www.e-rara.ch The architectural antiquities of Great Britain Britton, J. London, 1807-1826 ETH-Bibliothek Zürich Shelf Mark: Rar 9289 Persistent Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.3931/e-rara-46826 Index [...]. www.e-rara.ch Die Plattform e-rara.ch macht die in Schweizer Bibliotheken vorhandenen Drucke online verfügbar. Das Spektrum reicht von Büchern über Karten bis zu illustrierten Materialien – von den Anfängen des Buchdrucks bis ins 20. Jahrhundert. e-rara.ch provides online access to rare books available in Swiss libraries. The holdings extend from books and maps to illustrated material – from the beginnings of printing to the 20th century. e-rara.ch met en ligne des reproductions numériques d’imprimés conservés dans les bibliothèques de Suisse. L’éventail va des livres aux documents iconographiques en passant par les cartes – des débuts de l’imprimerie jusqu’au 20e siècle. e-rara.ch mette a disposizione in rete le edizioni antiche conservate nelle biblioteche svizzere. 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Il tipo di licenza e le condizioni di utilizzo sono indicate nella notizia bibliografica del singolo documento. Per ulteriori informazioni vedi anche [Link] INDEX TO THE FOURTH VOLUME OF THE ARCHITECTURAL ANTIQUITIES OF GREAT BRITAIN. A 48—50—reference to plates—plan , elevation, and ABBIES , Buildwas, 60-76.—Croyland, 85-101.— details, PI. I.—union of church and chancel, walls, Kirkstall , 146,—Glastonbury , I89 -196. windows, door-ways, 45-51—recesses, buttress¬ Anecdotes, of King Edgar , 54.—of Oswald, 79— es, ib.—elevation of south side, door-ways, PI. III. Cuthbert , 80, 81.—of King Edward 111. and bis 45-52 —elevation of east end, sectional view of Queen Philippa , 82.—of King Henry VIII . and interior of east end, PI 11. 52—section and eleva¬ his Queen Katharine , 106.—of Roman Catholic. tion of north side, PI. III . ib.—door-way, PI, IV. Superstition, 111.—of Bishop Skirlaw , 128 —of 46, 47, 52 —perspective view, PI. V. 52. Edward IV . 152.—of a fox at Warwick , 180. Beauchamp Chapel. See Chapel. ARCHES , semicircular, in St John 's Church , Ches¬ -Richard , Earl of Warwick , memoirs of, ter, 55. 7- 10 . » ■— - lancet , in Wenlock Church , 61. PI. II. Bell, Sanctns , described, 114. » interlaced, and semicircular , Do . 63. and Bishop's Canning< Church, plate , situation, erection PI. I. uncertain , different styles of architecture , nave, .- Do. Do . and pointed : Croyland, PI. III. ailes, porch, transept with steeple and spire, sculp¬ —- variety of, in Croyland Abbey, 100. tured door-way, monument , 120. .- - pointed, early specimen, and semicircular : Bolton Castle, two plates —Leland’s account of, charge Buildwas Church , PI. I. of building, 154 —dimensions, 155—Mary Queen —- pointed with trefoil , and semicircular of Scotland confined here, ib.—PI. N . E. and united : Barfreston Church , PI. I. S. W . views. -semicircular , various and flattened : Do. Boston Church, two plates - dimensions of steeple, PI. II . and with sculptured mouldings, PI. IV. history, 113—style of building , windows, south *- pointed with several mouldings : Croyland door, crypt , chapel, buttresses , curious parapet, 114 Bridge, PI. I. —interior ; pulpit , 115—library staircases, 116— ■ interlaced , with zigzag mouldings : St. steeple, account of, 116- 119 —ancient document Joseph 's Chapel, p. 195-6, PI. II . and IV. of its erection, 116 —style of architecture , cleres¬ ■ ■ pointed, with several mouldings : Tyne¬ tory windows, buttresses, 117—lantern , win¬ mouth Priory church , PI. II. dows, arch-buttresses, masonry, 118 —view of — - — series of semicircular : Ludlow Castle, in¬ tower , steeple, church windows, south porch, PI. terior. PI. I . 119 - south porch, larger view, windows and — pointed■■ and circular : Micklegate Bar, PI. details, PI. II . ib.—measurement of church and steeple, ib. Architectural Antiquities, Yorkshire celebrated for, Brrckets, Buildwas Abbey Church , PI. IV . and PI. 130. chapter -house, Oxford. ARCHITECTURE , three distinct orders of, in -plan and elevation : Crosby Hall , FI. IV. Wenlock Priory, 62. Bridge, triangular , at Croyland, 101, 102. .- mixed style of, in Buildwas Buildnvas Abbey, four plates - date , founder , style of Abbey, 65. architecture , 65 —charters of endowment , 66, 67, ■ ■—-early Norman , example of in —benefactions, 63, 69 - description of, 70 — nave, Do. 71. ornamented door-way, arches, pillars, 71—recess¬ ■ - genuine Saxon, in St. Peter ’s, es, piscinas, 72 - crypt , dimensions, 73 —grant and Oxford , opinions respecting , 112, 114. descent, 74 - References ; PI. I . north side of nave, -- various styles of, in Ludlow 75—PI. II . exterior in its present state —PI. 111. Castle, 140. interior of chapter -house, columns , door-way, -semi -Saxon, style of, in Kirk¬ arches, ib. —PI. IV. ground plan, 75, 76. stall Abbey, 147- BU1TRESSES , in Beauchamp Chapel , of extra¬ .- specimen of Anglo Norman , in ordinary projection, 15—PI. I .—PI. VI .—flying Rochester Castle, 159. Do.—also ter Louth tower, S. E. view —to Boston Artificers, agreement with , for Beauchamp Chapel tower, PI. II. and Tomb , 11—14. - — with niches : Louth church , PI. cast end— B to Boston church porch, PI. II. Barfreston Church, five plates—age of, 41-44—ori¬ -- flat, with columns at angle : Croyland, gin of parochial districts, ib.—description of the PI. III. building , 45-50—south portal, 47—sculpture, —- - flat and narrow : Castle Rising Castle, PI. I. 198 INDEX. BUTTRESSES , plans, elevations, and views of: COLUMNS , clustered : Wenlock church , PI. II. Skirlaw chapel, PI. ■ - - Lindisfarne church , PI. I. -flattened , of peculiar elevation : St. Jo¬ — . short and thick, also with spiral mouldings seph’s chapel, Glastonbury , PI. IV. and clustered : Lindisfarne church , PI. II. •—- plan of, with columns at the angle, Do. - - tall and thin with central band : chapter- PI. II. house, Oxford. C -curiously ornamented : St. Peter’s church, Caemarvon- Castle, three plates —situation of the PI. town , 16'7—castle built by Edward I. 168 —birth -short and thick : Buildwas Abbey, PI. IV. of Edward , first Prince of Wales of the English -octagonal , Do. Do. line, ib.—state of the walls, ib.—towers, grand -base of Crosby Hall, PI. IV. entrance , ib .—thickness of walls, 169 —ancient Conisborough Castle, two plates—keep-tower, peculi¬ records of the masons, and their charges, ib.—first ar style of architecture , dungeon , store room, 148 governor of the castle, with his retinue , ib. —wall, 149—PI. 1. keep-tower, exterior —PL II. Campanile, or Bill Tmvcrs, in Croyland church 03. interior. CAPITALS , 11 various in Wenlock chapter -house, Cornice, block : Barfreston church , PI. I. PI. I.—Barfreston church , PI. II —Do. with sculp¬ -four different specimens of : Boston church, tured figures, PI. IV. PI. II. ■ - foliated : chapter -house, Oxford, PI. -embattled : Crosby Hall, PI. III. - to columns, 140. -richly carved specimen of, PI. IV. D. Castle Rising Castle, three plates - ground and first Crosby Hall. History and description of that edifice, story of the keep-tower described, 16'0, 1O' I—ex¬ with five plates, 185. tent of fortifications, l62 successive possesors, ib. Croyland Abbey Church, three plates—founded, 85— ’• residence of Isabella, dowager of Edward II. her destroyed by the Danes, rebuilt , materials, 86— burial, 163 - PI. I . plans —PI. II . S. E . view—PI. consumed, 87—new church built , 88—second con¬ III . interior. flagration , and rebuilding , 89 —site of Croyland, CASTLES , Ludlow, 131 - 141—Stolesay, 142 - 145 90—mode of laying the foundations of the church, —Conisborough, 148 - 150 Middleham, 151 - 153 91—its form, compared with that of Peterborough —Bolton, 154 - 155 —'Thornbitry, 150 - 158—Ro and 01 her churches, 92, 93 —besieged by Crom¬ chestcr, 158 , \5Q- Castle Rising, I0O - 104— Nor¬ well, ib.—description of the ruins, materials, torm wich, 64 - 160 - Caernarvon, 16 '7 169—Kenil¬ and dimensions ot nave, 94 gallery, peculiar co¬ worth, 170 , 178—Uanvick, 179 - 184. lumns , serein , roof, Q5 —north aile now the parish Chapel, Beauchamp , Warwick , six plates —founded church , its dimensions, 96—south aile, remains of, by Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick , 7—me¬ ib.—west front, 97—statues, 98—remains of south moirs of him, 7- \0 agreements with artificers, aile, 99 , 100 conjectured dimensions of the origi¬ 10- 14—description of the chapel with reference nal structure , IOO, 101—PL I. S. W . view—PI. II. to plates, 15—ground plan, PI. I . 15—section of west front —PI. III . part of west end. south side, interior, PI. II . 16 elevation of east Croyland Triangular Bridge, plate —its singular form, end and part of south side, exterior , PI, III . 16. style, date, situation, 101—ancient bridge on its Chapel, Skirlaw , two plates situation, tower, carved site, 102—quadrangular bridge in France on similar screen, 126—vestry, endowments, 127—ground plan, ib. plan, elevation ot eastern and western ends, dimen¬ Crypt in BuildA’as Abbey, 73-75 —in St. Peter ’s sions, PI. I. ib.—viewof chapel from south-west, PI. church , 122 in Canterbury , referred to, ibid. II. ib.—memoirs of Bishop Skirlaw, 128 - will,129. Culhbert, Bishop , memoirs of, 80, 81. Chapel, at Walsingham , peculiar beauty of, 105. D Chapel of Ludlow Castle, 139. of Chapter-House, in Wenlock priory, 62, 63 Build- Dates Buildings.
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