Yoga asana name in hindi pdf Continue List of positions in hatha yoga and yoga such as exercise Padmāsana, lotus pose, used for meditation. Gilded bronze statue of Bodhisattva Manjusri and Prajnaparamita, Nepal, ca. 1575 An asana is an attitude, either for traditional hatha yoga or for modern yoga; [1] The term is derived from the Sanskrit word for 'seat'. While many of the oldest mentioned asanas are actually sitting positions for meditation, asanas can stand, sitting, arm-balances, twists, inversions, forward buoys, backbends, or lying in exposed or lying positions. Asanas has been given a number of English names at competing schools of yoga. [2] The traditional number of asanas is the symbolic 84, but different texts identify different choices, sometimes listing their names without describing them. [3] [a] Some names have been given to different asanas over the centuries, and some asanas have been familiar with a number of names, making tracking and assigning dates difficult. [5] For example, the name Muktasana is now given to a variant of Siddhasana with one foot in front of the other, but has also been used for Siddhasana and other cross-legged meditation poses. [6] As another example, the main stand is now known under the 20th-century Shirshasana Shirshasana name, but an older name for the pose is Kapalasana. [3] Sometimes the names have the same meaning, as with Bidalasana and Marjariasana, both of which mean Cat Pose. [8] [9] Applying variations on the basic asanas indicated by Sanskrit fasteners, including the following: English Sanskrit Meaning Example Adho Avg. Down Adho Mukha Shvanasana एक (downward dog) Ardha Eka Pada Shirshasana (one-legged headrest) Parivritta (reverse triangle) Prasarita (left) supported headstand) Supta Lying Supta Virasana (lying hero) Upavishta उपिव sitting Upavishta Konasana (wide angle sitting forward turn) Urdhva Utthita उथत extended Utthita Parsvakonasana (extended side angle) Viparita Inverted Viparita Dandasana (inverted staff) Asanas A single asana is listed for each main pose, whether it is variations or not. Thus for Sirsasana (Yoga headstand), only a pose is illustrated, although the pose can be varied by moving the legs from sideways or front and back, by lowering one leg to the floor, by folding the legs into lotus posture, by turning the hips to one side, by placing your hands differently on the ground, and so on. Iyengar's 1966 Light Yoga lists 15 variations on the basic head stand, including, for example, the combined variant Parivrttaikapada Sirsasana where not only are the hips turned, but the legs are apart front and back. [10] Since then, variations have been created of many other poses. [11] Yin Yoga names are for corresponding Yin variants; these are usually somewhat different from conventional (Yang) poses. Indian texts are notoriously difficult to date. [12] The table shows the approximate date and abbreviated title of the earliest document or authority to describe that asana (not only naming it), as follows: DU = Darshana Upanishad, ca. 300-century AS = Ahirbudhnya Saờhitā, c. 6th century PSV = Pātañjalayogaśāstravivaraс, 8th century V = Vimānārcanākalpa, 9th century GS = Goraksha Sataka, 9th century HY = Hemacandras Yogaśāstra, 10th century VS = Vasishtha Samhita, ShS from the 13th century = Śiva , 14th century HYP = Haŝha Yoga Pradīpikā, GhS from the 15th century = Gheraŝờa Saờhitā bah from the 17th century = Bahr al-Hayāt, HR from the 17th century = Haŝha Ratnāvali, JP = Joga Pradīpikā from the 17th century 18th century HAP = Hațhābhyāsapaddhati, ST = Sritattvanidhi from the 19th century = Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, ca. 1940 TB = Theos Bernard, 1950 LoY = Light on Yoga, 1966 PL = Post-Light on Yoga[b] Asanas is here named in English , spelt conventionally as in English books on yoga without diacritics, to facilitate free text search through the list using the Find on Page box (Control-F in many browsers). Asana Sanskrit English Type Effect on spine Suitable formation Described[c] Yin Yoga variant[13][d] Image Adho Mukha Shvanasana[14] अधोमुखानासन Downward-facing dog standing forward turn 20th C. TK[15]18th C. HAP (in dynamic pose Gajāsana)[16] Adho Mukha Vrikshasana[17] अधोमुखवृासन downward-facing wood,Yoga Handstand 18th C. HAP[18] Akarna Dhanurasana[19] Anantasana[21] Bow and arrow Sitting 19th C. ST[20] (as Dhanurāsana) Anantasana[21] LoY[22] Anjaneyasana[23] अनेयासन Crescent Moon[24] Standing Backbend अधचासन 20. LoY[27] Ashtanga Namaskara[28] TK[28] Astavakrasana[29] 0.30pm Baddha Konasana[31]Bhadrasana[32] C. HYP) [32]17th C. GhS[32] Butterfly Bakasana[33]Kakasana[34] [32],17th Crane (arms straight)Crow (arms bent) Balance 17. [35] Balasana[36] बालासन sitter barnevakt 20. TK[37]19th C. ST Ananda Balasana (som Kandukasana)[38] Child's BhairavasanaAnkushasana[39] भरै वासनअकु शासन Formidable Reclining 19th C. ST[39] Bharadvajasana[40] भराजासन Bharadvaja's twist Sitting Twist 20th C. LoY[41] Sittende Twist Bhekasana[42] भेकासन Frog Reclining Backbend 20th C. LoY[43] Bhujangasana[44] भुजगं ासन Cobra Reclining Backbend 17th C. GhS 2.42[45][46] Seal , Sphinx Bhujapidasana[47] भुजपीडासन Arm-pressing holdning Balancing 20th C. LoY[48] Snegl bidalasana[8]Marjariasana[9] िबडालासनमाजरीआसन Cat Kneeling Backbend 20th C. T.K.V. Desikachar , Satyananda Saraswati[9] Chaturanga Dandasana[49] चतुरदडासन Fire-Limbed StaffLow Plank liggende 20th C. TK[50] Dandasana[51] दडासन Staff Sitter 08. C. PSV[52] Dhanurasana[53] धनुरासन Bow Reclining Backbend 15th C. HYP 1,27 Durvasasana[54] दवु ासासन Durvasas positur stående , Balancing 19th C. ST (som 'Trivikramasana')[55] Garbha Pindasana[56] गभासन Embryo i Womb Sitting 17th C. BaH[57] Garudasana[58] गडासन Eagle Standing, Balancing 19th C. ST[59][e] Gomukhasana[60] गोमुखासन Cow-faced Sitting Meditation[61] 04th C. DU[62]10th C. V[63]15th C. HYP 1,20 Shoelace Gorakshasana गोरासन CowherdGorakhnath positur Sitting Meditasjon 14nde C. ShS 3.108-112 15th C. HYP 1.28-2917th C. GhS 2.24-25 Halasana[64] हलासन Plough Inversion Forward bend 19th C. ST[65] (som Lāŵgalāsana , plogen) 20th C. TB [66] Hanumanasana[67] हनुमनासन Hanuman's Pose Sitting 20th C. TK[68] Janusirsasana[69] जानुशीषासन Head-to-Knee Sitting Forward Bend 20th C. TK[70][71] Jathara Parivartanasana[72] ञटर परवतनासन Belly twisting Twist 20th C. LoY[72] Kapotasana[73] कपोतासन Pigeon Kneeling Backbend 20th C. LoY[74] Karnapidasana[75] कणपीडासन Ear-pressing Inversion Forward bend 20th C. TB[76] (som variant av Halasana); [77] Kaundinyasana[78] कौडयसन Kaundinyas positur 20. ौासन Heron Sitter 17.C. HR[35] Kukkutasana[56] कु ु टासन Cockerel Balancing 07th C. AS[57]13th C. VS[81]15. HYP 1.2317th C. GhS 2.31[59] Kurmasana[82][83] कू मासन Tortoise Sitting Forward bend 07th C. AS[57] Lolasana[84] लोलासन कू मासन मकरासन Som gir 17.C. GhS 2.40[h] Malasana[87] मालासन Garland Squatting Forward bend 20. C. LoY[89] Mandukasana मदकु ासन Frog Sitting C. Ghs[45] Marichyasana[90] मरीयासन Marichi's Pose Sitting Twist 20th C. TK[91] Matsyasana[92] मयासन Fish Reclining Backbend 17th C. GhS 2.21 Fish Matsyendrasana[93] मयेासन Lord of the FishesMatsyendra's pose Sitting Twist 15th C. HYP 1.28-2917th C. Ghs Mayurasana[17] मयूरासन Peacock Balancing 10th C. V[63]15th C. HYP 1,33 Muktasana[6] मुासन Frigjort sittende meditasjon 10. C. V[63][i] Natarajasana[94] नटराजासन Lord of the DanceDancerNataraja's Pose Standing Backbend 20th C. TK[95] NavasanaParipurna Navasana[96]Naukasana[39] नावासन,परपूणनावासननौकासन Boat,Full Boat Sitting Forward bend 19th C. St[39] Padmasana[97] पासन Lotus Sitting Meditasjon[98] 04th C. DU[99]08th C. PSV[52] Parighasana[100] परघासन Gate Standing 20th C. TK[50] Parshvakonasana[101] पाकोणासन Sidevinkel Stående 20.C. TK[50][70] Parshvottanasana[102] पानासन Intens sidestrekk Stående 20. C. TK[50][70] Pashasana[103] पाशासन Noose Squatting Twist 19th C. ST[46] Paschimottanasana[104] पमोानासन Sittende Fremover Bend Sitting Sitting Forover Bend 15. HYP 1:28[20]17th C. GhS 2:26[20] Full Forward Bend, Caterpillar Pincha Mayurasana[105] िपमयूरासन Feathered Peacock Balancing 20th C. Loy[106] Prasarita Padottanasana[107] सारत पादोानासन Wide Stance Forward Bend Standing Forward Bend Standing Forward Bend 20th C. Rajakapotasana[108] राजकपोतासन king pigeon sitting backbend 20th C. LoY[109] Swan, Sleeping Swan Shalabhasana[1] 10] शलभासन Locust Liggende Backbend 20th C. TB[111] Sarvangasana[112] सालबसवा ासन Shoulder Stand Inversion 20th C. (dette navnet); 19. C. som Viparita Karani i JP; 15. C. HYP Samakonasana[113] समकोणासन Side deler Sitting 20th C. TK[70] Shavasana[114] शवासन Corpse Reclining 15th C. HYP 1,32[115] Corpse Setu Bandha Sarvangasana[116] सेतुबधसवा ासन Shoulder støttet bro Inversion Backbend 19th C. ST, सासन 10. 12 Simhasana[119] सहासन Lion Sitting Meditasjon[119] 04th C. DU[99]10th C. V[63] Shirshasana[120]Kapalasana[121] शीषासन Headstand ,Yoga Headstand Inversion 11th C. HY[122](kalt Duryodhanāsana eller Kapālīkarana)14. ShS 4.45-47 (som Viparita Karani)[123]15th C. HYP 3.78-81 (ditto)[123]17th C. GhS 3.33-35 (ditto)[123]18. C. JP (som Kapala Sukhasana[124] सुखासन Easy Sitting Meditation[125] 04th C. DU[126] Easy Supta Padangusthasana[127] सु पादाुासन Big toe supine Reclining 20th C. TK[50][70] Surya Namaskar[128][129] सुय नमकार Salute to the SunSun Salutation Standing Forward bend,backbend sequence 20th C.
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