big hole mt - Bing Images 1/17/15 9:41 AM WE..B VIDEO MAPS NFWS fv10R S n c big hole mt Related searches Wife Big Hole Big Vagaina Hole Big Holes in the Earth Big Hole in the Ground Big Holes in Water Big Hole River Huge Hole Big Hole Hole in Yard Wide Hole Small Hole Big Hole Battlefield http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=big+hole+mt&qpvt=big+hole+ ... il&id=A9A28E4890915F4A9789EE972FBC8A5748F63CA7&selectedlndex=O Page 1of2 Wisdom Post Office, Wisdom, MT - Google Maps 8/25/13 2:26 PM To see all the details that are visible on the screen, use the "Prinf' link next to the map. ~~ f/-h- ~ s. 111~ ~.] https://maps.google.com/ Page 1of2 out of danger. Looking Glass did not post As the slege continued, The milltary's losses guards. Unknown to the Nez Peu.e. a se(· ~ome of the Nei Perce war­ were also high, wll ond mllitary force-Hi2 men of the 7th riors began wllhdrawlng lo help Chief 2!1 dead and 40 U.S. Infantry out of Fort Shaw and four Joseph dnd others to care for the injured, wour1ded, but the other WC$lern Montana forts 1.mder the bury the dead. gather their horses. and soldiers knew that they had greatly tommand of Col. John Gibbon-had joined break camp. Others remained to keep the damaged the figh ting ability and th~ th• (hase and w;u advancing toward them. soldiers under fire while the Nnz Perce morale of the Nez Perce people. D«>· families headed south. leaving much of ~p l te the tragi~ events that occurred n the $vmmer of 1877 five band$ or Glbbon·s scouts spotted the Nez Perce women. and children were shot lndlscrim· their belonging~ and mariy of their dead on the battlefield, both sides demon· Nez Perce lndlan5 consisting of 800 t!pls on the afternoon of August 8. Before inately. The soldiers soM occupied rhe behind. Finally, on August 10, In the early strated acts of heroism and human I people, .inc;ludlng 250 warriors, began dawn on the 9th most of the soldiers and upper erid of thll camp, while the Nez morning of the second day ol fighting, the kfndr:iess. Seven enllsted men were a 1, 170·mlle 1ourney from northeastern 34 ci vilian volunteers were forming a skir­ Perce warriors, urged on t/y Chiefs Look· remaining warriors fired parting shots and awarded ·the Congressional Meclal of Oregon and t entral Idaho over the Bitter• mish line behind a screen of wlllow brush Ing Glass and White Bird, qutckly took left to Join their people. The battle was fiono1, and those officers who <urvlved root Mount<1ins and thfough the Montana along the west bank of lhl!! North fork of de1ensive positions and prepared a coun• over. received brevet promotions. For many Territory. Though they were herding more the Big Hole River. w1 thin 200 yards of the terattack. Their di:1adly shooting eventu of the soldiers and volunteers the hor­ than 2,000 horses and carrying whatever Nu Perce camp. Here they waited tensely ally forced Gibbon's men to retre.at back General Howard's 1roops arrived the •neKt rors of what they had ~en at the Bat· posse,.ions they could manage, the Nez for first light to attack. The attack started across the r1ver to a point of pines pro· day and found Colonel Gibbon wounded tie of the Big Hole would haunt them Perce made this long and difficult trek in prematurely, however. when a Nez Perce jecting from Batth~ Mountain. In the llm· and his command out of action. In a mili­ for the rest of their lives. less than four months. United States Army named Natalekin went out to check his ber the troops dug m for a siege and were tary sense the Nez Perce had won the bat· troops under Gen Oliver 0 . HowMd had horses and stumbled onto the concealed pinned down for the next 24 hours lie, but the "victory• was a hollow one. orders to place the f ive non-treaty bands •old1ers and volun1ee<S, who shot and S"ty to nmety members o f the tribe had of Nez Oerce on a small ruervation in cen· killed him. Wt en the troops "ossed the During the attack, some of Gibbon's men been killed Only about thirty of these tral Idaho, The Nel Perce had hoped to river and fired Into the village, some of had been struggling to haul a l2·pounder w ere warriors; the rest were women, chil· l!'1~~~~=~:Jti~~mo~:.~r. elude the soldiers, but they were forced the Nez Perce scallered quid<ly while mouritaln howitzer through the der>se pren, old peopl':\'. The Nel. Perce now NH P"rce WMflOI who di:rlv-ed hi~ ""d i"<lP'lf: '1orn tlie wound ha ·rec4?lYod 10 stop and face theor pursuers several ot hers were s1ow to awaken. In the co n· lodge-pole pine forest. lhey managed to (eallzed the w ar was not over and they times. The battle with t he highest number fusion of tho ·f.,int pre dawn light, men, place It on the hillside above the siege rn us1 flee !or their l i ve ~. ~n:;~~~~t~T;.w.!~~1!~ . !!~~d,::;v.d .I ~t Pet<e h~ 'lout'1d d.fad at. th~ •U9 Hole. .... o1 <a ~uillties during t his epic odyssey took area just as the so1- His fJigurin were 1(): women. 21 dill.. l 1 place in tile Big Hole Valley of so t1 thwest· ____ dhm wi>re dig· d,..n;, aod 1~ men for a to·tw1of63. ern Montana. The Baille of the 819 H<>ie 91ng in. The crew was a tragic tur11 i'1$J point of whiat came fired two round• to be c11 lled the Nez Perce Wor of 1877. I ~~~o~~r~ Jl~~~~e of The Nez P11rce arrived in the lush Big Hole men, galloping for V<l liey on the morning of August 7, and w brd, captured the their trail leader, Chief Looking Glass, I gun, dismantled it, chose .:in old camp site at w hich to set up and scattered its their tipis. Bellevmg that they were far BIG H 0 L f. NAT1CNA\ parts.. enough ahead of Howard's soldiers to be I H A 1 T 1 I' F I f. L IJ llig Hole National Battlefield Tocfoy About Your V1s1t 81(1 Ho1e Nvt1onol Bantt Nu Perce Camp The boi Howlttc, C.\lpturci sa~ 819 Hol~ NiHtona! S~u ­ the nai1onol baulcfield ncfd merr1onall(t'\ lhtl tlebe9ant1e1ewtlcnwt Tht .stw1J 11o.. •allc uµ rn hto tleft.f'ld l\ to rmlt!s we'\l M ont,:1111& law~ apply ln f'lez Perre m'l'fl, womer1. dtN''i surprised ,he ~k~p.. s1tewhare-Nez Pen" war o! Wi~dc:un, MOM., on 1he nahonal forn$t. anrl ttiildnrn, tf)1" :kOkllNs Jno NN P'('i(l!' Like 0th.et• I f)Ol"I. C:ltpH.Jrt•<.1 Ciibt)'On•o1, Munt 43 from Butte. H1J1nt109 and ·hs.hln9 on af thc'?tltU ..> . lr1J,,mtr)'. tribat p.l.lCI?!. ~ rt 1dal10. WMI'\ hQwit~N takes .o11bout .•w Mom .• u1;h;c 1.1s south pt 1v.o.tte land 11 by per il'ld tti.e 81tt'"''OO~ V(l)Un 11'11J'Hn'\ .and Oregon. U'lil'\ 1T1fn1>.1tu10; af'ld pro•.. ldto5 a WP.11 to Divide. then to tnission onl)i' t~~n.: who d;ish""d ,a th ij1e• r~ Sdt:r~-· cf Gm,md It spet.t.,(•.ilar view of th W•WOtn on Mom 43. eauJe tif the Big H•J I ~ sym't>ol1ze11 he ~ttenqth battlt•flcld JJnd 1he Bfq .and Jei•llt Qf t.Ju.• · ezPierce.. ifoleV..:illey from ihe we1t, Mont F"uef, food, and lod'g ~n l etS(!;cu Stop flm ot thr Yl'\ltor rind servt!"'. &)) a temir1dN 43 u is . 9l a t 1n9- oltho1..19k f1m1 t ~d ~ tf•t1tf',, Wht(h 0\f<'t)t}Q\'-" ol their hf'd\IY to~'S ill A Word of caution Coy th~ StAle> line b-etwePn Coi:lr"I bt' found m nedrby the battlCifteld A 26·mfn thett\trUg<Jteforfrl.'-f!d:om 01e. deer. elk. moose, S01lmor\ l lJ~1ho, nd Wisdpm Moracomplote utt v,d{!(l ptoouun .md •) A 9uidl" bot~let to lhf'I .\'Jnd o ther an 11 ndli. n.t11v~ tl;Jm•lton, Mont from ser-.1kes aft! available In mm~um o, plloto91.1phs Ncl ~tCP. C.lf"l'J) Is ._fVJll DiUoo, t.1ka- I t5 south a\ru·c t>r Odlot\ Mont ~ lluOt.:lti.om. ~od pl;'rsonal ablealM-!J ttte tr.11) J ~~ !h~,~=~~:r~:.a;;';!~! thr-ee m1fo~ to thtii Wis ~ to Ute eai.t. itr!d Hnm\1.­ item" beloo91ng lo wri.,e d.lngero\.JS 11 uartl'd Ot dom e•1t.. then to W1o; .. ton, Mont or SiiJmon c>f lhe b.>ttll"'J].Mt1(ip.u.nU. SIC9 f!! A19a The «>ld;ie~ I ~ppro~cht::d 'oo clo,ttly. dorn on Highway 278. Idaho, to he west prov1d oncntation to were -bf!Stcgcd here fot Alw<Jys keep a -safe dl~ - then we:1.i on Mont- 43. the pcuJ.; Md its ~tofV nt31ly za hours The 1~n"e Peh cite riot at· for Mort Informat ion fheroe 1;'cll)Q.O'Mtlt"!-J1tlti 1 10 ..·;ed ori t.r•1ti or u' the Th.etc arf!' olmi<.
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