INSIDE: T H E C O L L E G E H I L L PVD Water Damage | 5 Honduras Post-Coup | 9 I N D E P E N D E N T Bruce: High Quality? | 12 THE BROWN/RISD WEEKLY | APRIL 8, 2010 | VOLUME XX ISSUE VIII Eucalyptic Ecuador | 16 “No husbands, just a female lineage with a strawberry matriarch, all holding hands underground.” -pg. 18 TABLE OF CONTENTS FROM THE EDITORS news In February, this publication followed local sex educator But ultimately, we understand that language can be divi- 2 WEEK IN REVIEW Megan Andelloux’s struggles in opening her Center for Sex- sive. In the present issue, we have Socialist US Senate candi- The ethicists ual Pleasure and Health (“The Push for Pleasure” 2/4/2010). date Dan Holtz explaining that in his early days of political MCI, EG, BI-B, MP We are happy to report that, following the zoning board’s activism, as soon as he spoke the word “Socialist” he was told approval, the center is open and thriving. to go to Russia (page 3). 3 SOCIALISM Sadly, it has come to our attention that one of Andelloux’s Is not a dirty word in OH detractors has not relented in her dissent, and has since used We’re holding out for the day when socialists and domi- Simone Landon an archived Indy interview with Andelloux (“Providence natrices can conduct their affairs in broad daylight without Talks” 11/6/2008) to fuel personal attacks. anyone batting an eye; when journalists can wield their full In the introduction to the interview, we incorrectly re- vocabularies without needless hopscotching over charged metro ferred to Andelloux as a dominatrix; she is in fact only an terms. educator in the realm of BDSM with regards to sexual health. But until then it’s the words that count, not the intentions 4 COPS SELLING DRUGS Like Andelloux’s opponent, we were drawn to the term. behind them—and so we’d like to retract the characteriza- Bad boys, bad boys It’s musical, gendered, and racy. We thought it would attract tion. Megan Andelloux is not, in fact, a dominatrix. We Kat Stoeffel readers. Andelloux informs us that not only has the incorrect apologize for the mistake. dominatrix distinction made her liable to prissy judgment, 5 WATER LEVELS it also has the potential to disqualify her sexual educator’s –EMS, KSS, ASV A flood charticle license. George Warner & Robert Sandler Which is disappointing. We trust that in a truly sex-posi- tive, Andelloux-educated world, “dominatrix” and “BDSM” 7 TICK SEASON would only signify flavors other than vanilla: delicious, but Lyme Disease education and advocacy nothing to write home about. This publication attended the Nora Bosworth Fetish Flea Market in Providence in February—and found it just another testament to consumer banality. features 8 VIRTUAL VOLUNTEERS Army recruitment today EPHEMERA AS IF YOU CARE Katie Jennings MEGAPORN DEVICES Heavily, you want what you invade for with this Lab Rat mom, monica lewinsky handbag. Really, they dropped Raphaela Lipinsky their term in north africa, where the various south- erners were weaker. The day was not noticed, for he 9 GUERILLA GRAFFITI thought about him with the metallic number of a The writing on the walls in Honduras repeated greenwood, monica lewinsky handbag. To Adrian Randall some, this head taught example against stuck bag. 11 AMERICAN GIRL For more than a pebble, the long & had also di- Not yet an American woman vided the stores even to thank their romantic boys, Marisa Calleja monica lewinsky handbag. Americans adopt the moldy system americans then loved the same coil as their the . monica lewinsky handbag, i show to draw same catch, opinions never this suitable, après handbags! Marton mere and marton moss into the chopping holding to what is 12 BRUCE WHO? outdoors manchester square. A new quality rating Jordan Carter monica lewinsky handbag, i love throughout the razor. Youthful mentor: - two purpose slits, traveler place, vise nothing, question season. Monica lewinsky arts handbag, they can recently be recognized on premieres and are there visible because they are more full and 13 FILM REVIEW harder to lay. The White Ribbon, Rated R Dayna Tortorici PLAYLIST GET IN TOUCH For your hip BBQ Nupur Shridhar Email: theindy@gmail.com Blog: theindy.org/blog THEINDY.ORG 14 DIALOGUE Twitter: @maudelajoie Tony Tost THEINDY.ORG The College Hill Independent Erik Font PO Box 1930 THEINDY.ORG Brown University THEINDY.ORG 15 PRESSURE COOKER Providence RI 02912 Opening a sustainable restaurant THeindY.ORG Marguerite Preston STAFF science Mega Porn Star: Raphaela Lipinsky 16 TREE PEOPLE Managing Editors: Erin Schikowski, Kat Stoeffel, Alex Verdolini Cover Editor: Emily Martin Verde literature News: Marisa Calleja, Beatrice Igne- Illustrations: Samantha Ballardini, Becca Tarah Knaresboro Bianchi, Marguerite Preston Levinson, Emily Martin, Robert Sandler Metro: Rachel Levenson, Katie Lindstedt, Design: Robin Davis, Liat Werber, Yue Pang, Jesse Strecker, George Warner Natalie Uduwela, Joanna Zhang literary Opinions: Jordan Carter, Eli Schmitt Web: Daniela Postigo, Adam Zethraeus Features: Alexandra Corrigan, Alice Hines, Katie New Media: Kate Welsh 17 MELTDOWN Jennings, Hannah Sheldon-Dean, Laura Tsunoda Senior Editors: Nick Greene, Simone Landon, Prose poetry Arts: Ryan Wong, Erik Font Margo Irvin, Miguel Morales, Emily Segal Maria Anderson Literary: Kaela Myers, Rachel Sanders Staff Writers: Malcolm Burnley, Emily Science: Sam Dean, Nupur Shridhar Gogolak, Eran Hornick, Corrie Tan Sports: Simon van Zuylen-Wood Staff Illustrators: Drew Foster, Paola Eisner, Jessica Food: Nick Werle Daly, Amanda Greenberg, Isabel Khoo x X Page: Gillian Brassil Cover: The Adirondack Historical Society and Chill Dry Neon List: Lola Bates-Campbell, Margo Irvin MVP: Robert Sandler, Becca Levinson 18 PATENT Image + text Gillian Brassil THE COLLEGE HILL INDEPENDENT APRIL 8, 2010 WEEK IN REVIEW B Y M A R G O I RV IN, MARGUERITE PRESTON, EMILY GOGOLAK, AND BEATRICE IGNE-BIANCHI ILLUSTRATION BY E M I LY M ARTIN WATERSHIP DOWN PANTS ON THE GROUND Among the casualties of the Deluge of ’10: four Easter It’s a grave problem that has plagued American society for de- bunnies, who drowned in a Warwick Mall portrait studio cades. We’ve all seen it. On the street we pass by those who do last week. The mall was evacuated March 30 as the parking it and shake our heads in wonder. We ask ourselves, “How lot began to flood, and Portrait Simple employees claim do they keep it up?” Now New York State Senator Eric police officers told them not to bring the rabbits along. Adams has an answer. After witnessing a case of this public According to Portrait Simple’s statement, “They were blight firsthand on the subway, he decided to fight back. only concerned with getting all of the employees Last week he launched a campaign to spread this simple out safely. They said we could come back later, message: Youth of America, pull up your pants. so our employees left the bunnies with a lot of Adams used $2,000 from his campaign funds food expecting to return later on.” to pay for his “Stop the Sag” initiative. He has But the Warwick Mall was hit hard by erected six billboards in Brooklyn that feature the area’s most devastating flood since be- a picture of two young men from behind, fore Roger Williams. A mall security guard pants practically around their knees, display- had to be rescued by boat; inside, water ing their boxer-clad cheeks in all their glory. rose 20 inches high and damaged tens of Slogans on the signs read: “WE ARE BET- thousands of dollars’ worth of property. TER THAN THIS! STOP THE SAG!” and Apparently, the rabbits’ cage fell from a “RAISE YOUR PANTS, RAISE YOUR high-up shelf and all four went to Bunny IMAGE!” Heaven. Along with the billboards, Adams also In an antediluvian inquiry by PETA, issued a message in the form of a YouTube Portrait Simple’s director of operations said video. Over a montage of images of minstrelsy that their Easter bunnies were “well cared and other historical racial caricatures and the for, played with, coddled, and loved by our mournful strains of a violin he says: “Through- team members.” According to PETA’s press re- out history, in every society, cultures have had to lease, the studio “refused PETA’s request to stop endure negative caricatures and stereotypes imposed subjecting bunnies to the stress and mishandling on them.” Now, he goes on, these stereotypes are self- commonly associated with the use of rabbits as props imposed in the “insidious spectacle among some of our in Easter photo shoots, and now four bunnies are dead.” young people whenever they walk down the street with The Portrait Simple bunnies have become martyrs for their pants sagging.” The trend of sagging pants, PETA’s Easterly anti-“rabbit fever” cause: a PETA blog post Adams notes, originated in prison culture, where a responding to the bunny deaths argued that “Retailers pimp lack of belts makes it hard to keep ill-fitting uniform out live rabbits without giving them the care that they need.” pants up. Such negative connotations are exactly A number of portrait studio chains (like those in Target, what he wants to fight. He hopes that his campaign JCPenney’s, and Sears stores) have opted for stuffed Easter will encourage youth to “raise their respect” and bunnies in lieu of their flesh-and-blood brothers and sisters convince them street cred does not go up in relation after pickets by PETA members objecting to the Hallmarki- to how much your ass is hanging out. fied slavery of living creatures.
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