FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE F ISA Homologation No DU SPORT AUTOMOBILE A-5A05 JAPAN AUTOMOBILE FEOERATION t t a > É A JA-137 G ro u p j J AFfiï2/;u-r •A/)^ HOMOLOGATION FORM IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPENDIX J OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPORTING CODE J J 1 (Ü J: C /J A Homologation valid as from 0 1 KARS 1990 in group FISAKSü^^B _____________ .F 1 % K'tW^'T)V--r Photo A Photo B Z'. itU l) I. ' ■: 1. DEFINITIONS / 101) Manufacturer NISSAN MOTOR CO..LTD. 102) Commercial name(s) — Type and model SKYLINE GTR TURBO (BNR32) 103) Cylinder capacity 4366.8 (2568.7 X 1.7 = 4366.8) 104) Type of car construction I—I separate, mai«material of chassis (T>HK xxxxx unitary construction □ 3 y steel 105) Number of volumes 1 06) Number of places _________ F.I.S.A. ) Page 1 4 £ i 'autow o ? ^ <. Make Model NISSAN 55 ÿ: JBNR32 .Homo!. No_ ft-5A 05 JA-137 J AF£:K.§-t_ 2. DIMENSIONS. WEIGHT / fifi 202) Overall length 4545 mm 203)0verall width Where measured 1 7 5 5 mm. \% ailÆ®R(r Front & Rear axle center 2 0 4 )Width of bodywork: a) At front axle 1755 mm± 1% b)At rear axle îâ¥fà_hi7)<iit:«or1] 1755 m m ± 1 % 206) Wheelbase: a) Right b)Left: ,t> 'f — X ^ ______ 2615 mm i 1 % Æ 2615 mm± 1% 209) Overhang: a) Front: b)Rear: 950 mm i 1 % m 980 mm± 1% 'V bulkhead) 1560 mm± 1% 3. ENGINE / x>v;>(|n case of rotative engine, see Article 335 on complementary form) 30l)Location and position of the engine: Front, longitudinal axle slant 2, __________________________Angle of slant 10 to right from left 303) Cycle 4 (Otto) 3 04) Supercharging yes/«Os type iSfè 55^ turbocharging (In case of supercharging, see also Article 3 3 4 on complementary form) 305)Number and layout of the cylinders X U > t ft_________________________ 6 In-line 306) Cooling system __________ Liguid 307 ) Cylinder capacity: a)Unitary b)Total ___________42 8 ■ T 1 cm3 4 3 8 8 8 (?Sfi8 1 \ ^ 1 ^ R) an3 c) Maximum total allowed* : 4 42 7 .8 »(This indication is not to be considered in Gr. N) (2604.6 X 1.7 = 4427.8)cm3 (cco*^Nlir^u-VNl::IJ#(£?nîfV') ,.1 ' F.I.S.A. ^ Page 2 A - 5 H 0 5 Make Model ____ NISSAN êü:«_ çÿjç BNR32 Homol. No J A - 1 3 7 JAF£U.#-f_ 312)Cylinder block material X 'J .y __________ Cast-iron 313)Sleeves: a) :yes/no c)Type: x ' j - r ___ xxxxx 3 1 4 )B o re .-KT- 86.0 mm 315)Maximum bore allowed (This indication is not to be considered in Gr N) ________________8 6 .6 ______ mm 3 1 6 )S tr o k e X F D — 73.7 mm 31 8)Connecting rod: a) Material b)Bigend type ________ Steel f y /xy ______ Separate c) Interior diameter of the bigend (without bearings) t'-y ÿ^xv K«0f*5{i (-:r U ) ____________________ 51.0 _mm±0.1% d) Length between the axes , c- e)Minimum weight: y ________________________ i£i_l^mm (±0.1mm) iSfftSg ___________635 _______ g 31 9)Crankshaf t : a) Type of manufacture ^ 7 > ^ iy -V 7 F _______________ One piece b) M a te ria l MK_______________________ -S-te.el c) |—I moulded sistamped d) Number of bearings 1—i « i â ^ L29 i&itiff; '<7 ') > _________ e)Type of bearings -< T >J V ________ Plain f) Diameter of bearings ' < 7 'I > 58 . 7 _mm+ 0.2% g) Bearing caps material •sr .y rottR____ Cast-iron h)Minimum weight of the bare crankshaft 7 V X -V 7 F ______________________ 19.361 .È 320)Flywheel : a)Material 7 7>r.t.-l-/u WK ______ Cast-iron b)Minimum weight of the flywheel with starter ring 9.259 'F > {+7 7 yf -t. -i _______________________________ _g 321 )Cylinderhead: a)Number of cylinderheads b )M a te ria l X ij V r ’y F- X U -X r ---- -y F' «Oft________________ ' 1 WH ______ Aluminum alloy 323)Fuel feed by carburettor(s): a)Number of carburettors ^s-r7'u;?-co«[ ______________ XXXXX b )T y p e v vvw c)M ake and model _____________ XXXXX y f . i. s. a . ^fr, Page 3 Make Model NISSAN 511^: BNR32 Homo!. No. I-5 A O S JA-137 J AF2jI2#-t_ d) Number of mixture passages per carburettor 1 XXXXX e) Maximum diameter of the flange hole of the carburettor exit port ^ •v'T'u XXXXX mm f) Diameter of the venturi at the narrowest point ___________________ XXXXX mm 324) Fuel feed by injection: a) Manufacturer: __________ JECS b)Model of injection system: BOSCH = Jetronic (L) c) Kind of fuel measurement: I—imechanical pn electronical i—i hydraulical I— I L - l ?ÉŒÿ: cl)Piston pump =y«»/no c2)Measurement of air volume yes/p » c3)Measurementofairmass =y«s/no c4) Measurement of air speed yes/no c5)Measurement of air pressure :y«»/no Which pressure is takenfor measurement ? XXX bars d)Effective dimensions of measure position in the throttle area 4 5 . 0 ± 0.25mm X 6 e)Number of effective fuel outlets / X;i-£0Î5:________ f)Position of injection valves: Inlet manifold t—i Cylinderhead g)Statement of fuel measuring parts of injection system Airflowmeter, Injection Valves. Control unit 325)Camshaft: a) Number b) Location Tfj A y }■ ft_________^ ti;s____ Top (DOHC) c) Driving system d) Number of bearings for each shaft _________ Timing belt ^■>^y Y <r>'<7 'j > Xogc ____________________5 f)Type of valve operation Direct 326)Timing: e)Maximum valve lift Inlet Exhaust y Y PS^_______8 .3 3 mm ______ 8.10 mm with clearance 9 i;T7>x__________0.45 0.38 mm 3 2 7 )ln le t: a) M aterial of the manifold Aluminum alloy b) Number of manifold elements c) Number of valves per cylinder F «Oft_________ 1 X 1; 0 «o^'Vur<r)ft_ d) Maximum diameter of the valves e) Diameter of the valve stem + ® .-:i4 7 mm -’'VuT'xr.Asoâ _______________ 6 .0 - 0 .2 f) Length of the valve + g) Type of valve springs /'•;ur«oS?__________ 102.3 - 1.5 mm /'VuXxr'j >XcolfjjS:_______Coil springs ,- ( F.I.S.A. y Page 4 . Make Model NISSAN BNR32 Homol. No A - 5 4 0 5 J A JA-137 328)Exhaust: a) Material of the manifold .+%— K<oWH Cast-iron b) Number of manifold elements d)Number of valves per cylinder 2 1 '> >1 > r — m>) <r)'<)vy<n» 2 e) Maximum diameter of the valves f)Diameter of the valve + 0 30.2 stem mm ■''VUT'xri.o® 7.0 - 0 . 2 g) Length of the valve ^ h)Type of valve springs 101.5 - 1.5 _mm -'■'^uT'x 7"'I > Coil sprinqs 330)Ignition system: a)Type Battery b) Number of plugs per cylinder c) Number of distributors 1 X ij ') cor7 t'(7)3s 1 f'-( X 1- Ij 1 333)Lubrication system: a)Type b) Number of oil pumps iw^sa 11^^ Wet sump t 'i >vy~>y<nÿj 1 4. FUEL CIRCUIT / 40l)Fuel tank: a)Number b)Location Under the floor behind ft_____ aa the rear seat c)M aterial d)Maximum capacity WH______Polyethylene 72 5. ELECTRICAL EQUIPEMENT / 501)Battery(ies): a) Number 3^__________ 1 6. D R IV E / 60l)Driving wheels: front rear «II 602)Clutch: b)Drive system ^ 7 V f- ________ Hydraulic c) Number of plates ■f-f _______ F. I.S. A. Page 5 Make Model NISSAN BNR32 Homo!. No -5A05 JA-137 603)Gear-box; a)Location ^ '■ v .V y {iiS_______ Attached to engine in engine compartment b)(Manual)make c) (A utom atic)m ake NISSAN xxxxx d) Location of the gear lever ■>y h u y <-niseis__________ Floor e)R atios A-’A-it Manu al / Autom atic / its Additional G.E o o o ratio number of 1 . ratio number of v_ L- JZ x: ratio number of X it teeth o Jt teeth o it u c c teeth c >. ftSc >. « w in 31 1 3. 214 13 X 30 - 2 1. 925 21 X 29 3 1 .303 30 X 4 1. 000 24 5 0 . 752 JJ X R 22 30 'J/'-X 3 .370 12 ^ 22 Cons­ tant. 31 1.348 23 0000 oooo f)Gear change gate x7 0 O © C j ÔÔÔÔ 604)0verdrive: a) Type XXXXX b) Ratio c) Number of teeth A-'-Vit XXXXX XXXXX d)Usable with the following gears XXXXX F. I. s. A Page 6 Make Model NISSAN BNR32 Homol. No_ J A F 605)Final drive: -7 r '{ 'T Front / Bï Rear / 'Û a)Type of final drive H y p o id gear H v o o id oear b)Ratio 4. Ill 4. Ill c)Teeth number 37 37 q d)Type of differential limitation (if provided) ^ 7 0 .y XXXXX L im i te d s lip e) Ratio of the transfer box h 7 > X 7 T -IfiM ilJt ___________ 1. 000 606)Type of the transmission shaft ^7>x^•yx^>->-^•7^_________ Propeller shaft with universal -joints 7. SUSPENSION / 70l)Type of suspension: a)Front / Independent / Multi link b)R ear /îâ__ Independent / Multi link 702)H elico id alsp rin g s: F ro n t: yesAK>= Rear: yesA»= BiJ tâ 703)Leaf springs: Front: =yes/no Rear: =yes/no U -7X 7IJ fl 7 0 4 ) Torsion bar: F ro n t: =yBs/no Rear: =yes/no h—X3 ^/''-XT*'! IÎÎI ik 705) Other type of suspension: See photo or drawing on page 15 xxxxx ----------- Page 7 Make Model NISSAN -BNR32 A - 5 A 0 5 J A F 707)Shock Absorbers: Ü X 3 y ÿ r-rv —'<— F ront / SÜ Rear / a) Number per wheel 1 0 1 ] b)Type Telescopic Telescopic c)Working principle imwM Hydraulic Hydraulic 8.
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