Deaconesses Introduction: This guide to deaconesses within the Church of England is based on research by the late Revd Dr Sr Teresa Joan White who worked extensively on the history of the deaconess Community of St Andrew (CSA) and the deaconess order in general. This version (produced in 2020) aims to give useful (while not comprehensive) information on deaconesses, known or believed to be deceased. It is based on various sources of information. Historically deaconesses did not appear in Crockford’s Clerical Directory, until they could be ordained as deacons (from 1987) and priests (from 1994) – these are the abbreviations d. and p. in the right hand column. Sr Teresa also collated the following figures for deaconess ordinations by year: 1862 1 Elizabeth Ferard 1863 2 Trained by Elizabeth Ferard 1883 50 had been ordained in London for CSA and independent (unattached) 1883 35 W London, 3 East London, 31 in other dioceses as in Register 1887 Deaconesses working in 13 dioceses 1889 CSA had 18 Community Dss, 8 Associate Dss, and 8 Probationers 1894 St Andrew’s, Portsmouth, had 37 Deaconess Sisters, Probationers and Church Workers 1900 208-220 ordained since 1862. LDDI had 63; ELDI, WDDH & RDDI ordained between 23-33 each. Salisbury 15. Nine other dioceses averaged 5 each. Blackmore, Autonomous Ministry, footnote, p.65 1920 300 (active) Deaconesses (Blackmore, Beginning, p.l) 1930 216 (active) Deaconesses (Blackmore, p.l) 1975 2 1976 24 1977 25 1978 33 1979 56 1980 53 1981 38 1982 65 1983 ?70 Lambeth Palace Library, London, SE1 7JU Tel: +44 (0)20 7898 1400 www.lambethpalacelibrary.org/content/contact 1984 108 1985 83 1986 114 Sr Teresa estimated a total c.2072 Deaconesses (excluding USA). Key to abbreviations: CMS = Church Missionary Society Dss = deaconess rel. = released ret. = retired rsg. = resigned Sr = Sister TJW – Teresa Joan White UNA = unattached [independent deaconesses] Sources: (no suffix) = List 1913 (CSA/6/4) or Hindhead & Staines (CSA/6/15). + = Dss, Community of St Andrew register. ++ = Crockford’s Clerical Directory 1989/90 [first volume listing deaconesses - many additions are from ordained in 1986]. +L2 = “List of Anglican Deaconesses Ordained Since 1862", June 1922, 6d. +L4 = All Dss list, TJW computer, c.1994. +CF = from TJW card file (until 1994). +A = Nora Tress, Caught for Life: A Story of the Deaconess Order in Australia, 1993 – ‘A roll-call of Anglican deaconesses in Australia’, pp.171-204. CC, NZ = “Community of the Sacred Name”, pp.105-106. RIP-r = earlier entries in Hindhead & Staines. RIP-b = later entries in Hindhead & Staines. Early Southwark are really RDDI (Rochester Diocese Deaconess Institution) Further sources for deaconesses: Lambeth Palace Library holds the archive of CSA; for a summary click here. The online catalogue to the archive can be searched here. The Library also holds other resources for deaconess history including papers of the Deaconess Institution for the dioceses of Rochester and Southwark, a religious community founded by Isabella Gilmore, and records of the Council for Women's Ministry in the Church, including reminiscences of Isabella Gilmore. For useful background on the deaconess movement see Henrietta Blackmore, The beginning of women's ministry: the revival of the deaconess in the nineteenth-century Church of England (Church of England Record Society 14, 2007), and 'Autonomous Ministry and Ecclesiastical Authority: The Revival of the Female Diaconate in the Church of England, 1850-1900' (DPhil thesis, Oxford University, 2004). Lambeth Palace Library, London, SE1 7JU Tel: +44 (0)20 7898 1400 www.lambethpalacelibrary.org/content/contact Surname Christian Ordained Diocese Moved to RIP Note Name [d=ordaine d deacon p=ordained priest] Anon 1 1871 UNA #15.7 Alice 17/04/1887 CSA RIP-r Abbey + Charlotte 01/04/1882 UNA #31 All Sts, NH UNA Abbott Mary 13/12/1916 Winchester 13/06/1946 Abram Rachel 28/10/1961 Blackburn 12/09/1976 Adams Chloe (Sr 10/09/1944 London 13/01/1967 Winifred) Adams Kate Isabel 19/12/1916 Southwark 21/04/1950 Adams Letitia 1876 Sarum pre 1913 Adams Narian 25/01/1930 George 25/07/1965 Aglen Elizabeth 01/11/1959 Wakefield 04/1997 d87 Senga Akehurst Grace 22/07/1933 Yorkshire ret. 1992? +L4 Aldred ++ Sarah 1875 Sarum pre 1923 Head Dss Emma Allan +A Elspeth 1905 CHN Allcook Annie 21/09/1931 Southwark 19/03/1976 Allen Juliana 14/05/1914 CC, NZ Elizabeth Allen Mary 29/09/1926 Southwark 16/06/1972 Allen Irene 18/10/1961 Llandaff Leicester 20/02/2003 Assoc. CSA Allison M. Frances 18/10/1888 CSA 10/02/1954 (Sr Deane) Anderson Ellen Mary 1876 Sarum pre 1913 ++ Anderson Britta 03/04/1954 Sydney 10/12/1972 Anderson Agnes Mary 29/09/1943 Durham Oxford 13/11/2000 Andrew Winifred 29/09/1927 London 18/05/1969 Andrews Mary 24/08/1946 Sydney 10/01/1996 Anstis Mary 27/05/1912 Exeter 11/10/1958 Appleby +A Leonora 1931 (K) Melbourne Kenya ret. 1971 Appleby Marjorie 21/03/1943 Sydney RIP-r Armstrong Aileen J 03/09/1922 Fukien 21/02/1956 Armstrong E Violet 03/09/1922 Fukien RIP-r Arthington Muriel 02/02/1967 CSA, #134 1977 16/04/2009 d87, Assoc. Sr Ash Dorothy a 30/09/1929 Southwark 12/08/1971 Ash Joan P 05/03/1950 New South GFS 15/02/1989 Wales Ash Joan 06/03/1950 Sydney RIP-b Ashe Alice Maud 30/12/1901 Sydney 15/09/1952 Ashfield Adelaide 05/06/1932 Sydney RIP-r nee Tickell Lambeth Palace Library, London, SE1 7JU Tel: +44 (0)20 7898 1400 www.lambethpalacelibrary.org/content/contact Ashfield Grace 31/01/1914 Southwark 01/02/1966 Ayscough Monnica 16/01/1966 North 17/01/1986 Queensland Bacon Helen 16/10/1905 Durham 28/06/1934 Badgeley Dorothea 09/06/1929 Shentung, 1963 China Bailey Margaret E 29/07/1904 Winchester 22/05/1960 Bainbridge Jean Waite 16/09/1979 Worcester 08/2003 d87 p94 Baker +A Alma 05/01/1904 Sydney Baker Dorothea 05/05/1932 Sydney 20/04/1992 Baker Elizabeth 05/06/1911 Exeter 22/09/1967 Ann Baker Elsie 31/10/1943 Southwark RIP d87 p94 Baker + Jessica 13/10/1908 CSA, #77 Rsg. health (Jessie) Baker Mary 24/06/1916 Newcastle 10/1948 Isabella Baker Patricia 04/01/1976 Madagascar 30/04/1982 Baldwin Joanna 19/02/1956 CSA, #120 15/02/1991 d87 Ball Frances 1921 St Albans Bedford (Fanny) 88.7 Ball Maria 23/12/1895 Durham 13/01/1903 Ball +L4 Marjorie 02/02/1932 10/01/1995 ret. Ballard (Sr Vernon) 18/10/1965 CSA, #133 14/11/1983 Balston Gertrude 17/10/1908 Winchester 13/01/1947 Harriet Banks Edith Mary 24/06/1915 Newcastle 31/10/1966 Bannister Alice 1885 East pre 1913 S:1888- ++ London 1908 Bantoft Constance 15/03/1922 Southwark 12/06/1983 Bardsley Jane 22/08/1923 India 03/08/1957 Barker Rebecca 02/02/1896 Rochester 21/12/1943 Sarah Barnes Grace Ethel 11/06/1926 Lichfield 17/11/1940 Barnes Ada 01/01/1910 Exeter 16/06/1955 Barnes Sarah 30/11/1928 Sheffield 06/02/1965 Barnes Helen 24/02/1891 Rochester Chat nav 31/03/1927 RDDI 1892? Barnett J D Anne 08/06/1969 Kenya-CMS Oxford 05/2000 d87 p94 Barre- Hilda 24/06/1917 Winchester 07/02/1947 Dowling Barrett Thelma 04/07/1982 Southwark Guild 11/1999 d87 Barton Eva 30/01/1927 Portsmouth 31/01/1956 Baskett + Marianna 31/05/1876 CSA, #21 rel. c.1883; (Sr Mabel ill (1)) Bassett Edith 20/05/1913 Southwark 12/06/1949 Bates Phyllis E 28/06/1983 London 20/08/2011 d87 p94 Bates Martha 30/11/1938 Durham 27/04/1986 Lambeth Palace Library, London, SE1 7JU Tel: +44 (0)20 7898 1400 www.lambethpalacelibrary.org/content/contact Baskett + Mabel 31/05/1976 CSA, #21 12/02/1936 Batho Dorothy 21/09/1931 Chichester 104.7 01/05/1944 Ass. Dss Bayles Jane (Sr 08/01/1883 Winchester 30/07/1943 Mary Faith) Bayley Florence 26/04/1898 Sydney RIP-r Bayliss ++ Sarah Anne 1888 Winchester pre 1913 Beale ++ Mary pre 1913 Beaver Emily 28/01/1928 Sydney, Melbourne 02/12/1947 Neredah Calcutta Becket + H (Sr Rosa) 18/10/1904 CSA, #71 28/10/1928 Beere Margaret 22/02/1907 CC, NZ Henrietta Begernie Doreen M 02/07/1978 Ely? Ct 12/01/1995 d87 p94 Belfield Dorothy 18/10/1926 Salisbury 24/09/1954 Edith Bell Grace 09/05/1908 Southwark Bell Irene Harriet 29/09/1932 Newcastle 11/04/1993 blind Emma Bell Olive 30/11/1947 Fukien 01/06/1979 Bell Marjorie 02/02/1931 Rochester Belliss ++ Lucy 1906 Winchester Bombay pre 1923 Bennett Alice Mabel 12/07/1936 Portsmouth RIP-r Benniston C A (Sr 29/09/1932 London 28/01/1952 Annie) Benyon ++ Alice 1895 East post 1913 Josephine London Berkeley ++ Ruth pre 1913 Bertis Marjorie 01/11/1926 Toronto 16/06/1977 Doris Best Evelina 21/09/1911 Sydney 27/05/1962 Minna Best Margaret 26/05/1929 Madagascar Edith Betheras Helen 09/10/1927 Melbourne 24/04/1905 Betteridge Ada 08/06/1924 Melbourne 08/1975 Betty Alice 12/06/1917 Exeter 29/10/1948 Cordelia Bexon Mavis 02/03/1980 Southwell Derby 11/2001 d87 p94 Beynon Katherine 17/11/1896 Lahore 1924(5-6?) RDDI; Hd:L Bindon Joan 02/02/1967 New 17/12/2003 d Zealand Binyon Lucy (Sr 14/01/1895 CSA, #53 22/04/1947 Beatrice) Birch Janet A 28/09/1980 St Albans 05/2011 d87 p94 Birley Marion 17/03/1905 East pre 1913 London Birley C Frances 21/12/1908 Southwark Manchester 29/07/1932 Bishop Cecil Marie 26/05/1957 Exeter Jamaica b.18 d87 Lambeth Palace Library, London, SE1 7JU Tel: +44 (0)20 7898 1400 www.lambethpalacelibrary.org/content/contact Blabey Honora 29/09/1930 North 30/10/1973 London Black Bessie 1897 Chester Blake Lilian 16/04/1919 Jamaica 19/05/1955 Coralie Blaxland Mary (Sr 13/10/1908 CSA, #76 CHN 15/09/1953 Gladys) Blenkinsop Patricia 15/05/1932 China Durham RIP Blomfield ++ Margaret 1893 Chichester pre 1913 Isabella Boden Edith Helen 21/09/1931 Southwark 07/04/1975 Boinville de Beatrice 1905 Jamaica +L2 Bonsall + Lucy 13/04/1891 CSA, #45 Boole Ellen 07/1917 Southwark Manchester 01/07/1935 Borradaile Vyvyan (Sr
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