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From Pg7 ^ Jump up to: a b c d Eric the sense of an Israel Lichtblau, Arab Unrest lobby." Zogby also said Puts Their Lobbyists in "The reality about Arab Uneasy Spot, New York Americans is that we are Times, March 1, 2011. emerging as a political Jump up ^ Kurlantzick, group."[17] Joshua (2007-05-07). "Putting Lipstick on a Researchers Sherri Dictator". Mother Jones. Replogle and Khalil Mar- Retrieved 2007-08-22. rar write: "While pro- Jump up ^ Anupama Arab lobbying pales in Narayanswamy and Luke comparison to those of Rosiak, Adding it up: The the pro-Israel lobby, the Top Players in Foreign end of the Cold-War, the Agent Lobbying, ProPub- current war on terrorism, lica, August 18, 2009. and clear American and Jump up ^ American- international support for Arab Anti-Discrimination the two-state solution as Committee web page manifested by public Jump up ^ You can still opinion polls, policymak- watch Walt and Mear- ers' statements, and sheimer on 'Viewpoint' United Nations Security on the AAI website. Council Resolutions Jump up ^ Mitchell Bard, 1397 and 1515, provide The Arab Lobby, "The the pro-Arab lobby with Abuse of Academic Free- a crucial opportunity to dom; The Lobby Infil- realize its vision of Pales- trates the Classroom," tinian statehood."[18] Chapter 14, pp. 284-321. [citation needed] Jump up ^ See Ali A. 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