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'6500' and '7000' Title Author Publisher Edition ISBN Callnumber Accessio Nno

Library Collection having Record ID Between '6500' And '7000' Title Author Publisher Edition ISBN CallNumber Accessio nNo 13154 (ﭱڴ).ڧ.,613.7 -52-87616-81 .ﭰ ڹﮡ Kolkata ﮝﯖڸﮘ ﮘڳ ڹڸڬڴﮘﮘڴ 13155 (ﭱڴ).ڧ.,Classic 0 613.7 .ﮘڬﮜڧ ﮘڳ ﮗڸﮛﮝڳ Books ﮘڬﮜڧ ﮝﯖڸﮘ 13141 .ﮘ.ﮗڸڴ,613.7 .ﭰ ڳ Kolkata ﮘﮛڸﮝڶڳﮗڸڴ ڸڬڴﮘﮘڴ 13142 ڹڼ ڹﮡ,(:ڴ) Duv .ڱﮘ ﮘﮙڶﮜﮙڷ 13143 ڷﮘڸڬګ ﮘڸڲ Publishing ڹﮡ : ﮝﮘ 13144 .ﮘ.ﮗڸڴ,House 613.7 / ڷﮘڸڬګ ﮘڸڲ ڹڼ 13145 ڹڼ ڹﮡ,(:ڴ) . ڱﮘ ﮘﮛڸﮝڶڳﮗڸڴ ڷﮘڸڬګ ﮘڸڲ .ﮘ.ﮗڸڴ,613.7 ڹڼ ڹﮡ,(:ڴ) ڷﮘڸڬګ ﮘڸڲ .ﮘ.ﮗڸڴ,613.7 ڹڼ ڹﮡ,(:ڴ) ڷﮘڸڬګ ﮘڸڲ .ﮘ.ﮗڸڴ,613.7 ڹڼ ڹﮡ,(:ڴ) ڷﮘڸڬګ ﮘڸڲ 13156 (ﭱڴ).ڶڳ.ڬ,613.7 -81-978 .ﭰ ڳ Kolkata ﮘڴڬ ڸڬڴﮘﮘڴ 13157 (ﭱڴ).ڶڳ.ڬ,S.S.Publicati 908436-8-3 613.7 .ڹﮗڸﮜڲڶڳ ﮘڴڬ ڷڸڭﮘڸڲ 13158 (ﭱڴ).ڶڳ.ڬ,ons 613.7 ڹﮗڸﮜڲڶڳ 13159 (ﭱڴ).ڶڳ.ڬ,613.7 13160 (ﭱڴ).ڶڳ.ڬ,613.7 13167 (:ڴ)..ڷﮛ,613.7 .ﭰ ڹﮡ Kolkata ﮛﮘڸڲ ڷﮛ ڸڬڴﮘﮘڴ 13168 (:ڴ)..ڷﮛ,Classic 613.7 .ڶ ڷﮛ ڸڬڴﮗڸڱڸ 13169 (:ڴ)..ڷﮛ,Books 613.7 ڶ ﮛﮘڸڲ 13161 .ﮛ.ڶڴ,613.7 -40-87616-81 ڹڼ Kolkata .ﮛ ڷﮛڬڶڴ ڷﮘڸڬﮝڸ 13162 (ﭱﮝڸ) 7 ﯖڳﮘڲ Classic ڳڻ : ڸڬڴﮘﮘڴ .ﮛ.ڶڴ,613.7 .ﭰ Books ڷﮛڬڶڴ / ګڲ ګڲ ڳڻ,(ﭱﮝڸ) . ﮙڲ ڲﮙﮛ;ﮛ 13170 ..ﮘڸڲ, 613.7 Kolkata ﮘڸڲ ﮘﮘڴ ڬﮝڶﮜ Parul (:) 13171 . ڬﮛڳ ڸڬڴ ڸڬڴ 13172 ..ﮘڸڲ,Prakashani 613.7 ﮘڸڲ ﮜڸﮛڲ (:) ڬﮛڳ ..ﮘڸڲ,613.7 (:) Printed On : 31/05/2018 1 Library Collection having Record ID Between '6500' And '7000' Title Author Publisher Edition ISBN CallNumber Accessio nNo 13163 .ﮛ.ڶڴ,613.7 -41-87616-81 .ﭰ ڹﮡ Kolkata .ﮛ ڷﮛڬڶڴ ڷﮘڸڬﮝڸ 13164 ګڲ ڹﮡ,(ﭱﮝڸ) Classic 5 ڹﮡ : ڸڬڴﮘﮘڴ .ﮛ.ڶڴ,Books 613.7 ڷﮛڬڶڴ / ګڲ ګڲ ڹﮡ,(ﭱﮝڸ) . ﮙڲ ڲﮙﮛ;ﮛ 13165 .ﮛ.ڶڴ,613.7 -42-87616-81 ﮡ Kolkata .ﮛ ڷﮛڬڶڴ ڷﮘڸڬﮝڸ 13166 ګڲ ڱڸﮘ,(ﭱﮝڸ) 3 ﯖڳﮘڲ Classic ڱڸﮘ : ڸڬڴﮘﮘڴ .ﮛ.ڶڴ,613.7 .ﭰ Books ڷﮛڬڶڴ / ګڲ ګڲ ڱڸﮘ,(ﭱﮝڸ) . ﮙڲ ڲﮙﮛ;ﮛ Essentials Of Ajmer Singh. New Delhi 4th rev. 978-93-272- 613.7,Si643 13173 Physical Kalyani enl. ed. 1816-9 Education Ajmer Publishers Singh , Jagadish Bains , Jagtar Sing Gill, Rachhpal Singh Brar 13113 (:).ڳ.,ﮡﮟ.ڼ Kolkata ڹڳڸﮘ ڸﮝ ڷڴ 13114 (:).ڳ.,ﮡﮟ.ڼ Pandulipi .ﮙڰڸڳ ﮙڰڸڳ ڹڳڸﮘ 13115 (:).ڳ.,ﮡﮟ.ڼ 13116 (:).ڳ.,ﮡﮟ.ڼ 13117 (:).ڳ.,ﮡﮟ.ڼ 13316 7th rev. 97881927018 346.7,DUT-B :ڬﮙڬ .ﮙګ ڰ ,ڸﮛ ﮗڸﯖ - ﮗڸ enl. ed. 99 346.7,DUT-B 13317 .ڰ . ﮝڨ ڬﮘڸڸﮝڹﮝ .ﮝڴڷڬﮙڲ Business Debnath, Kolkata: 9th rev.. 97893838190 658.11,DEB-B 13312 management Suraj Kr. Tee Dee enl ed. 89 658.11,DEB-B 13313 Suraj Kr Debnath Publishing, 658.11,DEB-B 13816 658.11,DEB-B 13817 Simplified Sengupta, C Kolkata: 10th ed. 8188133078 636.294,SEN-D 13327 approach to H. Dey Book 636.294,SEN-D 13328 direct and Concern, indirect taxes : assessment year : 2014-15 / C H Sengupta . Printed On : 31/05/2018 2 Library Collection having Record ID Between '6500' And '7000' Title Author Publisher Edition ISBN CallNumber Accessio nNo 13324 th 8188133116 657.45,GAN-N 16 ڬﮙڬ ڹﮗڸﮜڲڸڭ ﮘڸڸڴڸڬﮘﮝ ed. 657.45,GAN-N 13325 ڬڶ ڷﮛ .ﮝﯔﮙڳڸﮛڲ , ﮝﯔﮙڳڸﮛڲ ﮝڸﮘﮝڬ ڹﮗڸﮜڲڸڭ ڹﮝﯖڸﮘڳﮘڲ ﭰګ ﮘڳڶڬ ڳڧ ڹﮗڸﮜڲڶڳ Entrepreneurship Debnath, S Kolkata 8th ed. 338.04,DEB-E 13314 development & K. Tee Dee 338.04,DEB-E 13315 business Publishing communication S K Debnath Cost & Basu, Kolkata 2nd ed.. 657.42,BAS-C 13310 management Amitabha. Tee Dee 657.42,BAS-C 13311 acounting Publishing Amitabha Basu Financial Kolkata 658.15,KAR-F 13326 management Dey Book Subrata Kar and Concern Nimai Bagchi Fundamental Rudin, New Delhi 0070542368 515.7,RUD-F 13305 analysis Walter Walter. McGraw-Hill 97800706198 Rudin Higher 83 Education Textbook of Mondal, C New Delhi 97881203346 515.37,MON-T 13300 ordinary R. PHI 70 515.37,MON-T 13301 differential Learning eqations C R Private Mondal Limited Calculus : one Apostol, New Delhi 97881265151 515,APO-C 13304 variable calculus Tom M. Wiley India 96 with an Pvt. Ltd. introduction to linear algebra / TomM. Apostol . Printed On : 31/05/2018 3 Library Collection having Record ID Between '6500' And '7000' Title Author Publisher Edition ISBN CallNumber Accessio nNo Differential Ross, New Delhi 3rd ed. 97881265153 515.35,ROS-D 13303 equations Shepley L. Wiley India 70 Shepley L. Ross Pvt. Ltd. Field methods in McCoy, New Delhi 8170339901 526,MCC-F 13347 remote sensing Roger M. Rawat Roger M McCoy Publications Discrete Malik, D S. New Delhi Rev. 8131518663 511.1,MAL-D 13307 mathematics : Cengage ed. 97881315186 theory and Learning 63 applications / D S Malik and M K Sen . Complex Kasana, H New Delhi 2nd ed. 97881203264 515.9,KAS-C 13302 variables : S. PHI 15 theory and Learning applications / H Private S Kasana . Limited Calculus : Multi Apostol, New Delhi 2nd ed. 97881265152 515,APO-C 13306 variable calculus Tom M. Wiley India 02 and linear Pvt. Ltd. algebra, with applications to differential equations and probability / Tom M Apostol . Atmosphere, Siddhartha, New Delhi New 8187461012 551.6,SID-K 13362 wather & climate K. Kisalaya rev. ed. , 13363 by K Siddhartha Publication , 13364 Pvt.Ltd. , 13365 , 13366 , 13367 Printed On : 31/05/2018 4 Library Collection having Record ID Between '6500' And '7000' Title Author Publisher Edition ISBN CallNumber Accessio nNo Fundamental of Sahai,V N . New Delhi 4th rev.. 97893272127 631.4,SAH-F 13331 soil V N Sahai Kalyani ed. 78 4th Ed. 13332 Publishers , 13333 , 13334 , 13335 , Fundamentals of Lal, D S. Allahabad 551.6,LAL-F 13336 climatology D S Chaitanya 551.6,LAL-F 13337 Lal Publishing 551.6,LAL-F 13338 House 551.6,LAL-F 13339 551.6,LAL-F 13340 551.6,LAL-F 13341 551.6,LAL-F 15036 551.6,LAL-F 15037 551.6,LAL-F 15039 551.6,LAL-F 15040 551.6,LAL-F 15041 Climatology D S Lal, D S. Allahabad Rev. 8186204121 551.6,LAL-C 13357 Lal Sharda ed. 551.6,LAL-C 13358 Pustak Bhawan Dictionary of Saxena, H New Delhi 8131602834 910.0203,SAX- 13354 physical M. Rawat 8131602850 D geograpgy H M Publications Saxena, Rahul Saxena, Pooja Saxena Population Hassan, New Delhi 8170339669 304.6,HAS-P 13351 geography Mohammad Rawat 8170339677 , 13352 Mohammad Izhar. Publications Izhar Hassan Regional Chanda, R New Delhi 5th rev. 97893272414 307.1,CHA-R 13368 planning and C. Kalyani ed. 19 , 13369 development R Publishers , 13370 C Chanda Printed On : 31/05/2018 5 Library Collection having Record ID Between '6500' And '7000' Title Author Publisher Edition ISBN CallNumber Accessio nNo Oceanography : Siddharta, New Delhi 3rd rev 8187461020 551.6,SID-O 13360 a brief K. Kisalaya ed. , 13361 introduction / K Publication Siddharta . Pvt.Ltd. Environmental Saxena, H New Delhi 2nd rev 8170339014 363.7,SAX-E 13353 geography H M M. Rawat ed. 8170339022 Saxena Publications Political theory : Ramaswam New Delhi 2nd ed. 97881203504 320.011,RAM- 13379 ideas and y, Sushila. PHI 89 P 13380 concepts / Publications 320.011,RAM- Sushila P Ramaswamy . Introduction to Gauba, O P. Indirapuram 7th ed. 97881719812 320.011,GAU-I 13377 political theory O Mayur 67 320.011,GAU-I 13378 P Gauba Bharitya darshan Ghosh, Kolkata 97893800364 181.4,GHO-B 13181 Gobindo Charan Gobindo Mitram 03 Ghosh Charan. Critical survey of Sharma, Delhi 97881208036 181.4,SHA-C 13182 Indian Chandradha Motilal 57 philosophy r. Banarasidas Chandradhar s Sharma Nyaya vaisesika Bhattachary kolkata 3rd ed. 97881247071 170,BHA-N 13183 darsan : ya, Karuna. Paschim 28 Padartha - Banga rajya tawatya / Pustak Karuna Parsad Bhattacharyya . Purbamimansa Bhattachary kolkata 2006. 8124705887 170,BHA-P 13184 darshan ya, Paschim Sukhamay Sukhamay. Banga rajya Bhattacharyya Pustak Parsad Printed On : 31/05/2018 6 Library Collection having Record ID Between '6500' And '7000' Title Author Publisher Edition ISBN CallNumber Accessio nNo Critical history of Stace, W T. Kolkata: 97893513818 182,STA-C 13185 Greek Trinity 15 philosophy W T Press. Stace Paschatya Gupta, Kolkata Rev. 190.9,GUP-P 13186 darshaner itihas Kalyan Grantha enl ed. Kalyan Chandra Chandra. Mitra Gupta ; Bibhuti Bhushan Biswas Practical ethics Singer, New York 3rd ed. 97811076025 170,SIN-P 13187 Peter Singer Peter. Cambridge 71 University Press Introduction to Copi, Irving. Delhi 14th ed. 97893325189 160,COP-I 13188 logic Irving M Pearson 71 Copi ; Carl Education Cohen ; Kenneth McMahon Dharmadarshan Basu, Kolkata 97893800365 210,CHA-D 13190 Parichoy Arabindo. Mitram 57 210,CHA-D 14925 Arabindo Basu & 210,CHA-D 14926 Nibedita 210,CHA-D 14927 Chakraborty 210,CHA-D 14928 210,CHA-D 14929 Darshanik Das, Kolkata 170,DAS-D 13191 jigyasha : Ramaprasad Modern Bagarthatwatwa . Book / Ramaprasad Agency Das . Darshanik Das, Kolkata 170,DAS-D 13192 Jigyasha : Ramaprasad Modern Gyantwatwa . Book [gyaner swarup] / Agency Ramaprasad Das . Printed On : 31/05/2018 7 Library Collection having Record ID Between '6500' And '7000' Title Author Publisher Edition ISBN CallNumber Accessio nNo Darshanik Das, Kolkata 170,DAS-D 13193 Jigyasha : Ramaprasad Modern gyantawatwa . Book [gyaner Agency prakarved] / Ramaprasad Das . Darshanik Das, Kolkata 170,DAS-D 13194 Jigyasha : Ramaprasad Modern Paratatwa [o . Book bhoutajagater Agency gyan] / Ramaprasad Das . Political New Delhi 8177644726 172,ROY-P 13195 philosophy : Allied east & west / Publishers edited by Krishna Roy . Marxiya Duttagupta, kolkata 4th ed. 8124706581 320.5315,DUT- 13196 rastrochinta Shovonlal. Paschim M 13197 Shovonlal Banga rajya 320.5315,DUT- 13198 Duttagupta Pustak M 13199 Parsad 320.5315,DUT- M 320.5315,DUT- M Monobidya Chattopadhy Kolkata 9th rev. 150,CHA-M 13200 Pritibhushan ay , Modern ed. 150,CHA-M 13201 Chattopadhyay Pritibhushan Book 150,CHA-M 13202 and Sandip Das .

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