_ SARE:MSo A CANADIAN FEBRUARY 1934 Vol. XIX No. 11 Ordinarily one might think that snow covered fairways mean little work for golf executives. On the contrary it is during the winter months that our Dominion and Provincial associations solve the many and perplexing prob- lems that confront them and complete their plans for the coming season, Too much thanks cannot be given these nothing-a-year men and golfers and club officials should whole-heartedly support their every endeavour and do pre, all possible to maketheir task an easier . one, TATM R ‘w a wed.« CENTER OF THE WINTERTIME WORLD The Most AMATING VACATION Ever Conceived / Nchallenge to the future—this audac- ing grounds — an exhilarating journey ious vacation plan of the Miami Biltmore! along the quiet inland waters and colorful Offering more than sumptuous living in tropic shores of southern Florida. Your one of the world’s greatest hotels, the saving in local transportation costs alone Miami Biltmore announces a policy of will offset a major portion of your hotel guest entertainment, privileges and special bill. Moreover, this service brings the courtesies that has NEVER been equalled Miami Biltmorecloser to all resort interests ANYWHERE. As a guest of the hotel you than anyother hotel. are entitled to a COMPLETE VACATION On the hotelestate itself is the 18-hole —whether you spend the winter or a few golf course ... completely worked over weeks. No matter what yourtastes in sports for this year’s play ... with a staff of five and social diversions, in vacation relax- celebrated pros: GENE SARAZEN, ation or holiday excitements, you can DENNY SHUTE, MIKE BRADY, LOUIS indulge them at their best in the Miami COSTELLO and NED EVERHART. Also, Biltmore plan. two outdoor pools where weekly When you register in this “Center of aquatic carnivals are held ... including the Wintertime World” the gates are National Olympic Stars Meet and Atlantic opened to you to all the important resort Seaboard A. A. U. Meet. On the tennis pleasures of this world-famous playground courts, brilliant play every day .. nat- . many of which can be enjoyed only ional tournaments ... professional coach. at the Miami Biltmore . .. social functions In the Miami Biltmore stables—mounts for of national distinction .. sports events expert or beginner . ... veterinarian, groom of national and international interest. and blacksmith services ... guests’ horses For example, as a patron of the hotel, boarded without cost! One of the climaxes you are extended full privileges in the of the season will be the National Horse Florida Year Round Clubs .. three mag- Show. And for the fisherman, poloist, race nificent sports centers—the MiamiBiltmore enthusiast or any other hobby-rider, the Country Club, the Roney Plaza Cabafa Biltmore program provides plenty of daily Sun Club at Miami Beach and the Key fun. Largo Anglers Club down onthe Florida The social schedule, too elaborate to “keys” enumerate in detail, varies from such An extraordinary economy — and a informal affairs as chowder parties to service which expands your enjoyment to sumptuous costumeballs ... with nightly the entire Miami resort area—is the trans- jollity of dance orchestras and Broadway portation system operating from the Miami entertainers. Biltmore and serving all units of the Despite its additional services and Florida Year Round Clubs. Without extra privileges, the Miami Biltmore has not expense, you ride by aerocar to the races, increased its sensible tariff rates! dog tracks, downtown shoppingandtheater Acquaint yourself with this amazing districts. Or fly by autogiro to Miami vacation offer, and you will agree et Beach! Or scoot by sea-sled down Biscayne seasonedtravelers that it is the best “buy” Bay to Key Largo and the celebrated fish- in the whole resort world! Open October 28th to June 30th For information, literature and reservations address hotel direct or sce your travel agent MIAMI BILTMORE CO" R, Ame G Ax BE E-S FE rk @:R D A 1 CanapiAN Go.trer—— February, 1934 From Well-Dressed England Come the Styles in Flannel — .... Somehow DEACON bad- TRAVEL minton blazers characterize that WISE casual spirit of @ Whenyouvisit New York, make The English smart 4 Ambassador your home.It long has been ; | ness. | | the ultimate choice of discriminating | families. ‘| a4 The experienced traveller knows that his stay will be most enjoyable because here, he is assured of every comfort. He | | appreciates the central location of The re Ambassadorasit is in close proximity to GledetiMed ie meceure. £60 he th d hops Sey Blin rca cate ener: ahhape. both men and ladies, in individual club The excellence of the cuisine is known colors with silk embroidered crests, the world over. DEACON blazers embody that “cor- Whether you plan to spend a week or rect feeling” so pleasing to the wearer. a day in New York, you may be sure a Ask to see a DEACONsample blazer most cordial welcome awaits you. at any of Canada’s leading stores, or Rates $5 up write for samples. The Deacon Sportswear Co. AM BASSADOR BELLEVILLE, ONT. Theo. Kroell, General Manager PARK AVENUEe 5Ist to 52nd Streets e NEW YORK r— February, 1934 9 Canapian Goire AMERICA’S PUN cae OCEAN *E RIO NT TEAL Because it values the enviable remain the same, while many phy- position it enjoys in the playlife of sical improvements have been made those who cherish a taste for good to enhance the high standards of living and have the means to in- guest comfort, extraordinaryser- dulge it.. because it appreciates vice and brilliant social life which that a keen sense of values is in- have made it famous. variably the companion of good m November 15th to taste ...the Roney Plaza has Open fro declined to permit the bright out- May Ist. look for better times to influence For literature, information, and its tariff schedule. reservations address the hotel direct Rates this year at the Roney or see your travel agent. Open from November 15th to May 1st For literature, information and reservations write or wire direct to the hotel or see your travel agent. » TONEY PUMA icici eeerrmeeesinteneeeneens nnisitineiiiiiait Canapian Gorrer— February, 1934 Canadian Golfer MONTREAL TORONTO 922 Victoria Sq. 57 Queen St. West Phone MAR 8939 Phone WA 3105 Vol. XIX FEBRUARY, 1934 No. CONTENTS Pack ¥p Feu Gok Kit and come to BERAAUDA BELMONT MANOR Where golf privileges and unex- Editorial—Match Play GOLF & COUNTRY celled service and cuisine may be enjoyed by guests at these hotels, esident, by William CLUB R. C. G. A. Appoint G. H. Forster Pr beautifully situated, overlooking the S. Taylor 6 A. P.. Thompson, Mgr. water. All outdoor sports, under ideal conditions, in a glorious INVERURIE HOTEL The New Rules Explained, by W. J. Thompson 8 climate. Geo. A. Butz, Mgr. For literature and tariff, consult A. Barker, President P.Q.G.A. 9 L. FRASCATI HOTEL any Travel Agent or the mana- gers direct, Artificial Watering and its Benefits to turf Maintenance, & GOLF CLUB by Robert Trent Jones 10 Geo. North, Mgr. BERMUDA HOTELS INCORPORATED There is a Proper Method, by Bob Cunningham 10 Short Putts, by Ralph Reville 12 Fine Turf Maintenance, by O. J]. Noer 13 P.Q.G.A. Official Handicaps 14 O, G. A. Provincial Handicaps 15 Jots from Canadian Golfing World, by T. High 17 CONVENIENCE Ontario Golf Association Headed, by W. J. Thompson 22 Wshin one square of the magnificent Rockefeller Radio City (New York’s latest show place) the shopping center on Fifth Subscriptions for Canada, $3.00 a year. United States and other countries $4.00 Avenue sector; adjacent Single copies 25« to Grand Central Station Changes of address should be sent in well in advance (45th Street and Madison The magazine is entered as second class mail at the Post Office in Gardenvale, Que Ave. entrance) close to the theatrical section at Times Square. eT —— The ALPINE INN HOTEL NEW WESTON for every winter sport Skiing over wonderful trails ENVIRONMENT: Offers 700 rooms with an indescribable varie- Ski-joring — Skating — Tobogganing ty of luxurious also simple furnishings, convenience and outlook; Riding — Bob-Sleighing — popular restaurant. A Championship Ski Jump Plan to visit the Laurentians regularly this winter. TARIFF: A trifle lower than at other neighborhood hotels. At- These great hills are now a year round play-ground tractive weekly discounts. offering healthful recreation. The Alpine Inn is the popular rendez-vous, and naturally so, because this attractive log chalet offers every convenience as well HOSPITALITY: Thousands of pleased guests inform us they ex- is its wide variety of activity and amusement perience a sense of unobtrusive courtesy and consideration ex- Splendid Cuisine and Accommodation tended them by the employees which is not often found away from Rooms with running water and private baths. their own home. Forliterature, particulars and reservations write or phone The ALPINE INN Ste. Marguerite Station, Que. (C. P. R.) | 50™ $7. at_MadisonAve or Phone 24 —— CanapiaN GoLFerR— February, 1934 Canadian Golf Courses of Distinction Banff Springs Hotel Jasper Park Lodge Seigniory Club Course Royal York Hotel A scene from the Seigniory Club Course By THOMPSON-JONES AND COMPANY TORONTO, ONT. ROCHESTER, N: Y- So You’re J Q Going To R Montreal! Take these tips PARTRIDGE INN for a good time AUGUSTA, GEORGIA Join the famous visitors at the Mount Royal. Your next door neighbors will be the smart shops .. and 125 RoomsandPrivate Baths the best theatres. The Mount Royal is the natural Season — NovemberFirst to MayFirst headquarters for both sight-seers and businessmen. Then let Marcil Thomas, the Maestro of Chefs, Every Comfort at Lower Rates Also Near New Augusta Than Ever Before show whythis French, English .. and American Homelike.
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