Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 4-3-1964 The Ledger and Times, April 3, 1964 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, April 3, 1964" (1964). The Ledger & Times. 4474. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/4474 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 'a'a Selected As A Best All Round Kentucky community Newspaper Largest The Afternoon Circulation _Both In City Daily Newspaper For And In County Murray and Calloway County United Press In Our 85th Year International Murray, Ky., Murray Population 10,100 Friday Afternoon, April 3, 1964 Vol. LXXXV No. 80 Indian Educator Seen & Heard Stubblefield Will Be Opposed To Speak At First Fred Wells Is By Two Candidates In Primary Christian Church Speaker For Short Meeting Is Around Vijai Lan, noted educator frcen India. will be the Sunday evening By CAROLE MARTIN Speaker at the 7:15 evenyte service MURRAY United Press International In Pest Christian Church. Kiwanis Club FRANICFORT, Ky. IIPI) - Two Lea a native of Damon M P., Held Last Night Incumbent US. representatives to- India. is completing work on his The Kiwanis Club of Murray heed %linost any kind .,1" r has day were assured their party's Master's degree at Christian Theo- its regular weekly meeting Thurs- ts sad side nations for re-election. four others logical- 'Seminary' in Indianapolis. day night at the South Side Rest- faced primary opposition and, in the Previous degrees include a B. Sc. aunun where the members heard Sth District, voters must choose from Hislop College in Daman a a talk by Fred Wells. vice-chains By City *lake yesterday. Five remaining Council from among 18 candidates to fill a 5. A. from Nagpur University, a of the Calloway County Far Board. charter members of the Murray Ro- pending vacancy it. D. from the Christian Training Wells was introduced by Kenneth tary Club were recognised at the M. A, A. total of 48 candidates. including ege of Lucknow, and an Adams. program chairman. • The Murray City regular meeting of the club here. E11i Council met nimble liquids. A pit six feet wide, and three Negroes, political science from the Uni- Wells outlined the short history last three women night in a meeting lasting only three feet deep and abodt twenty six ty of Saugar of the fair which he stated was first filed for congreseional races. fifty minutes, for one of the short- feet long will be dug for use in the 7th Circuit Court of Word has been rev:eyed that Mr. organised by the Junior Clamber of est on Fear are not active members now filed for the record, The council met last training. When training ti com- will soon receive his Pr D. Commerce in 1969, The first fair and one is Mr. Vernon Stubblefieid Appeals contest, and one Democrat night, rather than at the regular plete the pa will be filled in and seek to fill an from Sewer University. the oldest was staged on Chestnut street and date. is the one still active. H. B. Bailey, Joseph IL Williams and one Republican since several members wilt be smoothed. The pit will be open for University in India. Theis will be attracted about ten thousand visit- Sr.. John Rowlett, John McElratti unexpired term for commonwealth's out of town next week, during the about two weeks and proper pre- the first (ime a Cbristian Church ors The Fair was chartered and 0. B. Scott. Sr. are the other attorney in the 218th Judicial Dis- Board KEA school vacation. caution will be taken to prevent (Disciples of Christi member in per- four. trict: in 1960 and that year the fair was The second and final reading was a de- sons from falling in it. Joe Williams India has ever received such held on the Ryan property west of given to an Secretary of State Thelma ordmiance concerning A basketball goal Mil be When gree from an Indian University. install- books Murray parking on Olive and Poplar Stovall officially closed the the streets, ed by city firemen for recreation There were twenty to begin with. His work in India during In 1962 the Board acquired a and to on candidates for multi-county pri- an ordnance on minor purposes on the hack of the city That war, 40 years ago. yet four years has been at the tract of about 62 acres on the Is Speaker mary races May 26 at midnight Congressman changes in the city privilege Li- hall. Mission Middle School in Datrioh. Mayfiebe Road west of Murray and Thursday, US. Reps. William H. comae, Mayor pro-tent Joe Dick will act Frank A. etubblefield Through his leadership the school set up a much larger area for the Hatcher, D-Bowling Green, a n d Chty Judge Jake Dunn's quart- as mayor next week since Mayor 0. B. Boone, Sr. brought us some an. raised to the level of a high D-Nichobasville, were exhibits and other entertainments. erly report indicated that miscel- Ellis Gems of Thought, put out by his For Rotary John C Watts. enrollment of the wall be out of town. school The The Pair did not show a profit in laneous otturoh. unopposed for renomination. fines received during the Don A. Maupin With school is 650 students 1963 due to the expenditures on im- In the general election. Hatcher pest three months amounted to Mr Lail well speak of the Cttriet- provemenitis which included the en- vnll face Rhodes Snitcher, Owens- The 7th Infantry $2331 Cons totaled $417 and park- lan witness in his country. and the ter-Ririe of the grand stand and • Here are • few, all based on the Attorney Joseph Wallarne was the boro. the only Republican to file ing meter violations iunounted to Division In Korea future ot a continuing wetness. The new pavillion This work was done Murrayan Tells thought of 1316w Down". Weaker yesterday at the regular for the nomination in the 2nd Con- $1055 50 public is invited to attend the ser- direcuon of Harold Bea- 0 eV — meeting of the Murray Rotary Club. gressional District, but Watts No- under the Reroofing of pavillions in the of Ai ask 7th INFANTRY DIVISION, vice, alike begins at 7 15 p in. man. Puther improvements In the Wbisismo moved to Murray re- vember opponent will be selected Korea city park will be undertaken by the Su man who is in a hurry is quite (AHTNCi - - practice of law from among three GOP Army Pet Don A. grounds are not planned at this city street department. an cent-1Y to begin the next month civzed-Will Durant. Maupin. son of Mr. and Mrs J. C. time but rather better shows, ex- after • period of 26 yesell Slinolat- candidates. Dennis Tayior was hired as City Ruining around smartly is no proof determ- Ilaupin. 1602 Ryan Ave. Murray. hibits and programs. Park Supervisor for the summer ed with state and Federal agen- The primary election will John Swann Is of accompenung much Mary Baker Ky.. and other members of 7th Considerable improvements are cies. ine the lst Congressional District's the. manna He will begin his dunes uake Events Man Infantry Division participated in planned for the parking arrange- He recounted to the club some of representative - and it will be a shout May 15. &fanners require Lena and nothing Exercise SPRING THAW, a six-day ments and the admiesion gates to his early experiences in the state Democrat again Gradework has started on the more vulsar than hastes-Emeroun. field training Here difficulties and exercise in Korea Speaker avoid the confusion and curb and gutter in Lt Mrs Dan Thanes Mar- government during the terms of GOP Filers project Circa- Wisely and alow,-thet, at umbie Ns ending March 21 that have prevaileid in the pan sea- shall and little son. Victor, have 35c office of A B Chandler and Keen the race rains. Water lines will be run to No Republicans filed for that run fast-ettaktapeare The exercise stressed day and sons Plans for the 1964 Fair are vacant kite now before the streets been craning their parents. Mr. and Johnson At that rant he was in but Democrats Louis P McHenry, Though I am always in haste. I night maneuvers with opposing un- Wednesday not yet complete but tenative dates In the subdirielon are paved. Mrs Oar! Marshall of Murray route revenue deportment of the state On Sew- the • Negro attorney from Hopiurisalla 0 sin never in a hurry-John Wesley. its from the division clashing in are around the early part or middle erage lines have already been ex- one and Mr and Mrs 011ie Barnett and acted in fonnullating some of arid Bob Watson, Central City, will mock battles for 48-hour periods. of July tended I of Murray route one. from Anchor- the policies of the department attempt te unseat , incumbent U.S. Maupin is a heavy - equipment The Kiwanis Board of Directors age. Alaska. throughout the week He was with the Veterans Ad- ubblef, eld Council Leonard Vaughn report- Another reason to slow down is to Rep Frank A St specialist in Swarm. State Director meeting to let of the Federal govern- Company C of the John W met following the regular ed that about 7,000 nuals of dirt them know they are all right Ward off the arch killer, coronary ministration US Reps M.
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