AFU Library Book List (acquisitions 1975-2006) AuthorAndTitle Inv-# Copies Ref SpColl PYear Publisher Country Lang ISBN Aarsleff, Klaus: För dette. 2297 1 R 1973 Strubes, Copenhagen Da Da 87-7508-146-6 Aasheim, Knut: Stjernefolket blandt oss - de frivillige og deres misjon. 2203 2 1995 INCA, Bøn No No 82-993391-0-3 Aasheim, Knut: Vi er ikke alene! Diverse UFO-oplysninger ved Knut Aasheim. 5253 1 R 198? UFO-Norge, Leirsund No No Abad, Juan José: Los enigmas de las civilizaciones extra-terrestres. A la busca de otra 4878 1 R 1977 Ferni, Geneva Switzerla Sp humanidad. Abad, Juan José: Los enigmas de las civilizaciones extra-terrestres. La tierra ?planeta 4879 1 R 1977 Ferni, Geneva Switzerla Sp experimental para los extraterrestres? Abad, Juan José: Los enigmas de las civilizaciones extra-terrestres. Mensajes de otros mundos. 4880 1 R 1977 Ferni, Geneva Switzerla Sp Abell, George O. & Singer, Barry (editors): Science and the paranormal. Probing the existence of 3736 1 R 1981 Charles Scribner's, NY USA En 0-684-16655-0 the supernatural. Abinov, A.: Chelovek ili mashina? [Man or machine?]. [Knowledge Series, 2'89]. 5254 1 R 1989 Knowledge Series, Moscow Ru Ru 5-07-000443-3 Ackerman, John: To catch a flying saucer. A scientific theory of UFO's. 2773 1 R 1989 Univelt Inc, San Diego USA En 0-9121830309 ACUFOS (Australian Centre for UFO Studies): Proceedings of UFO conference five. Canberra, 11R1980ACUFOS, Gosford, NSW Australia En Nov 29-Dec 1, 1980. [ACUFOS-D6] Adams, David: Träna ditt sjätte sinne. [orig: Test your own supermind]. 4881 1 R 1983 BonnierFakta, Stockholm Sw Sw 91-34-50467-2 Adams, John: When the Gods came. 21R19??Badger, London UK En Adams, Mia: The Excyles. The true experiences of a woman who is loved by extraterrestrials and 2298 1 R 1995 Excelta Publishing, Fort Lauderdale, Florida USA En 0-9649905-0-4 was romanced by US Government intelligence agent. Adams, Samuel: Cattle mutilations - an elusive prey. 3737 1 R 2000 Pentland Press, Raleigh, North Carolina USA En 1-57197-217-X Adams, Scott: Tankeexperiment, eller, den gamle och de stora frågorna. [orig: God's debris. A 4882 1 R 2002 Svenska Förlaget, Stockholm Sw Sw thought experience]. Adams, Thomas R. & Massey, Gary: Mystery helicopters and animal mutilations: exploring a 5255 1 R 1979 Project Stigma, Paris, Texas USA En connection. [Submitted to a conference on animal mutilations on April 20, 1979 in Albuquerque, New Mexico]. Adams, Thomas R.: Pardon the intrusion, or UFO's over, on & under (?) the state of New Mexico. 3738 1 R 1992 Project Stigma, Paris, Texas USA En Adams, Thomas R.: The choppers - and the choppers. Mystery helicopters and animal 1164 A 2 1980 Project Stigma, Paris, Texas USA En mutilations. Adams, Thomas R.: The choppers - and the choppers. Mystery helicopters and animal 1164 B 1 R 1991 Project Stigma, Paris, Texas USA En mutilations. Revised edition. Adamski, George & Leslie, Desmond: Der Venusier und George Adamski. [abbreviated edition 1330 1 R 1957 Ventla, Wiesbaden Ge Ge of Flying saucers have landed]. 2007-05-05 Page 1 of 278 AuthorAndTitle Inv-# Copies Ref SpColl PYear Publisher Country Lang ISBN Adamski, George: "In my father's house are many mansions". 6 2 1955 Interplanetary Relations, Detroit USA En Adamski, George: Behind the flying saucer mystery. [orig: Flying saucers farewell]. 3 3 1967 Warner, NY USA En Adamski, George: Cosmic philosophy. 2028 1 R 1961 the author USA En Adamski, George: Cosmic science letters. 5256 2 1962 The International Cosmic Council, Northboro USA En Adamski, George: De fremmede rumskibe og vor fremtid. [orig: Flying saucers farewell]. 5 5 1963 Otto Biilmann, Copenhagen Da Da Adamski, George: Flying saucers farewell. 4 3 1961 Abelard-Schuman, London UK En Adamski, George: Im inneren der Raumschiffe. [orig: Inside the space ships] 1327 1 R 1958 Ventla, Wiesbaden Ge Ge Adamski, George: Inside the flying saucers. [orig: Inside the space ships]. 7 3 1967 Paperback Library, NY + Warner Paperback USA En Adamski, George: Inside the space ships. 8A 3 1955 Abelard-Schuman, NY USA En Adamski, George: Inside the space ships. 8B 3 1956 Arco, London (also: Arco & Neville Spearma UK En Adamski, George: Inside the space ships. 8C 2 1966 Neville Spearman, London UK En Adamski, George: Inside the spaceships. [Flying saucers have landed + Inside the space ships 1328 1 R 1977 George Adamski Foundation, Vista, Calif USA En combined] Revised edition. Adamski, George: Kosmisk filosofi. 100 spörsmål og svar. [orig: Cosmic philosophy & Cosmic 9 2 1964 SUFOI, Sunds Da Da science, questions and answers]. Adamski, George: L`adieu aux soucoupes volantes. [orig: Flying saucers farewell, translation by 1683 1 R 1985 Michel Moutet Editeur, Régusse Fr Fr Marc Hallet]. Adamski, George: Livsvetenskap. En studiekurs av George Adamski.[orig: Science of life study 10 1 R 1971 Svensk IGAP, Eksjö Sw Sw course]. Adamski, George: Livsvidenskab. [orig: Science of life study course]. 11 C 2 1967 Otto Biilmann, Copenhagen Da Da Adamski, George: Livsvidenskab. Lektion 4+5 [5+6], 9+10, 11+12 [orig: Science of life study 11 B 1 R 1964 IGAP Da Da course]. Adamski, George: Many mansions. [Abbreviated ed. of In my father´s house are many mansions]. 12 2 19?? SS&S Publications, Willowdale, Ontario Canada En Adamski, George: Meddelandet. 13 3 1966 Parthenon, Helsingborg Sw Sw Adamski, George: Mot nya horisonter. [orig: Flying saucers farewell]. 14 1 R 1974 Waldia, Nässjö Sw Sw 91 7320 002 6 Adamski, George: Om bord i rumskibe. [orig: Inside the space ships]. 1329 B 1 R 1980 IGAP-forlaget, Kolding Da Da 87-980984-1-1 Adamski, George: Ombord i rumskibe. [orig: Inside the space ships]. 1329 A 3 1960 Otto Biilmann, Copenhagen Da Da Adamski, George: Ombord på rymdskepp [orig: Inside the space ships]. [2nd expanded edition] 15 B 3 1968 Parthenon, Helsingborg Sw Sw Adamski, George: Ombord på rymdskepp [orig: Inside the space ships]. 1st edition. 15 A 3 1958 Parthenon, Helsingborg Sw Sw 2007-05-05 Page 2 of 278 AuthorAndTitle Inv-# Copies Ref SpColl PYear Publisher Country Lang ISBN Adamski, George: Pioneers of space. A trip to the Moon, Mars and Venus. 1228 1 R 1949 Leonard-Freefield Co, Los Angeles USA En Adamski, George: Religion and saucers. (Public lecture Sept 19, 1955). 16 1 R 1955 Interplanetary Relations, Detroit USA En Adamski, George: Rummensker, Venusturen, Saturnusturen I-II. [orig: Newsletter, Co-worker 17 3 1965 IGAP Europe, Maløj Da Da letter, Special report]. Adamski, George: Rymdaktivitet inom vårt solsystem. [from: Flying saucers farewell] 18 3 19?? Parthenon, Helsingborg Sw Sw Adamski, George: Studiekursus i videnskab om livet. Lektion 2-12 [orig: Science of life study 11 A 1 R 196? IGAP Da Da course]. Adamski, George: Telepathy. The cosmic or universal language. Part I. 1418 1 R 1958 the author USA En Adamski, George: Telepathy. The cosmic or universal language. Part II. 1419 1 R 1958 the author USA En Adamski, George: Telepathy. The cosmic or universal language. Part III. 1420 1 R 1958 the author USA En Adamski, George: Telepati. [orig: Telepathy, the cosmic or universal language]. 19 A 2 1959 SUFOI, Vojens Da Da Adamski, George: Telepati. [orig: Telepathy, the cosmic or universal language]. 19 B 2 1966 Otto Biilmann, Copenhagen Da Da Adamski, George: Telepati. [orig: Telepathy, the cosmic or universal language]. 20 3 1970 Svensk IGAP, Eksjö Sw Sw Adamski, George: The world of tomorrow. (Public lecture Sept 20, 1955). 23 2 1956 Interplanetary Relations, Detroit USA En Adamski, George: Wisdom of the masters of the Far East. Questions and answers by the Royal 21 2 1974 Health Research, Mokelumne Hill, Calif USA En Order of Tibet. [Reprint of original from 1936]. Adamski, George: Wissenschaft des Lebens. Studienkurs. [orig: Science of life study course]. 22 1 R 1966 Dora Bauer, Wien Austria Ge Adell Sabates, Alberto: Manual del ufologo. 3739 1 R 1979 Editorial 7½, Barcelona Sp Sp 84-85411-04-8 Aderhold, Carl (editor): Grande énigmes de l'humanité. 5257 1 R 2002 Larousse/Veuf, Paris Fr Fr 2-03-505347-1 Adkins, Diana: Introduction. Confrontation. Part I. 3740 1 R 1970 Servire / Wassenaar Ne En Adkins, Diana: Introduction. Confrontation. Part II. 3741 1 R 1970 Servire / Wassenaar Ne En Adler, Bill (ed.): Letters to the Air Force on UFOs. 616 3 1967 Dell, NY USA En Adler, David A.: Cam Jansen and the mystery of the U.F.O. Illustrated by Susanna Natti. 4453 1 R 1997 Puffin, NY USA En 0-14-038579-7 Adler, Irving: Monkey business. Hoaxes in the name of science. 2029 1 R 1957 Dennis Dobson, London UK En Adler, Paul: Saucer Hill. 2956 1 R 1979 Avon, NY USA En Adonai, Asociación: Angeles ayer, extraterrestres hoy. 3742 1 R 1985 La Asociacion Adonai, Deojo, Navarra Sp Sp 84-398-5325-4 Aetherius Society: The story of the Aetherius society. 24 1 R 19?? Aetherius Society, London UK En Agard, H.E. [pseud. f. Hilary Evans]: The Assassin. 5258 1 R 1965 Robert Hale, London UK En 2007-05-05 Page 3 of 278 AuthorAndTitle Inv-# Copies Ref SpColl PYear Publisher Country Lang ISBN Agnello, Todd (director) & Danwoodie, Ron (producer): Roswell: true or false? [Roswell is not a 5259 V 1 R 1995 D & J Corporation USA En main theme in this semi-documentary]. Agrell, Wilhelm: Bakom ubåtskrisen. Militär verksamhet, krigsplanläggning och diplomati i 2957 1 R 1986 Liber, Stockholm Sw Sw 91-38-90723-2 Östersjöområdet. Ahlin, Per: Astronomisk kalender 1995. Vad du kan se på himlen under året. 2958 1 R 1994 Prisma, Stockholm Sw Sw 91-518-2693-3 Ahlin, Per: Astronomisk kalender 1996. Vad du kan se på himlen under året.
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