Anatomic Sciences Cranial nerves with parasympathetic function CN III (occulomotor) CN VII (Facial) CN IX (glossopharyngeal) CN X (vagus) Cranial nerves (Sensory, motor, or both) Mnemonic: Some Say Money Matters But My Brother Says Big Boobs Matter More Retroperitoneal organs Suprarenal glands Aorta Duodenum Pancreas (except tail) Ureter Colon (ascending and descending) Kidneys Esophagus Rectum Union of superficial temporal vein and maxillary Retromandibular vein vein (pterygoid plexus drains to the maxillary vein) Originates on lateral surface of skull and passes Temporalis muscle medial to zygomatic arch and inserts into coronoid process of mandible Cell bodies of primary sensory neurons of Mesencephalic nucleus of V (Trigeminal) proprioreception and mechanoreceptors in periodontal ligament found in? Jaw-jerk reflex Mesencephalic nucleus Primary sensory neurons nucleus of termination Spinal nucleus of V (Trigeminal) involved in pain from maxillary second molar is? Fordyce spots appearing on mucous membrane of Aberrant sebaceous glands cheek results from the presence of? Acidophils (alpha cells) of anterior hypophysis Growth hormone secrete? Pars distalis (alpha and beta cells) is located? Anterior Pituitary Pars nervosa (unmyelinated nerve fibers) is located? Posterior Pituitary Development of upward growth of Rathke’s pouch? Anterior pituitary Development of downward growth of diencephalon Posterior Pituitary and 3rd ventricle? Pituicytes are located in? Posterior Pituitary (pars nervosa) Serotonin thought to be produced by? Enteroendocrine (argentaffin) cells What is found between basal lamina and secretory Basket (myoepithelial) cells cell membrane? Flat bones, without cartilage formation Intramembranous ossification Mandible (not condyle) With hyaline cartilage formation (provides region Endochondrial ossification where bone can grow in length) Condyle of mandible Long bones Interstitial growth Inner growth Increase in diameter or thickness Appositional growth Outer surface growth Difference between hyaline cartilage and bone? Hyaline cartilage can grow interstitially Maxillary nerve of Trigeminal (V2) leaves skull Foramen rotundum through? Motor division (Mandibular nerve of Trigeminal Foramen ovale V3) of V & Accessory meningeal artery leaves skull through? Middle meningeal artery leaves skull through? Foramen spinosum Facial nerve exits? Stylomastoid foramen Unpaired vessels contributing to circle of willis are? Anterior communicating and basilar arteries What forms posterior boundary of oral cavity and palatoglossus anterior boundary of fauces? Pillars of fauces formed by? Palatoglossus and palatopharyngeus Muscle that seal off oropharynx from nasopharynx Palatopharyngeus that result in fold in posterior wall of pharynx? Muscles that prevent food from entering Tensor veli palatine and levator veli palatine nasopharynx? Muscle who’s tendon loops around pterygoid Tensor veli palatini hamulus (of medial pterygoid plate)? Clogged ears may be restricted function of? Tensor veli palatini Tensor veli palatini innervated by? V3 (Mandibular nerve of Trigeminal) Levator veli palatine innervated by? X (Vagus) Only palatal muscle innervated by Trigeminal Tensor veli palatine (everything else is X (Vagus)) Nerve (V3 Mandibular nerve)? Only palatal muscle NOT supplied by pharyngeal Tensor veli palatine plexus? Ethmoid sinus drains into? Anterior group drains into middle meatus Posterior group drains into superior meatus Communication between maxillary sinus and nasal Middle nasal meatus, at the semilunar hiatus cavity? Nasolacrimal duct drains into? Inferior meatus Meatus and Conchae Superior meatus: between superior and middle conchae Middle meatus: between middle and inferior conchae Inferior meatus: under inerior conchae Conchae and bone Superior conchae: ethmoid bone Middle conchae: ethmoid bone Inferior conchae: separate bone Innervation to infrahyoid muscles (omohyoid, Ansa cervicalis (branch of cervical plexus) sternohyoid, sternothyroid, thyrohyoid) receive motor innervation from? Innervation to geniohyoid Hypoglossal nerve (XII) Insertion to articular disc of TMJ (upper head) and Lateral pterygoid muscle mandibular condyle (lower head) Insertion to medial of angle of mandible? Medial pterygoid muscle Originates on tuberosity of maxilla and pyramidal Medial pterygoid muscle process of palatine bone (medial surface of medial pterygoid plate)? Insertion to lateral of angle of mandible? Masseter Thyroid hormones are synthesized from which Tyrosine amino acid? Derived from neural crest, produces epinephrine, Adrenal Medulla, spinal autonomic ganglia norepinephrine, and dopamine from tyrosine Adrenal Cortex Zona glomerulosa: mineralcorticoids (aldosterone) Zona fasciculate: glucocorticoics (cortisol) Zona reticularis: androgens Mammary gland drains its lymph to the? Axillary lymph node Coronary Circulation Right coronary artery: Small cardiac vein Posterior nterventricular Artery: Middle cardiac vein Left (anterior interventricular) coronary artery: Great cardiac vein Circumflex artery: Coronary sinus Nerve that runs between medial and lateral Lingual nerve pterygoid? Pharyngeal pouches 1st: tympanic membrane 2nd: middle ear, tonsils 3rd: inferior parathyroid glands 4th: superior parathyroid glands & parafollicular cells of thyroid gland Brachial arches 1st: Muscles: muscles of mastication, anterior digastric, mylohyoid, tensor veli palatine, lateral lingual swelling, tuberculum impar Skeletal: maxilla, mandible, incus and malleus of middle ear Nerve & Artery: V2 (Maxillary of Trigeminal), V3 (Mandibular of Trigeminal), maxillary artery 2nd: Muscles: muscles of facial expression, buccinators, platysma, stapedius, stylohyoid, posterior digastric Skeletal: Reichert’s cartilage forms the stapes, styloid process, and hyoid (lesser horn) Nerve & Artery: VII (Facial) 3rd: Muscles: stylopharyngeus Skeletal: Hyoid (greater horn) Nerve & Artery: IX (Glossopharyngeal), Common caroid/Internal carotid artery 4th & 6th: Muscles: intrinsic muscles of larynx, pharynx, levator palate Skeletal: thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage, arytenoid cartilage Nerve & Artery: X (Vagus) Splanchnic nerves Greater: T5-T9 (foregut, celiac ganglia, enteric nervous system) Lesser: T9-T12 (midgut, celiac ganglia, enteric nervous system) Least: T12-L2 (renal ganglia) Thoracic splanchnic nerves to celiac ganglion Preganglionic visceral efferents contain? Supplies parasympathetic fibers to ascending colon Vagus and right ! of transverse colon? Supplies parasympathetic fibers to left " transverse Splanchnic nerves colon and rest of GI tract? Brachial arches in development of tongue? 1st, 2nd, 3rd Folding of embryo during 4th week is result of? Prominent growth of neural tissue Crista terminalis is the line of junction between Sinus venosus and auricle primitive? Roots of brachial plexus derived from ventral rami Spinal nerves C5 – T1 of? What passes between middle and anterior scalene Brachial plexus and subclavian artery muscles? What passes anterior to anterior scalene muscle and Subclavian vein first rib? Epithelium of Pharyngeal tonisil? Surrounded partly by ciliated pseudostratified epithelium and partly by connective tissue; no crypts; has no lymph sinuses Epithelium of the rest of the tonsils (palatine and Non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium, has lingual)? crypts Vessels supplying blood to walls of large arteries Vasa Vasorum are known as? Tunica media is thickest, more elastic tissue Large artery (aorta) Tunica adventitia (outer layer) is thickest, more Large vein (vena cava) smooth muscle Keratinized papilla? Filiform papilla Papilla with taste receptors? Circumvallate and fungiform Loss of taste in tongue is called? Ageusia/Dygeusia V shape goove dividing anterior 2/3 and posterior Sulcus terminalis 1/3 of tongue is? Innervation of tongue Motor: XII (Hypoglossal) Posterior 1/3 Taste & Sensory: IX (Glossopharyngeal) Anterior 2/3 Sensory: Lingual nerve (branch of V3) Anterior 2/3 Taste: Chorda Tympani (branch of VII (Facial)) Artery supplying to anterior 1/3 tongue is? Deep lingual Cell bodies of taste fibers from anterior 2/3 tongue Geniculate ganglion are located in which ganglia? Postganglionic sympathetic fibers to submandibular Superior cervical ganglion gland, dilator pupillae (and to the rest of the head) are from what ganglion? Lingual nerve is associated with which ganglion? Submandibular ganglion Lesser petrosal nerve carries preganglionic Otic ganglion parasympathetic fibers to? Greater petrosal nerve carries preganglionic Pterygopalatine ganglion parasympathetic fibers to? Postganglionic parasympathetic cell bodies to Otic ganglion parotid gland are found? Location of cell bodies of pain fibers in Superior ganglion of IX (glossopharyngeal) glossopharyngeal nerve (IX)? Cell bodies of preganglionic parasympathetic fibers Edinger-Westphal nucleus to sphincter of pupil are located in? Cell bodies of preganglionic parasympathetic fibers Dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve (X) to duodenum are located in? Cell bodies of preganglionic parasympathetic fibers Spinal cord at sacral levels 2, 3, 4 to urinary bladder are located in? Cell bodies of preganglionic parasympathetic fibers Nuclei of certain cranial nerves and in the of autonomic nervous system are located in? anterolateral cell column of grey substance of 2nd, 3r, 4th sacral segmants Meckel’s cartilage is responsible for growth of? Mandibular arch; dissolution with minor contribution to ossification What vein connects venous sinuses of dura mater Emissary veins with extracranial
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