50 REPORTS FORESTRY TROPICAL UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI Viikki Tropical Resources Institute Viikki Tropical Resources Institute VITRI UNIVERSITYVITRI OF HELSINKI Viikki Tropical Resources Institute TROPICAL FORESTRY REPORTS VITRI TROPICAL FORESTRY REPORTS No.No. 37 32 Husgafvel,Laxén, J. 2007.R. 2010. Is prosopis Global aand curse EU or governance a blessing? for– An sustainable ecological-economic forest management with special TROPICAL FORESTRY REPORTS referenceanalysis to of capacity an invasive building alien in tree Ethiopi speciesa and in SouthernSudan. Doctoral Sudan. thesis.Doctoral thesis. 34 No.No. 38 33 Walter,Katila, K. P. 2011. 2008. Prosopis, Devolution an alienof forest-related among the sacred rights: trees Comparative of South analysesIndia. Doctoral of six developing thesis. 50 No. 39 Kalame,countries. F.B. Doctoral2011. Forest thesis. governance and climate change adaptation: Case studies of four African No. 34 countries.Reyes, T.Doctoral 2008. Agroforestry thesis. systems for sustainable livelihoods and improved Ethnobotan No. 40 Paavola,land management M. 2012. The in impact the East of villageUsambara development Mountains, funds Tanzania. on community Doctoral welfare thesis. in the Lao People’s and No. 35 DemocraticZhou, P. 2008.Republic. Landscape-scale Doctoral thesis. soil erosion modelling and ecological restoration for a Anogeissus No. 41 Omoro,mountainous Loice M.A. watershed 2012. Impacts in Sichuan, of indigenous China. Doctoral and exotic thesis. tree species on ecosystem services: Case No. 36 studyHares, on the M. mountain& Luukkanen, cloud O. forests 2008. ofResearch Taita Hills, Collaboration Kenya. Doctoral on Responsible thesis. Natural Resource No. 42 Alam,Management, S.A. 2013. TheCarbon 1st UniPID stocks, Workshop. greenhouse gas emissions and water balance of Sudanese savannah of and antimicrobial activity phytochemistry y, No. 37 woodlandsHusgafvel, in R.relation 2010. to Global climate and change. EU governance Doctoral forthesis. sustainable forest management with No. 43 Rantala,special S. reference 2013. The to winding capacity road building from inexclusion Ethiopia to and ownership: Southern Governance Sudan. Doctoral and social thesis. outcomes in in Sudan naturally species (Combretaceae) growing contemporary forest conservation in northeastern Tanzania. Doctoral thesis. No. 38 Walter, K. 2011. Prosopis, an alien among the sacred trees of South India. Doctoral thesis. No. 44 Negash, M. 2013. The indigenous agroforestry systems of the south-eastern Rift Valley escarpment, No. 39 Kalame, F.B. 2011. Forest governance and climate change adaptation: Case studies of four Ethiopia: Their biodiversity, carbon stocks, and litterfall. Doctoral thesis. No. 45 Kallio,African M.H. countries. 2013. Factors Doctoral influencing thesis. farmers’ tree planting and management activity in four case No. 40 studiesPaavola, in Indonesia. M. 2012. DoctoralThe impact thesis. of village development funds on community welfare in the No. 46 Etongo,Lao People’s B.D. 2016. Democratic Deforestation Republic. and forestDoctoral degradation thesis. in southern Burkina Faso: Understanding the No. 41 driversOmoro, of change Loice M.A. and options2012. Impacts for revegetation. of indigenous Doctoral and exoticthesis. tree species on ecosystem No. 47 Tekleservices: Tegegne, Case Y. study 2016. on FLEGT the mountain and REDD+ cloud synergiesforests of andTaita impacts Hills, Kenya. in the DoctoralCongo Basin: thesis. lessons for No. 42 globalAlam, forest S.A. governance.2013. Carbon Doctoral stocks, thesis.greenhouse gas emissions and water balance of Sudanese No. 48 Fahmi,savannah M.K.M. woodlands 2017. Climate, in relation trees to and climate agricultural change. practices: Doctoral thesis.Implications for food security in the No. 43 semi-aridRantala, zone S. 2013. of Sudan. The winding Doctoral road thesis from (limited exclusion distribution). to ownership: Governance and social No. 49 Abaker,outcomes W. 2018. in contemporary Linkages between forest conservation carbon seque instration, northeastern soil fertility Tanzania. and Doctoral hydrology thesis. in dryland No. 44 AcaciaNegash, senegal M. 2013. plantations The indigenous in Sudan: agroforestrya chronosequence systems study. of the Doctoral south-eastern thesis (limited Rift Valley distribution). No. 50 Salih,escarpment, E. 2019. Ethiopia:Ethnobotany, Their phytochemistry biodiversity, carbon and antimicrobial stocks, and litterfall. activity Doctoralof Combretum thesis., Terminalia No. 45 andKallio,Anogeissus M.H. 2013. species Factors (Combretaceae) influencing growing farmers’ naturally tree planting Sudan and (limited management distribution). activity in four case studies in Indonesia. Doctoral thesis. No. 46 Etongo, B.D. 2016. Deforestation and forest degradation in southern Burkina Faso: Terminalia Combretum, Understanding the drivers of change and options for revegetation. Doctoral thesis. No. 47 Tekle Tegegne, Y. 2016. FLEGT and REDD+ synergies and impacts in the Congo Basin: lessons for global forest governance. Doctoral thesis. No. 48 Fahmi, M.K.M. 2017. Climate, trees and agricultural practices: Implications for food security in the semi-arid zone of Sudan. Doctoral thesis (limited distribution). No. 49 Abaker, W.E.A. 2018. Linkages between carbon sequestration, soil fertility and hydrology in dryland Acacia senegal plantations of varying age in Sudan. Doctoral thesis (limited distribution). ISBN 978-951-51-5420-0 (paperback) ISBN 978-951-51-5421-7 (PDF) ISBN 978-951-51-4258-0 (paperback) ISBN 978-951-51-4259-7ISSN 0786-8170 (PDF) ISSN 0786-8170 Helsinki 2019 Helsinki 2018 ISBN 978-951-51-5420-0 (paperback) HelsinkiHelsinki University PrintingPrinting House House EnassTeija ReyesYousif Abdelkarim SALIH ISBN 978-951-51-5421-7 (PDF) ISSN 0786-8170 Ethnobotany,Agroforestry phytochemistrysystems for sustainable and antimicrobial livelihoods activity and improved of Combretum, Terminalia Helsinki 2019 land management in the East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania Unigrafa and Anogeissus species (Combretaceae) growing naturally in Sudan UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI No. 15 Mustafa, A. F. 1997. Regeneration of Acacia seyal forests on the dryland of the Sudan clay plain. UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI Doctoral thesis. Viikki Tropical Resources Institute No. 16 El Fadl, M. A. 1997. Management of Prosopis juliflora for use in agroforestry systems in the Sudan. Viikki TropicalVITRI Resources Institute Doctoral thesis. VITRI No. 17 Kaarakka, V. & Holmberg, G. 1999. Environmental conflicts and development cooperation with special reference to conservation and sustainable management of tropical forests. No. 18 Li, C. 1999. Drought adaptation and genetic diversity in Eucalyptus microtheca. Doctoral thesis (limited distribution). No. 19 Suoheimo, J. 1999. Natural regeneration of sal (Shorea robusta) in the Terai region, Nepal. Doctoral thesis. No. 20 Koskela, J. 2000. Growth of grass-stage Pinus merkusii seedlings as affected by interaction between structure and function. Doctoral thesis (limited distribution). TROPICALTROPICAL FORESTRYFORESTRY REPORTSREPORTS No. 21 Otsamo, R. 2000. Integration of indigenous tree species into fast-growing forest plantations on Imperata grasslands in Indonesia - Silvicultural solutions and their ecological and practical implications. Doctoral thesis (limited distribution). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ No. 22 Koskela, J., Nygren, P., Berninger, F. & Luukkanen, O. 2000. Implications of the Kyoto Protocol for tropical forest management and land use: prospects and pitfalls. TROPICALTROPICAL FORESTRY FORESTRY REPORTS REPORTS contains contains (mainly(mainly in English) doctoral doctoral dissertations, No. 23 Otsamo, A. 2001. Forest plantations on Imperata grassland in Indonesia – Establishment, silviculture dissertations,original research original reports, research seminar reports, proceedings seminar and proceedings research project and research reviews and utilization potential. Doctoral thesis (limited distribution). projectconnected reviews with connected Finnish-supported with Finnish-supported international development international cooperation in No. 24 Eshetu Yirdaw 2002. Restoration of the native woody-species diversity, using plantation developmentthe field of cooperationforestry. in the field of forestry. species as foster trees, in the degraded highlands of Ethiopia. Doctoral thesis. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ No. 25 Appiah, M. 2003. Domestication of an indigenous tropical forest tree: Silvicultural and socio- economic studies on Iroko (Milicia excelsa) in Ghana. Doctoral thesis. Viikki Tropical Resources Institute (VITRI) PublisherPublisher Viikki Tropical Resources Institute (VITRI) No. 26 Gaafar Mohamed, A. 2005. Improvement of traditional Acacia senegal agroforestry: P.O. Box 27, FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland P.O. Box 27, FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland Ecophysiological characteristics as indicators for tree-crop interaction in western Sudan. Doctoral (address for exchange, sale and inquiries) (address_____________________________________________________________________________ for exchange, sale and inquiries) thesis. _____________________________________________________________________________ No. 27 Glover, Edinam K. 2005. Tropical dryland rehabilitation:
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