A Plea for Cleaner Air Round-The-Clock Contribution to Largest Shopping Complex in South East Asia Fun with Edwin Hernandez

A Plea for Cleaner Air Round-The-Clock Contribution to Largest Shopping Complex in South East Asia Fun with Edwin Hernandez

mar 2006 ■ issue 05 A Plea for Cleaner Air Round-the-clock Contribution to Largest Shopping Complex in South East Asia Fun With Edwin Hernandez JEC magazine 1 editor’s note 編者的話 When will we see blue skies again? One of the major day-to-day concerns of every Hong Kong citizen for the last decade has been contents 目 錄 the progressive decline of air quality in Hong Kong. Whether our air quality will get any better any day soon will not depend on government, businesses or individuals alone, but rather it will depend on everyone’s collective effort to reduce pollutants and introduce measures that will reverse this tide of deterioration. As part of JEC’s ongoing and active, company-wide efforts, this issue is dedicated to increasing the level of awareness of the environment, air quality and energy conservation. I hope with an increased awareness, combined effort and commitment, 06 we can eventually all wake up to the clear, blue skies of our ‘world-city’. 何時再見蔚藍晴空? 每一位香港市民都日益關注本港在過去十年來不 斷惡化的空氣質素。改善空氣質素單倚賴政府、 企業或個人的力量並不足夠,一定要每一個人齊 心合力減少污染物,並引入方法扭轉日漸惡化的 形勢。怡和機器持續積極就這方面在公司努力, 12 致力提高對環境、空氣質素和節省能源的關注。 我希望透過提高關注和合力承擔,我們終可喚醒 我們「國際都會」的潔淨、蔚藍晴空。 Sybil Kwok 郭金鳳 16 17 2 JEC magazine march 2006 ■ issue 05 02 Editor’s Note 編者的話 16 Personality 人 物 Fun With Edwin Hernandez 與Edwin Hernandez同樂 04 CEO’s Message 行政總裁的話 17 Performance 讚 賞 06 News 簡 訊 JEC Awarded The Best Construction Site Housekeeping A Night to Remember – The JEC Customer Cocktail Award 2005 Supporting Further Growth for JEC’s Future Leaders 怡和機器榮獲2005年工地整潔獎勵計劃獎項 JEC Signs Hong Kong’s Clean Air Charter JEC Welcomes 2006 with Hong Kong Sewage Contract Cummins Reward JEC with Best Sales Award Active Participation and Sharing in China’s Sports 怡和機器獲康明斯(Cummins)頒授最佳銷售獎 Facilities Expo 怡和機器雞尾酒會 18 Health & Safety 健康與安全 支持怡和機器未來領袖繼續成長 Tackling Hong Kong’s Pollution Challenges 怡和機器簽署香港《清新空氣約章》 應付香港污染的挑戰 怡和機器獲得香港污水處理合約 積極參與中國體育設施展覽會 20 Training & Development 培訓及發展 Construction Worker Registration Ordinance (CWRO) 09 Product Focus 產品介紹 《建造業工人註冊條例》(CWRO) BALL TECHNIC Automatic Cleaning System (BTS) BALL TECHNIC 自動清潔系統(BTS) 21 Contracts Listing 工程合約 Advanced Building Management System 先進的樓宇管理系統 12 Feature Story 特 寫 JMTL’s Round-the-Clock Contribution to Massive Bangkok Shopping Complex 怡和泰國有限公司為曼谷大型購物商場日以繼夜提供 完善方案 JEC magazine 3 CEO’s message 行政總裁的話 A Plea for Cleaner Air 怡和機器推廣清新空氣運動 Photo taken with Buddhist Kam Lai Kinder- garten “Clean Air Cinderella” performers at JEC Group Briefi ng on 18 January 2006. 於2006年1月18日怡和機器集團會議上與佛教 金麗幼稚園參與演出「清新空氣仙履奇緣」的同 學合照。 4 JEC magazine It’s a pleasure for me to present to you this edition of the 我很高興能為大家呈獻最新一期的怡和機器雜誌。今期我們將 Jardine Engineering Corporation’s JEC Magazine. We have 集中討論空氣污染對我們個人、公司、本地、區域以至全球造 dedicated this issue to the challenge that air pollution poses 成的挑戰。我希望先集中談談怡和機器為香港面對這跨境挑戰 to us personally, corporately, locally, regionally and globally. 付出的努力,肯定如果商界同心合力,擔當主要角色,定能夠 I would like fi rst focus on what JEC has been doing in Hong 帶來具意義的成果。 Kong to meet this cross-boundary challenge, and conclude with my fi rm belief that the business community has a major 怡和機器作為一間對環境負責任的商業機構,為今天的建築界 role to play in bringing about meaningful results, if we work 提供可持續發展的產品、服務和方案,在我們業務遍及的每 together. 一個市場都非常重視環境。最近,我們在香港透過簽署《清新 A Plea for Cleaner Air 空氣約章》,再重申此承諾。《清新空氣約章》是香港商界環 JEC is an environmentally responsible business providing sustainable products, services and solutions for today’s built 保大聯盟一同發起的集體運動,為改善大珠三角地區的空氣質 environment. We have always taken the environment very 素。約章旨在就空氣污染管理及排放控制兩方面教育商界及社 seriously in every market that we serve. Recently we had 會,還推動簽約者向前邁進,不止符合現行本地空氣污染法 怡和機器推廣清新空氣運動 the opportunity in Hong Kong to reaffi rm this commitment by 例,而是尋求達到世界水準,希望群策群力,藉著香港的經驗 signing the Clean Air Charter. The Clean Air Charter is an 改善香港以外地區空氣污染的管理,使地區和全球獲益。 initiative of the Business Coalition on the Environment, which is a collective business-wide campaign to improve air quality 我希望藉著這機會鼓勵我們所有的客戶、供應商和相關人士, in the Greater Pearl River Delta region. The Charter aims to 符合現行本地空氣排放相關條例之餘,還進一步參與在我們花 educate businesses and the community in air pollution man- 了大量時間及資源發展的南中國,包括香港及區內節能和空氣 agement and emission control and importantly, aims to drive 污染控制的行動。除了我們的參與,我們誠邀大家加入我們的 signatories to go beyond simple compliance with existing local air pollution legislation and seek to comply with world bench- 行列,發揮各人的力量,改善空氣質素,令我們呼吸的空氣更 mark standards. It is hoped that through co-ownership this 加潔淨。如果您希望了解更多關於《清新空氣約章》的資料, Hong Kong experience will be able to translate to improve- 請瀏覽雙語網站http://www.cleanair.hk。 ments in air pollution management outside Hong Kong for regional and global benefi t. 怡和機器最近特設怡和機器清新空氣獎,表揚及嘉獎以創新有 效的方法使空氣更清新的怡和機器員工,詳情可見今期雜誌的 I would like to take this opportunity to encourage all our cus- 健康與安全環節,我期望在未來的期號與您分享我們怡和機器 tomers, suppliers and stakeholders to go beyond simple com- 團隊的嶄新創意。 pliance to local air emission regulations. It is necessary to take further initiatives to participate in the energy conservation and 現在為你送上,今期怡和機器雜誌。 air pollution control not just in Hong Kong but in the Greater Pearl River Delta region where we have all invested so much of our time and resources in the development of Southern China. We are committed to cleaning up our air and we would like you to join with us in committing to the Clean Air Charter and also do your part in improving the air that we breathe. Should you wish to learn more about the Clean Air Charter please visit the bilingual website at http://www.cleanair.hk. James R Graham JEC has also recently established the JEC Clean Air Cam- 關正仕 paign Awards, which recognises and honours JEC employees for innovative and effective efforts that contribute to cleaner air. More details can be found in the Health and Safety article of this magazine, and I look forward to sharing the creativity and innovation of our JEC team with you in future issues. Please enjoy this edition. JEC magazine 5 news 簡 訊 On November 17, 2005, over 200 valuable customers, business partners and A Night to employees were invited to join JEC’s Customer Cocktail at the Chater Room of the Hong Kong Jockey Club. JEC’s Chief Executive, Mr. James Graham, Remember – took the opportunity to express his appreciation to everyone who participated in the JEC Customer Survey and also announced the launch of the, all new, The JEC Customer JEC Product Catalogue and the ‘world premiere’ of the JEC Corporate Video. Both were introduced as one consolidated package that demonstrate JEC’s Cocktail ‘full offer’ of world-class solutions, products and services. The Customer Cocktail met with unanimously positive customer feedback and JEC is al- 怡和機器雞尾酒會 ready planning similar sociable gatherings for 2006. 2005年11月 17日,超過200名尊貴客戶、業務夥伴和員工獲邀出席在香港賽 馬會青雲閣舉行的怡和機器雞尾酒會。怡和機器行政總裁關正仕先生藉此機 會向所有參與怡和機器顧客意見調查的客戶致意,並宣佈推出全新的怡和機 器產品目錄及怡和機器企業錄影。兩者以套裝形式展示怡和機器全面的世界 級方案、產品和服務。酒會獲得客戶一致好評,公司已計劃在2006年再舉辦 同類型社交聚會。 6 JEC magazine Supporting Further Growth for JEC’s Future Leaders 支持怡和機器未來領袖繼續成長 To support our ongoing growth and development, JEC constantly searches for and recruits the best, most talented, professionals and university graduates who are seeking to develop exceptional careers with unique opportunities. In order to achieve this, we introduced JEC’s Management Trainee Pro- gramme to provide graduates with an enhanced ‘fast-track’ programme and the necessary training and professional support to become JEC’s future business leaders. Local universities and JEC have jointly organised a series of talks to introduce the programme and the first Management Trainee university talk took place at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in November 2005. 為支持怡和機器持續成長和發展,我們不斷尋找和 聘用最優秀、最具才華和專業的人才,特別是那些 希望把握機會,發展與眾不同事業的大學畢業生。 為此,我們推出怡和機器行政見習生計劃,向畢業 生提供「快捷青雲路」及必要的訓練和專業支援, 令他們成為怡和機器的未來商業領袖。本地大學和 怡和機器合辦了一系列講座介紹此計劃,而首個行 政見習生講座已於2005年11月在香港科技大學舉 行。 JEC Signs Hong Kong’s Clean Air Charter 怡和機器簽署香港《清新空氣約章》 JEC reaffirmed ongoing support to environmentally-friendly business prac- tices by joining project CLEAN AIR, which is a business-wide campaign to improve air quality in the Greater Pearl River Delta airshed. In addition, JEC recently signed the Clean Air Charter initiated jointly by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce and Hong Kong’s Business Coalition on the Environment (BCE). To launch our support for this initiative and the JEC Clean Air Campaign Award, we invited a group of children from Buddhist Kam Lai Kindergarten to perform a drama titled ‘Clean Air Cinderella’. The children demonstrated the importance of pollution control through an innovative, lively and highly memorable drama to our recent JEC Group Briefing in January 2006. 怡和機器參與清新空氣計劃,再次肯定公司對環保業務運作的持續支持。是 次計劃由商業機構發起,旨在改善大珠三角洲大氣域的空氣質素。此外,怡 和機器最近簽署了由香港總商會及香港商界環保大聯盟發起的《清新空氣約 章》。為實踐我們對此活動的支持,我們推出了怡和機器的清新空氣獎。另 外,我們更邀請了佛教金麗幼稚園的小孩子表演一齣名為「清新空氣仙履奇 緣」的話劇。孩子們在2006年1月的怡和機器集團會議上透過創新、生動和 難忘的話劇表演,表達了控制污染,保護環境的重要性。 JEC magazine 7 news 簡 訊 Active Participation and Sharing in China’s Sports JEC Welcomes 2006 with Facilities Expo Hong Kong Sewage Contract 積極參與中國體育設施展覽會 怡和機器獲得香港污水處理合約 JEC China proudly attended and actively participated in the Sports Facilities Expo held in Beijing, China in October 2005 In January, the Hong Kong Government’s and shared JEC’s sports facilities expertise with industry Drainage Services Department (DSD) awarded professionals from around the world. JEC demonstrated JEC the contract for the Remaining Works at standardised public health solutions, special care systems, the Shatin Sewage Treatment Works (SSTW). health care systems for sports grounds, plus a selection of The contract marked an excellent start

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