'peJInDeJeIoq/r\ peplAoJq 'slueld suoqe4snllr ^\eu pue pelrc ore suorlursnlll poqsltqnd ,{lsnor,rerd asall Jo uoll"surluopl ol pr" Jequrge sV erl"4snv ruetse1\Josocul^oJd I?clu"log lsel\ qlnos puc ueeEuerAeql ul Sut.unf,co oeacu:ad,{3goserceds lenuue eql ro; sdzruuonnqulslp puc s,{eq'stsdou,{se septa.o,tdreded stql 'gg771toq8ny 7 9) 'ds ouoo.torll snuaoqJs eurev aserqdeql ue,lr8 pue porelocsrp ueeq ftq uoxsl lunuw ,&euJeqInJ 'ueql € ecuts ,4lpuuo; ouruuo1 u,nou1 ,{good oo1eq 01peJoprsuoc lnq souuu eserqd pel"colls ele,t sreqlo eW :(166 I e.{U) peqursop pu" peluBuaro,r\ osorD Jo eorf,L $695f uos1tr11ueruy ,{q uoqemc luacer pu? Ke^lnssrr0Jo qloqllnseJ € w peqsrn?wlsrpan n'snuaoqcg snue8eql ut I1e,{IJ?ou'sx?ll€nuue,!\eu eurN uoquell€Jopeeu ur erou oqolpeJeeddeeeece.redK3;o serceds lenuuy sollture;1ue1dreqlo,4ueu ql1,tluosuedruoc ur lleus FJeApouaosuollcuuxoJo {slJ1e eq o1K1e1tsercedsgo uotUodold oql'^llru-eJ 'pe,{e^lns eqlu1sle1uue;edsnoreurnu eql Suoury ere,,hsooul^ordlecruElog lsol\qlnoS pue u?e?rueJa eql uro4 sueulcads unueqroq'lsrl €rolC&yo1.r4 pue erea pelplceq eql uo pemld oq plnoqs€II€rsnV ruelse1\Jo fferepoluetuncop IIe,{issol eql uro:; eeaczrad.{3;oserceds qcrq,t euruuelepolDpro ul 'PaslAJlueeq re^eu sEq (t961) e, eug 4r 1p>1ce1g,{qpaqsrlqnd oeecz:ed,{3 u;e1sa,tr-q1nos o1,4e1eq1 ( 1g61uos[16) 1 szd./lagolpepler aauo?pue (g66yz1e1)srtAsrrqwU ot?u Suoloqselcadsequo lsoruroJ olqpllB^€ sfel ele eleqt q8noqle ',(lureJ eqlJolueul€e4 e,rlsueqe:durocluecer ou srareql',4apaqur) equo qlnossuot3ar:og ellzgsny 's^el uelsel[Jo ecurAordI€ortr€loq u]or.lUoN eql ul Sutrrncto sercedsroJ suone4snlllpu? suoldlltsep (lrurag se,ua(3661 e,(a) ,,uor8aaXeFeqrury eqlJo?rolC,, ur e€eo?Ied,{3 eql;o lunotc?tuecor oqJ uol|Jnp(ulul uorlcollocauo,{1uo ruo{ u^roul qceosolceds xrs lnoqz Sutpnlcut 'ecuacgru8rs uorlp^resuocJo eru€x?l ouros palelsnlll o:e sercedspelceles Erl?llsnv uelsel[ Jo secul^oJdl?cruelog NeA\ qlnos pu? uee€ruerg aql uo{ u,,nour1seeoe;ed.{33o selcads lenuue eql 'U66) 11z.ro|}pepl,ro.rd e;z sderu uoqnqllslp puz s,{eI'slsdou,4s V t'n-E\e :G) I I €rs nN Ellerlsnv 'I 'e{U ruelse1\ueqlnos pu? l?quecuro.rg ezocered.{3 ;o sercedslenuuu eql;o stsdou,{sV g IJEJNqV €869rCA\'o[uoJ,{je^rleo,{eDuog't0l 8Eg pelco'I 'urnlsqraH luouroS€u8tllpup.I pu€ uolls^DsuoJJo lueuuEdec uelpltsnv uJqse^\ e^]{ 'I g €llsJlsnY uJelse1!\uJeqlnos puE lsJlueJ ItroJI e"eJa.|ed.tJJo selJedslunuuu orllJo slsdou,{sY (/661)€Zt-68tr(g)I I Drsl^nN 384 Nnytsiavol. 11,No. 3 (1997) About halfofthe l5 6 speciesincluded in the Kimberley flora areannuals, including severalgenera that do not occur elsewherein Westem Australia, In the south-westmost speciesare perennial; for "Flora example,in the areacovered by ofthe PerthRegion" lessthan a quarterofthe speciesare annuals (Rye 1987). Many ofthe annualspecies are small and inconspicuous,as well asbeing absent altogether forpartofeach year,sotendto bepoorly collected. SincethePerthregional florawas completed,eight additional annual specieshave been recordedin that region. In maly ofthe perennialspecies, maximum fruitsethasbeenreducedto oneor twonuts per spikelet, and vegetativespread by rhizomesis ofgreat importance.Annual speciesneed to producea good seed crop eachyear to ensurefuture generationsand almost invariably producelarger numbersofnuts per spikeletor condensedspike. Sinceftuitingquickly follows flowering in annuals,flowering andfruiting generally occur in the samemonths. The flowering and fruiting periods given here apply only to specimenscollected in the study area,as do any measurementsand other descriptions. Distributionpatt€rns and new records Most speciesof Cyperaceaehave wide distributions,often extending to otherstates ofAustralia andoverseas. The annual species occur mainly in seasonallydamp habitats, including the margins of watercouses,low-lying flats and rock crevices.Ofthe 48 namednative species included here, 13 are endemicto thesouth-west and one to thePilbara area ofWestern Australia. Five species (Fim brrsD,/is ammobia,Fuirena incrassatd,F. nudiJlora,Isolepis australiensis and. Schoenus centralis) arcknown from lessthan five localitiesin this Statebut havebeen collected more frequently from otherparts of Austlalia,while the remaining species have beenwidely collected both in WesternAustraliaand outside theState. The Western Australian distributions ofall thespecies are shown in Figuresl-18, with each symbolindicating thepresence ofthe taxon in aquarterdegree latitude by quarterdegree longitude area. Thenumber ofnamed annual species recorded for WesternAustralia since the publication ofthe censusand its mostrecent supplement (Green 1985, 1988) has increased by seven. Curation ofthe PERTH collectionby KarenWilson has led to the additionofthe two nativespecies Fzirena incrassata and, Isolepisaustraliensr's and the introduced species 1solepis llystlr. A furtherfour species,named since thelast supplement ofthe census,are Fln bristylissimulans (LaIz 1990), Sc hoenus badius, S. plumosus andS. variicellae (Rye 1997). Onespecies previously recorded (Wilson l98l ) for WestemAustralia,butnow excluded, is 1solepis platycarpa(5.T. Blake)Soj6k. This speciesoccurs in SouthAustralia, New SouthWales, Victoria, Tasmaniaand New Zealand, andmightproveto be more widespread, but there are cunentlyno specimens knownto havebeen collected from WesternAustralia. Thedescriptions given for all theannual species included in "Floraofthe Perth Region" (Rye 1987) areaccurate except that the one given under the name ,Sc&oenus odontocarpus actually applies to the new speciesS. variicellae. At the time the flora treatmentwas prepared,no specimensof true S. odontocdrpusfrom the Perthregion had been seen, but somehave since been incorporated in the collectionat PERTH. Othernewly recordednative species for the regionarc Isolepiscongrua, L hookeriena,Schoenus humilis, S. plumosus, S. sp.Bullsbrook (J.J. Alford9l1) andS. sp.Waroona (G.J.Keighery 12235). There is alsoone additional naturalized species, /so lepis hystrix. 'elp.qsnv ur4se^t tt opqrDq sn,Qsoqlg Jo uoqnqu$ro I emBIJ I \ f F.rr ^@n''ins \t\ .L: _f -K _/ I / r l a \i': a -\ l I a t a I ( N I I t' a I a I B a a a I a I a , .lrlC a la .f/-"' I t a a ;#6 a / a I la a j a r!:-|, a L\ tl I I ): l @qeq1/'^t- "js.*\ a .61-.'t3Y-_46-'-l VNVUI-SNVNU]ISIM JiJ I \ i",S t- t- etlB4snv u.r5lsolAuroqtnos pup prluor ruo{ a?edrod,{Jpnuuv'0,{U ,I'B NuytsiaVol. 11,No. 3 (1997) I l-f-l J vrl r WESTERNAUS' IRALIA I A y_ R Ilfr \ ! \N"&ift I / t y:,2 a ''yt'+-/, a ) / a J ( ) C ) ) ) v NI 70 ;N tc I ".!\ t- lr) B! !l 1 I I Fisufe 2. Full disrributionof 8?./lrosrylisburbidgeae) and WestemAustralian distribution of Bulbostylis lwbinalao, atypicalvariant of Crperu: caslaneusl andtypical \uianI of Cyperuscastaneus Y 'O 'E sn apl8lt stuad(J pw v flwrogjp snhdt} Jo uounqulsrpuvlleDsny tueNelt\ rm8!J _t I I \ A4 \\ - - I l t- I I I \i: 1 ro c ) 5 1 dft\ ( 9L \\ 1 t"_ a c \ .l I E'i'"' ( ) V v 11 7 Jl,r ttt VI Y'Y ;ffi("*t," 4 I V V! t r* t{\ ) -f--/- v / Y rili I .l-lLi L$p dt--'!a"""?6i--'n la I \ lv8Isnv NUlls:i 1." I J\ :"&1 .T" .L ,0,{U .I elpnsnv ur.ls.A\ rrrerlnospuB leluoc tuo{ apo.elad,{Jlenuuv B NuytsiaVol. ll, No. 3 (1997) L-l fl i QTtrANr n |qTQn I tn rA ( trl a---r!!-.".-r99------rto P ^".N 1 ,t o f''' \DOrl ( ra ^ F] I I L ^ilvvI q-' x. 9P ^/&s \Jc olr c n o b -il c ) 1( o Q i"-1r ) o t ) / ) ) c HT c o I I o "","1x a tl \ la a Wlo euno"'yF 1 I .,'""F.rq . l r q tJf,r \l I T*"iI" I Figure4. WeslemAustralian distribution of Cyperushamulosus O, Cyperusiriao, Cyperuspygmaeus L and Cwetus lenellus a . 'sllerlsnv urelsel\ u tnsornnbs suadtb Jo uolnqlnslo I .rn8lJ I I I I 1. lsrFrss l^,nl*"I-t,. .i= w _1 a I t l a \\|r- a t I f\N I a H,t"i T]-" ) a a 1 a a a o ft/ -ta a I ta rt""" L./' a a -il;"' a t' I I a t !"G\ --+ \ / L I 1) ? I t\ " \ (6 6i"""?d"""?F t a VIIVU]SNV J v. NU:IS]M { l-l I I I 'e,{d ?rle4sny urotsa^\ujoq$os pu? lsque. ruo{ aeacerod,4Jpnuuv 1A 390 NuytsiaVol. ll, No. 3 (1997) I \ { WESTERNAUSTRALIA * Y tt c------..r9&.-.J!-- P f\ a \ C\ 1 \ la \t\ a (. , a t --4 E) ) -2' 1 L/ t. a a ( LI a ) -.+. I l _lI t| l c )n L \l/trqTtraNr n ||qTDn I rn rt q--.-..cc-ltg-...j o p J _i_ R -i"rq ,l \ \$ I BT-\ X. (X I l , |-_] / ':2'.+-- I 2/ o ,@ (lu o o ) ). t\ \(\ / ) Figure 6. Distribution in W€stem Australia. A - Eleocharis atropurpureai B ' Eleocharis Seniculata O Nd Fimbristylis ammobia L . a dDD tDtls ds sttt(tsuquu pue ' A Dtuadnodap stttts qql Jo ttlrlm^ pcrd,{le Jo uol}nqlqslp ly'.n!pw a oblliipnu Duatln! pw ' '/ a Dpp^ sltt(tsuqutf V otDtad Ddaps t(lsuqall lo trette^ Fcrd^l Jo uounqulsrp u?!l€4snv ue$e,14 ornBIC I I I I \ fl I ^@,t.6 ffi# l r \ A df,\ / \\ \ I \--n-.", I ( ) I t-,-4-..- I .fi#.",,:i**' I vl v v qft ) Yv \\/ l F \'Y oe---:'!-.d6"--"'n -h-v'l\ *$p J W VIIVU-LSNVNE]IS:M -.[-t I r 'e,(u '] elFqsnv Ulalselt\ ureqlnos prrE leruoc ruo{ oeocer5d,{JlBnuuv g NuytsiaVol. ll, No. 3 (1997) --l-F--J115', /f- v,++-+?+ WESTERNAUSTRALIA ll-tr r! $-i\.i q-___---19------rt-____.19o -a +-Ft { ,v!ir.*b i- aaI rl. F a o w .21 ?)I , a 2/ l. ( LI ) I lr \ 1 \\N a J / IL]I-LI i - WESTERNAUSTRALIA tl \ { .---,# o^ aw \? la\s{ a --+ l-- L\ a a a \H11 a -T El ) aa T- t ll a a i_.' ).
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