Vol. 13, No. 1 Winter 2010 OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE FLORIDA BICYCLE ASSOCIATION, INC. Falling for Lakeland Bicyclists needed for 2010 Florida Bike Summit area cycling n our second Florida Bike The Wednesday evening pre-Summit by Herb Hiller Summit, FBA wants to briefing will be held at the KOA meeting make an even better impres- room on April 7 at 7:00 p.m. and a post- sion on elected officials and Summit celebration at the campground others with whom we’ll be beginning at 5:00 p.m. Thursday. interacting at our state capital on Thursday, April 8, 2010. o Tallahassee/East KOA: “Official Thanks to FBA member Becky Pre- and Post-Summit Gathering Afonso, who did much of the leg Spot” work setting things up, we have 346 KOA Road, Monticello, FL inexpensive options for those planning 32344; Dick and Cathy to attend from outside the Tallahassee Spinnenweber, Kamp Hosts area. o Phone: (850) 997-3890 The “official” summit gathering spot Fax: (850) 997-1509 is the Tallahassee/East KOA, located off o Reservations: (800) KOA-3890 or I-10, exit #255 (US Highway 19). The on line at www.koa.com KOA has tent sites ($25 a night), 2-per- o Email: [email protected] son cabins ($45 a night), 4-person cot- tages ($89 a night, with own bathroom and microwave) and RV sites (pricing Ride your bicycle to the Summit varies). Cabin and cottage availability is FBA will have two group ride options to limited and on a first come: first served the Summit on Thursday morning. The basis, so reserve ASAP. long ride (approx. 25 miles) will leave Please see Florida Summit, Page 8 Winter Park Health Foundation grant will [This is the second in a series about create FBA Central Florida Chapter Lakeland and Polk County, where readers may find themselves during Pro Bike/Pro hanks to a two-year, o Consider other ways to lower barriers Walk Florida next May.] $95,600 grant from the for non-cyclists, such as providing bikes PAID Winter Park Health that can be borrowed, rented or given to was in the room of the future Foundation (WPHF) FBA will needy families or children. NONPROFIT U.S. POSTAGE POSTAGE U.S. PERMIT No. 2840 PERMIT No. in central Florida’s most gra- establish a Central Florida JACKSONVILLE FL JACKSONVILLE o In partnership with METROPLAN cious old hotel. My bike leaned chapter to advocate locally for ORLANDO, work to establish a signed against the closet. Out the win- a healthier, safer community bike route throughout Winter Park, dow, trains pulled in and out of for walkers and bicyclists. Maitland and Eatonville, to assist resi- Lakeland station. The new Central Florida chapter— dents in locating roads considered safer Not everyone knows the future FBA’s second—will be known as Walk/ and more appropriate for cycling. when they see it. Florida continues Bike Central Florida. It will enable to dither about commuter rail systems FBA to better localize its advocacy and o Organize “Bike Out” days, perhaps that could eliminate thousands of daily educational efforts to tackle specific quarterly, that encourage both novice cars from clogged roads, while bicycling, the objectives. and dedicated cyclists to visit participat- lowest hanging cure for otherwise intractable The chapter’s goals are to increase the ing businesses and events. problems that range from obesity to pollu- number of people biking and walking This grant will enable FBA to build on tion control, still faces more headwinds than and create a safer environment for them. the results of recent WPHF-sponsored tailwinds. Through this local chapter, FBA will research into what is needed to create a My own hold on the future was precarious, be able to: safe, civil and friendly traffic environ- not because I’m 78 but because after two o Create a user-friendly web platform that ment. days of previewing where hundreds of offers maps and descriptions of short, easy WPHF is a private, not-for-profit orga- cyclists this May will gather for Pro Bike/ rides for new cyclists and walking routes to nization supporting programs that Pro Walk Florida, I would soon drive home. fun destinations. improve the health of older adults, youth From some of the best cycling in Florida to o and the community-at-large. Encourage non-cyclists to sample rid- P.O. Box 718, Waldo, FL Box 32694 Waldo, 718, P.O. surely the worst. ing in ways that are non-threatening and The programs focus on the communi- fun and require a limited investment of ties of Winter Park, Maitland and continued on page 2 time and money Eatonville. ADVOCATING A BICYCLE-FRIENDLY FLORIDA 2 Florida Bicycle Association Messenger ASK THE CYCLING ATTORNEY... Who will pay for my hit-and-run crash? by Chris Burns, Esq. Q: I WAS RIDING MY BIKE, BEING made about the vehicle or driver which can quently, an injured cyclist incurs far greater cannot be identified because he/she left the help law enforcement identify them. losses than just $10,000. scene. TOTALLY SAFE, WHEN I WAS HIT BY Of course, notify and report the crash to If you have health insurance through a pri- The “UM” coverage can be used to cover A CAR. IT WAS THE CAR’S FAULT. both law enforcement and to your auto insur- vate policy or your job, you should also noti- whatever portion of medical bills and lost ance company. fy them about your accident. wages that your “PIP” did not cover. It can be THE DRIVER LEFT THE SCENE, AND Notify your auto insurance company? But If you have Medicare or Medicaid, you used to compensate you for future medical NOBODY KNOWS WHO IT WAS. WHO you were riding a bicycle, not driving a car? may also be able to use this coverage, espe- bills or lost wages you may suffer due to the When you are riding your bicycle and are cially after your “PIP” runs out at $10,000. crash, and to compensate you for the changes IS GOING TO PAY FOR MY MEDICAL injured by a motor vehicle, your auto insur- When you go to the doctor or hospital, you in your life which have occurred due to your BILLS AND MY LOST WAGES, WHILE ance will provide certain benefits to you. should give them information on your auto injuries - such as your pain and suffering, loss You can receive “PIP” benefits. In Florida, insurance, your health insurance, your I’M OUT OF WORK? of enjoyment of life, disfigurement, and dis- all owners of operable motor vehicles must Medicare or Medicaid, or any other type of ability. have Personal Injury Protection (“PIP”) or health insurance plan. Unfortunately, it is common, although ille- — Chris Burns is a Jacksonville attorney “No Fault” coverage. You should tell them to submit their bills to gal, for drivers to leave the scene of a crash. who has handled hundreds of injury cases for Generally, this will pay 80% of your medi- all the possible insurers. Many insurers have Nationwide, “hit and run” crashes account fellow cyclists over the past 23 years. He is cal bills and 60% of your lost wages, up to a provisions in their policies which state that for about 10% of all accidents. an avid cycling advocate who often speaks to total of $10,000. There are exceptions. claims won’t be paid if they are received too If you are a victim of a “hit and run”, try to cycling clubs and groups of cycling, safety, Quite often, just “PIP” benefits will be late. remember or jot down any observations you and the law. He handles cycling cases in inadequate to compensate you. Very fre- There is an optional coverage which you Florida, and other states. He is an enthusias- can purchase for your auto insurance policy tic cyclist who has frequently competed in called “uninsured motorist coverage.” cycling and triathlon events, ridden numerous Everyone should have this. It is well worth century rides, and has been a spectator at 3 the extra money. It will cover you when you of the last 7 Tours De France, while cycling are victimized by a motor vehicle driver who portions of the courses. has no insurance, too little insurance, or who Falling for Lakeland cycling continued from page 1 On the one hand, Lakeland bikeways, off- But even around Lakeland—with maybe road trails, paved shoulders, traffic calming the most livable downtown in Florida—quiet roundabouts, signs that count down remain- streets drop to lakes rimmed by off-road ing seconds for safely crossing streets, addi- paths that oblige challenging climbs back up. tional signs that tell drivers to share the road, Some dozen streets drop and rise around and bike lanes in both directions on a one- Lake Morton, more than twice that number way street; while on the other, a single sand around Lake Hollingsworth, where the rim road that supplies the only way to get around trail runs almost three miles. unless you put your bike on a boat to cross a From Lake Hollingsworth Park on the wide river to paved roads ashore, which I south side, Florida Southern College with its don’t. campus of Frank Lloyd Wright-designed HAVE YOU BEEN INJURED From paradise to po’ pickin’s. buildings rises on the distant bluff like the Lakeland cycling won me over. Not that I dessert tray of a rave chef. WHILE CYCLING? was ready to move from Putnam County’s Trails extend across the flat wilderness of the Green Swamp. They combine with bike ( I have.
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