Eighth6HULHV9ROXXII1R. 13 ThursdayNovember 2086 Kartika29, 0 8 6DND /2.6$%+$'(%$7(6 (QJOLVK9HUVLRQ Seventh6HVVLRQ Eighth/RN6DEKD 9ROXXII CRQWDLQV1R1WR2 0 /2.6$%+$6(&5(7$5,$7 1(:'(/+, 3ULFH5V CONTENTS No, IJ, Thurlday. No"mHr 20, 1986/rarltka 29. llJ08 (Saka) COLUMN. OIlAL ANSWERS TO QUBSTIONS ee .. 1-33 • Starred Question Nos. 245 to ,249 and 254 WII'M'BN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS .... 34-270 Starred Queltion NOI. 250 to 253, 2SS to 260 and 262 to 264 Unstarrod Question No •. 2477 to 2S15, 2S11 to 2621 ~ 2623 to 2618 lnd 2680 to 2708 PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE- .... 274-276,392 MBSSAGBS FROM RAJYA SABHA- .... 2" Infant Milk Foods and Peedioa Botti.. R.eaulation or Production, Supply and Diltribution Bill, 1986 As PUled by Raj,a Sabba PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMITTBB-. .... 278 Action Taken Statements CALLING ATTENTION TO MATTBR OF VRGBNT PUBLIC IMP01TANCB- .... 279-293 Reported Wid.. pread eqldemic of acephalltla la ,.rlout PIN of tbe .country • TIlt Sip· + IIIrted abo .. tbe nlme of. Member fadlcatll that tbe question " •• actuall, ..ked OD Ib.8oor 01. B~ b1 ablt Member, (U) COLUMNS Sbri Zainul Balber •••• 279 Kumari Saroj "hap.rd. .. ~. 279 Sbri A.l.V.B. M.he8wara Rao .... 284 Sbri V. S. Krishna Iyer 287 Sbri Barisb Rawat 288 sbri P. V. Nar.,imb. Rao 290 BUSINESS ADVISORY COMMITTBE- .... 294 Tbirtietb Report MATTERS UNDER RULE 377- 295-300 (i) Need to let up Foreat Protection Forde equipped witb modern communication system Shri M. L. Jhlkram 295 (ii) Need to take up the works for development of backward areas of Chambal Valle), and a portion of ri~er Jamuna Sbri GaDp Ram 295 (iii) N ..d to provide special funds forBundel kband Developm.nt Authority for development of tbe reaion and for elimination of dacoits Sbri Da) Chander JaiD 296 (iv) Need to provide adequate fund. for development of Boondi and E.ot. Towns in Raj_thaD a. touriat resorb Sbri Sbant' Dbariwal ·... (Hi) COLUMNS (y) Need io conduct Burvey to examine tb' feasibilit1 of laying a railway IiDe from Berbampur (Oaojam) to Dalapalla" and to connoct It with Kburda and Dolanair in Ori••• Shri Somnath Ratb .... 298 (vi) Need to take up with Government of Nepal tbe construction of an embankment and a reservoir in the area of riYer Bhuthahi Balan in Nepal Dr. G. S. Rajhaos .... 299 (vii) Need to take steps for reopening of National Herald aDd Quami Awaz Sbri Somnatb Chatterjee .... 299 (viii) Need to take steps for reltoriDS Dormalcy in Darjoelioa district of West Benial and for ensurina normal flow of commoditi•• to Sikkim Sbrimati D. K. Bhandari .... ~300 DOCK WORKERS (SAFETY, HEALTH AND WELFARE) BILL. 1985- 301·302 Consideration of Rajya Sabba Amcadmont SUPPLEMENTARY DEMANDS FOR GRANTS (GENERAL). 1986-87 -Contd. ••• 303,3"5-391 Dr. G. S. RajhaDI .... 303 Sbri· P. Appal. Naruimham .... 384 Shri Girdblri Lal Vyu .... 387 STATEMBNT RS : DISTRIBUTION OF OBJECTIONABLB MAPS BY PAK.ISTANI PAVILION AT INDIA INTBRNATIONAL TB.ADB PAIR.. 1916- .... 304 Slari ". Nltwllt SIDab •••• (w) COLUMNS DISCUSSION ON THE STATEMENT MADB BY PRIME MINISTER RE: SECOND CONFERENCE OF SOUTH ASIAN ASSOCIATION FOR REGIONAL COOPERATION (SAARC)- 304 Shri Dineah OoswamJ .... 304 Sbri G. G. Swell 321 Sbri B. B. Ramalab 324 Sbri R. S. Sparrow 328 Sbri Saifuddin Cbowdbary .... 332 Sbrl Sharad Dlgbe 337 Sbri V. S, Krilbna Iyer 342 Sbri Sbripatj Mi.bra 344 Shrl P. Kolandaivelu 348 Prof. P. l. Kurien 3'1 Sbri NaraYID Chou bey .... 3'4 Sbri Rajkumar Rai 358 Shri N. V. N. Somu 361 Shri Vij., N. Patil 362 Dr. G. S. Rajhanl 36' .,hri Narayan Datt Tiwari 367 LOK SABRA DEBATES ,. ~ • 'I .. t-· " 2 LOK SABRA (a) whether Government have yet to decide about tbe ship M.V. Jagat Mahesh- wari, built by tbe Hinduatan Ship,ard Ltd" Visakbapatnam order for which was origina- Thursday, Novemb" 20, 1986/ Ka"tka 29, lly placed by Mis Dempo Steamship Ltd., 1908 (Saka) who have failed to take the delivery of tbe same; and (b) if so, the details tbereof and tbe Th~ Lok Sobho met at EI.",n o/tht reasons for the delay? Clock. THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE (MR. SPEAKER /" the Chair] MINISTRY OF SUkFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RAIESH PILOT) : (a) No, Sir. I Tronslallon) SHRI BALKAVI BAIRAGJ: Mr. (b) Does not arise. Speaker, Sir, tbe Opposition benches seem to be deserted today. What has happened SHRI M. RAGHUMA REDDY: The 'to, that section? answer is very good. rEn,li~h] . SHRI BHATTAM SRIRAMA MURTY: SHRI M. RAGHUMA REDDY: Tbe MIs Dempo Steamship Ltd. have placed an majority party is absent fr~m tbe House. order on HSL. VisakhapatoaOl for construc- tion of two ship,. Two of them were aho constructed. They have to take them. ('fTranlJatlo fl ) Ultimately, the Government bat given' delivery to a different company. 1s it not MR. SPBAKER: It does not lcom to a fact tbat MIs Dempo have failed to take ... be so. You are exagacratio& a littlo. delivery of the sbips for which tbey have placed orders? What were .the reasons for so doing? What is tbe lOIS incurred by ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS HSL on this account? [B",lIsh] THE MINISTBR OF STATE OF THE Owaenltip of the Ship M.V. Jaget MlNISTRY OF SURFACB TRANSPORT Malaesll".rl ·(SHRI R~JESH PILOT): It is a fact that MIs Dempo bave placed ord rs for two .24S. SHRI BHATTAM SQ.IRAMA ships viz. M.V. Jalat Mabesb\\ari and Japt .' ~ ',. MUR TY: Will tbe MIDiater of Rajesbwari in 1980. Agreement was sianed G~SURFACB TR.ANSPORT be ploated to in 1981. The .ystem in HSL is tbat S per ,'ato ; goot of· tbe ~Olt il paid by tbe Company .. NOVEMBER 20. 1986 Ora/ .A.... ·,t' 4 95 per cent is paid tbrouab SDPC on loaD construction had lone up-because if tbey term. After silniog the asreement, there bad lone according to the alreemcnt, it are ItalcS for payment. Initially tbey paid :would have been delivered accerdiDI to the 'lOme mone,. From be.inning of f.1983 8areemeot time and the cost of tbe ship onwards, they started writinl to tbe Mini ... would have been slightly leSl-, it "II stry, to HSL that tbey would like to take delayed because of 98 certainiD, lOme 1'111 their orders later OD. Their intentioo was procedu~ and it is a fact that some period' that tbey were not so keen for besl two intervened' in tbe correspondence witb .tbe ships. But because an agreement was signed. firm and others concerned, tbere wu dela, we forfeited up to that stale i.e. wbat tbey and the .hip construction was delayed. The bad paid. The total of what they paid for price when it was ordered, was Previoully both these sbips is about Rs.7 IAkhs. They Rs. 12.25 crores, but later on it was tin all),. defaulted at the stage of ~O" steel erection. fixed as about Ra. 18 crores. This loss, tbe The Government h1s already spent lome SCI was not ready' to 'accept. but we have money tb~ouaJb SDFC side. Also, HSL said that tbis difference between the price told tbat tbe ship is 'about to be completed. and the COlt of production will be borne by They have unduly' delayed to take delivery tbe HSL to whom tbe Government will try of tbe ships because they did not want to to subsidiso . • 0 further with the aareement. So, we went to the Finance Ministry and tbe law Ministry and cbecked up the procedures. Illiteracy to Adlvul Areas Ultimately, we thought of these ships to be given to the SDFC to be operated tbougb the Public Sector Company-at that time it *246. SHRI AMARSINH RATHAWA: was MUlhul Lines and ~now it is SCI- Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE because of the amount of government money DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: and public money which was alreadY invested in these ships. On these considera- (8) whetber Government are aware that tions, one ships was delivered in March 1986 tbe Adivasi areas in the country, particularly to MLL now SCI. The second ship is in Gujarat State are one of the most illito- likely to be delivered in M~rch 1987. They rale areas in tbe country; have deposited a sum or approximately Rs. 7 lakhs. Since They have defaulted all tbe t~rms. tbat bas been forfeited. Fur- (b) if so, wbat steps have so far beeD tber action for defaulting the agreement il taken to provide education facility in tbolt being processed. areas; SARI BHATTAM SRIRAMA MURTY: (c) tbe percentage of lucb populatioD S1f, for these ships-M.V. Jagat Mahesh- which bas been educated so rar ; wari and Jagat Rajesbwari -ultimately tbe Minister has succeeded in find lng a brideg- room in the Shipping Development Corpora- ' (d) the salient features of the pl&a to tion of India and handed over it to tbem. ,", provide maximum education facHitie. in Is it not a fact that was again banded over those areas to bring tbose people at par witla to the Sbippioa Corporation of India '1 What the peo~le of other areas. durin. tbe Seveoth is the total loss incurred by the Government Five Year Plao ; and in the entire transaction in the processJ For bow 1.00g the completion bas remained (e) tbe special steps being taken for tbe idle? What i~ the loss incurred by tho education facilities for sirls 7 Shipping Corporation ? SHRI RAJESH PILOT : I do not know . THE MINISTER. OF HUMAN in wbich tarms tb~ bOD. MeOlb~r wants to RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT AND know because instead of Deropo buyiDI it.
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