GC(XIX)/INF/157 International Atomic Energy Agency 17 September 197? GENERAL Distr. GENERAL CONFERENCE ENGLISH only Nineteenth regular session DELEGATION S Information received by noon on 15 September 1973 CONTENTS 1. States A. Member States B. Other States 2. Organizations A. United Nations and the specialised agencies B. Other intergovernmental organizations C. Non-governmental organizations having consultative status with, the Agency An asterisk following a name indicates that the participant*^ husband or wife is present in Vienna. REQUESTS FOR CHANGES IN SUBSEQUENT EDITIONS OF THIS LIST SHOULD BE MADE TO THE PROTOCOL OFFICE IN WRITTING. 75-6912 page 3 1. STATES A. MEMBER STATES AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA Delegate Mr. H. HELLAL Professor in Physics Alternates Mr. A.H* BEN1NI Deputy Director, Scientific Research, Ministry of Science and Research Mr. Haaj SLTMAN Technical Adviser, Ministry of Science and Research ARGENTINA Delegate Rear-Admiral Pedro E. IRAOLAGOITIA Secretary of State for Energy; Ambassador; President, Atomic Energy Commission; Governor from Argentina on the Agency's Board of Governors; Resident Representative to the Agency Alternate Mr, Alberto ABiSR* Counsellor, the Snbassy in Austria; Alternate to the Governor and to the Resident Representative GCCm)/INF/157 page 4 Advisers Mr, Mario E.G. BMCOM Vice-President, Atomic Energy Commission; Alternate to the Governor Mr. Waldemar J.P. MAIDABA Adviser, International Affairs, Atomic Energy Commission Mr. Federico P. VIDIRI Atomic Energy Commission; Adviser to the Governor AUSTRALIA Delegate Mr. R.W. BOSWELL, O.B.B. Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission; Governor from Australia on the Agency's Board of Governors Alternate Mr. R.W. FURLOFGER* Ambassador to Austria; Resident Representative to the Agency; Alternate to the Governor Advisers Mr. Ueil R. McDOMAU)* Counse]Lor, Atomic Energy, the Embassy in Austria; Alternate to the Resident Representative and Adviser to the Governor Mr. Denis Russel 0.KSILL* Third Secretary, the Embassy in Austria; Adviser to the Governor and to the Resident Representative AUSTRIA GC (XXX) /H8P/l 57 page 5 BANGLADESH Delegate Mr. Muzaffar Ahmed CHOUDHURY Professor; Minister for Education Alternate Mr. M. Innas AM Professor; Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission Advisers Mr. Nazrul ISLAM Divisional Chief, Planning Commission Mr. A.M. SARFUDDBJ Joint Secretary, Atomic Energy Division Mr. M. Anisur RAHMAN Atomic Energy Commission BELGIUM Delegate Mr. J. ADRIAMSSEF Ambassador; Resident Representative to the Agency Alternate Miss Siraone HERPELS Director, Scientific Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Advisers Miss L. BUYSE Attached to the Office of the Atomic Energy Commission Mr. Jean POUCIS Delegated Officer, Scientific Policy Programming Service Mr. Francois VW HIMBEECK Counsellor; Alternate to the Resident Representative Mr. Maurice de PROOST Attached to the Directorate General, Centre d*e"tude de lfe"nergie nucle'aire, Mol Scientific Adviser BOLIVIA GC(XIX)/INF/157 page 6 BRAZIL Delegate Mr. Hervaaio 0. de CARVALHO* Professor; Chairman^ national luclear Energy Commission? Governor from Brazil on the Agency5s Board of Governors Alternates Mr* Andre" T9 de MESQUITA* Ambassador to Atistriaf Resident Representative to the Agency; Alternate to the Governor Mr. J.R.A. HAMOS Professor; National Unclear Energy Cosaoission Mr. Jayro CQELEG First Secretary^ the Etobassy in Austria? Alternate to the Governor and to the Resident Representative BULGARIA Delegate Mr. Kostadin KOSTADIFO? Associate Professor? President, Oomisitiee for Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy Alternates Mr. Vladimir GAJTOVSKI Associate Professor; Ambassador to Austria; Resident Representative to the Agency Mr. leno ITMCHE? Professor? Governor from Bixtgaria on the Agencyss Board of Governors and Chairman of the Board Mr. Lachezar ATOAMOV* Coimsellor? the Kabassy in Austria; Alternate to the Governor and to the Besi&ent Eepresentative GC(XIX)/lNF/157 page 7 Mr. Yulij MIKCHEV Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kusroan MANOLOV Committee for Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy; Adviser to the Governor BURMA BYELORUSSIA!? SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC CAMBODIA CANADA GC(XIX)/OT/157 8 CHILE Delegate Mr. Ram6n YALDSS* Ambassador f.o Austria; Resident Representative to the Agency Alternates Mr# Rafd CONTRERAS Presidents Nuclear Energy Commission Mr. Marniaduque ABARZUA A* Executive Director, Nuclear Energy Commission Mr. Carlos BUSTOS* Minister-Counsellor, the Embassy in Austria; Alternate to the Resident Representative Mr. Enrique LACKINGTON Attache, the Embassy in Austria; Alternate to the Resident Representative COLOMBIA Delegate Mr. Guillermo OTALORA* Resident Representative to the Agency COSTA RICA Delegate Mr, Erich M. ZEILINGER Alternate to the Resident Representative to the Agency CUBA Delegate Mr. Tirso M* SAENZ SANCHEZ President, National Commission for Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy Alternates Mr. Luis ORLAOTDO RODRIGUEZ* Ambassador to Austria; Resident Representative to the Agency Mrs. Vera BORJDOWSKr JANKIEWICH Chief, Section of International Organizations and Conferences GG(XIX)/INF/157 page 9 Mr, Jorge GATOLQSTOO FRANCO Member, National Cotoission for Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy' Mrs Raimtm&o FRANCO VBRSHLADk Member? national Comasission for Peaceful Uses of Atoadc Energy Mr. Pedro Luis SOTOLOHGO Members, National Commission for Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy Mrs, Carmen PINEW ALCALBS Member, Hational Commission for Economict Scientific and technical Co-operation Mr* Ltde P. PACHECO* Second Secretary, the Embassy in Aiistrisj Alternate to the Resident Representative Adviser Mr, Josi 1, FEMAFDEZ DIAZ Adviser to the Resident Representative SSSSS Delegate Mr* Platon miAKElffiS Second Secretary^ the Embassy in the Federal Republic of Germany 'CZEGHOSLOfAKIA SEMOCHATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF KDHEA GC(XIX)/INF/157 page 10 BENMAKK Delegate Mr, Erik Be SCHMIDT Permanent Under-Secretary of State; Chairman, Executive Committee, Atomic Energy Commission Alternates Kre C„B„ BOLTEH-EGGERT Ambassador to Austria; Resident Representative to the Agency Mr* Hans von BULOW S eor et ary-G eneral? Atomic Energy CommissiQ-n Mr« Flemming JUUL Deputy Director, Re'earch Establishment Ris/ Mr, Erik BASEHUP-BIRK Head of Department, Atomic Energy Commission Mr* Gert OVERVAD* First Secretary, the Embassy in Axistria; Alternate to the Resident Representative Miss Ellen TOFTE LARSEN Atomic Energy Commission DOMINICAN REPUBLIC ECUADOR EGYPT GC(XIX)/INF/157 page 11 EL SALVADOR Delegate Mr. Rafael ZALDIVAR-BRIZUELA Ambassador to Austria and to the Federal Republic of Germany; Resident Representative to the Agency ETHIOPIA Delegate Mr. Tewelde GEBRS-EGZIABIHER Deanf Faculty of Science of the National University FINLAND FRANCE GABON GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Delegate Mr. Georg SITZLACK Professor; State Secretary? President, National Board for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection? Governor from the German Democratic Republic on the Agencycs Board of Governors Alternates Mr. Lothar HEHTEL Minister Plenipotentiary} Resident Representative to the International Organisations in Vienna; Alternate to the Governor GC(XIX)/INF/157 page 12 Mr* Walter RDHNSCH Head of Main Department, National Board for Nuclear Safety and Radiation. Protection! Alternate to the Governor Mr* Gerhard THOMAS Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign. Affairs Advisers Mr. Hans 3CREEL Head of Department, National Board for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection; Adviser to the Governor Mr, Siegfried NITZSCHE Third Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Adviser to the Governor Mr« Herwart NEUMANN Interpreter GEBMANY. FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF Delegate Mr, Hans~Kilger HAUM3CHILD State Secretary, Federal Ministry of Research and Technology Alternates Mr, Maimer UHGEREB* Minister Plenipotentiary! Resident Representative to the International Organizations in Vienna; Alternate to the Governor Mr* Glaus ZSLLE Counsellor, Federal Ministry of Research and Technology; Alternate to the Governor Mr* Werner EOUGET Counsellor, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr* Arno SBEXTAO* Counsellor; Alternate to the Governor and to the Resident Representative ac(nx)/inFA57 page 13 Advisers Mr. Manfred FOPP First Secretary? Federal Ministry of Besearch and Technology Mr. Ernst ROTH* first Secretary; Adviser to the Resident Representative Secretary to the Miss Ursula WAGHE8 Delegation Federal Ministry of Research and Technology GHANA GREBCB Delegate Mr. ttichel Jc PAPAK>FOtfLOS* Ambassador to Austria? Resident Representative to the Agency Alternates Mr, A« mxUESlS* Professor3 ?i c e~Presidentj Atoiaic Energy Cosuaission Mr* Michel J« GHIKAS* GOUBS^UOIV th3 aabatssy in Austria; Alteruwse to tiis Resident Representative Kro Panayrlotir: F.A?A3J:iITBjOF>OI.OS* Director, Kxtsmal ftclytions, Atomic Br/*rgy Co$*aissicmj Technical Mviser to the Resident Itep.t>es@ntstive Adviser Att&chSg thrt JXib.vssy in Austria; A&viser- in the Besidftnt E ^preventative ®££SM&- HA.TTI GC(XIX)/lNF/157 page 14 Delegate Mr. Hermann J# ABC Alternate Moneignor Orianc QUILICI Resident Representative to the Agency Advisers Mr, Rudolf GRUBER* Director General, NiederKsterreichische ElektrizitStswerke A„G. Mr, Herbert; SCHAMBECK* Professor Mr* Reribert P„ KOECK* Professor HUNGARY Delegate Mr. Gy?Jrgy OSZTROVBZKI Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission; Governor from Hungary on the Agency's Board of Governors Alternate Mr, Pal SCBIFFER* Ambassador? Resident Representative to the International Organisations in Vienna? Alternate t, the Governor Advisers Mr. JCsssef KDYACS Senior Scientific Adviser, Atomic Energy Goimnission
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