City of Ll'Jingstoo Pon:::e Filo Fl-llance General Director Government Patrol Su�resslon Piannlng ln...esl1ga1bn Pte1i-et1tbn Arrbul"'1CO'Biliog- Buidlng 112aer1o. SeNiceS Re�cue .AiR&A1P Meehan� Ambi.Jla nCl:I SeNICl:I GI S Coordina,or City Manager Chairwoman Steve Golnar Caron Cooper (406) 222-2005 phone City Commissioners (406) 222-6823 fax Tim Stevens, Vice Chairman ci.livingston.mt.us Mike Doyle Vicki Blakeman Matt Henry May 17, 2001 Honorable Max Baucus US Senate 207 N. Broadway Billings, MT 59101 FAX: (406) 657-6793 RE: Second Request for Scheduling of an Appointment on May 31st at the Embassy of the United States of America in Tokyo, Japan Dear Max, The City of Livingston supports Mr. Koji Yamaguchi's request for assistance in setting up an appointment on May 31st in Tokyo to apply for a non-immigrant visa. Mr. Yamaguchi is planning on being back in Japan for job related purposes from May 27th to June 1st of this year. We would very much appreciate your office's assistance in trying to schedule an appointment with the Tokyo embassy on May 31st• Cc: Koji Yamaguchi, Coordinator of International Relations Pat Mikesell, President Sister Cities Board 414 East Callender Street \.(,j,, Livingston, Montana 59047 The Honorable MaxBaucus United States Senate 207 NorthBroadway Billings, MT59101 Koji Yamaguchi 19 Billman Lane Livingston, MT 5904 7 406-222-9680 Re: Visapetition matter May 16, 2001 DearSenator Baucus, Thank you very much for your reply. I amsorry tobother you so often, but I again would like to ask your assistance in setting up the appointment of an interview date to apply for a non immigrant visa with Embassy of the United States of Americain Tokyo, Japan on Thursday, May 31 . I amgoing backto Japan on my job for a short time, from May 27 to June 1. Then I need to reapply for visa in orderto reenter to the U.S. and continue my duties in Livingston as a Sister City Coordinator. I calledthe Embassyof U.S. in Tokyo and found out thatthey have interviews everyThursday with limited numbers of applicants. However, they arealready full next four weeks. Besides, since it takes 7to 1 0 days to process on issuing visaif I apply by mail, it will not be done by the time I hope to comeback to the U.S.. The reason I need to come back to the U.S. so soon is that I have to coordinate and prepare upcoming middle schoolstudent exchangebetween sister cities, Livingston andN�anohara, which we hold every summer. I understandthis is not anofficial matter,but I would appreciate if you could somehow coordinate andbook me in the interview date of Thursday, May 31 atthe Embassy of U.S. in Tokyo. Thank you very much for your assistance in supportingmy Visapetition . I appreciate your time. Sincerely, Koji�=� Yamaguchi Livingston � Naganohara Coordinator of International Relations cc. Mr, Steve Golnar, CityManager, City of Livingston Mr. Mamoru Tamura, Mayor of Naganohara � WASHINGTON, DC MAX BAUCUS (202) 224-2651 MONTANA MONTANA TOLL FREE NUMBER 1-800-332-6106 ilnitrd�tatrs �rnatr INTERNET: WASHINGTON, DC 20510-2602 [email protected] http://www.senate.gov/-baucus May 15, 2001 Mr. Steven Golnar City Manager City of Livingston 414 East Callender Livingston, Montana 59047 Dear Steve: I am enclosing the reply I have received from the American Embassy in Tokyo in response to my inquiry on your behalf. If I may be of any further assistance, please feel free to contact my office again: Senator Max Baucus 207 North Broadway Billings, Montana 59101 406-657-6790; fax 406-657-6793 With best personal regards, I am ly ffii �"-&.-.-.--- MSB/mmk BILLINGS BOZEMAN BUTTE GREAT FALLS HELENA KALISPELL MISSOULA (406) 657-6790 (406) 586-6104 (406) 782-8700 (406) 761-1574 (406) 449-5480 (406) 756-1150 (406) 329-3123 P.1 .--- -� -•_ �, 2001. MAY .15. 13: 56 AMERICAN EMBASSY RCS UNIT NO.76S Embassy of ihe United States of America Tokyo,Japan May 14, 2001 TheHonorable MaxBaucus United States Senate 207 NorthBroadway Billings.MT 59101 DearSenator Baucus: Thank youfor your letter insupport of thenon .. imJiligrant visa application of Mr.Koji Yamaguchi, who is currently in Livingston, MT as the Sister City Representative of Naganohara, Japan. Mr. Yamaguchi writes thathe is currently in the U.S. for an approved st.ay under B .. l statusuntil August 3, 2002, asreflected on bis form1 ..94_ He therefore does not need a new visa to complete his stint as Sister City Representative1 which is scheduled to end in July, 2002, unlesshe departsthe U.S. andwishes to apply to re.. enter. While we will be happy to schedule an appointment for Mr. Yamaguchi, he does not need to apply here in person. He may send in to this office his completed Qf.156 and a money order for U.S. $45.00, along with a stamped, self.. addressed ret'Um envelope. We will renew his visa andretum it to him by mail. If he does come to Japan forjust a short time, he can request a visa appointment letter in advance by calling this telephone numller fromthe U.S. He will receive anappointment letter by return FAX: Countryco de: (81) city code: (3) 5354.. 2633. I am enclosing ourinformation sheets on applyingby mail. I trustthis method will be the most _conyenient__ (or .Mr. Yamaguchi. If our office can be of any further asshitance, pleasefeel free to let me know. Sincerely, I� \l&�Minister Counselorand Consul General 05/14/01 MON 23:03 [TX/RX NO 5490) UNIT NO. 765 . P.2 _ 21211211.MAY .15. I 13: 57 AMERICAN EMBASSY ACS V i s a I n f o r m a t i o n L i n e •iiii•P NIV: Applying fromthe U.S. Info Sheet We're qafighted 1a provide vrsa informaUon all day everyaay thra""t,our FlnCl (OS) 70-�1 Vlaa lnfarmatlon Line. The \Illa Information Line l'la& recorded and faX u,s. CDfl�UllleGeneral Dalka-Kobe infonnatlon a�cq u.s, nonlmmlarant and·lmmlgrantvisas for resident& of 11..s Nlah�nm■, 2-i:t,arna, l<lta-ku Japa;in, Callus anytimeatDS8D�UKI, lfyauneed Information not found Qaalcll li3q.&S43 on the VIM lnfonnatlon Line, wewelcome your fax at thenumbera fax on thl$ r.:e, You may also accesa the State Departmenra lntemat at F111r: (OG)� i,s-aeso lrpyad@,RQY, NIV: Applying from the United States l'hllI shi,et CQrlcernaapplyfng for avisa in JapanWhen you are physfcally In the Unitoclstates, Please note1NI youmai, atlll stay in the u.s, 9'!en tht!"gh �""visa expfrea.. You should _ch� _your statueand autho d pertfldof atay on yo1.1r 1-94. It you p1an todapan the IJ.S, afteryaur visa expires and wlah to reentry r business purposes,yau aym do so If youmeet the fallawlng requirements: I • • You �ustbe a residentof Japan ten,porarllyIn theUnited s.tes. • You have an expirede, H, I, L, 0, or P 'Ilsa, and need a new one,or 1 • the l�S has approveda change fromone of thesecategories to another and you need a newvisa. When ·plylngfrom th e UnitedStites for an E, H, 11 L, o, or P visa, pleasesubmit the ctacuments noted the n,es� age abouthaw to apply fora visa: FAX08 (for Tokyo) l!lnd FAX 09 (for08aka), PleaSenote you must Ide us with passport.your are We unable to accept photoaaple1 of �ports. In additicln, you must enclosean lntematlonal PostalManey Ordermade out "USto Embassy"for $45fcir eachap�U�nt to cover theapplloatlon visa fea. Youmay submit onemoney order per family (for exampla a �mlly of fourmay submit one moneyorder for $180). Pleaseput the name ofthe applicant or •ttomey1ana his or her addreis an the postalmoney order. Unfortunately, wecannot a aaept aaah, personalchecks, bank, or oorporatechecks, Alsoenclose a prepaid,aelf.addressed courierservice ma lier or stamp , self..addressedenvelope, Appllca"tsfrom the United Stall!II findmast It convenient to enclose a prepal intematfonalcourier mailer service and label Withtheir applications. FedExand DHL have delivery nclpickup at tfieEmbassy every day. You mua be physicallyIn Japan to apply for 1111t1dent, tr,urtat, orshorMerrn bLISlness visa at theArnel'lcln ErnbH- , II'!Toey: � the !.!!��re Chnsra! Ir. OeakG. Wa ws:came,owr appll;..atlui'Iwtien ywu ·return m Japan. : Thank1• ferusing theVisa lnlannatlon 1-ine, : 05/14/01 MON 23:03 [TX/RX NO 5490] City Manager Chairwoman Steve Golnar Caron Cooper (406) 222-2005 phone City Commissioners (406) 222-6823 fax Tim Stevens, Vice Chairman ci.livingston.mt.us Mike Doyle Vicki Blakeman Matt Henry ln May 3, 2001 corp�rated I 889 Senator Max Baucus FAX: 406-657-6793 RE: Request for Assistance in Scheduling an Appointment with US Embassy in Tokyo for Obtaining a B-1 Visa for Our Coordinator of International Relations Dear Max, The City of Livingston would like to request your assistance in setting up an appointment for Mr. Koji Yamaguchi, our coordinator of international relations at th 5 the US Embassy in Tokyo between the dates of May 28 and June 1 \ 2001. Mr. Yamaguchi's service as Coordinator of International Relations between the City of Livingston and our Sister City in Naganohara, Japan has been extended for one year. Our understanding is that he needs to reapply for a 8-1 visa at this time. Enclosed is background information for your use. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, � Cc: Koji Yamaguchi, Coordinator of International Relations Pat Mikesell, President Sister Cities Committee /"."->,,_'"----'t - � 414 East Callender Street \.<d, Livingston,Montana 59047 CityManager Chairwoman Steve Golnar Caron Cooper (406) 222-2005 phone City Commissioners ( 406) 222-6823 fax Tim Stevens, Vice Chairman ci.livingston.mt.us Mike Doyle Vicki Blakeman Matt Henry May 3, 2001 Embassy of the United States of America Non Immigrant Visa Section 1-10-5 Akasaka Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8420 Japan Dear Sir or Madam, I'm writing this letter in support of the petition by the town of Naganohara, Japan, for a B-1 visa for Mr.
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