ၭᐽષू z ˸˖ᇂਝᄪࠑᅥผٴᚭ Welcome to “Butterfly Lovers – A Legend Reborn” A Celebration of PRC’s 60th Anniversary ਝ൪αᄪc In celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the People’sۺʌα௩ɻജɁ̵ͳਝ ᇷ ಋᅥਝᄪ Republic of China, Sun Wah Foundation is honoured toۍᘗ˾αณജඑ྆ᖳХؿң be the sponsor of this opening performance of “Butterfly ผԷ Lovers – A Legend Reborn”, following the success of theټࠑᅥผᏵΡിΣᅸcʌαณജඑ྆ਥ ࿘֗ॶᖳХਝᄪࠑᅥผષूz˸˖ᇂ opening performance “Trey Lee + HKPO” national dayڈ ࠖˮe concert sponsored by Sun Wah Group last year. Sun Wah Foundation is the public services arm of ,ผܰณജඑ྆ᙔɎؿʔऩԑ৻ Sun Wah Group. As a responsible corporate citizenټณജඑ྆ਥ ผஐͨؿዀ࿚cณജඑ྆ Sun Wah is ever vigilant for opportunities to return theمዀ࿚eАݯȹֻኪ rewards of its own success to the community it serves. ټผeਥمผؿ߬cΑ㏾مผcΐᎶټι͓ਥ The Foundation covers a wide variety of public interests ઠөdᖚdʼʝd and activities including support for education, arts andܢ˳c؟ผᖳХؿඖ͌ᄤ ҌʥΈᗘ෯ഁݠ৽eωࠑᅥผܰณജඑ྆ culture, science and technology, and charity work. Thisޫ ݯᄪूਝᄪcɖݯઐ৽ʼʝᖚɌȹ celebration is another highlight of the Foundation inܫผټਥ promoting arts and culture as well as celebrating the ၀еᘆe National Day. ኒcԎऋП࿘֗ We are very pleased to have the presence of many goodܞᑢΡʤࠨͮᐽڈࠨ҈ friends and truly honoured to have Mr. Tung Chee-hwa, ജͱ́cɻࠗ̕ಋ Vice-Chairman of the Chinese People’s Political ConsultativeۺԾ৹˚໎ܧᑼͲਝ ᐲፒʔ۩˚ͨధജͱ́cɻਝ Conference, PRC, Mr. Pang Qing-hua, Director of theਂܧऋПϷ ऋݢࡗʔອອଉऋݢ Liaison Office of the Central people’s Government inਂܧ͚ࠗಋऋПϷ̔ HKSAR, Mr. Zhan Yong-xin, Acting Commissioner of the ւΨᘪࡗ̂එɁڈผᘪܧࡗ̷ณͱ́cʥϷ Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PRC in HKSAR, and The ષࢯߜͱ́ኪͨܰωࠑᅥผؿ˚ᓤཽႝe Hon. Leung Chun-ying, the Convenor of the Non-official Members of the Executive Council as our Guests of Honour. Ɂɟتαࠖωˮcࠖᐼכષू Butterfly Lovers Concerto is celebrating its 50th birthday ؿɩొೄԾۗςࠍ˖ϭʌࡄ˸˖cιݯ since its première in 1959. To commemorate the ۗผؿࠇᒨᅥςcઘ֨ occasion, it has become the main theme for performancesێʌαΕʑΔɣ .ષू՚αۗᆅᅸeʌયࠑᅥผੀۗ in major orchestral events in the Mainland this year Tonight we are proud to present to you this Chinese αАςࡼඡߗऋПАؿ͚ᚊѵς orchestral repertoire prologued with a new andڇᔄജ શc contemporary context by the young Chinese composer׳ࡼܞ cԎͅਝടΊؿജɁ ʥɻਝɩొೄࡼᑇ৩ၤಋᅥඪੱˮષू Huang Ruo. The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, together with the renowned conductor Jahja Ling and Ծۗςe the violinist Xue Wei, will be a perfect match for a captivating performance. ΈϽཽႝτȹ҄ᗒѿؿયɐeू I wish you all an enjoyable and memorable evening. ૯ɡ%%6-3 Dr Jonathan CHOI Koon-shum BBS, JPڥᇞ ณജඑ྆˚ Chairman of Sun Wah Group ผ˚ Chairman of Sun Wah Foundationټณജඑ྆ਥ ષू z ˸˖ᇂ ਝ՚αۺᄪूɻജɁ̵ͳਝ Butterfly Lovers – A Legend Reborn A Celebration of PRC’s 60th Anniversary શ ຝ͌׳ ܞ Jahja Ling ඡߗ ͚ᚊѵς conductor ஹ፡dЄ˻ႚ ષɬВၤूߜ̎ɩొೄԾۗς ᑇ৩ xɻͤࢠx ɩొೄ ۂXue Wei ᄨͥʺК *ɣሁɄ͚ᚊςcА violin ሣ๕ؿ҄ ྺ ඏؿɩ҄ ɺʪ҄ؿ҄ Programme HUANG RUO Still / Motion CHEN GANG/ Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto (1959) HE ZHAN-HAO – Intermission – DVORÁKˇ Symphony No. 8 in G, Op. 88 Allegro con brio Adagio Allegretto grazioso Allegro ma non troppo ܱ౨ɍ Ɏʟࣂ ˀ˂כᅌcຝ͌ੀقͰႠ ଊ)0 ˀؿࠑᅥผࠗͅಋཋ̎̒̎˂ ࠇᅌe The 9 Oct concert is broadcast live on Radio 4 (FM Stereo 97.6 – 98.9 MHz). The programme will be repeated on 14 Oct (Wed) at 2 PM. ΈϽᜮଠ cᇼᗐઌʹొཋʥԯˢᚊባສeʑɺ૰ඝࠕdᙘᄧd፣ࠑֶ፣ᄧeूɣࡼτȹ҄کሌᅥ ؿࠑᅥe Dear patrons For a wonderful concert experience, please kindly switch off your mobile phone and other beeping devices before the concert begins. Photography, recording, filming, eating or drinking are not allowed. Wish you a very enjoyable evening. ࠖˮᖳХ ˂ˀˮᖳХ Opening performance is sponsored by 10 Oct performance is sponsored by Salute ᑢ͟Ђ to Our Partners kܛࠗಋဳ֞ᅥ྆টʶᑢ˞ɎᖳХዀ࿚ؿྐྵష༅Хʻ The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the below Partners for their generous sponsorship and support! ˚߬ᖳХ ࠖᖳХ MAJOR FUNDING BODY PRINCIPAL PATRON ຝ͌ᖳХMAJOR SPONSORS ˞ʔ̇ߜʼΊီѵIn alphabetical order of company name (ࠗಋဳ֞ᅥ྆ಋᅥܰԓݘਂʑԮეኒΔ The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra (HKPO Ͻؿᅥ྆ɾȹcᔔఒࠗಋʼʝ́՜༩ȹ˖c is one of Asia’s leading orchestras. Enriching Hong Kong’s ɍɊαԞɰೕࢄιඑജɁၤࣵ̔ࠑᅥ၀ߜؿ cultural life for over a century, the Orchestra has grown intoٶ ˮᅥ྆cмʵ˖ވज़ᖚࡼ̎ᘆᖚeಋᅥ a formidable ensemble of Chinese and international talents Ұα༦൚༦ȹϛʄɊؿˮcᘩ৽ɀɊຒ in the last three decades, attracting world-class artists to ᅥ়ؿʶe perform on the same stage. HKPO annually touches the lives of 200,000 music lovers through more than 150 performances. ɣϴ۹fജऋეኒɎcܞΕԔᙷਝؿ Under the leadership of its internationally renowned conductor αˮ৺ٶಋᅥؿᖚˋ̡ྨঢ়ࢋeಋᅥ Edo de Waart, HKPO continues to scale new heights in musical Ͳࡨ͚ᚊςӡͶdჱࠑᅥผdඨ̀ᅥς excellence. The continuing cycle of Mahler symphonies and cҡۿؿྩณς͌cяݯᅥ়ֺᆅʘ౨̔˞ challenging programming outside the traditional repertoire, ᅥտؿιݯᅥ྆ᖚೕࢄؿԈೡຌe have become highly anticipated events as well as musical ᅕӴΛ٧ؿᒫԈෙჱࠑᅥผڈࠇᎻc milestones for the Orchestra. Beethoven’s Fidelio opera-in- ʥ৺ؿɣΔɾɺ˿cϤԯˢၤಋᅥ concert and Mahler’s Das Lied von der Erde are inarguably the i፡ೄࡼແˤdܢ˳ڬؿᕷᅥኋ̜ܱ̎ major highlights of the 2009/10 season. Many great artists ,ॗʩਥʥңၐcɩొೄࡼਜ̷਼քʥ perform with the HKPO, from pianists Jean-Yves Thibaudetּˈ ɣొೄࡼ͠СeඨթܞᖓऋӇਥ Boris Berezovsky and Paul Lewis, violinist Sarah Chang ɣቝᐽcᄤɣᅥ়ຒʜ፟༦e to cellist Steven Isserlis. The visit of the legendary Gennadi Rozhdestvensky is also an event not to be missed. ιݯټপਥڌα˂cʪ̀එ྆෯ഁ ᅥ྆ؿࠖᖳХc˞Хജऋྡྷଊˢྦྷᅥ྆ؿ From April 2006, The Swire Group Charitable Trust became ѩᗙeϊݯಋᅥ̌ɐɣؿͬพᖳХc˥ᅥ྆ the Hong Kong Philharmonic’s Principal Patron, enabling ၦ̎ᑺ൬ Maestro de Waart’s artistic vision for the Orchestra to beވ˖˞ΕᖚɐτҡɣؿೕࢄcΉ ,ؿࣂcੀঢ়ˋๅؿˮᄤɣ̵̟cᜑҡ realized. Swire’s sponsorship of the Hong Kong Philharmonic ΛɁઅᘩԷ̀ࠑᅥe the largest in the Orchestra’s history, supports artistic growth and development as the Orchestra takes its place on the world stage, and brings performances of musical excellence to the widest possible public. ॵฉ૯૯၇κcዶรઐᄤဳ HKPO stays in tune with our city by presenting the orchestra̟ےಋᅥࠗಋؿ ผΈආᄙcੀ၀ؿࠑᅥผԷ in unexpected venues and bringing the excitement of theمᅥϭ֞ ΈࡼΈʸcɻɺʭࠇ߬ˮҡ༦ཋ̎ʥ concert experience to every home through radio and television ᅥ broadcasts. These included, in the 2007/08 Season, the biggestכܢ˳ሌcཋ഼ᔝᅌͲಋ̵̟ ʸ outdoor symphonic concert of the year, Swire Symphony UnderێտcΕൠΔ༝ᅥᐾϷؿͲαɣ ͚̔ᚊࠑᅥผzʪ̀ಋᅥfܱէf͚ᚊςe the Stars at Happy Valley. The Orchestra runs a comprehensive ݯȿొঢ়Ͳಋɻdɩdऋࣦነ́ྦྷ̀ࠑᅥؿ schools education programme, Creative Notes, bringing the ጙመcಋᅥᐾፒࠑᅥઠөི߮෮ࠑଲc joy of classical music to primary, secondary and special school kids, and once in a while, the Orchestra drops the formality of ԜЛࠑᅥผʥΈඖઠөݠ৽eᅥ྆͛ཹొ the classical concerts to crossover with Western and Chinese ምˮक़̀ࠑᅥؿᆲᕿcց౨ᑼᇼɻd pop stars. ᜮଠઅᘩڇݚϷʹ̎ˮcмʵҡΛἁ ̀ࠑᅥe The Orchestra also builds its reputation and raises its artistic standards by touring. In 2007/08 season, the Orchestra ᐰᙷ performed in the Shanghai Spring International Music͓ۺಋᅥؿࣵ̔Ԁিˮcᜑᅥ྆Εಋ̔ ʥ൬ȹүొʠᖚˋ̡eᅥտcಋᅥʗ Festival and the Beijing Music Festival. In 2009, the Orchestra ਝࠑᅥຝʥ˵ԕਝࠑᅥຝɻ undertook a major six-concert tour of China, including theܬɐࣵɾכП αcᅥ྆ҡΕϴ۹fജऋؿეኒ Xinghai Concert Hall in Guangzhou, Beijing’s National Centreeޚڋ ɎԷᄤήܱࣵࠑᅥᜨd˵ԕਝࡼɣჱʥɐࣵ for the Performing Arts and Shanghai Grand Theatre under .ɣჱɣჱАɻਝԀcݯᄤɣɻਝᚹଠ the leadership of Maestro Edo de Waart ˮʒ၀ࠑᅥผe In February 2008, the Hong Kong Arts Development Council honoured the HKPO with the Arts Promotion Award, in α˂ཕೕᖚઐᄤ recognition of its success in expanding its audience base andכࠗಋᖚೕࢄѫ .αԞι˲ᒷ gaining public support in recent yearsٶಋᅥٲ˞ᆉʀࠗಋဳ֞ᅥ྆c ࢄᜮଠᄙࠍᏵՅʔଠʻܛe The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ༅Х SWIRE is the Principal Patron of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra֚ܧਂܧࠗಋဳ֞ᅥ྆ࠗͅಋऋПϷ ࠗಋဳ֞ᅥ྆ࠖᖳХiʪ̀එ྆ The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra is the Venue Partner of the Hong ࠗಋဳ֞ᅥ྆ݯࠗಋʼʝɻʶΔ͟Ђ Kong Cultural Centre શ׳ Jahja Ling ܞ conductor ਝʥᅩԓΈ˚߬ᅥ྆cԎ˞ԯ Having conducted all of the major orchestras in the USܞશ౦׳ ѧͲdੜईੱᔔఒؿࠑᅥᖐᘰรঢ় and prominent orchestras in Europe and Asia, Jahja Ling’s distinguished career as an internationally renowned eˢଊͨັΔˑࡐܞിძcܰԔᙷਝؿ conductor has earned him an exceptional reputation ͚ᚊᅥ྆ࠑᅥᐢဟcΕͨ̒ᅥտ౨ංяᘰ for musical integrity, intensity, and expressivity. He is ʔଠʥᅥിȹߎஈe in his fourth season as music director of the San Diego Symphony, where his work continues to receive the highest praise from the public and critics alike. ϬαၤКԈʩᙬᅥ྆ࠖᏵΡി܃c ˢடᙩտܞᅥ྆ˮcαϭα Since his acclaimed début with The Cleveland ංͨᓻܞ༠ɀɊαcαϭαcˢኪͨ Orchestra in 1985, he has conducted the orchestra ᑩЃ࠷ࠑᅥᜨd in 23 consecutive seasons. He was a member of theכcეኒᅥ྆ܞᅥ྆ؿ྆ conducting staff of The Cleveland Orchestra for 20 years, ࠑᅥຝʥԯˢԀিࠑᅥผˮיȹαȹ۹ؿଞ from 1984 to 2005. From 1985 to 2002, he served ༩ࠑᅥผʥᅥς༩ࠖe as Resident Conductor, leading the orchestra in over 400 concerts and over 550 works at Severance Hall, at .શܰЃᖓԈ༠ᅥ྆̎ᜪਝࡼ͚ᚊᅥ྆ؿ the annual Blossom Festival, and on tour׳ ࠑᅥᐢဟc౦ͨԭඅᅥ྆ؿࠑᅥᐢဟʥڥࣔ Jahja Ling was named Music Director Laureate of the ᖚᐢဟe Florida Orchestra and the National Symphony Orchestra of Taiwan after he served as Music Director and Artistic ܞஃς͌ௐՇᙷ̔cˢ͛ዶรೕઈ Director with these respected organizations. ͚ᚊמˤࠑᅥeα˂cˢၤັ༏ Acclaimed for his interpretation of works in the ณၘ standard repertoire, he is also recognized for the&%$כᅥ྆ʥɣొೄࡼʤʤؿࠖcҡ e breadth of contemporary music included in hisיຝ͌ɻᅌ programmes. In May 2000, his début performance with the St. Louis Symphony and cellist Yo-Yo Ma was શଊݯਝ׳ܞͿ̛߁˱༠cജכ́ featured on the ABC News programme 20/20.
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