporters suffered blunt head O<tuma before being County jurors convicted the co- after the Jan. 10 sentencing. thrown in the oash bin. de fe ndants of murdering Jack T. Litman. one of Peterson· s Kristopher Heath. a 1993 attorneys. has said in coun there is proof hardened criminals ... the judge university alumnus. Heath was that the infant had congenital brain conceded. describing the accused shot with a 9 mm semi-automatic damage in the womb. Defense lawyers as men who were considered ··role handgun five times from behind as suggested the baby died at or soon after models'' by many. "men who had a he was leaving hi s Christiana birth. promi ing future." apartment on Nov. 13 , 1995. on his Instead of a hearing in which both But. Barron added. ''At the same way to testify against Stevenson in side' preview their cases and c ross­ time. the defendants' backgrounds a credit card fra ud case scheduled examine witnesses. President Judge offer no excuse for what they did. to start that morning. Henry duPont Ridgley will hear . .. Utter contempt and disdain for "This court cannot recall a more recommendations from both sides the judicial process were chilling and premeditated. evidenced by Manley's and before setting the bail amount which is THE REVIEW I John Chabalko execution-style murder than was Stevenson's premeditated and not limited by law. IN YOUR FACE! UD's cheerleading team placed fifth in a national tournament in Orlando, conclusively proven in this case.'' Attorneys for both Grossberg and outrageously cold-blooded Florida last week. See story, A4. Above: YouDee, the university's most colorful cheerleader. Barron said in his decision. assas ination of a wholly innocent Peterson said their clients were pleased "Manley and Stevenson are not at the news of their impending release. see SENTENCE page A4 Capanos to testify in Fahey case Friend: BY ELIZABETH BREALEY ago. the FBI suspects that after Capano took Capano's construction s ites at U.S. 202 and Nationai/Swre Neu· o; Editor Fahey. Gov. Carper· s scheduling secretary to Foulk Road. On July I. Harvey and Harvey, Inc. 'Daves In the past week, Thomas J. Capano's family dinner in Philadelphia on June 27. he took her removed three trash bins from the site. which is members have been the targets of an FB l probe back to his rented Grant Avenue home tn being renovated for First USA Bank. in the disappearance of Anne Marie Fahey. Wilmington and killed her. E. Thomas Harvey IlL owner of Harvey and U.S. District Judge Sue L. Robinson ruled in Christine Capano, 16, was summoned to Harvey. Inc . was not s ure if a removal was nota September that children and parents can be testify because it is believed that s he and her schedu led. The Capano bin was taken to a forced to testify against each other in a criminal three younger sisters were at Capano's house Minquadale landfill and two other bins used by a proceeding. The precedent was set when when he was questioned by police on June 30 at subcontractor were taken to Cherry Island. Christine Capano was summoned Sept. I 0 to 3 a.m. The landfills were searched in August but no David D. Stevenson murderer' testify against her father before the Fahey grand On Tuesday, the wife and son of Thomas details of the findings were released. jury. Capano's younger brother. Louis J. Capano. The affidavits said Capano replaced a rug and She refu ed. and Robinson ha held her in were summoned before the Fahey grand jury. a sofa after Fahey's disappearance. BY ROBERT ARMENGOL week ago to both Stevenson and contempt of court but no sanctions have yet been Capano's wife. professional golfer Lauri Only four warrants and affidavits City News Editor alleged accomplice Michael Manley. imposed. Merten. went to Robinson's chambers after investigating Fahey· s disappearance have been When he was arrested and char2ed ''And I don't think it will really. until Her father. Thomas J. Capano was the last leaving the grand jury room. It is not known released to elate, but there are rumors that a with murder more than a year ago.~his the sentence is can·ied om:· person to see Fahey alive. what was said. federal cou11 in Pennsylvania has a fifth warrant. friends an<;! family could hardly A ctiminal justice major. Powlette According to affidavits released two weeks The FBI is concentrating on one of Louis still sealed. believe it. said th at having been in court has And now that f01mer student David helped him to understand more about D. Stevenson was ordered last Friday the murder at the Cavaliers to be executed by lethal injection. Apanments in Christiana on Nov. 13, they're calling the whole thing a 1995. nightmare. ··r know a little bit more about the Kevin Powlette. now a junior, was situation - I just can't place Dave in A grand tour of the grand House close to Stevenson for two years it.'' he said. ·'I understand a crime has before the frosty morning in been committed. and that somebody November l 995 when his friend was did it. I understand how the victim's BY RYAN CORMIER the Oval Office and the First arrested for murdering a fellow parents are crushed .... I just guess it National/State Neu·s Editor Lady's office- and was asked Macy' s employee. would be easier for me to believe that " Welcome to The White for my ticket by another Secret The two friends played basketball House."' Service agent. and ate lunch together almost every see STEVENSON page A5 This friendly phrase - one After walking through a day. They saw each other the night that most people only dream of metal detector to have our items before Kristopher Heath was shot in Campus Calendar ................. A2 hearing - was uttered to me scanned - and see if my the back. head and left arm five times Police Repons ...................... A2 early Saturday morning as I camera was really an Uzi in while he was entering his Jeep, court World News .................... :~... ·-·"''~"' became one of the one million disguise- the tour began in the papers in hand, ready to testify against Editorial ................................A6 Americans who tour East Room. Stevenson in a $4,500 theft case. Classifieds ............. .... ..... ...... 85 Wa hington 's mos t lucrative The largest room in the White ·' I couldn't believe it, .. said Comics ......... ... ...................... B6 piece of real estate each year. House, the East Room is Powlette, who twice appeared as a Spons .... ................................B8 Not surprisingly, these words decorated with glittering crystal witness at the murder trial. "He was a Movie Times ......................... B2 were spoken to me by my tour chandel iers and historical great guy. We' d always talk. When I guide, a Secret Service agent portraits covering an expansive had problems he'd always be there to --- Also i11side: --- named Steve. With his pumped­ wal l. Despite its dazzling listen to them. We just had a real good Abandoned buildings ........... A3 up muscular body, this man appearance, the room had hosted relationship."' ·Career services can help ....... AS looked like he could single­ the Colorado Avalanche, the Then, suddenly, a capital offense. Cheerleaders score fifth ....... A4 handedly take care of any 1995 Stanley Cup champions. An indictment. A trial. A conviction. A trip to South Street... ........ B I disruption that might occur on only 17 hours before our tour. A sentence. Men's basketbaii .................. B8 the tour.
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