Columbia College Chicago Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago New Expression Youth Communication Chicago Collection April 1979 New Expression: April 1979 (Volume 3, Issue 4) Columbia College Chicago Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/ycc_newexpressions Part of the Journalism Studies Commons This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. Recommended Citation Columbia College Chicago, "New Expression: April 1979 (Volume 3, Issue 4)" (1979). New Expression. 21. http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/ycc_newexpressions/21 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Youth Communication Chicago Collection at Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. It has been accepted for inclusion in New Expression by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. Vol. 3 No.4 April, 1979 Photo by Elaine Takagi The summer CETA story Chicago teens by Frank Burgos w it h Franchee parent's paycheck to prove how much Harmon money comes into the home. Items will have such as bringing a parent along to sign For the past three weeks Chicago's the tncome form in person. Items such 10,000 fewer summer JOb program for teens through as supplying a birth certificate. CETA has changed from day to day. continued on page 3 CETA jobs this The number of jobs has changed. It's summer. The now 30,000. (Last summer it was 40,000.) reason: the city The number of weeks has changed. It's now e1ght. (Last summer 1t was is taking more ntne.) The amount of money to be set aside money to run for clerks. auditors and people who the program. would check on the JOb sttes all sum­ mer long has changed Its now about seven million dollars that will be paid to adults rather than to the youth woci(ers that the program IS supposed to help. (Last summer it was five million.) Photo by Melvin Banks Also in Congress granted 9°o less money for CETA tn Chicago thts summer. (Top) Last summer's mural project this issue $2,246,000 less. The mtnJmum wage ts sponsored by Jane Addams Hull House 30 cents an hour higher or 1 0°o htgher Assn. at the Gill Park Fieldhouse hired than tt was last summer But these two young artists through CETA. (Above) Draft Survey facts do not explatn a 25% cut n jobs Members of the Chicago Youth Jobs and a 12°o cut n the work period Coalition demonstrate in front of the page 7 NeN Express1on has been covenng offices of Sens. Stevenson and Percy. th s chang;ng CETA story smce March 19. 'Youth should Now we wou.o ke to tell you the be seen story as Ne unco 1ered tt. On March 19 News EElrtor E. e!yn and heard' PolK f•st sa\'. ·ne c iy s regtstraiion re­ qu rements for thts summe' s CETA page 12 JOOS The ne lems oo he I st SU'· onsed everyone m the ne .sroom. Items such as bnng ng he st b o4 a 2 NEW EXPRESSION HE INSIDE TRACK by Adorn Lewis Library: 'We're not Coming going to take it any more' Next Month Keep your eyes open for these fmes Young Chicago, arriv1ng w1th The Ch1cago Public Library It 1s estimated that $1.4 mil­ the May 1ssue of New Expres­ 1s gettmg stnct If you are m the habit of not returning library lion worth of Circulating books sion. Young Chicago IS a new are bemg lost each year feature magaz1ne wh1ch may matenals, the new rule may change your ways Unt1lth1s proposal1s passed, be d1stnbuted quarterly w1th all the library can do now is New Expression, 1f we can The Library's Board of DI­ rectors are urg1ng a new c1ty send annoymg rem1nder sell enough advertising not1ces to hoarders Now, the Just like NE, Young ordinance that would set mmimum fme for overdue Nl WI Xf'Jif '>',IONS rii\IUfll MAC.AIINI • Vot I • SPIUNCo 1q1•1 Chicago Will be written by penalt1es and st1ffer f1nes of $50 to $500 on library book material Is f1ve cents a day, w1th teens The 24-page magazme a maximum fine of $3 1s the effort of 17 free-lance holders. If the City Counc1l ap­ proves of th1s proposal, not Th1s is a kmd of sw1tch on teen reporters, art1sts pnd Network. Now the government photographers. only w1ll many people w1th overdue books face fines, but is saying, "We're mad as hell! Issues that will be covered m And we're not gomg to take it the first issue are the teens' they may also be hunted down anymore!" battle w1th the CTA, three short by authorities if they do not pay stories, a new "Superkid" comic stnp and the story of a high school athlete who's being New $15,000 idea hounded by college recruiters. For readers who like chal­ to finance college lenges, there will be a two­ page CTA game board that Well, here's another pro­ sound good so far, there is one challenges the reader to make posed plan to help financially catch. Since many college it to school despite the hassles. disabled college students. students have defaulted on Other sections in th1s issue will Califorma Rep. John Burton student loans and grants pro­ be fashion, music and college has introduced his Tuition Ad­ grams such as bank loans, this Information. vance Fund to Congress for plan Is devised to automatically Right now, Young Chicago approval. If this plan is passed, replenish itself. After the stu­ is looking for patrons and college students could get up dent graduates and has a job, sponsors. If you would like to to $5,000 a year to pay for their t11e Internal Revenue Service see your name in the first issue college tuition, fees, books and will withhold two percent of his for only $5, call Steve Greer at other school expenses. The earnings from each paycheck 663-0543. maximum advance a student until 150 percent of the ad­ could receive for four years IS vance has been collected. $15,000. If this proposal is passed, it Unlike some government will allow more financial aid to loans and scholarships, the college students because the Gonococcal urethritis-new VD threat advance the student receives fund is automatically re­ will go directly to the college. plenished by former students. Are you gett1ng the latest the mfect1on caused by the won't catch nongonococcal The students will never touch facts 1n your sex education d1sease. urethritis on toilet seats. any of the money. class? Like all forms of VD, you There's only one wayl Although the plan may Thoro are basically eight major venereal diseases. Of OYT the o1gllt, the most well­ known are gonorrhea and Summer syphi lis {wh1ch IS on tho nse nationally) Because only a Auditions low cases of the other sex d1scaso:. have been re ­ The Original Youth Theatre ported, no one worried about Orchestra IS now expanding in them preparation for summer per­ Now another form of VD 1s formances. The open1ngs are: bo1ng reported at the Center two flutes, two clarinets, bass for D1sease Control called clarinet, recorders, trombones, nongonococcal urethntis, a trumpets, french horns, bari­ form of herpes and tone horn, saxophones, tuba, tnchomon1as1s Symptoms of all strings, gUitars {electric the d1 soase are those of and acoust1c), percussions gonorrhea, but t11oy also in­ and any unusual instruments. clude swell1ng of the sexual For an audition appo1ntment, organs, narrowing of th e call Mike Glenn at 663-0543, Fallop1nn tubes and an un Mon.-Fn. from 3 to 7 p.m. Re­ pleasant pus discharge hearsals will be on Saturdays Doctors are womed that a {1 00·2:30) begmning Apri128. largo numbe1 of women may Audillons w1il be held at 207 S. become sterile because of Wabash on the 8th floor. ew Expression A maga11ne by Ch1cago teens for Ch1cago teens. Managing Editor, Adorn Lew1s, Circulation Managera, Hassan Undblom: Ralph Leslie, Jr., Men­ Whnnoy Young Rosol!, CVS, Randy Farmer, del, Terrence Franklin, Whitney Cover Photo: Manley Young, Char1es Walsh, Mendel. Melvin Banks II shot this photo at the pro­ Newa Edhora, Evelyn Polk, Und­ Bualneu M~tnager, Steve Greer, Staff photographer•, Michael test sponsored by the blom, Rondnh Hannah, Jul1an , Calumet Chicago Youth Coali­ Denise Bronson, Immaculata, Glover, Whitney Young; Andre Knsuna Prorok, Wtutney Young, Williams, Mendel, Maria Villa· tion for Jobs. The rally Daryl Macon, Undblom Staff wrhera, Enid Vazquez, De lobos, Whitney Young, Paula Eu­ was In protest of the Paul, FeliCia Willis, Longwood, banks, Wh1tney Young, Peter recent federal cuts in Denise Coleman, Orr. M1 chael Greene, Mendel, Leslie Eubanks, youth jobs. For more f:rtltorlal Dlrectora, Enc Williams, Glover, Whitney Young, Steve Morgan Pari<, Antoine Coleman, details, see the front Calumet, Melvin Banks II , Undblom, Dorrick Sm1th, Juhan Greer, Calumet, Susan Harvey, cover and page 3. Curvor. Deborah Padgon. Central Lindblom, Enc Bradshaw, Y, Knsuna Prorok, Whitney\' oung, Lindblom Entertainment Edltora, JHC· Hass.ln 0 Rosell, CVS, Rodenck New Expreaalon IS published once a month except July and Augus1 quelina nynn Whitney Young, Smith, S1meon, Elaine Takagi Advertising staff, Rhonda Han­ by Youth Communication, Chicago Center, non·for-prof1t agency Susnn H.trvtly, Ctlrvor Lttkov1ow; Ava Thompson. W1111 nah, Juhan, Deborah Padgett, EdiiOnal olf1ces are at 207 S Wabash (8th Floor), Chicago, llhno1s, noy Young, M.vm Villalobos. Whit· Central Y. Rodenck Sm1th, 51- 60604 Phone: 663-0543 Clfculat1on Polley· Distributed free 1n h1gh noy Young, Kevtn Thompson, moon, V1chello Sanders. CVS .
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