Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly FRIDAY, 21 MARCH 1952 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Questions. [21 MARCH.] Questions. 1893 PLANS FOR GORDONVALE HOSPITAL. Mr. WATSON (Mulgrave) asked the Secretary for Health and Home Affairs- '' 1. Have the amended plans for the Gordonvale Hospital yet been approved f "2. If so, (a) what is the number of beds provided for in such plans, (b) what is the estimated cost of the hospital, and (a) when is construction likely to commence~ ' ' Hon. W. M. MOORE (Merthyr) replied- '' 1. No. The project is before the Architectural Branch of the Public Works Department, and will be dealt with when an architect is available for that purpose. ''2. See answer to No. 1.'' TIMBER ROYALTIES j EXPENDITURE ON FRIDAY, 21 MARCH, 1952. REFORESTATION. Mr. WORDSWORTH (Cook) asked the Secretary for Public Lands and Irrigation- Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. J. H. Mann, " For the periods 1 July, 1932, to Brisbane) took the chair at 11 a.m. 30 June, 1951, and the financial year 1950-1951, respectively, what were (a) the QUESTIONS. total revenues from royalty on Crown timber, and (b) the total expenditures on EAGLE JUNCTION-WHINSTANES RAIL reforestation?'' DuPLICATioN. Mr. H. B. TAYLOR (Clayfield) asked Hon. T. A. FOLEY (Belyando) replied- the Minister for Transport- '' (a) The total revenues paid to the "1. As duplication of the railway line Treasury, after meeting timber haulage and between Eagle Junction and Whinstanes, marl;eting costs, were:-1 July, 1932, to with the elimination of the existing level 30 June, 1951, £7,046,726; financial year crossing on Sandgate road, Clayfield, has 1950-1951, £551,738. (b) The total expendi­ been approved, will he advise whether any hues on reforesmtion wen~:-1 July, 1932, plan of this scheme has yet been to 30 June, 1951, £5,671,901; financial prepared~ year 1950-1951, £1,111,570. '' '' 2. Does this scheme provide for the lowering of the line to eliminate the two :PROPOSED NEw HosPI1'AL, BmvEN. grades between Eagle Junction and Hendra, or does it provide for an overhead ·bridge Mr. COBURN (Burdekin) asked the at Clayfiold ~ Secretary for Health and Home Aftairs- '' 3. Is any of the cost to be borne by ' 'In view of the very dilapidated condi­ the Brisbane City Council, and, if so, can tion of the Bowen Hospital, will he kindly he state the approximate amount of that give consideration to the inclusion ef a cost~" new hospital in the appropriations for next financial year~ ' ' Hon. J. E. DUGGAN (Toowoomba) replied- Hon. W. M. lliOORE (Merthyr) replied- " 1. A proposal to eliminate the railway '' Sketch plans have been prepared for level crossing on the Sandgate Road, a new hospital at Bowen. Con,ideration Clayfield, is being investigated by the regarding the preparation of working Co-ordinator-General of Public ·works. No drawings and specifications has been plan has been prepared. deferred in view of the difficulty in obtain­ ing supplies of essential materials of '' 2. The elimination of the lm·el crossing varied type used in hospital buildings and would necessitate lowering the tracks and the difficulties obtaining in respect to the construction of a bridge and to some procuring the services of tradesmen skilled extent, the reduction of the g~ade~ between in the building industry. A further obstacle Eagle Junction and Hendra. There would in the matter of obtaining loan moneys be no necessity to alter the grades apart from banks and other financial organisa­ from the elimination of the crossinig. tions resultant from the financial policy of '' 3. The matter is the subject of dis­ the Commonwealth Government has neces­ cussion between the Co-ordinator-General sitated the restriction of operations to of Public Works and the Brisbane City those projects which are under construc- Council.'' tion.'' · 1894 Egg Marlceting Boa,rd. [ASSEMBLY.] Egg Marketing Board. HOUSE REN'l'ALS, TENANTS WITH SMALL No attempt was made by the Government to INCOMES. refute that evidence which was put forward on each application by the industry to have Mr. AIKENS (Mundingburra) asked the the price of the product brought up to the Attorney-General- cost of production. " If, as the Premier has stated, the Minister is considering the introduction of I quote the wholesale prices of eggs an amendment to the Landlord and Tenant throughout Australia in the early part of this Act this session, which will have the effect year. They were as follows: of increasing house rentals, will he also Queensland 3s. lld. a dozen consider making provisions in the amend­ New South Wales 5s. ld. a dozen ing Act similar to those in the Common­ Victoria 4s. 5d. a dozen wealth and State Housing Agreement which South Australia 4s. 5d. a dozen protects tenants with small incomes~'' Western Austmlia 4s. 4d. a dozen Hon. W. POWER (Baroona) replied- Tasmania . 4s. 7 d. a dozen '' The hon. member should be well aware The effect of such price-fixing on an industry that it is not the practice to- indicate the such as the poultry industry in Queensland nature of prospective legislation by way of can be realised. It almost wiped out the answer to the hon. member's question. This industry. Laying hens were sent. in tens of Government needs no prompting from the thousands to the poultry abattoll's. If we hon. member to ensure that it will safc:­ look at the figures it will be seen that 325,000 guard tenants' interests.'' hens went through the poultry abattoirs in December, 1951, against a normal killing at EGG MARKETING BOARD. that time of the year of between 100,000 and PROPOSED DISALLOWANCE OF ORDER IN 150,000. Producers were unable to carry on COUNCIL. and they were compelled to send laying hens to the abattoirs in order to meet their feed Mr. NICKLIN (Landsborough-Leader bills. of the Opposition) (11.9 a.m.): I move- As a result, the industry was at a very '' That the order in council relating to low ebb at the time this order in council was the Egg Marketing Board under the issued. Just prior to the issuing of this orcier Primary Producers' Organisation and in Council, the Government, having got them­ Marketing Acts, 1926 to 1951, laid upon selves into an unholy mess in regard to the the table of the House on 11 March, 1952, fixation of egg prices, decided tlwt they be disallowed.'' would give back to the Egg Marketing Board I take this action, Mr_ Speaker, because the right to fix the price of eggs, a right after perusing the order in council I find it always enjoyed prior to Commonwealth that it has the effect of being a savage attacli' price control. And it should be the right of on a valuable industry that depends for its that board, because that is the organiBation very existence on the orderly marketing of that is in close touch with all the fluctuations, its products. I am surprised that the and when the price is determinerl hy the Minister, who has at all times stated that board it is a price that is related to the cost he stands for orderly marketing in this State, of production. should have issued such order in council. Immediately after the Government gave When I consider the effect that it is going back to the egg board that right, they fol­ to have on the industry, I invite the Minister lowed it with this order in council to which to preside over the last sad rites of the we are objecting today. At the same time poultry industry. as the Government gave the Egg Marketing The reaction of growers to this order in Board the right to fix the price of eggs, they council was immediate and violent. Coming also said, "We will fix the whole industry." as it did immediately after the action of the And they will "fix" the whole industry, too, Government in holding prices below the cost with this order in council. of production, they regard it as a punitive This industry, which depends for its exist­ measure designed to destroy their industry ence on the orderly marketing organisation and the marketing organisation, which has that it has built up over the years, provides been of great value to the industry over the facilities for the handling of eggs, for the years. packing of them, storing against shortages, I emphasise the point that the Government the export of the surplus overseas and the were responsible for keeping the price of eggs control of the quality. But the Government in this State well below the cost of production. in one fell swoop are going to destroy this The price of eggs in Queensland was lower organisation that has been built up over the than the price elsewhere in Australia, not­ years and will at the same time destroy the withstanding the fact that the poultry foods industry itself. The Queensland Egg Market­ used by producers are more costly in this ing Board has the best record of any market­ State than in any other part of Australia. ing board in Australia in respect of' the Production costs in Queensland are the quality of eggs sent overseas, and I mention highest in Australia, and despite that fact the fact as an indication of the efficiency the Government kept the price of eggs below and effects of the board's work. If we are the cost of production, even after repeated going to divert a large number of eggs away representations on behalf of the industry, from the operations of the board we are representations that were supported by irre­ going to wreck it, because we are going to futable evidence as to the cost of production.
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