A very warm welcome to English teachers mgr Marta Lipska [email protected] https://www.google.pl/search?hl=pl&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1440&bi h=799&q=teaching+languages&oq=teaching+languages&gs_l=img.3..0i19.6967.12980.0. 13204. languages&tbm=isch Teaching foreign languages in creative and innovative ways 2 Jokes and riddles a perfect medium for motivation teaching and learning fun Metalinguistic use of metaphors awareness and similes ‚We packed the room like sardines’ 3 Jokes and riddles http://iteslj.org/c/jokes-riddles.html Question: What are two things people never eat before breakfast? Answer: Clipart Office.com 4 Jokes and riddles http://iteslj.org/c/jokes-riddles.html Q: What are two things people never eat before breakfast? A: Lunch and supper. Clipart Office.com 5 Jokes and riddles a perfect medium for motivation teaching and learning fun Metalinguistic use of metaphors awareness and similes ‚We packed the room like sardines’ 6 http://www.readingrockets.org/article/28315 7 Riddles and jokes stimulate students’ metalinguistic awareness. Lexical riddles Why is school like a kingdom?... Both have lots of subjects! Why did the student bring a king to class? … Because his teacher told him he needed a ruler! Structural riddles How do you stop your dog from barking in the house? ... Put it outside! What has four wheels and flies? … A garbage truck! The child talked about the problem with the teacher 8 http://iteslj.org/c/jokes-riddles.html 9 Jokes and riddles http://iteslj.org/c/jokes-riddles.html Q: What letter of the alphabet has got lots of water? A: The C Q: What letter of the alphabet is always waiting in order? A: The Q (queue) Q: Do you know why birds fly to south in the winter? A: Because it's too far to walk there. Clipart Office.com 10 Jokes and riddles http://www.myenglish.pl Mr. and Mrs. Mustard have six daughters and each daughter has one brother. How many people are in the Mustard family? Clipart Office.com 11 Answer: There are nine Mustards in the family. Since each daughter shares the same brother, there are six girls, one boy and Mr. and Mrs. Mustard. Clipart Ofice.com 12 How can you say: "Robert and Richard Purchased a Rotweiler" without using any R's? 13 "Robert and Richard purchased a Rotweiler" Answer: Bob and Dick bought a dog! 14 Learn English Kids British Council 15 Google Cultural Institute 16 Ideas about using Facebook for educational purposes • Create a classroom discussion/ conversation to extend what students are learning in the classroom To learn more or create a group go to www.facebook.com/addgroup • Share Rich Content: Use the Wall on your Facebook Group page to share news clips, interesting articles, Web sites, videos, photos from school excursions, from class projects and so on. Invite students to do the same or just create events. • Publish short films and give them comprehension questions as some extra homework for a better grade. • Create a special interests group (kółko zainteresowań) • Encourage your students to compete within their Facebook group: e.g. ‘Who’s gonna post the most hilarious joke in English’. • You can also e-mail the group members through facebook. 17 Promoting plurilingual and intercultural education Respecting and developing each learner’s language repertoire so that they can use languages with different degrees of proficiency and in different contexts Respecting and recognising the normality of diversity in all aspects of human life Promoting equality and human rights. 18 Core curriculum PODSTAWA PROGRAMOWA EDUKACJI WCZESNOSZKOLNEJ W ZAKRESIE JĘZYKA OBCEGO NOWOŻYTNEGO II etap edukacyjny: klasy IV–VI Uczeń posiada świadomość językową (np. podobieństw i różnic między językami) Zalecane warunki i sposób realizacji: Oprócz umiejętności językowych szkoła, poprzez nauczanie języka obcego nowożytnego, kształtuje postawy ciekawości, tolerancji i otwartości wobec innych kultur. III etap edukacyjny Uczeń posługuje się podstawowym zasobem środków językowych (…), umożliwiającym realizację pozostałych wymagań ogólnych w zakresie następujących tematów: 15) elementy wiedzy o krajach obszaru nauczanego języka oraz o kraju ojczystym, z uwzględnieniem kontekstu międzykulturowego oraz tematyki integracji europejskiej. Intercultural competence- a combination of skills, knowledge, attitudes which allow a speaker to recognise, understand, interpret and accept other ways of living and thinking beyond his or her home culture. 19 Body language https://www.google.pl/search?hl=pl&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1440&bih=799&q=body+language&oq=body+language&gs_l=img.3..0l6j0i24l4.3536.7380.0.9028. 41.7j2.9.0....0...1ac.1.46.img..0.13.852.K4xzn991Lew#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=jstB03fzA7y6VM%253A%3Ba7dDOVET5- KffM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.egodevelopment.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2011%252F11%252Fbody-language- pictures.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.egodevelopment.com%252Flaw-of-attraction-flirting-signals-of-body-language%252F%3B250%3B350 20 Intercultural education. Gestures In the US = ‚Well done’ In Greece and Russia = ‚Up yours’ (the middle finger in Poland) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWFPHW7BCCI 21 On health and safety of pupils • Congratulations to the First Place Winners in 3 categories: Primary schools Monika Mączka Junior high schools Joanna Morawiec Secondary schools Marzanna Gromotowicz 22 Topic: Stay safe and healthy by Mrs Monika Mączka 1. Always wear the right _________. 2.Wear a helmet made to protect you when you _________, a _________ or a scooter, not one made for _________ or _________. 3. Be _________ and have fun. 4. Did you know that lots of kids go to hospital, because they get hurt on __(the playground)_______? 5. Most are hurt from _________. 6. _(Climbing)________ or __(hanging)_______ on soccer goal posts is very dangerous. 7. _________ with the clothing, Mom and Dad. 8. But if any of your _________ or sweatshirts has a jar string in the neck or waist area, ask your parents to cut the string off. 9. _________ and _________ safely. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUF0Kiw4moQ 23 Healthy food games UNHEALTHY HEALTHY CAKE PINEAPPLE JELLY CHERRIES CHIPS BROCCOLI MUFFIN BRUSSEL SPROUTS FRENCH FRIES CORN ICE CREAM LEMON CHOCOLATE RAISINS http://www.parkfieldict.co.uk/infant/body/sort.html 24 Topic: Are e-cigarettes dangerous? by Mrs Joanna Morawiec • Today we are going to talk about vaping. Do you know what vaping is? People SMOKE regular /conventional cigarettes but VAPE e-cigarettes. The liquid in e-cigarettes turns into vapour. E-cigarettes users inhale it so we call it vaping not smoking. • E-cigars were invented to help people give up smoking but unfortunately they became popular among school children, which can be very dangerous for kids’ health. • We are going to discuss what are the reasons of this, what makes e-cigarettes so attractive to young people, and we are going to learn about the consequences of being an e-cigarettes user. https://www.google.pl/search?hl=pl&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1440&bih=799&q=e+papieros&oq=e+papieros&gs_l=img.3..0l10.1786.4270.0.5389. 3A%3BWnCTCsmmSL5JYM%3B6hTNyO1tO9jwaM%3A&imgrc=6hTNyO1tO9jwaM%253A%3BGduAMxeGQHvPFM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fimages46.fotosik.pl%252F1862%252Fe8b780849a340122.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Farchiwum.allegro.pl%252Foferta%252 Fe-papieros-elektroniczny-ego-ce4-1100mah-liquid-i3079860332.html%3B660%3B499 25 Do Vape Pens Trick Teens? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnKwHWyHH4g True/False exercise 1. Teenagers try e-cigarettes because they want to be “cool”. T/F 2. Watching other people vaping in public places e.g. in a restaurant is very attractive to kids. T/F 3. Kids are allowed to buy e-cigars in shops. T/F 4. Rebbeca orders her e-cigarettes on the net. T/F 5. Students use e-cigarettes because they help them to reduce stress at school. T/F 6. E-cigarettes have only one flavour. T/F 7 . The girl vapes every day. T/F 8. The number of e-cigarettes users has been growing up very quickly. T/F Pre- listening activities (if you need to pre-teach some vocabulary) Discussion: 1) Translate into Polish: to be allowed to , What are the main reasons of vaping? to be/get addicted to, Why do e-cigs appeal to kids? to reduce stress, Where do teenagers usually vape? to appeal to , Is vaping as unhealthy as smoking? different flavours 2) Why do people smoke or vape? - pair work 26 What are E-Cigarettes http://teenshealth.org/teen/drug_alcohol/tobacco/e-cigarettes.html#cat20138 1. What is nicotine? 2. How does nicotine get to your body? 3. Which of your internal organs are affected by nicotine? 4. What are the most serious medical problems caused by nicotine? ( make a list) 27 TeensHealth 28 What makes an e-cigarette explode? There is also one more danger which wasn’t mentioned in the text you read. E-cigarettes might explode in your mouth. It is possible and the consequences can be very serious. Watch the film : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eTpeSp8x3g What makes an e-cigarette explode? 29 Health and emotions by Mrs Marzanna Gromotowicz • Has been dreading this appointment. Fears he waited too long. • Day 29. Waiting for a new heart. • 19 year-old son on life support. • Too shocked to comprehend treatment options. • 7 years cancer free. • Car accident 6 months ago. Pain won’t go away.
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