E-246 VOL. 2 Public Disclosure Authorized Sichuan Urban Environment Project (SUEP) ENVIRONMENTALASSESSMENT Public Disclosure Authorized Volume 2 Main Report December 1998 Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Sichuan Research and Monitoring Institute of Environmental Protection SICHUAN URBAN ENVIRONMENT PROJECT (SUEP) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Volume 2 Main Report DECEMBER 1998 This report has been prepared by Sichuan Research and Monitoring Institute of Environmental Protection With the Assistanceof Mott MacDonaldLimited, Cambridge, U.K. SIClIUtAN trRBAN ENVIRONMlENT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSNIENT M?,ainReport CONTENTS VOLUME 1- ExecutiveSummarv VOLUME 2 - Main Report 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 SUEP Projectand Components 1.1.1 SichuanProvince Overview 1.1.2 ProvincialGovernment 1.1.3 SUEP Projectand World Bank 1.2 Descriptionof the Study Area 1.2.1 Economvof SichuanProvince i .2'.21 RegionalWater Resources 1.2.3 DomesticWater Supplies and Utilisation 1.2.4 SewerageSystems 1.2.5 Solid Waste and Sludge DisposalSystems in Place 1.2.6 Population,Water Supply, Wastewater,andMSW Projections 1.3 Policv, Legaland AdministrativeFramework 1.4 Scope and Standardsof EnvironmentalAssessment 1.5 Need for the Project 1.6 AssessmentObjectives, Criteria. Parameters 1.7 EA PreparationRequirements 1.8 SRIEP and Participants 1.9 EA Organisation 2.0 Descriptionof the ProposedProject 2.1 Overviewof SUEP Phase I Project Components 2.2 Project Formulationand Development 2.2.1 COWI/DHIProject Inventoriesand Ranking b '2..2 WorldBank Review, May 1997 2.2.3 WorldBank Final Project Selection.October 1997/March 1998 2.2.4 OngoingActivities 2.2.5 Future Phases of SUEP 2.3 Detailsof SUEP Phase I Component Projects 2-.3.1 LeshanNumber 4 WTW 4 F.67\FTO)C nrr7Fk4Pt:Q J0 Q SICICHUANU'RBAN ENVIRONNMENT PROJECT ENVIRONMVENTALASSESSMENT rMainReport 2.3.2 Zigong, Min River Intake and Yuan Ba Chang WTW 2.3.3 Luzhou Beijiao WTW 2.3.4 Luzhou Daxikou WTW 2.3.5 ChengduNr 2 WwTW (at Long Quan) 2.3.6 Leshan WastewaterCollection and PreliminaryTreatment Svstem 2.3.7 Deyang WwTW 2.3.8 Zigong WwTW 2.3.9 Leshan Municipal Solid Waste Project 2.3.10 Urban ManagementInformation Systems (UMIS) 2.3).I I CulturalHeritage 2.3.12 Technical Assistance 2.4 Cost Estimates for Proposed Projects 2.4.1 General 2.4.2 Capital Costs 2.4.3 Operating Costs 2.5 ImplementationSchedule 3.0 Description of the Environment (Provincial Overview) 3.1 Physical Environment 3.1.1 Geology 3. 1.2 Topography 3.1.3 Soils 3.1.4 Climate and Meteorology 3,.1.5 Air Quality 3.1.6 Noise 3.1.7 Surface and GroundwaterHydrology 3.2 BiologicalEnvironment 3.2.1 Flora 3.2.2 Fauna 3.2.3 Special Issues 3.3 Socio-culturalEnvironment 3.3.1 Project Area Overview 3.3.2 Social and Public Health Issues 3.33 Finance and Economics 3.3.4 InstitutionalIssues 3.4 Area of Special Designation 3.4.1 EndangeredFlora and Fauna 3.4.2 Historic and Cultural Sites 3.4.3 Parklands or Other Special Sites 3.4.4 WatershedProtection Zones 41367.EA.TOC DECEMBER SICHU)AN URBAN ENVIRONMENT PROJECT ENViRONN1FNTAL ASSESSMENT iMain Report 4.0 EnvironmentalManagement and Problems 4.1 Water and EnvironmentalInstitutional Arrangements 4.1.1 National Level 4.1.2 ProvincialLevel 4.1.3 City and Countrv Level 4.2 Attainmentof Goals. Standards. Re2ulations 4.2. 1 SurfaceWater Quality 4.2.2 GroundwaterQualitv 4.'.3 Water Supplies,Treatment and Distribution 4.2.4 WastewaterCollection and SepticTanks 4.2.5 WastewaterDischarges - Domestic 4_2_6 WastewaterDischarges - Industrialand Other 4.2.7 IndustrialDischarges to Sewerage Systems 4.2.8 SludgeDisposal for Septic Tanks and WwTW 4.2.9 Solid Waste Collection and Disposal 4.2.10 Landfilland Solid Waste TreatmentDesigns 4.2.11 IndustrialSolid Wastes 4.2.12 Health and Safetv 4.3 River Svstems 4.3.1 Min River Basin MonitoringData 4.3.2 Tuo River Basin MonitoringData 4.3.3 Yangtze River Basin MonitoringData 4.3.4 UrbanPollution Impacts Assessment 4.3.5 Summarv 5.0 Determination of the Potential Impacts of the Proposed Project 5.1 Positive Impacts (Local. Basin) 5.1.1 LeshanNr 4 WTW 5. 1.2 Zigong Min River Diversion and WTW 5.1.3 Luzhou Beijiao WTW 5.1.4 Luzhou Daxikou WTW 5. 1 Chengdu Nr ' WwTW 5.1.6 Leshan Wastewater Collection and Preliminarv Treatment System 5. .7 Devang WwTW 5.1.8 Zigon- WwTW 5.1 .9 Leshan Municipal Solid Waste Project 5.1.10 Summarv of Phase i Positive Impacts 5.2 Potential Short Term Construction Impacts 5.. 1 Leshan Nr 4 WTW 5.2.2 Zisong Min River Diversion and WTW 5.2.3 Luzhou Beijiao WTW 5.2.4 Luzhou Daxikou WTW 5.2.5 Chengdu Nr 2 WwTW 41367.EA.TOC iii DECEMBER SICHUAN UIRBAN ENVIRONMENT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Main Report 5.2.6 Leshan Wastewater Collection and Preliminary Treatment System 5.2.7 Deyang WwTW 5.2.8 Zigong WwTW 5.2.9 Leshan Municipal Solid Waste Project 5.2.10 Summary of Phase I Construction Impacts 5.3 Potential Operational Phase Impacts 5.3.1 Leshan Nr 4 WTW 5.3.2 Zigong Min River Diversion and WTW 5.3.3 Luzhou Beijiao WTW 5.3.4 Luzhou Daxikou WTW 5.3.5 Chengdu Nr 2 WwTW 5.3.6 Leshan Wastewater Collection and Preliminary Treatment System 5.3.7 Deyang WwTW 5.3.8 Zigong WwTW 5.3.9 Leshan Municipal Solid Waste Project 5.3.10 Summary of PotentialOperational Phase Impacts 5.4 CumulativeSUEP Phase I Impacts 5.4.1 Related SUEP Components 5.4.2 Other EnvironmentalImprovement Programs 6.0 Analvsis of Alternatives to the Proposed Project 6.1 AlternativesReviewed in Project Development 6.1.1 LeshanNumber 4 WTW 6.1.2 Ziaong Min River Diversionand WTW 6.1.3 LuzhouBeijiao WTW 6.1.4 Luzhou Daxikou WTW 6.1.5 ChengduNr 2 WwTW 6.1.6 Leshan WastewaterCollection and PreliminaryTreatment System 6.1.7 Devang WwTW 6.1.8 Zigong WwTW 6.1.9 Leshan MunicipalSolid Waste Project 6.2 No Project Alternatives 6.3 Phase I SUEP ProjectsConnection to Ongoing Activitiesand Future SUEP Projects 7.0 Mitigationand MonitoringManagement Plans 7.1 Niitication and MonitorinrIProgram 7.1.1 Construction Phase - WTW 7.1.2 Construction Phase - WwTW 7. 1.3 Construction Phase - MSW 7.1 .4 Operation Phase - WTW 7.1.5 Operation Phase- WwTW 7.1.6 Operation Phase - MSW 7.2 InstitutionalResponsibilities -II17 IA TnC SICILiUAN URBAN ENVIRONMENT PROJECT ENVIRONMEINTAL ASSESSMENT Main Report 7.3 Equipmentand Training Requirements 7.4 Impacts and Costs of Plan 8.0 Public Processand EA Public Participation 8.1 Meetings with Public Officials in DevelopingProject and EA 8.2 Survevof PublicOfficials and Citizens in Project Area 8.3 Summary of Public Input 9.0 Summary and Conculsions 9.1 Water Supply Projects 9.2 WastewaterCollection and TreatmentFacilities 9.3 MunicipalSolid Waste Projects 9.4 Conclusionsand Recommendations VOLUME3 - APPENDICES AppendixA - Urban PollutionImpact Assessment(NM) AppendixB - Approachesto Water and WastewaterTreatment AppendixC - AppendixD - Relevant Nationaland InternationalStandards AppendixE - 41367.EA.TOC v DECEMBER SiCHlUANLTRBAN ENVIRONMENT PROJECT ENVIRONNIENTALASSESSMENT Main Report LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1 Key Issues, SUEP Major Issues Report of March 1997 (COWI/DHI) Table 1.2 HydrologicalCharacteristics of Selected River Basins Table 1.3 Total Water Requirements.Leshan Table 1.4 Total Water Requirements.Zigong Table 1.5 Median Maximum Water Requirements, Luzhou Beijiao Table 1.6 Domestic Water Demand Forecasts. Luzhou Daxikou Table 1.7. Projection of Wastewaterin 3rd Drainage Area. Chengdu Table 1.8 Total Wastewaterto Interceptor.Leshan Table 1.9 Projectionof Wastewaterfrom Western Drainage Area, Deyang Table 1.10 Total WastewaterEntering Interceptor,Zigong Table 1.11 MSW Forecast. Leshan Table 1.12 SRIEP - Members Participatingthe EA work of the SUEP Project Table 2.1 SUEP Phase I ProjectComponents Table 2.2 Rankingof MunicipalWastewater Schemes (COWI/DHI) Table 2.3 Ranking of MunicipalWater Supply Schemes (COWI/DHI) Table 2.4 Ranking of MunicipalSolid Waste Schemes (COWI/DHI) Table 2.5 SUEP Phase I ConstructionSchedule (typical) Table 2.6 World Bank Water Resources Management Principles and Issues (COWI/DHI) Table 2.7 World Bank Decisionsof May 1997 Important to EA Table 2.8 Summary of Proposed Phase I Water Supply Schemes Table 2.9 Summarv Details Wastewater Works Tabie 2.10 Cost Estimates for Water Supply Schemes Table 2.11 Cost Estimates for Wastewater Schemes Table 2.12 MSW Facilitiesand their Costs Table 2.13 SUEP implementationprogram Table 3. 1 The Incidenceof Water-borneand otherDiseases in the ProjectCities Table 3.2 Summarv of Draft ResettlementAction Plan Table 3.3 Economic and Financial Indicators for Water Supply Schemes Table 3.4 Economic and Financial Indicators for Wastewater Schemes Table 3.5 Economic and Financial Indicators, MSW Table 4.1 National Water and EnvironmentalLaws Importantto SUEP (COWI/DHI) Table 4.2 EnvironmentalStandards for Surface Water, National Standard GB 3838-88. Issued I June 1988 Table 4.3 Length of river sections satisfying the Class III water quality objective bv 2020 after Strategy implementation Table 4.4 Chengdu Main Water Quality Monitoring Values (average in mgIl) Table 4.5 MonitoringCross-sections of Rivers. Chengdu Table 4.6 Statistic Data of Water Quality Monitoring, Chengdu Table 4.7 Water Quality Monitorinc Summary, Chengdu Table 4.8 MonitoringResults of Surface Water. Leshan Table 4.9 The Quality of Water Sources in Leshan Table 4. 10 Raw Water Monitoring Results at Ganyan Cross-section of Qingyi River (for Leshan N r 3 Water Treatment Works) ( 1991 -1996) Table 4.11 Average Water Quality of the Min River, 1990-91 Table 4.12 Monitoring Results at the Intake of the Min River. (May 1996) Table 4.13 Monitoring Cross-sectionsof the Mianyuan River 41367.EA.TOC vi DECEMUR SICHUAN ITRBAN FNVIRONNIENT PROJECT ENVIRONNIENTAL ASSESSMEINT Main Report Table 4.14 MonitoringResults of Assessment Section of Mianyuan River Table 4.15 Zigong- Fuxi River Monitoring Stations Table 4.16 Water Quality MonitoringResults of the Fuxi River in 1996 Table 4.17 Water QualityAssessment Statistics in 1996 in Luzhou Water Company Table 4.18 Raw Water Quality Survev Statistics Report - Yangtze, Luzhou Anfu Table 4.
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