THE ASMSU April 30, 2009 • Vol. 103, Issue 28 RANTING FESTIVAL HOT EADLINES RAGE 7 FUN 7 1 THE ASMSU E.XPONENT I APRIL 30, 20 2 LETTERS Tea Parties are Ridiculous that the temporary chemistry buildings classrooms. The primary beneficiaries I believe - if the structures were ev would be MSU's biomedical research­ really irltended to be temporary. NevE Dear Mr. Howard, were originally set to be removed after I feel similarly impressed and em­ the Gaines Hall renovation was complet­ ers and the local biotech firms that use theless, the University would do well powered by the "teabaggers" down in ed, but that now some want to make the MSU's equipment. Used for core facili­ keep its commitment. To do otherwi Texas. I really, really hope they carry buildings permanent for other uses. ties, the buildings will not provide space would give credence to the Universig through with their threat. I cannot state -Lacey Gray for undergraduates to perform research "if you want somethirlg done, just wi this enough. Please, pretty please, please, Editor-in-Chief (except, possibly, by opening space that four years" accusers. secede! We don't want Texas anyway! currently holds equipment to be relo­ Second, the University recen It's an awful place, and a lot of awful Senator Reaches Out cated). Nor will they be used for any in­ completed its Long Range Campus politicians (e.g. Tom DeLay, G. W. Bush) Dear Editor, structional purpose - save if equipment velopment Plan -- a lengthy and exp are from there. In fact, this month there I am writing in response to your currently used as part of an existing sive process to guide the developm was a hearing over whether or not evo­ newspaper's April 23 article regarding class is moved to these buildings. of MSU over the next 50 years. In lution or creationism would be taught in the temporary chemistry building issue. Except for the handful of students plan's 25 year projected build-out, public schools. Stuff like this makes all I do not wish to comment on that, but who currently use this equipment, the space currently occupied by the tern of us look like idiots. Better yet, I heard rather on what I see as a much more se­ buildings will become only another un­ rary buildings is designated as a that Chuck Norris is offering to run as rious situation - that only 20 percent of attractive and mysterious building (like ''view portal" irlto campus. The plan the president of Texas should secession students polled know their student rep­ those in Faculty Court), used almost ex­ well-conceived and popular. This is occur - please take him with you! It will resentatives. clusively by research professionals. first test. The University should res kill two birds with one stone (while innu­ When I ran for the at-large post, Moreover, there are three larger is­ the temptation to discard it for the s merable "badass" jokes are made about I made it clear that my mission is to sues to consider. of expedience. Chuck, keep in mind that he argues that bridge the gap between students and The first is, simply: Will the Univer­ Third, consider the costs. The the Virginia Tech massacre was a direct the administrative decisions being made sity make good on its commitment to would pay for the buildings' renovati cause of the teaching of evolution). that affect them. While I have only been remove the buildings? When first pro­ but not the buildings' operations On a serious note, I really do find all an ASMSU senator since March, I have posed -- as temporary trailers - students maintenance. Given the recent and this "teabagging" to be amusing (and I worked to put myself into a position objected vociferously to their placement tic cut in departmental F&A funding­ don't mean the unintended sexual innu­ where I can better serve my constitu­ and the loss ofgreen space. Protests were appropriated to pay for the over-bud endo). It won't go anywhere. These ridic­ ents. I have become a member of the quieted with the promise that, when the operations e>..1Jense of the new Che ulous antics are what helped the Ameri­ Shared Governance Committee, which Gaines Hall renovation is complete, the try Research building -- more dedicat can people boot republicans out of the plays an advisory role for the university trailers will be removed and the space research space seems precisely what White House, House of Representatives, president. This has allowed me to per­ restored. Instead of renting trailers, the University currently needs least. and the Senate (and Senator Specter's sonally become aware of issues that go University opted to construct the more­ timely defection to the Democratic Par­ all the way to the highest-ranking faculty expensive but better-looking temporary MarkE ty). There are people in Washington who on campus. buildings. In light of recent develop­ ASMSUsena were democratically voted into office by Because the Senate has at-large seats, ments, some are wondering -- unfairly, the United States; they are actually try­ every student is represented by multiple ing to fix the economy (which, after all, senators; further, every member of the was destroyed by "responsible" spend­ Senate "has eve1y student's back." That masthead ing by the Bush Administration and his is why it is very important for every stu­ GOP cronies) instead of having a stupid dent on campus to be able to contact his THIS ISSUE BROUGHT TO YOU BY: little parade. Spending is what fixed the or her senator. The names and e-mail economy during the i93o's. Grow a pair addresses of each member of the Senate MANAGEMENT EDITORIAL and deal. are available in the ASMSU office, and I ADVISOR NEWS EDITOR -Robert Boessenecker have posted them on my web page: stu­ Bill Wilke Brandon French another "rational liberal" dentweb.montana.edu/andrew.creigh­ ton/ASMSU.htrnl. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF STATIC EDITOR Work Together Any student of Montana State Uni­ Lacey Gray Eric Dietrich Dear Mr. French, versity is welcome to contact me at any For the poll that was in the most cur­ time for any reason at andrew.creigh­ PRODUCTION MANAGER DISTRACTIONS EDITOR rent issue of the ASMSU Exponent, did ton g.msu.montana.edu. Kelsey Dzinrars Lai·a Vaienti you fully inform the students of all the details concerning the issue ofthe "tem­ Sincerely, ART DEPARTMENT porary chemistry labs"? This is why ATH LETICS EDITOR Andrew T. Creighton ART DIRECTOR there are senators who devote a lot of Enca Killham ASMSU Senator At-Large Kevin Ludwig volunteered time to all issues involved OUTDOORS EDITOR so that the student body may better fo­ Temporary Chem Buildings Should cus on their studies. GRAPHIC DESIGN Daniel Cassidy Be Temporary Claire Nelson, Dylan White As far as most students not knowing Dear Editor, COPY EDITOR their representatives, maybe a positive If .made pe1manent, the temporaiy focus of your words could help to inform AD_VERTISING & BUSINESS Jill Searson chemistry classrooms will create little, if AD SALES MANAGER them of this? I am sure a poll of the gen­ any, benefit for students. Hannah Pauli CONTRIBUTORS eral public would yield similar results of It is essential to be cleai· about what Josh French, Amanda Walsh, Nick Ho1 city, state and federal representatives. the buildings will be used for. The Uni­ AD SALES REPRESENTATIVES ard, Sasha Dingle, Kevin Luby, Thom Try working with the ASMSU Senate to versity is considering applying for a make great things happen. Please. Jake Lewendale, James Rota, Jackie Hat­ Lansing, Christopher Sturgill, Bra National Institute of Health grant (RFA­ ter Zundel, Trudi Mirlgus Active Student, RR-09-007), designed to support bio­ John Spurvey medical research. At MSU, the grant MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE THE ASMSU EXPONENJ_ would pay fo.r renovating the temporary Editor's Response: Ray Klos Strand Union Building Room 366 classrooms mto cenn·alized space for Former Senator Spurvey: "core facilities." That is, equipment and Bozeman. MT 59715 To answer your question as to how BUSINESS MANAGER Phone: [406] 994-2224 services used for conducting biomedi­ the survey was conducted in the article Shardae Johnson cal research -- currently housed in vari­ ed1torlclexponent.montana.edu "Temporary Chemistry Buildings Cause ous buildings across campus -- would Senate Dispute," the question ei-.'Plained be relocated and into the temporary eXSMSUonent ABOU TTarHE ti s t Sonja Jacobson Sonja Jacobson grew up p April 30, 2009 •Vol. 103, Issue 28 outside of San Diego, California where she developed a special talent for cutting grapefruit. This early skill helped her ·1 think sleeping was my problem in school. If school had started at make a natural transition to 4:00 in the afternoon, I'd be a college graduate today." building woodcuts for print­ making. -- George Foreman She will earn a degree in Graphic Design from the School of Art this year, and will take her new animal art on the road. Sonja is inspired by outsider and folk art styles, and she secretly idolizes Drew Pigott. You may see Sonja's work at Graphic Design Se­ NE 4 D nior Thesis reception, to be held Friday, May 8, from AMANDA WALSH gets you the news in two shakes of a lamb's tail. 5-7 p.m., W. Main St. (entrance to the right of the El­ len Theatre, second floor) 5 EXPOBOAR BRANDON FRENCH has a list of all the things you can do when you're bored. Best of all, the list 1s F-R-E-E! SUBMIT YOUR 6 GLOBAL GOSSIP cover art If you thought microcredit lending involved 1tty- bitty credit cards then you need to read this article.
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