Vol. 1: 167–174, 2010 AQUACULTURE ENVIRONMENT INTERACTIONS Published online December 21 doi: 10.3354/aei00015 Aquacult Environ Interact OPENPEN ACCESSCCESS Feeding preference of recaptured Atlantic salmon Salmo salar following simulated escape from fish pens during autumn R. E. Olsen1,*, O. T. Skilbrei2 1Institute of Marine Research, Matre Research Station, 5984 Matredal, Norway 2Institute of Marine Research, PO Box 1870 Nordnes, 5817 Bergen, Norway ABSTRACT: Escapes of farmed fish from coastal farms around the world are believed to have genetic and ecological consequences for wild fish populations. Each year there are numerous escapes of adult farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. However, survival until maturity appears to be low. One possible explanation is that many of these salmon have difficulties switching to live prey. To address this possibility, growth rate and dietary preference were recorded in recaptured salmon released in 3 groups from August to October 2008 within a small fjord in south-western Norway (Masfjord). The fish were primed with a commercial diet containing 11% of the ‘vegetable oil marker’ 18:2n-6 before release. In the 14.5 to 35.1% of fish recaptured, growth rates were generally good (0.21–1.23% d–1 of fish recaptured in main fjord >2 mo after release), with body weight doubled or more for fish recap- tured after 19 wk and thereafter. However, fish recaptured in a small arm of Masfjord (Hopsvåg) had a growth rate close to zero and were in poor condition. While stomachs of recaptured fish were gen- erally empty in the first weeks after release, pellets from fish farms were found in more than 80% of the stomachs after 12 wk and thereafter. Additionally, the level of 18:2n-6 in depot lipids (11% of fatty acids) of the muscle indicated that none of the fish recaptured the following autumn and winter in the vicinity of the release site had switched to wild prey diets. Salmon that escape during autumn are unlikely to compete for prey with wild fish in the vicinity of the release site. KEY WORDS: Escaped farmed salmon · Behavior · Feeding preference · Triacylglycerols · Fatty acid composition · Survival Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher INTRODUCTION The official figures of salmon escapees from fish farms in Norway has varied from below 200 000 to Following the rapid expansion in farming of Atlantic 900 000 during the period from 2001 to 2009 (Jensen et salmon since the mid-1960s, escapes from cages has al. 2010). However, the actual number is probably become a serious problem both for the fish farming much higher (Baarøy et al. 2004, Skilbrei & Wennevik industry and for the conservation of wild stocks. One of 2006). The estimated total catch of farmed fish in the more serious challenges is that farming has been salmon rivers throughout Norway is below 10 000, correlated with declines in natural salmon populations which is low compared to the total reported escapees (Ford & Myers 2008). Escapees will interfere with the (Anon 2010). In accordance with this, high recaptures genetic make-up of wild stocks if they manage to inter- of tagged adult salmon have been reported in the breed and may potentially contribute to the spread of vicinity of release sites for the first months after diseases and parasites (Lura & Sægrov 1991, Heuch & release, but none or very few have been found in fresh- Mo 2001, McGinnity et al. 2004, Naylor et al. 2005, water (Hansen 2006, Skilbrei & Jørgensen 2010, Skil- Hindar et al. 2006, Skaala et al. 2006, Ferguson et al. brei et al. 2010). It therefore appears that survival until 2007, Fraser et al. 2010, Skilbrei et al. 2010). fish mature and enter rivers is low. Little is however *Email: [email protected] © Inter-Research 2010 · www.int-res.com 168 Aquacult Environ Interact 1: 167–174, 2010 known about the general performance and causes of diet preparations. Other dominant fatty acids were mortality of fish after they escape. Hansen (2006) 16:0 (12.7%) and with a good balance of 20:5n-3 and found that fish escaping during autumn and winter 22:6n-3 at around 6% each. As the fatty acid composi- migrate to open sea but do not survive the cold winter. tion, in depot lipids in particular, is governed by that of Fish may also have a problem switching to live prey, the diet (Henderson & Tocher 1987, Torstensen et al. possibly depending on their age, life stage, time spent 2005), any change in 18:2n-6, and other fatty acids, can in cages and species. Some indications of the latter be used an indicator of prey preference. The method were given in a Chilean study where escaped coho has previously been shown to be well suited for distin- salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch and rainbow trout O. guishing between escaped and wild salmon (Megdal mykiss appeared to switch readily to natural prey et al. 2009), and assessing the impact of fish farming on diets, while escaped Atlantic salmon had the highest marine fish composition (Skog et al. 2003, Fernandez- level of stomach emptiness and the highest occurrence Jover et al. 2007). of pellets from fish farms in their stomachs (Soto et al. Recapture of tagged fish. The letters HI (Norwegian 2001). However, the fish were of unknown origin, so acronym for the IMR), the IMR internet address (www. the contribution of feed pellets on subsequent growth imr.no) and postal code were printed on the T-bar tags could not be estimated. There are, to our knowledge, in addition to an individual alphanumeric code. The no detailed studies of feeding behavior of newly reward was 100 NOK per T-bar anchor tag returned. escaped adult salmon in fjord and coastal areas. T-bar anchor tags were returned by fishers after cap- The aim of the current experiment was therefore to ture by rod or gill-net in the inner and middle part of study growth and feeding preference of escaped the fjord. More than 90% of the fish caught by rod Atlantic salmon. The target area chosen was Masfjor- were angled in the vicinity of the 2 fish farms or in the den, Western Norway. This is a well controlled area effluent water from a hydropower plant that attracts with respect to fish farming activity and fishing efforts, escaped farmed salmon and is a popular site for and where migratory behavior of released farmed fish anglers. All gill-netted salmon were caught in the is well documented (Skilbrei 2010). inner part of the fjord (between Solheim and Matre, Fig. 1). Of these, 85% were provided by a single fish- erman who was the only professional fisher in the MATERIALS AND METHODS fjord. The fisher used mainly 60 to 63 mm mesh-sized nets gill-nets and fished regularly during autumn, Fish, tagging and diet. The fish were of the domesti- except for the first 3 wk of December. He was also cated Aqua Gen strain that is widely used in Norwe- engaged by the project to recapture fish on a daily gian fish farming. They were produced at the hatchery basis from late December onwards, and delivered at Matre Research Station, Institute of Marine Research 141 fish for inspection of stomach content. The fish (IMR), Matre, Western Norway. One-year old smolts used for analysis of fatty acids were chosen from the were transferred to sea cages close to the Research gill-net catches of this fisher during the period Novem- Station, in the inner Masfjord, used for further rearing ber 8, 2008 to April 1, 2009. A detailed description of and releases (see Fig. 1). Release groups were pro- the recaptures of both T-bar tagged fish and fish duced by tagging 1780 to 3700 fish with T-bar anchor equipped with telemetry transmitters is given in Skil- tags (Hallprint). The first tagging was done in the brei (2010). hatchery on May 9, 2008 when the fish were still in Student’s t-test was applied to compare the specific freshwater, 2 days prior to transfer to seawater. The growth rate (SGR, % d–1) and sizes of the fish recap- next groups were tagged with 5 to 7 wk intervals from tured in Masfjord with those recaptured in a small arm June 20 to October 21, 2008 in the sea cage facility, and of the fjord. Specific growth rate was calculated from × 6 to 8 d before release (Table 1). Fork length of all fish the formula SGR = 100 [ln(W2) – ln(W1)]/(t2 –t1), where and weight of samples were recorded. In addition, a W2 and W1 are the weights (g) of the individual at small number of salmon were equipped with 9 mm Day t2 and t1, respectively. For fish that were only mea- telemetry transmitters for studies of migratory be- sured for length (cm) at tagging (L1), the weight (W1) havior (Skilbrei 2010). was estimated by rearranging the formula for condi- × –3 To enable a distinction of feed preference, the fish tion factor, C1 = 100 W1L1 ) where C1 was the mean were primed with a commercial diet containing veg- condition factor of the group. etable lipid sufficient to give a relatively high level of Sampling of wild fish. To obtain an estimate of wild the ‘plant’ fatty acid linoleic acid (18:2n-6) which is fish and wild prey fatty acid composition in Masfjord, found in only minute amounts in natural prey. This 10 brown trout Salmo trutta and 1 cod Gadus morhua particular diet also had elevated contents of 18:1n-9, were captured using gill-nets in April in the area suggesting that canola oil is a major ingredient in the where most escaped Atlantic salmons were caught.
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