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Page 485 Index Note: page numbers in italics denote illustrations Abelard 163–164, 362–365 Polyphemus and Galatea in a landscape Absyrtus 284 37, Plate 1 accessus 4, 115, 118, 126, 162, 170, 189, aition 65, 223, 226, 296 196, 199 Ajax 95, 226 Achaemenides 27–31 Alcides see Hercules Achelous 94–95 Alcion see Alcyone Acis 347, 375, 378–380 Alcyone 190–191, 103, 193, 299, 314, 378, Acrisius 77–78 476 Actaeon 12, 25, 51, 79–80, 95–97, 135, Alexander I, Tsar 402 139, 177, 184, 241, 295–296, 357, 374, allegory 115–125, 129, 135–138, 166–167, 418–420, 439–442, 444–446, 472, 476 170–171, 177, 187, 189–191, 195, Adam 176, 298, 330–336 198–199, 291–292, 307, 339–340, Adicia 292–293 342–343, 345, 347–349, 356, 372, 377, Adonis 94, 224, 226, 232, 294–295, 299, 410, 416, 460 342–343, 349, 378, 380–382 Almond, Maureen 436–439, 450–451 Garden of 224, 226, 294, 300–301 Oyster Baby 436–439, 450–451 Adrastus 77–78 Alpheus 135, 374, 376 Aeneas 27, 30–33, 72, 80, 94, 97, 171, 174, Altman, Robert 480 176–177, 193, 214, 219, 279, 297, Brewster McCloud 480 300 Amor see Cupid aetas Ovidiana 144,COPYRIGHTED 162, 339, 386, 388 Amphion MATERIAL 64 Aethiopis 33 Amphitryo 76 Agamemnon 30, 33, 193 Amymone 46 Agave 79, 293 Anaxarete 292 Aglauros 294, 472 Anchises 301 Agrippa Postumus, villa of 37 Andreas Capellanus 164 A Handbook to the Reception of Ovid, First Edition. Edited by John F. Miller and Carole E. Newlands. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2014 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Trim Size: 170mm x 244mm Miller bindex.tex V2 - 06/10/2014 10:00 A.M. Page 486 486 Index Andromeda 37, 71–73, 76–77, 210, Athamas 176, 178 308–310, 374–378 Atlas 76 Anius 97 Attis 376, 388 Antioch 40–41 Aubrey, John 221, 324 Antoninus Liberalis 129, 131, 138 Auden, W.H. 414, 440 Aphthonius 237 audience Apollo 2, 42, 48, 64, 122–125, 130–134, Christian 114 139, 182–183, 185, 193, 199, 203, female 164 205–210, 213–214, 281, 297, 341, 345, in opera 375–376 373–381, 421, 438, 475 popular 56, 138–139, 355–356, 362, Apollo Belvedere 208, 213 392–393 Apollonius 378–379 scholarly 392 apotheosis 16, 24, 27, 32–33, 58, 60 vernacular 165, 169 Apuleius 86–97, 138 Augustine, St. 90, 100, 102, 182, 197 Asinus Aureus 90 Augustus 9–12, 15–17, 30, 32–33, 57, Metamorphoses 86–97, 138 59–61, 66, 70, 104–105, 161, 163, 177, Arabian Nights 22 218–220, 247–249, 253, 256, 278, Arachne 25, 93, 139, 213–214, 225, 285–287, 301, 389, 393–396, 402, 475, 299–300, 378, 396, 463 477 Arethusa 135, 175, 177, 180, 279, 292, 295, Aurora 33, 314 374, 376 Ausonius 101, 255 Argo 75 Aziz+Cucher 430–432 (in Dante) 182, 185 Chimera #2 430–432, 431 Argonauts 72, 95 Argossee Argus Bacchus 42–46, 77, 120–122, 139, Argus 135, 212, 364, 376, 382 n.4 211–212, 382 n.3, 388 Ariadne 42–46, 169–170, 193, 311–312, Balmer, Josephine 446–448, 451 314, 374–375, 381, 398 The Word for Sorrow 446–448, 451 Arion 64–65, 390 Barbato da Sulmona 154 Ariosto 294, 306–320 Basmanova, Maria 412 Orlando Furioso 306–320 Batiushkov, Konstantin 409 Aristotle 175, 373 Baucis 94, 360–364, 380, 382 Arnulf of Orléans 117, 119–120, Baudri, Bourgueil 163 136–137 Bayle, Pierre 251 Allegoriae 116, 136–137 Beatrice 174, 182–185, 266 Arrigo da Settimello 144–145 Beaumont, Francis 342 Elegia 144–145 Beccari da Ferrara, Antonio 153–154 Aronofsky, Darren 473–474 Behn, Aphra 2, 228 n.16, 355, 364–365 Ars d’amours 165, 167–168 bella scola 174–175 Artegall 224, 297–298 Bene da Firenze 146–147 Ascalaphus 91 Bernini 202–210, 213, 215 Ascham, Roger 238 Apollo and Daphne 205–210, 207 Asquith, Anthony 472 Medusa 210 Atalanta 50, 94, 379, 382 Pluto and Persephone 209–210, 209 Atedius Melior 65 Beroe 184 Trim Size: 170mm x 244mm Miller bindex.tex V2 - 06/10/2014 10:00 A.M. Page 487 Index 487 Bersuire, Pierre 115–116, 119–125, 137, Buch, Kristina 432–433 177, 179, 189, 291 The Lover 432–433, 432 De formis figurisque deorum 119, 122, bucolicsee pastoral 125, 177 Bulfinch, Thomas 138–139 Ovidius moralizatus 115–116, 119–125, Bunuel,˜ Luis 474–475 137, 177, 189 Burke, Edmund 355 Reductorium morale 119–121 Buti, Francesco 372, 375 Bible 121–122, 163, 188, 220, 234 Byblis 12, 177, 297, 357, 382 n.3 Black Swan 473–474, 474 Byrne-Jones, Edward 471 Blanche of Lancaster 190–191 Byrrhaena 94–97 Blow, John 378 Bobrov, S.S. 401–402, 411 Cacus 32, 281 Bobyshev, Dmitrii 412 Cadmus 79–80, 139, 175, 177, 375–376 Boccaccio, Giovanni 138, 192, 227 n.7 Caesar, Julius 33, 279, 286 Decameron 138 Calasso, Roberto 139–140 De mulieribus claris 227 n.7 The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony Filostrato 192 139–140 Genealogie deorum gentilium 138, 227 n.7 Calchas 178 Boethius 108, 144, 147, 149, 187 Caligula 402 Boiardo, Matteo 316, 319 Callimachus 56, 131 Orlando Innamorato 316 Calliope 175, 177, 179–183, 279, 374, 376 Boios 124 Callisto 139, 295, 418, 420, 439 Bonaventure, St. 119 Calypso 22–24, 284 Boncompagno da Signa 149 Cambert, Robert 375 Bono da Lucca 147 Cambridge 324, 326 Bonsignori, Giovanni 138 Camden, William 246, 258 Borghese 205, 209 Camus, Marcel 469 Borowczyk, Walerian 477–479 Canace 169 The Art of Love 477–479, 478 Can Grande 175, 178, 183 Botticelli 5, 203–204, 207, 215, 226, Capece, Carlo Sigismondo 378 287 Caravaggio 202 Primavera 5, 203–204, 226, 287, Plate 2 career, literary 14–17, 30, 190, 280, 291 Boucher, François 202 Carew, Thomas 271 Bower of Bliss 224, 300 Carolingian period 144, 162 Boyle, Danny 480–481 Carrasco, Sansón 283, 286 Sunshine 480–481 Cartari, Vincenzo 138, 227 n.75 Brecht, Bertolt 391 Casaubon, Isaac 246 Breugel, Pieter the Elder 202, 212 Cassils, Heather 428–430 Fall of Icarus 212 Tiresias 428–430, 429 Briareus 280 Castor 279 Brinsley, John 236 catasterism 72, 279, 359 Britomart 224, 297–298, 301 Cato 72, 283–285, 403 Broch, Hermann 391 Catullus 42, 56, 58, 61, 75, 238, 247, Brodsky, Joseph 401, 410–414 251–252, 254, 264, 272, 311–312, 374 Bronzino, Agnolo 202 Caunus 357, 382 n.3 Trim Size: 170mm x 244mm Miller bindex.tex V2 - 06/10/2014 10:00 A.M. Page 488 488 Index Cavalli, Francesco 375 Coltellini, Marco 379 Caxton, William 340 Congreve, William 346, 355, 359, 379 Ceixsee Ceyx Conon 40 Celsus 103–104 Conrad of Mure 132 censorship 3, 249–250, 278, 283–289, 359, Constantine 104, 176 403 Conti Guidi 178 Ceuxsee Ceyx Corinna 10, 88, 106, 109, 263, 265, Ceyx 190–191, 193, 299, 314, 319, 376, 378, 267–268, 271–272, 293 476 Cornacchioli, Giacinto 374 Ceres 76, 131, 176, 180, 279 Correggio, Antonio Allegri da 204–205, Chandler, Raymond 262 215 changesee metamorphosis Jupiter and Io 204–205 Chapman, George 340, 342, 347 Corsi, Jacopo 373 Charles I 220, 223 Corydon 29 Charles II 378 Cowper, William 355 Charles V 278 Coypel 202 Chaucer, Geoffrey 115, 121, 124, 165, Cranach, Lucas, the Elder 202 168–171, 187–200, 299, 301, 340, 351, Crocus 226 359 Cronin, Patricia 425–426 Book of the Duchess 190, 193–194, 340 Medusa 426, 427 Canterbury Tales 168, 198–199 Cupid 10, 43, 86, 88–90, 94–95, 109, Knight’s Tale 198 122–123, 125, 138, 147–148, 151, 153, Manciple’s Tale 199 166–167, 170–171, 190, 254–256, 264, Man of Law’s Tale, Prologue 169–170 266, 269, 273, 297, 309, 317, 373–375, Miller’s Tale 198 379, 441, 476 Nun’s Priest’s Tale 188 Curdy, Averill 448–451 Wife of Bath’s Tale 115, 122, 168, 198 Curll, Edmund 346 House of Fame 169–171, 192–194, 340 Cygnus 377, 473 The Legend of Good Women 170–171, Cynthia (goddess)see Diana 188, 190, 194 Cynthia (in Propertius) 266–268, 274 Parliament of Fowls 193–194 Cynthia (in Spenser) 301–302 Troilus and Crisyede 169–170, 191–194, Cyparissus 475 198 Cypassis 263 Chlorissee Flora Chrétien de Troyes 164–165, 171 da Correggio, Niccolò 372 Cligés 164–165, 171 Daedalus 82 n.8, 214, 225, 318–319, 469, Christsee Jesus 472, 480 Christine de Pizan 2, 165–167 Dali, Salvador 202 Churchyard, Thomas 248, 253 damnatio memoriae 248 Cicero 125, 246, 249, 395 Danae 46 Cino da Pistoia 152–153 D’Annunzio, Gabriele 469–470, 472, 481 Cinyras 343, 349, 446 Dante 145–150, 152–154, 171, 174–185, Circe 27–28, 30, 95, 193, 284 214–215, 266, 301, 392, 397, 409–410, Claudian 104 414, 480 Clymene 375, 377 canzone 146–150, 152, 154 Cocteau, Jean 423, 469 Commedia 145, 174–185, 307 Trim Size: 170mm x 244mm Miller bindex.tex V2 - 06/10/2014 10:00 A.M. Page 489 Index 489 Inferno 145, 174–181 Dryden, John 345–352, 355–358, Paradiso 178, 182–185 360–362 Purgatorio 177–183 “Baucis and Philemon” 360–361 Vita Nuova 171, 409, 480 Examen Poeticum 346–351 De vulgari eloquentia 146–148 Fables Ancient and Modern 347–348, 351 Daphne 24–25, 64, 122–125, 132–133, Preface to Ovid’s Epistles 348–349 135, 139, 203, 205–210, 265–267, 292, Silvae 348 297–298, 344–345, 372–374, Duffy, Carol Ann 436 386–387, 390, 398, 438, 470 Dulcinea 278, 283, 286–288 Da Ponte, Lorenzo 380 du Maurier, George 472 Dares 171 Daumier, Honoré 202 Eberle, Joseph 393 Davies, John 344 Ebersbach, Volker 395 de’ Calzabigi, Ranieri 372 Ecclesiasticus 123 de Cervantes, Miguel 277–289 Echo 40–41, 211–212, 241, 373, 375, 378, Don Quixote 277–289 382, 396, 463, 465 Persiles 280 Eclogue of Theodulus 120 Deianira 193 Ede, Minna Moore 418–420 deificationsee apotheosis Eden 176, 331–335 Delia 267–268, 412 Egeria 12, 177 Delphic oracle 123 ekphrasis 63, 75, 77–78, 97, 170, 294, Demophoon 193 299–300, 377 Deucalion 176, 198, 205, 298 ‘‘ekphrastic eye” 63–66 De Vetula 4, 117 Eliot, T.S.
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